2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
/ *
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
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* /
package e2e
import (
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
testutils "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/utils"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
const (
// Interval to poll /stats/container on a node
containerStatsPollingPeriod = 10 * time . Second
// The monitoring time for one test.
monitoringTime = 20 * time . Minute
// The periodic reporting period.
reportingPeriod = 5 * time . Minute
// Timeout for waiting for the image prepulling to complete.
imagePrePullingLongTimeout = time . Minute * 8
type resourceTest struct {
podsPerNode int
cpuLimits framework . ContainersCPUSummary
memLimits framework . ResourceUsagePerContainer
func logPodsOnNodes ( c clientset . Interface , nodeNames [ ] string ) {
for _ , n := range nodeNames {
podList , err := framework . GetKubeletRunningPods ( c , n )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "Unable to retrieve kubelet pods for node %v" , n )
framework . Logf ( "%d pods are running on node %v" , len ( podList . Items ) , n )
func runResourceTrackingTest ( f * framework . Framework , podsPerNode int , nodeNames sets . String , rm * framework . ResourceMonitor ,
expectedCPU map [ string ] map [ float64 ] float64 , expectedMemory framework . ResourceUsagePerContainer ) {
numNodes := nodeNames . Len ( )
totalPods := podsPerNode * numNodes
By ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Creating a RC of %d pods and wait until all pods of this RC are running" , totalPods ) )
rcName := fmt . Sprintf ( "resource%d-%s" , totalPods , string ( uuid . NewUUID ( ) ) )
// TODO: Use a more realistic workload
Expect ( framework . RunRC ( testutils . RCConfig {
Client : f . ClientSet ,
InternalClient : f . InternalClientset ,
Name : rcName ,
Namespace : f . Namespace . Name ,
Image : framework . GetPauseImageName ( f . ClientSet ) ,
Replicas : totalPods ,
} ) ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
// Log once and flush the stats.
rm . LogLatest ( )
rm . Reset ( )
By ( "Start monitoring resource usage" )
// Periodically dump the cpu summary until the deadline is met.
// Note that without calling framework.ResourceMonitor.Reset(), the stats
// would occupy increasingly more memory. This should be fine
// for the current test duration, but we should reclaim the
// entries if we plan to monitor longer (e.g., 8 hours).
deadline := time . Now ( ) . Add ( monitoringTime )
for time . Now ( ) . Before ( deadline ) {
timeLeft := deadline . Sub ( time . Now ( ) )
framework . Logf ( "Still running...%v left" , timeLeft )
if timeLeft < reportingPeriod {
time . Sleep ( timeLeft )
} else {
time . Sleep ( reportingPeriod )
logPodsOnNodes ( f . ClientSet , nodeNames . List ( ) )
By ( "Reporting overall resource usage" )
logPodsOnNodes ( f . ClientSet , nodeNames . List ( ) )
usageSummary , err := rm . GetLatest ( )
Expect ( err ) . NotTo ( HaveOccurred ( ) )
// TODO(random-liu): Remove the original log when we migrate to new perfdash
framework . Logf ( "%s" , rm . FormatResourceUsage ( usageSummary ) )
// Log perf result
framework . PrintPerfData ( framework . ResourceUsageToPerfData ( rm . GetMasterNodeLatest ( usageSummary ) ) )
verifyMemoryLimits ( f . ClientSet , expectedMemory , usageSummary )
cpuSummary := rm . GetCPUSummary ( )
framework . Logf ( "%s" , rm . FormatCPUSummary ( cpuSummary ) )
// Log perf result
framework . PrintPerfData ( framework . CPUUsageToPerfData ( rm . GetMasterNodeCPUSummary ( cpuSummary ) ) )
verifyCPULimits ( expectedCPU , cpuSummary )
By ( "Deleting the RC" )
framework . DeleteRCAndPods ( f . ClientSet , f . InternalClientset , f . Namespace . Name , rcName )
func verifyMemoryLimits ( c clientset . Interface , expected framework . ResourceUsagePerContainer , actual framework . ResourceUsagePerNode ) {
if expected == nil {
var errList [ ] string
for nodeName , nodeSummary := range actual {
var nodeErrs [ ] string
for cName , expectedResult := range expected {
container , ok := nodeSummary [ cName ]
if ! ok {
nodeErrs = append ( nodeErrs , fmt . Sprintf ( "container %q: missing" , cName ) )
expectedValue := expectedResult . MemoryRSSInBytes
actualValue := container . MemoryRSSInBytes
if expectedValue != 0 && actualValue > expectedValue {
nodeErrs = append ( nodeErrs , fmt . Sprintf ( "container %q: expected RSS memory (MB) < %d; got %d" ,
cName , expectedValue , actualValue ) )
if len ( nodeErrs ) > 0 {
errList = append ( errList , fmt . Sprintf ( "node %v:\n %s" , nodeName , strings . Join ( nodeErrs , ", " ) ) )
heapStats , err := framework . GetKubeletHeapStats ( c , nodeName )
if err != nil {
framework . Logf ( "Unable to get heap stats from %q" , nodeName )
} else {
framework . Logf ( "Heap stats on %q\n:%v" , nodeName , heapStats )
if len ( errList ) > 0 {
framework . Failf ( "Memory usage exceeding limits:\n %s" , strings . Join ( errList , "\n" ) )
func verifyCPULimits ( expected framework . ContainersCPUSummary , actual framework . NodesCPUSummary ) {
if expected == nil {
var errList [ ] string
for nodeName , perNodeSummary := range actual {
var nodeErrs [ ] string
for cName , expectedResult := range expected {
perContainerSummary , ok := perNodeSummary [ cName ]
if ! ok {
nodeErrs = append ( nodeErrs , fmt . Sprintf ( "container %q: missing" , cName ) )
for p , expectedValue := range expectedResult {
actualValue , ok := perContainerSummary [ p ]
if ! ok {
nodeErrs = append ( nodeErrs , fmt . Sprintf ( "container %q: missing percentile %v" , cName , p ) )
if actualValue > expectedValue {
nodeErrs = append ( nodeErrs , fmt . Sprintf ( "container %q: expected %.0fth%% usage < %.3f; got %.3f" ,
cName , p * 100 , expectedValue , actualValue ) )
if len ( nodeErrs ) > 0 {
errList = append ( errList , fmt . Sprintf ( "node %v:\n %s" , nodeName , strings . Join ( nodeErrs , ", " ) ) )
if len ( errList ) > 0 {
framework . Failf ( "CPU usage exceeding limits:\n %s" , strings . Join ( errList , "\n" ) )
// Slow by design (1 hour)
var _ = framework . KubeDescribe ( "Kubelet [Serial] [Slow]" , func ( ) {
var nodeNames sets . String
f := framework . NewDefaultFramework ( "kubelet-perf" )
var om * framework . RuntimeOperationMonitor
var rm * framework . ResourceMonitor
BeforeEach ( func ( ) {
// Wait until image prepull pod has completed so that they wouldn't
// affect the runtime cpu usage. Fail the test if prepulling cannot
// finish in time.
2017-02-03 14:41:32 +01:00
if err := framework . WaitForPodsSuccess ( f . ClientSet , metav1 . NamespaceSystem , framework . ImagePullerLabels , imagePrePullingLongTimeout ) ; err != nil {
2017-01-31 16:45:59 -08:00
framework . Failf ( "Image puller didn't complete in %v, not running resource usage test since the metrics might be adultrated" , imagePrePullingLongTimeout )
nodes := framework . GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie ( f . ClientSet )
nodeNames = sets . NewString ( )
for _ , node := range nodes . Items {
nodeNames . Insert ( node . Name )
om = framework . NewRuntimeOperationMonitor ( f . ClientSet )
rm = framework . NewResourceMonitor ( f . ClientSet , framework . TargetContainers ( ) , containerStatsPollingPeriod )
rm . Start ( )
} )
AfterEach ( func ( ) {
rm . Stop ( )
result := om . GetLatestRuntimeOperationErrorRate ( )
framework . Logf ( "runtime operation error metrics:\n%s" , framework . FormatRuntimeOperationErrorRate ( result ) )
} )
framework . KubeDescribe ( "regular resource usage tracking" , func ( ) {
// We assume that the scheduler will make reasonable scheduling choices
// and assign ~N pods on the node.
// Although we want to track N pods per node, there are N + add-on pods
// in the cluster. The cluster add-on pods can be distributed unevenly
// among the nodes because they are created during the cluster
// initialization. This *noise* is obvious when N is small. We
// deliberately set higher resource usage limits to account for the
// noise.
// We set all resource limits generously because this test is mainly
// used to catch resource leaks in the soak cluster. For tracking
// kubelet/runtime resource usage, please see the node e2e benchmark
// dashboard. http://node-perf-dash.k8s.io/
// TODO(#36621): Deprecate this test once we have a node e2e soak
// cluster.
rTests := [ ] resourceTest {
podsPerNode : 0 ,
cpuLimits : framework . ContainersCPUSummary {
stats . SystemContainerKubelet : { 0.50 : 0.10 , 0.95 : 0.20 } ,
stats . SystemContainerRuntime : { 0.50 : 0.10 , 0.95 : 0.20 } ,
} ,
memLimits : framework . ResourceUsagePerContainer {
stats . SystemContainerKubelet : & framework . ContainerResourceUsage { MemoryRSSInBytes : 70 * 1024 * 1024 } ,
// The detail can be found at https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/28384#issuecomment-244158892
stats . SystemContainerRuntime : & framework . ContainerResourceUsage { MemoryRSSInBytes : 125 * 1024 * 1024 } ,
} ,
} ,
cpuLimits : framework . ContainersCPUSummary {
stats . SystemContainerKubelet : { 0.50 : 0.35 , 0.95 : 0.50 } ,
stats . SystemContainerRuntime : { 0.50 : 0.10 , 0.95 : 0.50 } ,
} ,
podsPerNode : 100 ,
memLimits : framework . ResourceUsagePerContainer {
stats . SystemContainerKubelet : & framework . ContainerResourceUsage { MemoryRSSInBytes : 100 * 1024 * 1024 } ,
stats . SystemContainerRuntime : & framework . ContainerResourceUsage { MemoryRSSInBytes : 300 * 1024 * 1024 } ,
} ,
} ,
for _ , testArg := range rTests {
itArg := testArg
podsPerNode := itArg . podsPerNode
name := fmt . Sprintf (
"resource tracking for %d pods per node" , podsPerNode )
It ( name , func ( ) {
runResourceTrackingTest ( f , podsPerNode , nodeNames , rm , itArg . cpuLimits , itArg . memLimits )
} )
} )
framework . KubeDescribe ( "experimental resource usage tracking [Feature:ExperimentalResourceUsageTracking]" , func ( ) {
density := [ ] int { 100 }
for i := range density {
podsPerNode := density [ i ]
name := fmt . Sprintf (
"resource tracking for %d pods per node" , podsPerNode )
It ( name , func ( ) {
runResourceTrackingTest ( f , podsPerNode , nodeNames , rm , nil , nil )
} )
} )
} )