2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
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package volume
import (
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
type testcase struct {
// Input of the test
name string
existingPod * v1 . Pod
createPod * v1 . Pod
// eventSequence is list of events that are simulated during recycling. It
// can be either event generated by a recycler pod or a state change of
// the pod. (see newPodEvent and newEvent below).
eventSequence [ ] watch . Event
// Expected output.
// expectedEvents is list of events that were sent to the volume that was
// recycled.
expectedEvents [ ] mockEvent
expectedError string
func newPodEvent ( eventtype watch . EventType , name string , phase v1 . PodPhase , message string ) watch . Event {
return watch . Event {
Type : eventtype ,
Object : newPod ( name , phase , message ) ,
func newEvent ( eventtype , message string ) watch . Event {
return watch . Event {
Type : watch . Added ,
Object : & v1 . Event {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Namespace : metav1 . NamespaceDefault ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
} ,
Reason : "MockEvent" ,
Message : message ,
Type : eventtype ,
} ,
func newPod ( name string , phase v1 . PodPhase , message string ) * v1 . Pod {
return & v1 . Pod {
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
ObjectMeta : metav1 . ObjectMeta {
Namespace : metav1 . NamespaceDefault ,
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
Name : name ,
} ,
Status : v1 . PodStatus {
Phase : phase ,
Message : message ,
} ,
func TestRecyclerPod ( t * testing . T ) {
tests := [ ] testcase {
// Test recycler success with some events
name : "RecyclerSuccess" ,
createPod : newPod ( "podRecyclerSuccess" , v1 . PodPending , "" ) ,
eventSequence : [ ] watch . Event {
// Pod gets Running and Succeeded
newPodEvent ( watch . Added , "podRecyclerSuccess" , v1 . PodPending , "" ) ,
newEvent ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Successfully assigned recycler-for-podRecyclerSuccess to" ) ,
newEvent ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "pulling image \"gcr.io/google_containers/busybox\"" ) ,
newEvent ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Successfully pulled image \"gcr.io/google_containers/busybox\"" ) ,
newEvent ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Created container with docker id 83d929aeac82" ) ,
newEvent ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Started container with docker id 83d929aeac82" ) ,
newPodEvent ( watch . Modified , "podRecyclerSuccess" , v1 . PodRunning , "" ) ,
newPodEvent ( watch . Modified , "podRecyclerSuccess" , v1 . PodSucceeded , "" ) ,
} ,
expectedEvents : [ ] mockEvent {
{ v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Successfully assigned recycler-for-podRecyclerSuccess to" } ,
{ v1 . EventTypeNormal , "pulling image \"gcr.io/google_containers/busybox\"" } ,
{ v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Successfully pulled image \"gcr.io/google_containers/busybox\"" } ,
{ v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Created container with docker id 83d929aeac82" } ,
{ v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Started container with docker id 83d929aeac82" } ,
} ,
expectedError : "" ,
} ,
// Test recycler failure with some events
name : "RecyclerFailure" ,
createPod : newPod ( "podRecyclerFailure" , v1 . PodPending , "" ) ,
eventSequence : [ ] watch . Event {
// Pod gets Running and Succeeded
newPodEvent ( watch . Added , "podRecyclerFailure" , v1 . PodPending , "" ) ,
newEvent ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Successfully assigned recycler-for-podRecyclerFailure to" ) ,
newEvent ( v1 . EventTypeWarning , "Unable to mount volumes for pod \"recycler-for-podRecyclerFailure_default(3c9809e5-347c-11e6-a79b-3c970e965218)\": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount" ) ,
newEvent ( v1 . EventTypeWarning , "Error syncing pod, skipping: timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount for pod \"default\"/\"recycler-for-podRecyclerFailure\". list of unattached/unmounted" ) ,
newPodEvent ( watch . Modified , "podRecyclerFailure" , v1 . PodRunning , "" ) ,
newPodEvent ( watch . Modified , "podRecyclerFailure" , v1 . PodFailed , "Pod was active on the node longer than specified deadline" ) ,
} ,
expectedEvents : [ ] mockEvent {
{ v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Successfully assigned recycler-for-podRecyclerFailure to" } ,
{ v1 . EventTypeWarning , "Unable to mount volumes for pod \"recycler-for-podRecyclerFailure_default(3c9809e5-347c-11e6-a79b-3c970e965218)\": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount" } ,
{ v1 . EventTypeWarning , "Error syncing pod, skipping: timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach/mount for pod \"default\"/\"recycler-for-podRecyclerFailure\". list of unattached/unmounted" } ,
} ,
expectedError : "Pod was active on the node longer than specified deadline" ,
} ,
// Recycler pod gets deleted
name : "RecyclerDeleted" ,
createPod : newPod ( "podRecyclerDeleted" , v1 . PodPending , "" ) ,
eventSequence : [ ] watch . Event {
// Pod gets Running and Succeeded
newPodEvent ( watch . Added , "podRecyclerDeleted" , v1 . PodPending , "" ) ,
newEvent ( v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Successfully assigned recycler-for-podRecyclerDeleted to" ) ,
newPodEvent ( watch . Deleted , "podRecyclerDeleted" , v1 . PodPending , "" ) ,
} ,
expectedEvents : [ ] mockEvent {
{ v1 . EventTypeNormal , "Successfully assigned recycler-for-podRecyclerDeleted to" } ,
} ,
expectedError : "recycler pod was deleted" ,
} ,
// Another recycler pod is already running
name : "RecyclerRunning" ,
existingPod : newPod ( "podOldRecycler" , v1 . PodRunning , "" ) ,
createPod : newPod ( "podNewRecycler" , v1 . PodFailed , "mock message" ) ,
eventSequence : [ ] watch . Event {
// Old pod succeeds
newPodEvent ( watch . Modified , "podOldRecycler" , v1 . PodSucceeded , "" ) ,
} ,
// No error = old pod succeeded. If the new pod was used, there
// would be error with "mock message".
expectedError : "" ,
} ,
// Another recycler pod is already running and fails
name : "FailedRecyclerRunning" ,
existingPod : newPod ( "podOldRecycler" , v1 . PodRunning , "" ) ,
createPod : newPod ( "podNewRecycler" , v1 . PodFailed , "mock message" ) ,
eventSequence : [ ] watch . Event {
// Old pod failure
newPodEvent ( watch . Modified , "podOldRecycler" , v1 . PodFailed , "Pod was active on the node longer than specified deadline" ) ,
} ,
// If the new pod was used, there would be error with "mock message".
expectedError : "Pod was active on the node longer than specified deadline" ,
} ,
for _ , test := range tests {
t . Logf ( "Test %q" , test . name )
client := & mockRecyclerClient {
events : test . eventSequence ,
pod : test . existingPod ,
err := internalRecycleVolumeByWatchingPodUntilCompletion ( test . createPod . Name , test . createPod , client )
receivedError := ""
if err != nil {
receivedError = err . Error ( )
if receivedError != test . expectedError {
t . Errorf ( "Test %q failed, expected error %q, got %q" , test . name , test . expectedError , receivedError )
if ! client . deletedCalled {
t . Errorf ( "Test %q failed, expected deferred client.Delete to be called on recycler pod" , test . name )
for i , expectedEvent := range test . expectedEvents {
if len ( client . receivedEvents ) <= i {
t . Errorf ( "Test %q failed, expected event %d: %q not received" , test . name , i , expectedEvent . message )
receivedEvent := client . receivedEvents [ i ]
if expectedEvent . eventtype != receivedEvent . eventtype {
t . Errorf ( "Test %q failed, event %d does not match: expected eventtype %q, got %q" , test . name , i , expectedEvent . eventtype , receivedEvent . eventtype )
if expectedEvent . message != receivedEvent . message {
t . Errorf ( "Test %q failed, event %d does not match: expected message %q, got %q" , test . name , i , expectedEvent . message , receivedEvent . message )
for i := len ( test . expectedEvents ) ; i < len ( client . receivedEvents ) ; i ++ {
t . Errorf ( "Test %q failed, unexpected event received: %s, %q" , test . name , client . receivedEvents [ i ] . eventtype , client . receivedEvents [ i ] . message )
type mockRecyclerClient struct {
pod * v1 . Pod
deletedCalled bool
receivedEvents [ ] mockEvent
events [ ] watch . Event
type mockEvent struct {
eventtype , message string
func ( c * mockRecyclerClient ) CreatePod ( pod * v1 . Pod ) ( * v1 . Pod , error ) {
if c . pod == nil {
c . pod = pod
return c . pod , nil
// Simulate "already exists" error
return nil , errors . NewAlreadyExists ( api . Resource ( "pods" ) , pod . Name )
func ( c * mockRecyclerClient ) GetPod ( name , namespace string ) ( * v1 . Pod , error ) {
if c . pod != nil {
return c . pod , nil
} else {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "pod does not exist" )
func ( c * mockRecyclerClient ) DeletePod ( name , namespace string ) error {
c . deletedCalled = true
return nil
func ( c * mockRecyclerClient ) WatchPod ( name , namespace string , stopChannel chan struct { } ) ( <- chan watch . Event , error ) {
eventCh := make ( chan watch . Event , 0 )
go func ( ) {
for _ , e := range c . events {
eventCh <- e
} ( )
return eventCh , nil
func ( c * mockRecyclerClient ) Event ( eventtype , message string ) {
c . receivedEvents = append ( c . receivedEvents , mockEvent { eventtype , message } )
func TestCalculateTimeoutForVolume ( t * testing . T ) {
pv := & v1 . PersistentVolume {
Spec : v1 . PersistentVolumeSpec {
Capacity : v1 . ResourceList {
v1 . ResourceName ( v1 . ResourceStorage ) : resource . MustParse ( "500M" ) ,
} ,
} ,
timeout := CalculateTimeoutForVolume ( 50 , 30 , pv )
if timeout != 50 {
t . Errorf ( "Expected 50 for timeout but got %v" , timeout )
pv . Spec . Capacity [ v1 . ResourceStorage ] = resource . MustParse ( "2Gi" )
timeout = CalculateTimeoutForVolume ( 50 , 30 , pv )
if timeout != 60 {
t . Errorf ( "Expected 60 for timeout but got %v" , timeout )
pv . Spec . Capacity [ v1 . ResourceStorage ] = resource . MustParse ( "150Gi" )
timeout = CalculateTimeoutForVolume ( 50 , 30 , pv )
if timeout != 4500 {
t . Errorf ( "Expected 4500 for timeout but got %v" , timeout )
func TestGenerateVolumeName ( t * testing . T ) {
// Normal operation, no truncate
v1 := GenerateVolumeName ( "kubernetes" , "pv-cinder-abcde" , 255 )
if v1 != "kubernetes-dynamic-pv-cinder-abcde" {
t . Errorf ( "Expected kubernetes-dynamic-pv-cinder-abcde, got %s" , v1 )
// Truncate trailing "6789-dynamic"
prefix := strings . Repeat ( "0123456789" , 9 ) // 90 characters prefix + 8 chars. of "-dynamic"
v2 := GenerateVolumeName ( prefix , "pv-cinder-abcde" , 100 )
expect := prefix [ : 84 ] + "-pv-cinder-abcde"
if v2 != expect {
t . Errorf ( "Expected %s, got %s" , expect , v2 )
// Truncate really long cluster name
prefix = strings . Repeat ( "0123456789" , 1000 ) // 10000 characters prefix
v3 := GenerateVolumeName ( prefix , "pv-cinder-abcde" , 100 )
if v3 != expect {
t . Errorf ( "Expected %s, got %s" , expect , v3 )