2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package e2e
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = framework . KubeDescribe ( "Services" , func ( ) {
f := framework . NewDefaultFramework ( "services" )
var cs clientset . Interface
var internalClientset internalclientset . Interface
serviceLBNames := [ ] string { }
BeforeEach ( func ( ) {
cs = f . ClientSet
internalClientset = f . InternalClientset
} )
AfterEach ( func ( ) {
if CurrentGinkgoTestDescription ( ) . Failed {
framework . DescribeSvc ( f . Namespace . Name )
for _ , lb := range serviceLBNames {
framework . Logf ( "cleaning gce resource for %s" , lb )
framework . CleanupServiceGCEResources ( lb )
//reset serviceLBNames
serviceLBNames = [ ] string { }
} )
// TODO: We get coverage of TCP/UDP and multi-port services through the DNS test. We should have a simpler test for multi-port TCP here.
It ( "should provide secure master service [Conformance]" , func ( ) {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
_ , err := cs . Core ( ) . Services ( metav1 . NamespaceDefault ) . Get ( "kubernetes" , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} )
It ( "should serve a basic endpoint from pods [Conformance]" , func ( ) {
// TODO: use the ServiceTestJig here
serviceName := "endpoint-test2"
ns := f . Namespace . Name
labels := map [ string ] string {
"foo" : "bar" ,
"baz" : "blah" ,
By ( "creating service " + serviceName + " in namespace " + ns )
defer func ( ) {
err := cs . Core ( ) . Services ( ns ) . Delete ( serviceName , nil )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
service := & v1 . Service {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
Name : serviceName ,
} ,
Spec : v1 . ServiceSpec {
Selector : labels ,
Ports : [ ] v1 . ServicePort { {
Port : 80 ,
TargetPort : intstr . FromInt ( 80 ) ,
} } ,
} ,
_ , err := cs . Core ( ) . Services ( ns ) . Create ( service )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { } )
names := map [ string ] bool { }
defer func ( ) {
for name := range names {
err := cs . Core ( ) . Pods ( ns ) . Delete ( name , nil )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
name1 := "pod1"
name2 := "pod2"
framework . CreatePodOrFail ( cs , ns , name1 , labels , [ ] v1 . ContainerPort { { ContainerPort : 80 } } )
names [ name1 ] = true
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { name1 : { 80 } } )
framework . CreatePodOrFail ( cs , ns , name2 , labels , [ ] v1 . ContainerPort { { ContainerPort : 80 } } )
names [ name2 ] = true
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { name1 : { 80 } , name2 : { 80 } } )
framework . DeletePodOrFail ( cs , ns , name1 )
delete ( names , name1 )
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { name2 : { 80 } } )
framework . DeletePodOrFail ( cs , ns , name2 )
delete ( names , name2 )
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { } )
} )
It ( "should serve multiport endpoints from pods [Conformance]" , func ( ) {
// TODO: use the ServiceTestJig here
// repacking functionality is intentionally not tested here - it's better to test it in an integration test.
serviceName := "multi-endpoint-test"
ns := f . Namespace . Name
defer func ( ) {
err := cs . Core ( ) . Services ( ns ) . Delete ( serviceName , nil )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
labels := map [ string ] string { "foo" : "bar" }
svc1port := "svc1"
svc2port := "svc2"
By ( "creating service " + serviceName + " in namespace " + ns )
service := & v1 . Service {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
Name : serviceName ,
} ,
Spec : v1 . ServiceSpec {
Selector : labels ,
Ports : [ ] v1 . ServicePort {
Name : "portname1" ,
Port : 80 ,
TargetPort : intstr . FromString ( svc1port ) ,
} ,
Name : "portname2" ,
Port : 81 ,
TargetPort : intstr . FromString ( svc2port ) ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
_ , err := cs . Core ( ) . Services ( ns ) . Create ( service )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
port1 := 100
port2 := 101
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { } )
names := map [ string ] bool { }
defer func ( ) {
for name := range names {
err := cs . Core ( ) . Pods ( ns ) . Delete ( name , nil )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
containerPorts1 := [ ] v1 . ContainerPort {
Name : svc1port ,
ContainerPort : int32 ( port1 ) ,
} ,
containerPorts2 := [ ] v1 . ContainerPort {
Name : svc2port ,
ContainerPort : int32 ( port2 ) ,
} ,
podname1 := "pod1"
podname2 := "pod2"
framework . CreatePodOrFail ( cs , ns , podname1 , labels , containerPorts1 )
names [ podname1 ] = true
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { podname1 : { port1 } } )
framework . CreatePodOrFail ( cs , ns , podname2 , labels , containerPorts2 )
names [ podname2 ] = true
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { podname1 : { port1 } , podname2 : { port2 } } )
framework . DeletePodOrFail ( cs , ns , podname1 )
delete ( names , podname1 )
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { podname2 : { port2 } } )
framework . DeletePodOrFail ( cs , ns , podname2 )
delete ( names , podname2 )
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { } )
} )
It ( "should preserve source pod IP for traffic thru service cluster IP" , func ( ) {
serviceName := "sourceip-test"
ns := f . Namespace . Name
By ( "creating a TCP service " + serviceName + " with type=ClusterIP in namespace " + ns )
jig := framework . NewServiceTestJig ( cs , serviceName )
servicePort := 8080
tcpService := jig . CreateTCPServiceWithPort ( ns , nil , int32 ( servicePort ) )
jig . SanityCheckService ( tcpService , v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP )
defer func ( ) {
framework . Logf ( "Cleaning up the sourceip test service" )
err := cs . Core ( ) . Services ( ns ) . Delete ( serviceName , nil )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
serviceIp := tcpService . Spec . ClusterIP
framework . Logf ( "sourceip-test cluster ip: %s" , serviceIp )
By ( "Picking multiple nodes" )
nodes := framework . GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie ( f . ClientSet )
if len ( nodes . Items ) == 1 {
framework . Skipf ( "The test requires two Ready nodes on %s, but found just one." , framework . TestContext . Provider )
node1 := nodes . Items [ 0 ]
node2 := nodes . Items [ 1 ]
By ( "Creating a webserver pod be part of the TCP service which echoes back source ip" )
serverPodName := "echoserver-sourceip"
jig . LaunchEchoserverPodOnNode ( f , node1 . Name , serverPodName )
defer func ( ) {
framework . Logf ( "Cleaning up the echo server pod" )
err := cs . Core ( ) . Pods ( ns ) . Delete ( serverPodName , nil )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
// Waiting for service to expose endpoint.
framework . ValidateEndpointsOrFail ( cs , ns , serviceName , framework . PortsByPodName { serverPodName : { servicePort } } )
By ( "Retrieve sourceip from a pod on the same node" )
sourceIp1 , execPodIp1 := execSourceipTest ( f , cs , ns , node1 . Name , serviceIp , servicePort )
By ( "Verifying the preserved source ip" )
Expect ( sourceIp1 ) . To ( Equal ( execPodIp1 ) )
By ( "Retrieve sourceip from a pod on a different node" )
sourceIp2 , execPodIp2 := execSourceipTest ( f , cs , ns , node2 . Name , serviceIp , servicePort )
By ( "Verifying the preserved source ip" )
Expect ( sourceIp2 ) . To ( Equal ( execPodIp2 ) )
} )
It ( "should be able to up and down services" , func ( ) {
// TODO: use the ServiceTestJig here
// this test uses framework.NodeSSHHosts that does not work if a Node only reports LegacyHostIP
framework . SkipUnlessProviderIs ( framework . ProvidersWithSSH ... )
ns := f . Namespace . Name
numPods , servicePort := 3 , 80
By ( "creating service1 in namespace " + ns )
podNames1 , svc1IP , err := framework . StartServeHostnameService ( cs , internalClientset , ns , "service1" , servicePort , numPods )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( "creating service2 in namespace " + ns )
podNames2 , svc2IP , err := framework . StartServeHostnameService ( cs , internalClientset , ns , "service2" , servicePort , numPods )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
hosts , err := framework . NodeSSHHosts ( cs )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if len ( hosts ) == 0 {
framework . Failf ( "No ssh-able nodes" )
host := hosts [ 0 ]
By ( "verifying service1 is up" )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames1 , svc1IP , servicePort ) )
By ( "verifying service2 is up" )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames2 , svc2IP , servicePort ) )
// Stop service 1 and make sure it is gone.
By ( "stopping service1" )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . StopServeHostnameService ( f . ClientSet , f . InternalClientset , ns , "service1" ) )
By ( "verifying service1 is not up" )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceDown ( cs , host , svc1IP , servicePort ) )
By ( "verifying service2 is still up" )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames2 , svc2IP , servicePort ) )
// Start another service and verify both are up.
By ( "creating service3 in namespace " + ns )
podNames3 , svc3IP , err := framework . StartServeHostnameService ( cs , internalClientset , ns , "service3" , servicePort , numPods )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if svc2IP == svc3IP {
framework . Failf ( "service IPs conflict: %v" , svc2IP )
By ( "verifying service2 is still up" )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames2 , svc2IP , servicePort ) )
By ( "verifying service3 is up" )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames3 , svc3IP , servicePort ) )
} )
It ( "should work after restarting kube-proxy [Disruptive]" , func ( ) {
// TODO: use the ServiceTestJig here
framework . SkipUnlessProviderIs ( "gce" , "gke" )
ns := f . Namespace . Name
numPods , servicePort := 3 , 80
svc1 := "service1"
svc2 := "service2"
defer func ( ) {
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . StopServeHostnameService ( f . ClientSet , f . InternalClientset , ns , svc1 ) )
} ( )
podNames1 , svc1IP , err := framework . StartServeHostnameService ( cs , internalClientset , ns , svc1 , servicePort , numPods )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
defer func ( ) {
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . StopServeHostnameService ( f . ClientSet , f . InternalClientset , ns , svc2 ) )
} ( )
podNames2 , svc2IP , err := framework . StartServeHostnameService ( cs , internalClientset , ns , svc2 , servicePort , numPods )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if svc1IP == svc2IP {
framework . Failf ( "VIPs conflict: %v" , svc1IP )
hosts , err := framework . NodeSSHHosts ( cs )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if len ( hosts ) == 0 {
framework . Failf ( "No ssh-able nodes" )
host := hosts [ 0 ]
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames1 , svc1IP , servicePort ) )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames2 , svc2IP , servicePort ) )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Restarting kube-proxy on %v" , host ) )
if err := framework . RestartKubeProxy ( host ) ; err != nil {
framework . Failf ( "error restarting kube-proxy: %v" , err )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames1 , svc1IP , servicePort ) )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames2 , svc2IP , servicePort ) )
By ( "Removing iptable rules" )
result , err := framework . SSH ( `
sudo iptables - t nat - F KUBE - SERVICES || true ;
sudo iptables - t nat - F KUBE - PORTALS - HOST || true ;
sudo iptables - t nat - F KUBE - PORTALS - CONTAINER || true ` , host , framework . TestContext . Provider )
if err != nil || result . Code != 0 {
framework . LogSSHResult ( result )
framework . Failf ( "couldn't remove iptable rules: %v" , err )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames1 , svc1IP , servicePort ) )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames2 , svc2IP , servicePort ) )
} )
It ( "should work after restarting apiserver [Disruptive]" , func ( ) {
// TODO: use the ServiceTestJig here
framework . SkipUnlessProviderIs ( "gce" , "gke" )
ns := f . Namespace . Name
numPods , servicePort := 3 , 80
defer func ( ) {
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . StopServeHostnameService ( f . ClientSet , f . InternalClientset , ns , "service1" ) )
} ( )
podNames1 , svc1IP , err := framework . StartServeHostnameService ( cs , internalClientset , ns , "service1" , servicePort , numPods )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
hosts , err := framework . NodeSSHHosts ( cs )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if len ( hosts ) == 0 {
framework . Failf ( "No ssh-able nodes" )
host := hosts [ 0 ]
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames1 , svc1IP , servicePort ) )
// Restart apiserver
By ( "Restarting apiserver" )
if err := framework . RestartApiserver ( cs . Discovery ( ) ) ; err != nil {
framework . Failf ( "error restarting apiserver: %v" , err )
By ( "Waiting for apiserver to come up by polling /healthz" )
if err := framework . WaitForApiserverUp ( cs ) ; err != nil {
framework . Failf ( "error while waiting for apiserver up: %v" , err )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames1 , svc1IP , servicePort ) )
// Create a new service and check if it's not reusing IP.
defer func ( ) {
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . StopServeHostnameService ( f . ClientSet , f . InternalClientset , ns , "service2" ) )
} ( )
podNames2 , svc2IP , err := framework . StartServeHostnameService ( cs , internalClientset , ns , "service2" , servicePort , numPods )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if svc1IP == svc2IP {
framework . Failf ( "VIPs conflict: %v" , svc1IP )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames1 , svc1IP , servicePort ) )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyServeHostnameServiceUp ( cs , ns , host , podNames2 , svc2IP , servicePort ) )
} )
// TODO: Run this test against the userspace proxy and nodes
// configured with a default deny firewall to validate that the
// proxy whitelists NodePort traffic.
It ( "should be able to create a functioning NodePort service" , func ( ) {
serviceName := "nodeport-test"
ns := f . Namespace . Name
jig := framework . NewServiceTestJig ( cs , serviceName )
nodeIP := framework . PickNodeIP ( jig . Client ) // for later
By ( "creating service " + serviceName + " with type=NodePort in namespace " + ns )
service := jig . CreateTCPServiceOrFail ( ns , func ( svc * v1 . Service ) {
svc . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
} )
jig . SanityCheckService ( service , v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort )
nodePort := int ( service . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
By ( "creating pod to be part of service " + serviceName )
jig . RunOrFail ( ns , nil )
By ( "hitting the pod through the service's NodePort" )
jig . TestReachableHTTP ( nodeIP , nodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "verifying the node port is locked" )
hostExec := framework . LaunchHostExecPod ( f . ClientSet , f . Namespace . Name , "hostexec" )
// Even if the node-ip:node-port check above passed, this hostexec pod
// might fall on a node with a laggy kube-proxy.
cmd := fmt . Sprintf ( ` for i in $(seq 1 300); do if ss -ant46 'sport = :%d' | grep ^LISTEN; then exit 0; fi; sleep 1; done; exit 1 ` , nodePort )
stdout , err := framework . RunHostCmd ( hostExec . Namespace , hostExec . Name , cmd )
if err != nil {
framework . Failf ( "expected node port %d to be in use, stdout: %v. err: %v" , nodePort , stdout , err )
} )
It ( "should be able to change the type and ports of a service [Slow]" , func ( ) {
// requires cloud load-balancer support
framework . SkipUnlessProviderIs ( "gce" , "gke" , "aws" )
loadBalancerSupportsUDP := ! framework . ProviderIs ( "aws" )
loadBalancerLagTimeout := framework . LoadBalancerLagTimeoutDefault
if framework . ProviderIs ( "aws" ) {
loadBalancerLagTimeout = framework . LoadBalancerLagTimeoutAWS
loadBalancerCreateTimeout := framework . LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutDefault
if nodes := framework . GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie ( cs ) ; len ( nodes . Items ) > framework . LargeClusterMinNodesNumber {
loadBalancerCreateTimeout = framework . LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutLarge
// This test is more monolithic than we'd like because LB turnup can be
// very slow, so we lumped all the tests into one LB lifecycle.
serviceName := "mutability-test"
ns1 := f . Namespace . Name // LB1 in ns1 on TCP
framework . Logf ( "namespace for TCP test: %s" , ns1 )
By ( "creating a second namespace" )
namespacePtr , err := f . CreateNamespace ( "services" , nil )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
ns2 := namespacePtr . Name // LB2 in ns2 on UDP
framework . Logf ( "namespace for UDP test: %s" , ns2 )
jig := framework . NewServiceTestJig ( cs , serviceName )
nodeIP := framework . PickNodeIP ( jig . Client ) // for later
// Test TCP and UDP Services. Services with the same name in different
// namespaces should get different node ports and load balancers.
By ( "creating a TCP service " + serviceName + " with type=ClusterIP in namespace " + ns1 )
tcpService := jig . CreateTCPServiceOrFail ( ns1 , nil )
jig . SanityCheckService ( tcpService , v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP )
By ( "creating a UDP service " + serviceName + " with type=ClusterIP in namespace " + ns2 )
udpService := jig . CreateUDPServiceOrFail ( ns2 , nil )
jig . SanityCheckService ( udpService , v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP )
By ( "verifying that TCP and UDP use the same port" )
if tcpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port != udpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port {
framework . Failf ( "expected to use the same port for TCP and UDP" )
svcPort := int ( tcpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port )
framework . Logf ( "service port (TCP and UDP): %d" , svcPort )
By ( "creating a pod to be part of the TCP service " + serviceName )
jig . RunOrFail ( ns1 , nil )
By ( "creating a pod to be part of the UDP service " + serviceName )
jig . RunOrFail ( ns2 , nil )
// Change the services to NodePort.
By ( "changing the TCP service to type=NodePort" )
tcpService = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( ns1 , tcpService . Name , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
} )
jig . SanityCheckService ( tcpService , v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort )
tcpNodePort := int ( tcpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
framework . Logf ( "TCP node port: %d" , tcpNodePort )
By ( "changing the UDP service to type=NodePort" )
udpService = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( ns2 , udpService . Name , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
} )
jig . SanityCheckService ( udpService , v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort )
udpNodePort := int ( udpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
framework . Logf ( "UDP node port: %d" , udpNodePort )
By ( "hitting the TCP service's NodePort" )
jig . TestReachableHTTP ( nodeIP , tcpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "hitting the UDP service's NodePort" )
jig . TestReachableUDP ( nodeIP , udpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
// Change the services to LoadBalancer.
// Here we test that LoadBalancers can receive static IP addresses. This isn't
// necessary, but is an additional feature this monolithic test checks.
requestedIP := ""
staticIPName := ""
if framework . ProviderIs ( "gce" , "gke" ) {
By ( "creating a static load balancer IP" )
staticIPName = fmt . Sprintf ( "e2e-external-lb-test-%s" , framework . RunId )
requestedIP , err = framework . CreateGCEStaticIP ( staticIPName )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
defer func ( ) {
if staticIPName != "" {
// Release GCE static IP - this is not kube-managed and will not be automatically released.
if err := framework . DeleteGCEStaticIP ( staticIPName ) ; err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "failed to release static IP %s: %v" , staticIPName , err )
} ( )
framework . Logf ( "Allocated static load balancer IP: %s" , requestedIP )
By ( "changing the TCP service to type=LoadBalancer" )
tcpService = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( ns1 , tcpService . Name , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . Spec . LoadBalancerIP = requestedIP // will be "" if not applicable
s . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
} )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
By ( "changing the UDP service to type=LoadBalancer" )
udpService = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( ns2 , udpService . Name , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
} )
serviceLBNames = append ( serviceLBNames , cloudprovider . GetLoadBalancerName ( tcpService ) )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
serviceLBNames = append ( serviceLBNames , cloudprovider . GetLoadBalancerName ( udpService ) )
By ( "waiting for the TCP service to have a load balancer" )
// Wait for the load balancer to be created asynchronously
tcpService = jig . WaitForLoadBalancerOrFail ( ns1 , tcpService . Name , loadBalancerCreateTimeout )
jig . SanityCheckService ( tcpService , v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer )
if int ( tcpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort ) != tcpNodePort {
framework . Failf ( "TCP Spec.Ports[0].NodePort changed (%d -> %d) when not expected" , tcpNodePort , tcpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
if requestedIP != "" && framework . GetIngressPoint ( & tcpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) != requestedIP {
framework . Failf ( "unexpected TCP Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress (expected %s, got %s)" , requestedIP , framework . GetIngressPoint ( & tcpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) )
tcpIngressIP := framework . GetIngressPoint ( & tcpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] )
framework . Logf ( "TCP load balancer: %s" , tcpIngressIP )
if framework . ProviderIs ( "gce" , "gke" ) {
// Do this as early as possible, which overrides the `defer` above.
// This is mostly out of fear of leaking the IP in a timeout case
// (as of this writing we're not 100% sure where the leaks are
// coming from, so this is first-aid rather than surgery).
By ( "demoting the static IP to ephemeral" )
if staticIPName != "" {
// Deleting it after it is attached "demotes" it to an
// ephemeral IP, which can be auto-released.
if err := framework . DeleteGCEStaticIP ( staticIPName ) ; err != nil {
framework . Failf ( "failed to release static IP %s: %v" , staticIPName , err )
staticIPName = ""
var udpIngressIP string
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
By ( "waiting for the UDP service to have a load balancer" )
// 2nd one should be faster since they ran in parallel.
udpService = jig . WaitForLoadBalancerOrFail ( ns2 , udpService . Name , loadBalancerCreateTimeout )
jig . SanityCheckService ( udpService , v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer )
if int ( udpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort ) != udpNodePort {
framework . Failf ( "UDP Spec.Ports[0].NodePort changed (%d -> %d) when not expected" , udpNodePort , udpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
udpIngressIP = framework . GetIngressPoint ( & udpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] )
framework . Logf ( "UDP load balancer: %s" , udpIngressIP )
By ( "verifying that TCP and UDP use different load balancers" )
if tcpIngressIP == udpIngressIP {
framework . Failf ( "Load balancers are not different: %s" , framework . GetIngressPoint ( & tcpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) )
By ( "hitting the TCP service's NodePort" )
jig . TestReachableHTTP ( nodeIP , tcpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "hitting the UDP service's NodePort" )
jig . TestReachableUDP ( nodeIP , udpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "hitting the TCP service's LoadBalancer" )
jig . TestReachableHTTP ( tcpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerLagTimeout )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
By ( "hitting the UDP service's LoadBalancer" )
jig . TestReachableUDP ( udpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerLagTimeout )
// Change the services' node ports.
By ( "changing the TCP service's NodePort" )
tcpService = jig . ChangeServiceNodePortOrFail ( ns1 , tcpService . Name , tcpNodePort )
jig . SanityCheckService ( tcpService , v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer )
tcpNodePortOld := tcpNodePort
tcpNodePort = int ( tcpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
if tcpNodePort == tcpNodePortOld {
framework . Failf ( "TCP Spec.Ports[0].NodePort (%d) did not change" , tcpNodePort )
if framework . GetIngressPoint ( & tcpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) != tcpIngressIP {
framework . Failf ( "TCP Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress changed (%s -> %s) when not expected" , tcpIngressIP , framework . GetIngressPoint ( & tcpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) )
framework . Logf ( "TCP node port: %d" , tcpNodePort )
By ( "changing the UDP service's NodePort" )
udpService = jig . ChangeServiceNodePortOrFail ( ns2 , udpService . Name , udpNodePort )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
jig . SanityCheckService ( udpService , v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer )
} else {
jig . SanityCheckService ( udpService , v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort )
udpNodePortOld := udpNodePort
udpNodePort = int ( udpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
if udpNodePort == udpNodePortOld {
framework . Failf ( "UDP Spec.Ports[0].NodePort (%d) did not change" , udpNodePort )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP && framework . GetIngressPoint ( & udpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) != udpIngressIP {
framework . Failf ( "UDP Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress changed (%s -> %s) when not expected" , udpIngressIP , framework . GetIngressPoint ( & udpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) )
framework . Logf ( "UDP node port: %d" , udpNodePort )
By ( "hitting the TCP service's new NodePort" )
jig . TestReachableHTTP ( nodeIP , tcpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "hitting the UDP service's new NodePort" )
jig . TestReachableUDP ( nodeIP , udpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "checking the old TCP NodePort is closed" )
jig . TestNotReachableHTTP ( nodeIP , tcpNodePortOld , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "checking the old UDP NodePort is closed" )
jig . TestNotReachableUDP ( nodeIP , udpNodePortOld , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "hitting the TCP service's LoadBalancer" )
jig . TestReachableHTTP ( tcpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerLagTimeout )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
By ( "hitting the UDP service's LoadBalancer" )
jig . TestReachableUDP ( udpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerLagTimeout )
// Change the services' main ports.
By ( "changing the TCP service's port" )
tcpService = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( ns1 , tcpService . Name , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port ++
} )
jig . SanityCheckService ( tcpService , v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer )
svcPortOld := svcPort
svcPort = int ( tcpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port )
if svcPort == svcPortOld {
framework . Failf ( "TCP Spec.Ports[0].Port (%d) did not change" , svcPort )
if int ( tcpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort ) != tcpNodePort {
framework . Failf ( "TCP Spec.Ports[0].NodePort (%d) changed" , tcpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
if framework . GetIngressPoint ( & tcpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) != tcpIngressIP {
framework . Failf ( "TCP Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress changed (%s -> %s) when not expected" , tcpIngressIP , framework . GetIngressPoint ( & tcpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) )
By ( "changing the UDP service's port" )
udpService = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( ns2 , udpService . Name , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port ++
} )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
jig . SanityCheckService ( udpService , v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer )
} else {
jig . SanityCheckService ( udpService , v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort )
if int ( udpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port ) != svcPort {
framework . Failf ( "UDP Spec.Ports[0].Port (%d) did not change" , udpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port )
if int ( udpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort ) != udpNodePort {
framework . Failf ( "UDP Spec.Ports[0].NodePort (%d) changed" , udpService . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP && framework . GetIngressPoint ( & udpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) != udpIngressIP {
framework . Failf ( "UDP Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress changed (%s -> %s) when not expected" , udpIngressIP , framework . GetIngressPoint ( & udpService . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] ) )
framework . Logf ( "service port (TCP and UDP): %d" , svcPort )
By ( "hitting the TCP service's NodePort" )
jig . TestReachableHTTP ( nodeIP , tcpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "hitting the UDP service's NodePort" )
jig . TestReachableUDP ( nodeIP , udpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "hitting the TCP service's LoadBalancer" )
jig . TestReachableHTTP ( tcpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerCreateTimeout ) // this may actually recreate the LB
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
By ( "hitting the UDP service's LoadBalancer" )
jig . TestReachableUDP ( udpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerCreateTimeout ) // this may actually recreate the LB)
// Change the services back to ClusterIP.
By ( "changing TCP service back to type=ClusterIP" )
tcpService = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( ns1 , tcpService . Name , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP
s . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort = 0
} )
// Wait for the load balancer to be destroyed asynchronously
tcpService = jig . WaitForLoadBalancerDestroyOrFail ( ns1 , tcpService . Name , tcpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerCreateTimeout )
jig . SanityCheckService ( tcpService , v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP )
By ( "changing UDP service back to type=ClusterIP" )
udpService = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( ns2 , udpService . Name , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP
s . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort = 0
} )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
// Wait for the load balancer to be destroyed asynchronously
udpService = jig . WaitForLoadBalancerDestroyOrFail ( ns2 , udpService . Name , udpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerCreateTimeout )
jig . SanityCheckService ( udpService , v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP )
By ( "checking the TCP NodePort is closed" )
jig . TestNotReachableHTTP ( nodeIP , tcpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "checking the UDP NodePort is closed" )
jig . TestNotReachableUDP ( nodeIP , udpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
By ( "checking the TCP LoadBalancer is closed" )
jig . TestNotReachableHTTP ( tcpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerLagTimeout )
if loadBalancerSupportsUDP {
By ( "checking the UDP LoadBalancer is closed" )
jig . TestNotReachableUDP ( udpIngressIP , svcPort , loadBalancerLagTimeout )
} )
It ( "should use same NodePort with same port but different protocols" , func ( ) {
serviceName := "nodeports"
ns := f . Namespace . Name
t := framework . NewServerTest ( cs , ns , serviceName )
defer func ( ) {
defer GinkgoRecover ( )
errs := t . Cleanup ( )
if len ( errs ) != 0 {
framework . Failf ( "errors in cleanup: %v" , errs )
} ( )
By ( "creating service " + serviceName + " with same NodePort but different protocols in namespace " + ns )
service := & v1 . Service {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
Name : t . ServiceName ,
Namespace : t . Namespace ,
} ,
Spec : v1 . ServiceSpec {
Selector : t . Labels ,
Type : v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort ,
Ports : [ ] v1 . ServicePort {
Name : "tcp-port" ,
Port : 53 ,
Protocol : v1 . ProtocolTCP ,
} ,
Name : "udp-port" ,
Port : 53 ,
Protocol : v1 . ProtocolUDP ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
result , err := t . CreateService ( service )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if len ( result . Spec . Ports ) != 2 {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected len(Spec.Ports) for new service: %v" , result )
if result . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort != result . Spec . Ports [ 1 ] . NodePort {
framework . Failf ( "should use same NodePort for new service: %v" , result )
} )
It ( "should prevent NodePort collisions" , func ( ) {
// TODO: use the ServiceTestJig here
baseName := "nodeport-collision-"
serviceName1 := baseName + "1"
serviceName2 := baseName + "2"
ns := f . Namespace . Name
t := framework . NewServerTest ( cs , ns , serviceName1 )
defer func ( ) {
defer GinkgoRecover ( )
errs := t . Cleanup ( )
if len ( errs ) != 0 {
framework . Failf ( "errors in cleanup: %v" , errs )
} ( )
By ( "creating service " + serviceName1 + " with type NodePort in namespace " + ns )
service := t . BuildServiceSpec ( )
service . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
result , err := t . CreateService ( service )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if result . Spec . Type != v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected Spec.Type for new service: %v" , result )
if len ( result . Spec . Ports ) != 1 {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected len(Spec.Ports) for new service: %v" , result )
port := result . Spec . Ports [ 0 ]
if port . NodePort == 0 {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected Spec.Ports[0].nodePort for new service: %v" , result )
By ( "creating service " + serviceName2 + " with conflicting NodePort" )
service2 := t . BuildServiceSpec ( )
service2 . Name = serviceName2
service2 . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
service2 . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort = port . NodePort
result2 , err := t . CreateService ( service2 )
if err == nil {
framework . Failf ( "Created service with conflicting NodePort: %v" , result2 )
expectedErr := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d.*port is already allocated" , port . NodePort )
Expect ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v" , err ) ) . To ( MatchRegexp ( expectedErr ) )
By ( "deleting service " + serviceName1 + " to release NodePort" )
err = t . DeleteService ( serviceName1 )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( "creating service " + serviceName2 + " with no-longer-conflicting NodePort" )
_ , err = t . CreateService ( service2 )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} )
It ( "should check NodePort out-of-range" , func ( ) {
// TODO: use the ServiceTestJig here
serviceName := "nodeport-range-test"
ns := f . Namespace . Name
t := framework . NewServerTest ( cs , ns , serviceName )
defer func ( ) {
defer GinkgoRecover ( )
errs := t . Cleanup ( )
if len ( errs ) != 0 {
framework . Failf ( "errors in cleanup: %v" , errs )
} ( )
service := t . BuildServiceSpec ( )
service . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
By ( "creating service " + serviceName + " with type NodePort in namespace " + ns )
service , err := t . CreateService ( service )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if service . Spec . Type != v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected Spec.Type for new service: %v" , service )
if len ( service . Spec . Ports ) != 1 {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected len(Spec.Ports) for new service: %v" , service )
port := service . Spec . Ports [ 0 ]
if port . NodePort == 0 {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected Spec.Ports[0].nodePort for new service: %v" , service )
if ! framework . ServiceNodePortRange . Contains ( int ( port . NodePort ) ) {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected (out-of-range) port for new service: %v" , service )
outOfRangeNodePort := 0
rand . Seed ( time . Now ( ) . UTC ( ) . UnixNano ( ) )
for {
outOfRangeNodePort = 1 + rand . Intn ( 65535 )
if ! framework . ServiceNodePortRange . Contains ( outOfRangeNodePort ) {
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "changing service " + serviceName + " to out-of-range NodePort %d" , outOfRangeNodePort ) )
result , err := framework . UpdateService ( cs , ns , serviceName , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort = int32 ( outOfRangeNodePort )
} )
if err == nil {
framework . Failf ( "failed to prevent update of service with out-of-range NodePort: %v" , result )
expectedErr := fmt . Sprintf ( "%d.*port is not in the valid range" , outOfRangeNodePort )
Expect ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v" , err ) ) . To ( MatchRegexp ( expectedErr ) )
By ( "deleting original service " + serviceName )
err = t . DeleteService ( serviceName )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "creating service " + serviceName + " with out-of-range NodePort %d" , outOfRangeNodePort ) )
service = t . BuildServiceSpec ( )
service . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
service . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort = int32 ( outOfRangeNodePort )
service , err = t . CreateService ( service )
if err == nil {
framework . Failf ( "failed to prevent create of service with out-of-range NodePort (%d): %v" , outOfRangeNodePort , service )
Expect ( fmt . Sprintf ( "%v" , err ) ) . To ( MatchRegexp ( expectedErr ) )
} )
It ( "should release NodePorts on delete" , func ( ) {
// TODO: use the ServiceTestJig here
serviceName := "nodeport-reuse"
ns := f . Namespace . Name
t := framework . NewServerTest ( cs , ns , serviceName )
defer func ( ) {
defer GinkgoRecover ( )
errs := t . Cleanup ( )
if len ( errs ) != 0 {
framework . Failf ( "errors in cleanup: %v" , errs )
} ( )
service := t . BuildServiceSpec ( )
service . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
By ( "creating service " + serviceName + " with type NodePort in namespace " + ns )
service , err := t . CreateService ( service )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
if service . Spec . Type != v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected Spec.Type for new service: %v" , service )
if len ( service . Spec . Ports ) != 1 {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected len(Spec.Ports) for new service: %v" , service )
port := service . Spec . Ports [ 0 ]
if port . NodePort == 0 {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected Spec.Ports[0].nodePort for new service: %v" , service )
if ! framework . ServiceNodePortRange . Contains ( int ( port . NodePort ) ) {
framework . Failf ( "got unexpected (out-of-range) port for new service: %v" , service )
nodePort := port . NodePort
By ( "deleting original service " + serviceName )
err = t . DeleteService ( serviceName )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
hostExec := framework . LaunchHostExecPod ( f . ClientSet , f . Namespace . Name , "hostexec" )
cmd := fmt . Sprintf ( ` ! ss -ant46 'sport = :%d' | tail -n +2 | grep LISTEN ` , nodePort )
var stdout string
if pollErr := wait . PollImmediate ( framework . Poll , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
var err error
stdout , err = framework . RunHostCmd ( hostExec . Namespace , hostExec . Name , cmd )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "expected node port (%d) to not be in use, stdout: %v" , nodePort , stdout )
return false , nil
return true , nil
} ) ; pollErr != nil {
framework . Failf ( "expected node port (%d) to not be in use in %v, stdout: %v" , nodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , stdout )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "creating service " + serviceName + " with same NodePort %d" , nodePort ) )
service = t . BuildServiceSpec ( )
service . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
service . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort = nodePort
service , err = t . CreateService ( service )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} )
It ( "should create endpoints for unready pods" , func ( ) {
serviceName := "tolerate-unready"
ns := f . Namespace . Name
t := framework . NewServerTest ( cs , ns , serviceName )
defer func ( ) {
defer GinkgoRecover ( )
errs := t . Cleanup ( )
if len ( errs ) != 0 {
framework . Failf ( "errors in cleanup: %v" , errs )
} ( )
t . Name = "slow-terminating-unready-pod"
t . Image = "gcr.io/google_containers/netexec:1.7"
port := 80
terminateSeconds := int64 ( 600 )
service := & v1 . Service {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
Name : t . ServiceName ,
Namespace : t . Namespace ,
Annotations : map [ string ] string { endpoint . TolerateUnreadyEndpointsAnnotation : "true" } ,
} ,
Spec : v1 . ServiceSpec {
Selector : t . Labels ,
Ports : [ ] v1 . ServicePort { {
Name : "http" ,
Port : int32 ( port ) ,
TargetPort : intstr . FromInt ( port ) ,
} } ,
} ,
rcSpec := framework . RcByNameContainer ( t . Name , 1 , t . Image , t . Labels , v1 . Container {
Args : [ ] string { fmt . Sprintf ( "--http-port=%d" , port ) } ,
Name : t . Name ,
Image : t . Image ,
Ports : [ ] v1 . ContainerPort { { ContainerPort : int32 ( port ) , Protocol : v1 . ProtocolTCP } } ,
ReadinessProbe : & v1 . Probe {
Handler : v1 . Handler {
Exec : & v1 . ExecAction {
Command : [ ] string { "/bin/false" } ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
Lifecycle : & v1 . Lifecycle {
PreStop : & v1 . Handler {
Exec : & v1 . ExecAction {
Command : [ ] string { "/bin/sleep" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , terminateSeconds ) } ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} , nil )
rcSpec . Spec . Template . Spec . TerminationGracePeriodSeconds = & terminateSeconds
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "creating RC %v with selectors %v" , rcSpec . Name , rcSpec . Spec . Selector ) )
_ , err := t . CreateRC ( rcSpec )
framework . ExpectNoError ( err )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "creating Service %v with selectors %v" , service . Name , service . Spec . Selector ) )
_ , err = t . CreateService ( service )
framework . ExpectNoError ( err )
By ( "Verifying pods for RC " + t . Name )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . VerifyPods ( t . Client , t . Namespace , t . Name , false , 1 ) )
svcName := fmt . Sprintf ( "%v.%v" , serviceName , f . Namespace . Name )
By ( "Waiting for endpoints of Service with DNS name " + svcName )
execPodName := framework . CreateExecPodOrFail ( f . ClientSet , f . Namespace . Name , "execpod-" , nil )
cmd := fmt . Sprintf ( "wget -qO- http://%s:%d/" , svcName , port )
var stdout string
if pollErr := wait . PollImmediate ( framework . Poll , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
var err error
stdout , err = framework . RunHostCmd ( f . Namespace . Name , execPodName , cmd )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "expected un-ready endpoint for Service %v, stdout: %v, err %v" , t . Name , stdout , err )
return false , nil
return true , nil
} ) ; pollErr != nil {
framework . Failf ( "expected un-ready endpoint for Service %v within %v, stdout: %v" , t . Name , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , stdout )
By ( "Scaling down replication controler to zero" )
framework . ScaleRC ( f . ClientSet , f . InternalClientset , t . Namespace , rcSpec . Name , 0 , false )
By ( "Update service to not tolerate unready services" )
_ , err = framework . UpdateService ( f . ClientSet , t . Namespace , t . ServiceName , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . ObjectMeta . Annotations [ endpoint . TolerateUnreadyEndpointsAnnotation ] = "false"
} )
framework . ExpectNoError ( err )
By ( "Check if pod is unreachable" )
cmd = fmt . Sprintf ( "wget -qO- -T 2 http://%s:%d/; test \"$?\" -eq \"1\"" , svcName , port )
if pollErr := wait . PollImmediate ( framework . Poll , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
var err error
stdout , err = framework . RunHostCmd ( f . Namespace . Name , execPodName , cmd )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "expected un-ready endpoint for Service %v, stdout: %v, err %v" , t . Name , stdout , err )
return false , nil
return true , nil
} ) ; pollErr != nil {
framework . Failf ( "expected un-ready endpoint for Service %v within %v, stdout: %v" , t . Name , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , stdout )
By ( "Update service to tolerate unready services again" )
_ , err = framework . UpdateService ( f . ClientSet , t . Namespace , t . ServiceName , func ( s * v1 . Service ) {
s . ObjectMeta . Annotations [ endpoint . TolerateUnreadyEndpointsAnnotation ] = "true"
} )
framework . ExpectNoError ( err )
By ( "Check if terminating pod is available through service" )
cmd = fmt . Sprintf ( "wget -qO- http://%s:%d/" , svcName , port )
if pollErr := wait . PollImmediate ( framework . Poll , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
var err error
stdout , err = framework . RunHostCmd ( f . Namespace . Name , execPodName , cmd )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "expected un-ready endpoint for Service %v, stdout: %v, err %v" , t . Name , stdout , err )
return false , nil
return true , nil
} ) ; pollErr != nil {
framework . Failf ( "expected un-ready endpoint for Service %v within %v, stdout: %v" , t . Name , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , stdout )
By ( "Remove pods immediately" )
label := labels . SelectorFromSet ( labels . Set ( t . Labels ) )
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
options := metav1 . ListOptions { LabelSelector : label . String ( ) }
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
podClient := t . Client . Core ( ) . Pods ( f . Namespace . Name )
pods , err := podClient . List ( options )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "warning: error retrieving pods: %s" , err )
} else {
for _ , pod := range pods . Items {
var gracePeriodSeconds int64 = 0
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
err := podClient . Delete ( pod . Name , & metav1 . DeleteOptions { GracePeriodSeconds : & gracePeriodSeconds } )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "warning: error force deleting pod '%s': %s" , pod . Name , err )
} )
It ( "should only allow access from service loadbalancer source ranges [Slow]" , func ( ) {
// this feature currently supported only on GCE/GKE/AWS
framework . SkipUnlessProviderIs ( "gce" , "gke" , "aws" )
loadBalancerCreateTimeout := framework . LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutDefault
if nodes := framework . GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie ( cs ) ; len ( nodes . Items ) > framework . LargeClusterMinNodesNumber {
loadBalancerCreateTimeout = framework . LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutLarge
namespace := f . Namespace . Name
serviceName := "lb-sourcerange"
jig := framework . NewServiceTestJig ( cs , serviceName )
By ( "Prepare allow source ips" )
// prepare the exec pods
// acceptPod are allowed to access the loadbalancer
acceptPodName := framework . CreateExecPodOrFail ( cs , namespace , "execpod-accept" , nil )
dropPodName := framework . CreateExecPodOrFail ( cs , namespace , "execpod-drop" , nil )
accpetPod , err := cs . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace ) . Get ( acceptPodName , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
dropPod , err := cs . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace ) . Get ( dropPodName , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
By ( "creating a pod to be part of the service " + serviceName )
// This container is an nginx container listening on port 80
// See kubernetes/contrib/ingress/echoheaders/nginx.conf for content of response
jig . RunOrFail ( namespace , nil )
// Create loadbalancer service with source range from node[0] and podAccept
svc := jig . CreateTCPServiceOrFail ( namespace , func ( svc * v1 . Service ) {
svc . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
svc . Spec . LoadBalancerSourceRanges = [ ] string { accpetPod . Status . PodIP + "/32" }
} )
// Clean up loadbalancer service
defer func ( ) {
jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( svc . Namespace , svc . Name , func ( svc * v1 . Service ) {
svc . Spec . Type = v1 . ServiceTypeNodePort
svc . Spec . LoadBalancerSourceRanges = nil
} )
Expect ( cs . Core ( ) . Services ( svc . Namespace ) . Delete ( svc . Name , nil ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
svc = jig . WaitForLoadBalancerOrFail ( namespace , serviceName , loadBalancerCreateTimeout )
jig . SanityCheckService ( svc , v1 . ServiceTypeLoadBalancer )
By ( "check reachability from different sources" )
svcIP := framework . GetIngressPoint ( & svc . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] )
framework . CheckReachabilityFromPod ( true , namespace , acceptPodName , svcIP )
framework . CheckReachabilityFromPod ( false , namespace , dropPodName , svcIP )
By ( "Update service LoadBalancerSourceRange and check reachability" )
jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( svc . Namespace , svc . Name , func ( svc * v1 . Service ) {
// only allow access from dropPod
svc . Spec . LoadBalancerSourceRanges = [ ] string { dropPod . Status . PodIP + "/32" }
} )
framework . CheckReachabilityFromPod ( false , namespace , acceptPodName , svcIP )
framework . CheckReachabilityFromPod ( true , namespace , dropPodName , svcIP )
By ( "Delete LoadBalancerSourceRange field and check reachability" )
jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( svc . Namespace , svc . Name , func ( svc * v1 . Service ) {
svc . Spec . LoadBalancerSourceRanges = nil
} )
framework . CheckReachabilityFromPod ( true , namespace , acceptPodName , svcIP )
framework . CheckReachabilityFromPod ( true , namespace , dropPodName , svcIP )
} )
} )
var _ = framework . KubeDescribe ( "ESIPP [Slow]" , func ( ) {
f := framework . NewDefaultFramework ( "esipp" )
loadBalancerCreateTimeout := framework . LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutDefault
var cs clientset . Interface
serviceLBNames := [ ] string { }
BeforeEach ( func ( ) {
// requires cloud load-balancer support - this feature currently supported only on GCE/GKE
framework . SkipUnlessProviderIs ( "gce" , "gke" )
cs = f . ClientSet
if nodes := framework . GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie ( cs ) ; len ( nodes . Items ) > framework . LargeClusterMinNodesNumber {
loadBalancerCreateTimeout = framework . LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutLarge
} )
AfterEach ( func ( ) {
if CurrentGinkgoTestDescription ( ) . Failed {
framework . DescribeSvc ( f . Namespace . Name )
for _ , lb := range serviceLBNames {
framework . Logf ( "cleaning gce resource for %s" , lb )
framework . CleanupServiceGCEResources ( lb )
//reset serviceLBNames
serviceLBNames = [ ] string { }
} )
It ( "should work for type=LoadBalancer" , func ( ) {
namespace := f . Namespace . Name
serviceName := "external-local"
jig := framework . NewServiceTestJig ( cs , serviceName )
svc := jig . CreateOnlyLocalLoadBalancerService ( namespace , serviceName , loadBalancerCreateTimeout , true , nil )
serviceLBNames = append ( serviceLBNames , cloudprovider . GetLoadBalancerName ( svc ) )
healthCheckNodePort := int ( service . GetServiceHealthCheckNodePort ( svc ) )
if healthCheckNodePort == 0 {
framework . Failf ( "Service HealthCheck NodePort was not allocated" )
defer func ( ) {
jig . ChangeServiceType ( svc . Namespace , svc . Name , v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP , loadBalancerCreateTimeout )
// Make sure we didn't leak the health check node port.
for name , ips := range jig . GetEndpointNodes ( svc ) {
_ , fail , status := jig . TestHTTPHealthCheckNodePort ( ips [ 0 ] , healthCheckNodePort , "/healthz" , 5 )
if fail < 2 {
framework . Failf ( "Health check node port %v not released on node %v: %v" , healthCheckNodePort , name , status )
Expect ( cs . Core ( ) . Services ( svc . Namespace ) . Delete ( svc . Name , nil ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
svcTCPPort := int ( svc . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port )
ingressIP := framework . GetIngressPoint ( & svc . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] )
By ( "reading clientIP using the TCP service's service port via its external VIP" )
content := jig . GetHTTPContent ( ingressIP , svcTCPPort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , "/clientip" )
clientIP := content . String ( )
framework . Logf ( "ClientIP detected by target pod using VIP:SvcPort is %s" , clientIP )
By ( "checking if Source IP is preserved" )
if strings . HasPrefix ( clientIP , "10." ) {
framework . Failf ( "Source IP was NOT preserved" )
} )
It ( "should work for type=NodePort" , func ( ) {
namespace := f . Namespace . Name
serviceName := "external-local"
jig := framework . NewServiceTestJig ( cs , serviceName )
svc := jig . CreateOnlyLocalNodePortService ( namespace , serviceName , true )
defer func ( ) {
Expect ( cs . Core ( ) . Services ( svc . Namespace ) . Delete ( svc . Name , nil ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
tcpNodePort := int ( svc . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
endpointsNodeMap := jig . GetEndpointNodes ( svc )
path := "/clientip"
for nodeName , nodeIPs := range endpointsNodeMap {
nodeIP := nodeIPs [ 0 ]
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "reading clientIP using the TCP service's NodePort, on node %v: %v%v%v" , nodeName , nodeIP , tcpNodePort , path ) )
content := jig . GetHTTPContent ( nodeIP , tcpNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , path )
clientIP := content . String ( )
framework . Logf ( "ClientIP detected by target pod using NodePort is %s" , clientIP )
if strings . HasPrefix ( clientIP , "10." ) {
framework . Failf ( "Source IP was NOT preserved" )
} )
It ( "should only target nodes with endpoints [Feature:ExternalTrafficLocalOnly]" , func ( ) {
namespace := f . Namespace . Name
serviceName := "external-local"
jig := framework . NewServiceTestJig ( cs , serviceName )
nodes := jig . GetNodes ( framework . MaxNodesForEndpointsTests )
svc := jig . CreateOnlyLocalLoadBalancerService ( namespace , serviceName , loadBalancerCreateTimeout , false , nil )
serviceLBNames = append ( serviceLBNames , cloudprovider . GetLoadBalancerName ( svc ) )
defer func ( ) {
jig . ChangeServiceType ( svc . Namespace , svc . Name , v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP , loadBalancerCreateTimeout )
Expect ( cs . Core ( ) . Services ( svc . Namespace ) . Delete ( svc . Name , nil ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
healthCheckNodePort := int ( service . GetServiceHealthCheckNodePort ( svc ) )
if healthCheckNodePort == 0 {
framework . Failf ( "Service HealthCheck NodePort was not allocated" )
ips := framework . CollectAddresses ( nodes , v1 . NodeExternalIP )
if len ( ips ) == 0 {
ips = framework . CollectAddresses ( nodes , v1 . NodeLegacyHostIP )
ingressIP := framework . GetIngressPoint ( & svc . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] )
svcTCPPort := int ( svc . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port )
threshold := 2
path := "/healthz"
for i := 0 ; i < len ( nodes . Items ) ; i ++ {
endpointNodeName := nodes . Items [ i ] . Name
By ( "creating a pod to be part of the service " + serviceName + " on node " + endpointNodeName )
jig . RunOrFail ( namespace , func ( rc * v1 . ReplicationController ) {
rc . Name = serviceName
if endpointNodeName != "" {
rc . Spec . Template . Spec . NodeName = endpointNodeName
} )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "waiting for service endpoint on node %v" , endpointNodeName ) )
jig . WaitForEndpointOnNode ( namespace , serviceName , endpointNodeName )
// HealthCheck should pass only on the node where num(endpoints) > 0
// All other nodes should fail the healthcheck on the service healthCheckNodePort
for n , publicIP := range ips {
expectedSuccess := nodes . Items [ n ] . Name == endpointNodeName
framework . Logf ( "Health checking %s, http://%s:%d/%s, expectedSuccess %v" , nodes . Items [ n ] . Name , publicIP , healthCheckNodePort , path , expectedSuccess )
pass , fail , err := jig . TestHTTPHealthCheckNodePort ( publicIP , healthCheckNodePort , path , 5 )
if expectedSuccess && pass < threshold {
framework . Failf ( "Expected %s successes on %v/%v, got %d, err %v" , threshold , endpointNodeName , path , pass , err )
} else if ! expectedSuccess && fail < threshold {
framework . Failf ( "Expected %s failures on %v/%v, got %d, err %v" , threshold , endpointNodeName , path , fail , err )
// Make sure the loadbalancer picked up the helth check change
jig . TestReachableHTTP ( ingressIP , svcTCPPort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout )
framework . ExpectNoError ( framework . DeleteRCAndPods ( f . ClientSet , f . InternalClientset , namespace , serviceName ) )
} )
It ( "should work from pods [Feature:ExternalTrafficLocalOnly]" , func ( ) {
namespace := f . Namespace . Name
serviceName := "external-local"
jig := framework . NewServiceTestJig ( cs , serviceName )
nodes := jig . GetNodes ( framework . MaxNodesForEndpointsTests )
svc := jig . CreateOnlyLocalLoadBalancerService ( namespace , serviceName , loadBalancerCreateTimeout , true , nil )
serviceLBNames = append ( serviceLBNames , cloudprovider . GetLoadBalancerName ( svc ) )
defer func ( ) {
jig . ChangeServiceType ( svc . Namespace , svc . Name , v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP , loadBalancerCreateTimeout )
Expect ( cs . Core ( ) . Services ( svc . Namespace ) . Delete ( svc . Name , nil ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
ingressIP := framework . GetIngressPoint ( & svc . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] )
path := fmt . Sprintf ( "%s:%d/clientip" , ingressIP , int ( svc . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port ) )
nodeName := nodes . Items [ 0 ] . Name
podName := "execpod-sourceip"
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Creating %v on node %v" , podName , nodeName ) )
execPodName := framework . CreateExecPodOrFail ( f . ClientSet , namespace , podName , func ( pod * v1 . Pod ) {
pod . Spec . NodeName = nodeName
} )
defer func ( ) {
err := cs . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace ) . Delete ( execPodName , nil )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
execPod , err := f . ClientSet . Core ( ) . Pods ( namespace ) . Get ( execPodName , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
framework . ExpectNoError ( err )
framework . Logf ( "Waiting up to %v wget %v" , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , path )
cmd := fmt . Sprintf ( ` wget -T 30 -qO- %v ` , path )
var srcIP string
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Hitting external lb %v from pod %v on node %v" , ingressIP , podName , nodeName ) )
if pollErr := wait . PollImmediate ( framework . Poll , framework . LoadBalancerCreateTimeoutDefault , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
stdout , err := framework . RunHostCmd ( execPod . Namespace , execPod . Name , cmd )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "got err: %v, retry until timeout" , err )
return false , nil
srcIP = strings . TrimSpace ( strings . Split ( stdout , ":" ) [ 0 ] )
return srcIP == execPod . Status . PodIP , nil
} ) ; pollErr != nil {
framework . Failf ( "Source IP not preserved from %v, expected '%v' got '%v'" , podName , execPod . Status . PodIP , srcIP )
} )
It ( "should handle updates to source ip annotation [Feature:ExternalTrafficLocalOnly]" , func ( ) {
namespace := f . Namespace . Name
serviceName := "external-local"
jig := framework . NewServiceTestJig ( cs , serviceName )
nodes := jig . GetNodes ( framework . MaxNodesForEndpointsTests )
if len ( nodes . Items ) < 2 {
framework . Failf ( "Need at least 2 nodes to verify source ip from a node without endpoint" )
svc := jig . CreateOnlyLocalLoadBalancerService ( namespace , serviceName , loadBalancerCreateTimeout , true , nil )
serviceLBNames = append ( serviceLBNames , cloudprovider . GetLoadBalancerName ( svc ) )
defer func ( ) {
jig . ChangeServiceType ( svc . Namespace , svc . Name , v1 . ServiceTypeClusterIP , loadBalancerCreateTimeout )
Expect ( cs . Core ( ) . Services ( svc . Namespace ) . Delete ( svc . Name , nil ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
// save the health check node port because it disappears when lift the annotation.
healthCheckNodePort := int ( service . GetServiceHealthCheckNodePort ( svc ) )
By ( "turning ESIPP off" )
svc = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( svc . Namespace , svc . Name , func ( svc * v1 . Service ) {
svc . ObjectMeta . Annotations [ service . BetaAnnotationExternalTraffic ] =
service . AnnotationValueExternalTrafficGlobal
} )
if service . GetServiceHealthCheckNodePort ( svc ) > 0 {
framework . Failf ( "Service HealthCheck NodePort annotation still present" )
endpointNodeMap := jig . GetEndpointNodes ( svc )
noEndpointNodeMap := map [ string ] [ ] string { }
for _ , n := range nodes . Items {
if _ , ok := endpointNodeMap [ n . Name ] ; ok {
noEndpointNodeMap [ n . Name ] = framework . GetNodeAddresses ( & n , v1 . NodeExternalIP )
svcTCPPort := int ( svc . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . Port )
svcNodePort := int ( svc . Spec . Ports [ 0 ] . NodePort )
ingressIP := framework . GetIngressPoint ( & svc . Status . LoadBalancer . Ingress [ 0 ] )
path := "/clientip"
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "endpoints present on nodes %v, absent on nodes %v" , endpointNodeMap , noEndpointNodeMap ) )
for nodeName , nodeIPs := range noEndpointNodeMap {
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Checking %v (%v:%v%v) proxies to endpoints on another node" , nodeName , nodeIPs [ 0 ] , svcNodePort , path ) )
jig . GetHTTPContent ( nodeIPs [ 0 ] , svcNodePort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , path )
for nodeName , nodeIPs := range endpointNodeMap {
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "checking kube-proxy health check fails on node with endpoint (%s), public IP %s" , nodeName , nodeIPs [ 0 ] ) )
var body bytes . Buffer
var result bool
var err error
if pollErr := wait . PollImmediate ( framework . Poll , framework . ServiceTestTimeout , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
result , err = framework . TestReachableHTTPWithContent ( nodeIPs [ 0 ] , healthCheckNodePort , "/healthz" , "" , & body )
return ! result , nil
} ) ; pollErr != nil {
framework . Failf ( "Kube-proxy still exposing health check on node %v:%v, after ESIPP was turned off. Last err %v, last body %v" ,
nodeName , healthCheckNodePort , err , body . String ( ) )
// Poll till kube-proxy re-adds the MASQUERADE rule on the node.
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "checking source ip is NOT preserved through loadbalancer %v" , ingressIP ) )
var clientIP string
pollErr := wait . PollImmediate ( framework . Poll , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
content := jig . GetHTTPContent ( ingressIP , svcTCPPort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , "/clientip" )
clientIP = content . String ( )
if strings . HasPrefix ( clientIP , "10." ) {
return true , nil
return false , nil
} )
if pollErr != nil {
framework . Failf ( "Source IP WAS preserved even after ESIPP turned off. Got %v, expected a ten-dot cluster ip." , clientIP )
// TODO: We need to attempt to create another service with the previously
// allocated healthcheck nodePort. If the health check nodePort has been
// freed, the new service creation will succeed, upon which we cleanup.
// If the health check nodePort has NOT been freed, the new service
// creation will fail.
By ( "turning ESIPP annotation back on" )
svc = jig . UpdateServiceOrFail ( svc . Namespace , svc . Name , func ( svc * v1 . Service ) {
svc . ObjectMeta . Annotations [ service . BetaAnnotationExternalTraffic ] =
service . AnnotationValueExternalTrafficLocal
// Request the same healthCheckNodePort as before, to test the user-requested allocation path
svc . ObjectMeta . Annotations [ service . BetaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort ] =
fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , healthCheckNodePort )
} )
pollErr = wait . PollImmediate ( framework . Poll , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , func ( ) ( bool , error ) {
content := jig . GetHTTPContent ( ingressIP , svcTCPPort , framework . KubeProxyLagTimeout , path )
clientIP = content . String ( )
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Endpoint %v:%v%v returned client ip %v" , ingressIP , svcTCPPort , path , clientIP ) )
if ! strings . HasPrefix ( clientIP , "10." ) {
return true , nil
return false , nil
} )
if pollErr != nil {
framework . Failf ( "Source IP (%v) is not the client IP even after ESIPP turned on, expected a public IP." , clientIP )
} )
} )
func execSourceipTest ( f * framework . Framework , c clientset . Interface , ns , nodeName , serviceIP string , servicePort int ) ( string , string ) {
framework . Logf ( "Creating an exec pod on node %v" , nodeName )
execPodName := framework . CreateExecPodOrFail ( f . ClientSet , ns , fmt . Sprintf ( "execpod-sourceip-%s" , nodeName ) , func ( pod * v1 . Pod ) {
pod . Spec . NodeName = nodeName
} )
defer func ( ) {
framework . Logf ( "Cleaning up the exec pod" )
err := c . Core ( ) . Pods ( ns ) . Delete ( execPodName , nil )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
} ( )
execPod , err := f . ClientSet . Core ( ) . Pods ( ns ) . Get ( execPodName , metav1 . GetOptions { } )
framework . ExpectNoError ( err )
var stdout string
timeout := 2 * time . Minute
framework . Logf ( "Waiting up to %v wget %s:%d" , timeout , serviceIP , servicePort )
cmd := fmt . Sprintf ( ` wget -T 30 -qO- %s:%d | grep client_address ` , serviceIP , servicePort )
for start := time . Now ( ) ; time . Since ( start ) < timeout ; time . Sleep ( 2 ) {
stdout , err = framework . RunHostCmd ( execPod . Namespace , execPod . Name , cmd )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "got err: %v, retry until timeout" , err )
// Need to check output because wget -q might omit the error.
if strings . TrimSpace ( stdout ) == "" {
framework . Logf ( "got empty stdout, retry until timeout" )
framework . ExpectNoError ( err )
// The stdout return from RunHostCmd seems to come with "\n", so TrimSpace is needed.
// Desired stdout in this format: client_address=x.x.x.x
outputs := strings . Split ( strings . TrimSpace ( stdout ) , "=" )
if len ( outputs ) != 2 {
// Fail the test if output format is unexpected.
framework . Failf ( "exec pod returned unexpected stdout format: [%v]\n" , stdout )
return execPod . Status . PodIP , outputs [ 1 ]