2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package master
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
kubeadmapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/apis/kubeadm"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
kubeadmconstants "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/constants"
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
api "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1"
cmdutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/cmd/util"
// Static pod definitions in golang form are included below so that `kubeadm init` can get going.
const (
DefaultClusterName = "kubernetes"
DefaultCloudConfigPath = "/etc/kubernetes/cloud-config"
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
etcd = "etcd"
apiServer = "apiserver"
controllerManager = "controller-manager"
scheduler = "scheduler"
proxy = "proxy"
kubeAPIServer = "kube-apiserver"
kubeControllerManager = "kube-controller-manager"
kubeScheduler = "kube-scheduler"
kubeProxy = "kube-proxy"
authorizationPolicyFile = "abac_policy.json"
authorizationWebhookConfigFile = "webhook_authz.conf"
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
var (
// Minimum version of kube-apiserver that supports --kubelet-preferred-address-types
preferredAddressAPIServerMinVersion = semver . MustParse ( "1.5.0" )
// Minimum version of kube-apiserver that has to have --anonymous-auth=false set
anonAuthDisableAPIServerMinVersion = semver . MustParse ( "1.5.0" )
// WriteStaticPodManifests builds manifest objects based on user provided configuration and then dumps it to disk
// where kubelet will pick and schedule them.
func WriteStaticPodManifests ( cfg * kubeadmapi . MasterConfiguration ) error {
volumes := [ ] api . Volume { k8sVolume ( cfg ) }
volumeMounts := [ ] api . VolumeMount { k8sVolumeMount ( ) }
if isCertsVolumeMountNeeded ( ) {
volumes = append ( volumes , certsVolume ( cfg ) )
volumeMounts = append ( volumeMounts , certsVolumeMount ( ) )
if isPkiVolumeMountNeeded ( ) {
volumes = append ( volumes , pkiVolume ( cfg ) )
volumeMounts = append ( volumeMounts , pkiVolumeMount ( ) )
// Prepare static pod specs
staticPodSpecs := map [ string ] api . Pod {
kubeAPIServer : componentPod ( api . Container {
Name : kubeAPIServer ,
Image : images . GetCoreImage ( images . KubeAPIServerImage , cfg , kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . HyperkubeImage ) ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
Command : getAPIServerCommand ( cfg , false ) ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
VolumeMounts : volumeMounts ,
LivenessProbe : componentProbe ( 8080 , "/healthz" ) ,
Resources : componentResources ( "250m" ) ,
Env : getProxyEnvVars ( ) ,
} , volumes ... ) ,
kubeControllerManager : componentPod ( api . Container {
Name : kubeControllerManager ,
Image : images . GetCoreImage ( images . KubeControllerManagerImage , cfg , kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . HyperkubeImage ) ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
Command : getControllerManagerCommand ( cfg , false ) ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
VolumeMounts : volumeMounts ,
LivenessProbe : componentProbe ( 10252 , "/healthz" ) ,
Resources : componentResources ( "200m" ) ,
Env : getProxyEnvVars ( ) ,
} , volumes ... ) ,
kubeScheduler : componentPod ( api . Container {
Name : kubeScheduler ,
Image : images . GetCoreImage ( images . KubeSchedulerImage , cfg , kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . HyperkubeImage ) ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
Command : getSchedulerCommand ( cfg , false ) ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
LivenessProbe : componentProbe ( 10251 , "/healthz" ) ,
Resources : componentResources ( "100m" ) ,
Env : getProxyEnvVars ( ) ,
} ) ,
// Add etcd static pod spec only if external etcd is not configured
if len ( cfg . Etcd . Endpoints ) == 0 {
staticPodSpecs [ etcd ] = componentPod ( api . Container {
Name : etcd ,
Command : [ ] string {
"etcd" ,
"--listen-client-urls=" ,
"--advertise-client-urls=" ,
"--data-dir=/var/lib/etcd" ,
} ,
VolumeMounts : [ ] api . VolumeMount { certsVolumeMount ( ) , etcdVolumeMount ( ) , k8sVolumeMount ( ) } ,
Image : images . GetCoreImage ( images . KubeEtcdImage , cfg , kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . EtcdImage ) ,
LivenessProbe : componentProbe ( 2379 , "/health" ) ,
Resources : componentResources ( "200m" ) ,
SecurityContext : & api . SecurityContext {
SELinuxOptions : & api . SELinuxOptions {
// TODO: This implies our etcd container is not being restricted by
// SELinux. This is not optimal and would be nice to adjust in future
// so it can create and write /var/lib/etcd, but for now this avoids
// recommending setenforce 0 system-wide.
Type : "spc_t" ,
} ,
} ,
} , certsVolume ( cfg ) , etcdVolume ( cfg ) , k8sVolume ( cfg ) )
manifestsPath := path . Join ( kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . KubernetesDir , "manifests" )
if err := os . MkdirAll ( manifestsPath , 0700 ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to create directory %q [%v]" , manifestsPath , err )
for name , spec := range staticPodSpecs {
filename := path . Join ( manifestsPath , name + ".json" )
serialized , err := json . MarshalIndent ( spec , "" , " " )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to marshal manifest for %q to JSON [%v]" , name , err )
if err := cmdutil . DumpReaderToFile ( bytes . NewReader ( serialized ) , filename ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to create static pod manifest file for %q (%q) [%v]" , name , filename , err )
return nil
// etcdVolume exposes a path on the host in order to guarantee data survival during reboot.
func etcdVolume ( cfg * kubeadmapi . MasterConfiguration ) api . Volume {
return api . Volume {
Name : "etcd" ,
VolumeSource : api . VolumeSource {
HostPath : & api . HostPathVolumeSource { Path : kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . HostEtcdPath } ,
} ,
func etcdVolumeMount ( ) api . VolumeMount {
return api . VolumeMount {
Name : "etcd" ,
MountPath : "/var/lib/etcd" ,
func isCertsVolumeMountNeeded ( ) bool {
// Always return true for now. We may add conditional logic here for images which do not require host mounting /etc/ssl
// hyperkube for example already has valid ca-certificates installed
return true
// certsVolume exposes host SSL certificates to pod containers.
func certsVolume ( cfg * kubeadmapi . MasterConfiguration ) api . Volume {
return api . Volume {
Name : "certs" ,
VolumeSource : api . VolumeSource {
// TODO(phase1+) make path configurable
HostPath : & api . HostPathVolumeSource { Path : "/etc/ssl/certs" } ,
} ,
func certsVolumeMount ( ) api . VolumeMount {
return api . VolumeMount {
Name : "certs" ,
MountPath : "/etc/ssl/certs" ,
func isPkiVolumeMountNeeded ( ) bool {
// On some systems were we host-mount /etc/ssl/certs, it is also required to mount /etc/pki. This is needed
// due to symlinks pointing from files in /etc/ssl/certs into /etc/pki/
if _ , err := os . Stat ( "/etc/pki" ) ; err == nil {
return true
return false
func pkiVolume ( cfg * kubeadmapi . MasterConfiguration ) api . Volume {
return api . Volume {
Name : "pki" ,
VolumeSource : api . VolumeSource {
// TODO(phase1+) make path configurable
HostPath : & api . HostPathVolumeSource { Path : "/etc/pki" } ,
} ,
func pkiVolumeMount ( ) api . VolumeMount {
return api . VolumeMount {
Name : "pki" ,
MountPath : "/etc/pki" ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
func flockVolume ( ) api . Volume {
return api . Volume {
Name : "var-lock" ,
VolumeSource : api . VolumeSource {
HostPath : & api . HostPathVolumeSource { Path : "/var/lock" } ,
} ,
func flockVolumeMount ( ) api . VolumeMount {
return api . VolumeMount {
Name : "var-lock" ,
MountPath : "/var/lock" ,
ReadOnly : false ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
func k8sVolume ( cfg * kubeadmapi . MasterConfiguration ) api . Volume {
return api . Volume {
Name : "k8s" ,
VolumeSource : api . VolumeSource {
HostPath : & api . HostPathVolumeSource { Path : kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . KubernetesDir } ,
} ,
func k8sVolumeMount ( ) api . VolumeMount {
return api . VolumeMount {
Name : "k8s" ,
MountPath : "/etc/kubernetes/" ,
ReadOnly : true ,
func componentResources ( cpu string ) api . ResourceRequirements {
return api . ResourceRequirements {
Requests : api . ResourceList {
api . ResourceName ( api . ResourceCPU ) : resource . MustParse ( cpu ) ,
} ,
func componentProbe ( port int , path string ) * api . Probe {
return & api . Probe {
Handler : api . Handler {
HTTPGet : & api . HTTPGetAction {
Host : "" ,
Path : path ,
Port : intstr . FromInt ( port ) ,
} ,
} ,
InitialDelaySeconds : 15 ,
TimeoutSeconds : 15 ,
FailureThreshold : 8 ,
func componentPod ( container api . Container , volumes ... api . Volume ) api . Pod {
return api . Pod {
TypeMeta : metav1 . TypeMeta {
APIVersion : "v1" ,
Kind : "Pod" ,
} ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
Name : container . Name ,
Namespace : "kube-system" ,
Labels : map [ string ] string { "component" : container . Name , "tier" : "control-plane" } ,
} ,
Spec : api . PodSpec {
Containers : [ ] api . Container { container } ,
HostNetwork : true ,
Volumes : volumes ,
} ,
func getComponentBaseCommand ( component string ) [ ] string {
if kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . HyperkubeImage != "" {
return [ ] string { "/hyperkube" , component }
return [ ] string { "kube-" + component }
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
func getCertFilePath ( certName string ) string {
return path . Join ( kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . HostPKIPath , certName )
func getAPIServerCommand ( cfg * kubeadmapi . MasterConfiguration , selfHosted bool ) [ ] string {
var command [ ] string
// self-hosted apiserver needs to wait on a lock
if selfHosted {
command = [ ] string { "/usr/bin/flock" , "--exclusive" , "--timeout=30" , "/var/lock/api-server.lock" }
command = append ( getComponentBaseCommand ( apiServer ) ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
"--insecure-bind-address=" ,
"--admission-control=NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,PersistentVolumeLabel,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota" ,
"--service-cluster-ip-range=" + cfg . Networking . ServiceSubnet ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
"--service-account-key-file=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . APIServerKeyName ) ,
"--client-ca-file=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . CACertName ) ,
"--tls-cert-file=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . APIServerCertName ) ,
"--tls-private-key-file=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . APIServerKeyName ) ,
"--kubelet-client-certificate=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . APIServerKubeletClientCertName ) ,
"--kubelet-client-key=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . APIServerKubeletClientKeyName ) ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
"--token-auth-file=" + kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . HostPKIPath + "/tokens.csv" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "--secure-port=%d" , cfg . API . Port ) ,
"--allow-privileged" ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
"--storage-backend=etcd3" ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
if cfg . AuthorizationMode != "" {
command = append ( command , "--authorization-mode=" + cfg . AuthorizationMode )
switch cfg . AuthorizationMode {
case "ABAC" :
command = append ( command , "--authorization-policy-file=" + path . Join ( kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . KubernetesDir , authorizationPolicyFile ) )
case "Webhook" :
command = append ( command , "--authorization-webhook-config-file=" + path . Join ( kubeadmapi . GlobalEnvParams . KubernetesDir , authorizationWebhookConfigFile ) )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
// Use first address we are given
if len ( cfg . API . AdvertiseAddresses ) > 0 {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
if selfHosted {
command = append ( command , "--advertise-address=$(POD_IP)" )
} else {
command = append ( command , fmt . Sprintf ( "--advertise-address=%s" , cfg . API . AdvertiseAddresses [ 0 ] ) )
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if len ( cfg . KubernetesVersion ) != 0 {
// If the k8s version is v1.5-something, this argument is set and makes `kubectl logs` and `kubectl exec`
// work on bare-metal where hostnames aren't usually resolvable
// Omit the "v" in the beginning, otherwise semver will fail
k8sVersion , err := semver . Parse ( cfg . KubernetesVersion [ 1 : ] )
// If the k8s version is greater than this version, it supports telling it which way it should contact kubelets
if err == nil && k8sVersion . GTE ( preferredAddressAPIServerMinVersion ) {
command = append ( command , "--kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname" )
// This is a critical "bugfix". Any version above this is vulnarable unless a RBAC/ABAC-authorizer is provided (which kubeadm doesn't for the time being)
if err == nil && k8sVersion . GTE ( anonAuthDisableAPIServerMinVersion ) {
command = append ( command , "--anonymous-auth=false" )
// Check if the user decided to use an external etcd cluster
if len ( cfg . Etcd . Endpoints ) > 0 {
command = append ( command , fmt . Sprintf ( "--etcd-servers=%s" , strings . Join ( cfg . Etcd . Endpoints , "," ) ) )
} else {
command = append ( command , "--etcd-servers=" )
// Is etcd secured?
if cfg . Etcd . CAFile != "" {
command = append ( command , fmt . Sprintf ( "--etcd-cafile=%s" , cfg . Etcd . CAFile ) )
if cfg . Etcd . CertFile != "" && cfg . Etcd . KeyFile != "" {
etcdClientFileArg := fmt . Sprintf ( "--etcd-certfile=%s" , cfg . Etcd . CertFile )
etcdKeyFileArg := fmt . Sprintf ( "--etcd-keyfile=%s" , cfg . Etcd . KeyFile )
command = append ( command , etcdClientFileArg , etcdKeyFileArg )
if cfg . CloudProvider != "" {
command = append ( command , "--cloud-provider=" + cfg . CloudProvider )
// Only append the --cloud-config option if there's a such file
if _ , err := os . Stat ( DefaultCloudConfigPath ) ; err == nil {
command = append ( command , "--cloud-config=" + DefaultCloudConfigPath )
return command
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
func getControllerManagerCommand ( cfg * kubeadmapi . MasterConfiguration , selfHosted bool ) [ ] string {
var command [ ] string
// self-hosted controller-manager needs to wait on a lock
if selfHosted {
command = [ ] string { "/usr/bin/flock" , "--exclusive" , "--timeout=30" , "/var/lock/controller-manager.lock" }
command = append ( getComponentBaseCommand ( controllerManager ) ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
"--address=" ,
"--leader-elect" ,
"--master=" ,
"--cluster-name=" + DefaultClusterName ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
"--root-ca-file=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . CACertName ) ,
"--service-account-private-key-file=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . APIServerKeyName ) ,
"--cluster-signing-cert-file=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . CACertName ) ,
"--cluster-signing-key-file=" + getCertFilePath ( kubeadmconstants . CAKeyName ) ,
"--insecure-experimental-approve-all-kubelet-csrs-for-group=" + KubeletBootstrapGroup ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
if cfg . CloudProvider != "" {
command = append ( command , "--cloud-provider=" + cfg . CloudProvider )
// Only append the --cloud-config option if there's a such file
if _ , err := os . Stat ( DefaultCloudConfigPath ) ; err == nil {
command = append ( command , "--cloud-config=" + DefaultCloudConfigPath )
// Let the controller-manager allocate Node CIDRs for the Pod network.
// Each node will get a subspace of the address CIDR provided with --pod-network-cidr.
if cfg . Networking . PodSubnet != "" {
command = append ( command , "--allocate-node-cidrs=true" , "--cluster-cidr=" + cfg . Networking . PodSubnet )
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
return command
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
func getSchedulerCommand ( cfg * kubeadmapi . MasterConfiguration , selfHosted bool ) [ ] string {
var command [ ] string
// self-hosted apiserver needs to wait on a lock
if selfHosted {
command = [ ] string { "/usr/bin/flock" , "--exclusive" , "--timeout=30" , "/var/lock/api-server.lock" }
command = append ( getComponentBaseCommand ( scheduler ) ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
"--address=" ,
"--leader-elect" ,
"--master=" ,
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
return command
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
func getProxyCommand ( cfg * kubeadmapi . MasterConfiguration ) [ ] string {
return getComponentBaseCommand ( proxy )
func getProxyEnvVars ( ) [ ] api . EnvVar {
envs := [ ] api . EnvVar { }
for _ , env := range os . Environ ( ) {
pos := strings . Index ( env , "=" )
if pos == - 1 {
// malformed environment variable, skip it.
name := env [ : pos ]
value := env [ pos + 1 : ]
if strings . HasSuffix ( strings . ToLower ( name ) , "_proxy" ) && value != "" {
envVar := api . EnvVar { Name : name , Value : value }
envs = append ( envs , envVar )
return envs
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
func getSelfHostedAPIServerEnv ( ) [ ] api . EnvVar {
podIPEnvVar := api . EnvVar {
Name : "POD_IP" ,
ValueFrom : & api . EnvVarSource {
FieldRef : & api . ObjectFieldSelector {
FieldPath : "status.podIP" ,
} ,
} ,
return append ( getProxyEnvVars ( ) , podIPEnvVar )