diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 983c5212..9ab61ede 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 600ac801..5308620f 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ script:
   - make
-  irc: "chat.freenode.net#ocid"
+  irc: "chat.freenode.net#crio"
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 9e211a3c..abd98867 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT ?= 78aae688e2932f0cfc2a23e28ad30b58c6b8577f
 PROJECT := github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o
 GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
 GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN := $(shell echo $(GIT_BRANCH) | sed -e "s/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g")
-OCID_INSTANCE := ocid_dev
+OCID_INSTANCE := crio_dev
 PREFIX ?= ${DESTDIR}/usr/local
 BINDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/bin
 LIBEXECDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/libexec
 MANDIR ?= ${PREFIX}/share/man
 BUILDTAGS := selinux seccomp $(shell hack/btrfs_tag.sh) $(shell hack/libdm_tag.sh)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ GOPKGBASEDIR := $(shell dirname "$(GOPKGDIR)")
 # Update VPATH so make finds .gopathok
-all: binaries ocid.conf docs
+all: binaries crio.conf docs
 default: help
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ help:
 	@echo "Usage: make <target>"
 	@echo " * 'install' - Install binaries to system locations"
-	@echo " * 'binaries' - Build ocid, conmon and ocic"
+	@echo " * 'binaries' - Build crio, conmon and crioctl"
 	@echo " * 'integration' - Execute integration tests"
 	@echo " * 'clean' - Clean artifacts"
 	@echo " * 'lint' - Execute the source code linter"
@@ -68,19 +68,19 @@ copyimg: .gopathok $(wildcard test/copyimg/*.go)
 checkseccomp: .gopathok $(wildcard test/checkseccomp/*.go)
 	go build -o test/checkseccomp/$@ $(PROJECT)/test/checkseccomp
-ocid: .gopathok $(shell hack/find-godeps.sh $(GOPKGDIR) cmd/ocid $(PROJECT))
+crio: .gopathok $(shell hack/find-godeps.sh $(GOPKGDIR) cmd/crio $(PROJECT))
 	$(GO) build -o $@ \
 		-tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" \
-		$(PROJECT)/cmd/ocid
+		$(PROJECT)/cmd/crio
-ocic: .gopathok $(shell hack/find-godeps.sh $(GOPKGDIR) cmd/ocic $(PROJECT))
-	$(GO) build -o $@ $(PROJECT)/cmd/ocic
+crioctl: .gopathok $(shell hack/find-godeps.sh $(GOPKGDIR) cmd/crioctl $(PROJECT))
+	$(GO) build -o $@ $(PROJECT)/cmd/crioctl
 kpod: .gopathok $(shell hack/find-godeps.sh $(GOPKGDIR) cmd/kpod $(PROJECT))
 	$(GO) build -o $@ $(PROJECT)/cmd/kpod
-ocid.conf: ocid
-	./ocid --config="" config --default > ocid.conf
+crio.conf: crio
+	./crio --config="" config --default > crio.conf
 ifneq ($(GOPATH),)
@@ -91,26 +91,26 @@ endif
 	rm -fr test/testdata/redis-image
 	find . -name \*~ -delete
 	find . -name \#\* -delete
-	rm -f ocic ocid kpod
+	rm -f crioctl crio kpod
 	make -C conmon clean
 	make -C pause clean
 	rm -f test/bin2img/bin2img
 	rm -f test/copyimg/copyimg
 	rm -f test/checkseccomp/checkseccomp
 	docker build -t ${OCID_IMAGE} .
-dbuild: ocidimage
+dbuild: crioimage
 	docker run --name=${OCID_INSTANCE} --privileged ${OCID_IMAGE} -v ${PWD}:/go/src/${PROJECT} --rm make binaries
-integration: ocidimage
+integration: crioimage
 	docker run -e TESTFLAGS -e TRAVIS -t --privileged --rm -v ${CURDIR}:/go/src/${PROJECT} ${OCID_IMAGE} make localintegration
 localintegration: binaries
 	./test/test_runner.sh ${TESTFLAGS}
-binaries: ocid ocic kpod conmon pause bin2img copyimg checkseccomp
+binaries: crio crioctl kpod conmon pause bin2img copyimg checkseccomp
 MANPAGES_MD := $(wildcard docs/*.md)
 MANPAGES    := $(MANPAGES_MD:%.md=%)
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ docs/%.8: docs/%.8.md .gopathok
 docs: $(MANPAGES)
 install: .gopathok
-	install -D -m 755 ocid $(BINDIR)/ocid
-	install -D -m 755 ocic $(BINDIR)/ocic
+	install -D -m 755 crio $(BINDIR)/crio
+	install -D -m 755 crioctl $(BINDIR)/crioctl
 	install -D -m 755 kpod $(BINDIR)/kpod
-	install -D -m 755 conmon/conmon $(LIBEXECDIR)/ocid/conmon
-	install -D -m 755 pause/pause $(LIBEXECDIR)/ocid/pause
+	install -D -m 755 conmon/conmon $(LIBEXECDIR)/crio/conmon
+	install -D -m 755 pause/pause $(LIBEXECDIR)/crio/pause
 	install -d -m 755 $(MANDIR)/man1
 	install -d -m 755 $(MANDIR)/man5
 	install -d -m 755 $(MANDIR)/man8
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ install: .gopathok
 	install -m 644 $(filter %.8,$(MANPAGES)) -t $(MANDIR)/man8
-	install -D -m 644 ocid.conf $(ETCDIR_OCID)/ocid.conf
+	install -D -m 644 crio.conf $(ETCDIR_OCID)/crio.conf
 	install -D -m 644 seccomp.json $(ETCDIR_OCID)/seccomp.json
@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ install.completions:
 	install -m 644 -D completions/bash/kpod ${BASHINSTALLDIR}
-	install -D -m 644 contrib/systemd/ocid.service $(PREFIX)/lib/systemd/system/ocid.service
-	install -D -m 644 contrib/systemd/ocid-shutdown.service $(PREFIX)/lib/systemd/system/ocid-shutdown.service
+	install -D -m 644 contrib/systemd/crio.service $(PREFIX)/lib/systemd/system/crio.service
+	install -D -m 644 contrib/systemd/crio-shutdown.service $(PREFIX)/lib/systemd/system/crio-shutdown.service
-	rm -f $(BINDIR)/ocid
-	rm -f $(BINDIR)/ocic
-	rm -f $(LIBEXECDIR)/ocid/conmon
-	rm -f $(LIBEXECDIR)/ocid/pause
+	rm -f $(BINDIR)/crio
+	rm -f $(BINDIR)/crioctl
+	rm -f $(LIBEXECDIR)/crio/conmon
+	rm -f $(LIBEXECDIR)/crio/pause
 	for i in $(filter %.1,$(MANPAGES)); do \
 		rm -f $(MANDIR)/man8/$$(basename $${i}); \
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f498cef0..3f4fdf5d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ It is currently in active development in the Kubernetes community through the [d
 ### Prerequisites
-`runc` version 1.0.0.rc1 or greater is expected to be installed on the system. It is picked up as the default runtime by ocid.
+`runc` version 1.0.0.rc1 or greater is expected to be installed on the system. It is picked up as the default runtime by crio.
 ### Build Dependencies
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ your system.
 You can run a local version of kubernetes with cri-o using `local-up-cluster.sh`:
 1. Clone the [kubernetes repository](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes)
-1. Start the cri-o daemon (`ocid`)
-1. From the kubernetes project directory, run: `CONTAINER_RUNTIME=remote CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT='/var/run/ocid.sock --runtime-request-timeout=15m' ./hack/local-up-cluster.sh`
+1. Start the cri-o daemon (`crio`)
+1. From the kubernetes project directory, run: `CONTAINER_RUNTIME=remote CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT='/var/run/crio.sock --runtime-request-timeout=15m' ./hack/local-up-cluster.sh`
 To run a full cluster, see [the instructions](kubernetes.md).
diff --git a/cmd/ocid/config.go b/cmd/crio/config.go
similarity index 84%
rename from cmd/ocid/config.go
rename to cmd/crio/config.go
index 982732b3..175d71a3 100644
--- a/cmd/ocid/config.go
+++ b/cmd/crio/config.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
 var commentedConfigTemplate = template.Must(template.New("config").Parse(`
-# The "ocid" table contains all of the server options.
+# The "crio" table contains all of the server options.
 # root is a path to the "root directory". OCID stores all of its data,
 # including container images, in this directory.
@@ -28,23 +28,23 @@ storage_driver = "{{ .Storage }}"
 storage_option = [
 {{ range $opt := .StorageOptions }}{{ printf "\t%q,\n" $opt }}{{ end }}]
-# The "ocid.api" table contains settings for the kubelet/gRPC
-# interface (which is also used by ocic).
+# The "crio.api" table contains settings for the kubelet/gRPC
+# interface (which is also used by crioctl).
-# listen is the path to the AF_LOCAL socket on which ocid will listen.
+# listen is the path to the AF_LOCAL socket on which crio will listen.
 listen = "{{ .Listen }}"
-# The "ocid.runtime" table contains settings pertaining to the OCI
+# The "crio.runtime" table contains settings pertaining to the OCI
 # runtime used and options for how to set up and manage the OCI runtime.
-# runtime is a path to the OCI runtime which ocid will be using.
+# runtime is a path to the OCI runtime which crio will be using.
 runtime = "{{ .Runtime }}"
-# runtime_host_privileged is a path to the OCI runtime which ocid
+# runtime_host_privileged is a path to the OCI runtime which crio
 # will be using for host privileged operations.
-# If this string is empty, ocid will not try to use the "runtime"
+# If this string is empty, crio will not try to use the "runtime"
 # for all operations.
 runtime_host_privileged = "{{ .RuntimeHostPrivileged }}"
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ apparmor_profile = "{{ .ApparmorProfile }}"
 # for the runtime.
 cgroup_manager = "{{ .CgroupManager }}"
-# The "ocid.image" table contains settings pertaining to the
+# The "crio.image" table contains settings pertaining to the
 # management of OCI images.
 # default_transport is the prefix we try prepending to an image name if the
 # image name as we receive it can't be parsed as a valid source reference
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ pause_command = "{{ .PauseCommand }}"
 # unspecified so that the default system-wide policy will be used.
 signature_policy = "{{ .SignaturePolicyPath }}"
-# The "ocid.network" table contains settings pertaining to the
+# The "crio.network" table contains settings pertaining to the
 # management of CNI plugins.
 # network_dir is is where CNI network configuration
 # files are stored.
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ plugin_dir = "{{ .PluginDir }}"
 var configCommand = cli.Command{
 	Name:  "config",
-	Usage: "generate ocid configuration files",
+	Usage: "generate crio configuration files",
 	Flags: []cli.Flag{
 			Name:  "default",
diff --git a/cmd/ocid/daemon_linux.go b/cmd/crio/daemon_linux.go
similarity index 100%
rename from cmd/ocid/daemon_linux.go
rename to cmd/crio/daemon_linux.go
diff --git a/cmd/ocid/main.go b/cmd/crio/main.go
similarity index 96%
rename from cmd/ocid/main.go
rename to cmd/crio/main.go
index d7644f74..4638a753 100644
--- a/cmd/ocid/main.go
+++ b/cmd/crio/main.go
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (
-const ociConfigPath = "/etc/ocid/ocid.conf"
+const ociConfigPath = "/etc/crio/crio.conf"
 func mergeConfig(config *server.Config, ctx *cli.Context) error {
 	// Don't parse the config if the user explicitly set it to "".
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ func main() {
 	app := cli.NewApp()
-	app.Name = "ocid"
-	app.Usage = "ocid server"
+	app.Name = "crio"
+	app.Usage = "crio server"
 	app.Version = "0.3"
 	app.Metadata = map[string]interface{}{
 		"config": server.DefaultConfig(),
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ func main() {
 			Name:  "listen",
-			Usage: "path to ocid socket",
+			Usage: "path to crio socket",
 			Name:  "log",
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ func main() {
 			Name:  "root",
-			Usage: "ocid root dir",
+			Usage: "crio root dir",
 			Name:  "runroot",
-			Usage: "ocid state dir",
+			Usage: "crio state dir",
 			Name:  "storage-driver",
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ func main() {
 			Name:  "apparmor-profile",
-			Usage: "default apparmor profile name (default: \"ocid-default\")",
+			Usage: "default apparmor profile name (default: \"crio-default\")",
 			Name:  "selinux",
diff --git a/cmd/ocic/container.go b/cmd/crioctl/container.go
similarity index 100%
rename from cmd/ocic/container.go
rename to cmd/crioctl/container.go
diff --git a/cmd/ocic/image.go b/cmd/crioctl/image.go
similarity index 100%
rename from cmd/ocic/image.go
rename to cmd/crioctl/image.go
diff --git a/cmd/ocic/main.go b/cmd/crioctl/main.go
similarity index 95%
rename from cmd/ocic/main.go
rename to cmd/crioctl/main.go
index 4aa3ef74..999b7617 100644
--- a/cmd/ocic/main.go
+++ b/cmd/crioctl/main.go
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ func loadContainerConfig(path string) (*pb.ContainerConfig, error) {
 func main() {
 	app := cli.NewApp()
-	app.Name = "ocic"
-	app.Usage = "client for ocid"
+	app.Name = "crioctl"
+	app.Usage = "client for crio"
 	app.Version = "0.3"
 	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ func main() {
 	app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
 			Name:  "connect",
-			Value: "/var/run/ocid.sock",
+			Value: "/var/run/crio.sock",
 			Usage: "Socket to connect to",
diff --git a/cmd/ocic/sandbox.go b/cmd/crioctl/sandbox.go
similarity index 100%
rename from cmd/ocic/sandbox.go
rename to cmd/crioctl/sandbox.go
diff --git a/cmd/ocic/system.go b/cmd/crioctl/system.go
similarity index 100%
rename from cmd/ocic/system.go
rename to cmd/crioctl/system.go
diff --git a/cmd/kpod/README.md b/cmd/kpod/README.md
index 6fb85a37..7a79e489 100644
--- a/cmd/kpod/README.md
+++ b/cmd/kpod/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # kpod - Simple debugging tool for pods and images
 kpod is a simple client only tool to help with debugging issues when daemons such as CRI runtime and the kubelet are not responding or
 failing. A shared API layer could be created to share code between the daemon and kpod. kpod does not require any daemon running. kpod
-utilizes the same underlying components that ocid uses i.e. containers/image, container/storage, oci-runtime-tool/generate, runc or
-any other OCI compatible runtime. kpod shares state with ocid and so has the capability to debug pods/images created by ocid.
+utilizes the same underlying components that crio uses i.e. containers/image, container/storage, oci-runtime-tool/generate, runc or
+any other OCI compatible runtime. kpod shares state with crio and so has the capability to debug pods/images created by crio.
 ## Use cases
 1. List pods.
diff --git a/conmon/conmon.c b/conmon/conmon.c
index 933ac4a2..f95b3b03 100644
--- a/conmon/conmon.c
+++ b/conmon/conmon.c
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 		char *argv[] = {"sh", "-c", cmd->str, NULL};
 		/* We only need to touch the stdio if we have terminal=false. */
-		/* FIXME: This results in us not outputting runc error messages to ocid's log. */
+		/* FIXME: This results in us not outputting runc error messages to crio's log. */
 		if (slavefd_stdout >= 0) {
 			if (dup2(slavefd_stdout, STDOUT_FILENO) < 0)
 				pexit("Failed to dup over stdout");
diff --git a/contrib/cni/10-ocid-bridge.conf b/contrib/cni/10-ocid-bridge.conf
index dcf645b3..27f0ddfe 100644
--- a/contrib/cni/10-ocid-bridge.conf
+++ b/contrib/cni/10-ocid-bridge.conf
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     "cniVersion": "0.2.0",
-    "name": "ocid-bridge",
+    "name": "crio-bridge",
     "type": "bridge",
     "bridge": "cni0",
     "isGateway": true,
diff --git a/contrib/cni/README.md b/contrib/cni/README.md
index a60ab94a..7c203f22 100644
--- a/contrib/cni/README.md
+++ b/contrib/cni/README.md
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ basis for your own configurations (distibutions should package these files in
 example directories).
 To use these configurations, place them in `/etc/cni/net.d` (or the directory
-specified by `ocid.network.network_dir` in your `ocid.conf`).
+specified by `crio.network.network_dir` in your `crio.conf`).
 In addition, you need to install the [CNI plugins][cni] necessary into
-`/opt/cni/bin` (or the directory specified by `ocid.network.plugin_dir`). The
+`/opt/cni/bin` (or the directory specified by `crio.network.plugin_dir`). The
 two plugins necessary for the example CNI configurations are `loopback` and
diff --git a/contrib/rpm/Makefile b/contrib/rpm/Makefile
index 8ae980b1..24bbca28 100644
--- a/contrib/rpm/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/rpm/Makefile
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 .PHONY: dist
-dist: ocid.spec
-	spectool -g ocid.spec
+dist: crio.spec
+	spectool -g crio.spec
 .PHONY: rpm
 rpm: dist
 	rpmbuild --define "_sourcedir `pwd`" --define "_specdir `pwd`" \
-	--define "_rpmdir `pwd`" --define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`" -ba ocid.spec
+	--define "_rpmdir `pwd`" --define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`" -ba crio.spec
 all: rpm
diff --git a/contrib/rpm/ocid.spec b/contrib/rpm/crio.spec
similarity index 83%
rename from contrib/rpm/ocid.spec
rename to contrib/rpm/crio.spec
index 2f75c157..44f1a035 100644
--- a/contrib/rpm/ocid.spec
+++ b/contrib/rpm/crio.spec
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 %global provider_tld    com
 %global project         kubernetes-incubator
 %global repo            cri-o
-%global Name            ocid
+%global Name            crio
 # https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o
 %global provider_prefix %{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo}
 %global import_path     %{provider_prefix}
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ Source0:        https://%{provider_prefix}/archive/%{commit}/%{repo}-%{shortcomm
 BuildRequires:  golang-github-cpuguy83-go-md2man
-The ocid package provides an implementation of the
+The crio package provides an implementation of the
 Kubelet Container Runtime Interface (CRI) using OCI conformant runtimes.
-ocid provides following functionalities:
+crio provides following functionalities:
     Support multiple image formats including the existing Docker image format
     Support for multiple means to download images including trust & image verification
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ make all
 #define license tag if not already defined
 %{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc}
-%dir /%{_libexecdir}/ocid
+%dir /%{_libexecdir}/crio
 %doc README.md
 %license LICENSE
diff --git a/contrib/systemd/ocid-shutdown.service b/contrib/systemd/crio-shutdown.service
similarity index 59%
rename from contrib/systemd/ocid-shutdown.service
rename to contrib/systemd/crio-shutdown.service
index eff6a11f..6529305e 100644
--- a/contrib/systemd/ocid-shutdown.service
+++ b/contrib/systemd/crio-shutdown.service
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 Description=Shutdown OCID containers before shutting down the system
-ExecStop=mkdir -p /var/lib/ocid; touch /var/lib/ocid/ocid.shutdown
+ExecStop=mkdir -p /var/lib/crio; touch /var/lib/crio/crio.shutdown
diff --git a/contrib/systemd/ocid.service b/contrib/systemd/crio.service
similarity index 78%
rename from contrib/systemd/ocid.service
rename to contrib/systemd/crio.service
index b275d966..e6b83822 100644
--- a/contrib/systemd/ocid.service
+++ b/contrib/systemd/crio.service
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ After=network.target
-ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ocid \
+ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/crio \
 ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
diff --git a/docs/ocid.8.md b/docs/crio.8.md
similarity index 87%
rename from docs/ocid.8.md
rename to docs/crio.8.md
index bebef93d..27927796 100644
--- a/docs/ocid.8.md
+++ b/docs/crio.8.md
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-% ocid(8) Open Container Initiative Daemon
+% crio(8) Open Container Initiative Daemon
 % Dan Walsh
-ocid - Enable OCI Kubernetes Container Runtime daemon
+crio - Enable OCI Kubernetes Container Runtime daemon
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ocid - Enable OCI Kubernetes Container Runtime daemon
 OCI-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface Daemon
-ocid is meant to provide an integration path between OCI conformant runtimes and the kubelet. Specifically, it implements the Kubelet Container Runtime Interface (CRI) using OCI conformant runtimes. The scope of ocid is tied to the scope of the CRI.
+crio is meant to provide an integration path between OCI conformant runtimes and the kubelet. Specifically, it implements the Kubelet Container Runtime Interface (CRI) using OCI conformant runtimes. The scope of crio is tied to the scope of the CRI.
 	* Support multiple image formats including the existing Docker image format
 	* Support for multiple means to download images including trust & image verification
@@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ ocid is meant to provide an integration path between OCI conformant runtimes and
 	* Monitoring and logging required to satisfy the CRI
 	* Resource isolation as required by the CRI
-**ocid [GLOBAL OPTIONS]**
+**crio [GLOBAL OPTIONS]**
-**ocid [GLOBAL OPTIONS] config [OPTIONS]**
+**crio [GLOBAL OPTIONS] config [OPTIONS]**
-  Name of the apparmor profile to be used as the runtime's default (default: "ocid-default")
+  Name of the apparmor profile to be used as the runtime's default (default: "crio-default")
   path to configuration file
-  path to the conmon executable (default: "/usr/local/libexec/ocid/conmon")
+  path to the conmon executable (default: "/usr/local/libexec/crio/conmon")
   Enable debug output for logging
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ ocid is meant to provide an integration path between OCI conformant runtimes and
   Print usage statement
-  Path to ocid socket (default: "/var/run/ocid.sock")
+  Path to crio socket (default: "/var/run/crio.sock")
   Set the log file path where internal debug information is written
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ ocid is meant to provide an integration path between OCI conformant runtimes and
   Enable selinux support (default: false)
-  Path to the seccomp json profile to be used as the runtime's default (default: "/etc/ocid/seccomp.json")
+  Path to the seccomp json profile to be used as the runtime's default (default: "/etc/crio/seccomp.json")
   Path to the signature policy json file (default: "", to use the system-wide default)
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ it later with **--config**. Global options will modify the output.
   Output the default configuration (without taking into account any configuration options).
 Sept 2016, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com> and Aleksa Sarai <asarai@suse.de>
diff --git a/docs/ocid.conf.5.md b/docs/crio.conf.5.md
similarity index 82%
rename from docs/ocid.conf.5.md
rename to docs/crio.conf.5.md
index e566ad19..e49c2a16 100644
--- a/docs/ocid.conf.5.md
+++ b/docs/crio.conf.5.md
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-% ocid.conf(5) Open Container Initiative Daemon
+% crio.conf(5) Open Container Initiative Daemon
 % Aleksa Sarai
 % OCTOBER 2016
-ocid.conf - Syntax of OCID configuration file
+crio.conf - Syntax of OCID configuration file
 The OCID configuration file specifies all of the available command-line options
-for the ocid(8) program, but in a TOML format that can be more easily modified
+for the crio(8) program, but in a TOML format that can be more easily modified
 and versioned.
 The [TOML format][toml] is used as the encoding of the configuration file.
-Every option and subtable listed here is nested under a global "ocid" table.
+Every option and subtable listed here is nested under a global "crio" table.
 No bare options are used. The format of TOML can be simplified to:
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ No bare options are used. The format of TOML can be simplified to:
-The `ocid` table supports the following options:
+The `crio` table supports the following options:
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ The `ocid` table supports the following options:
-  Path to ocid socket (default: "/var/run/ocid.sock")
+  Path to crio socket (default: "/var/run/crio.sock")
-  Path to the conmon executable (default: "/usr/local/libexec/ocid/conmon")
+  Path to the conmon executable (default: "/usr/local/libexec/crio/conmon")
   Environment variable list for conmon process (default: ["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",])
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ The `ocid` table supports the following options:
   Path to the signature policy json file (default: "", to use the system-wide default)
-  Path to the seccomp json profile to be used as the runtime's default (default: "/etc/ocid/seccomp.json")
+  Path to the seccomp json profile to be used as the runtime's default (default: "/etc/crio/seccomp.json")
-  Name of the apparmor profile to be used as the runtime's default (default: "ocid-default")
+  Name of the apparmor profile to be used as the runtime's default (default: "crio-default")
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ The `ocid` table supports the following options:
   Path to CNI plugin binaries (default: "/opt/cni/bin/")
 Oct 2016, Originally compiled by Aleksa Sarai <asarai@suse.de>
diff --git a/docs/kpod-launch.1.md b/docs/kpod-launch.1.md
index f1f1e010..960fca05 100644
--- a/docs/kpod-launch.1.md
+++ b/docs/kpod-launch.1.md
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ pull** IMAGE, before it starts the container from that image.
 Launch a pod
-kpod(1), ocid(8), ocid.conf(5)
+kpod(1), crio(8), crio.conf(5)
 Dec 2016, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com>
diff --git a/docs/kpod.1.md b/docs/kpod.1.md
index fc094e67..7570f309 100644
--- a/docs/kpod.1.md
+++ b/docs/kpod.1.md
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ kpod is a simple client only tool to help with debugging issues when daemons
 such as CRI runtime and the kubelet are not responding or failing. A shared API
 layer could be created to share code between the daemon and kpod. kpod does not
 require any daemon running. kpod utilizes the same underlying components that
-ocid uses i.e. containers/image, container/storage, oci-runtime-tool/generate,
-runc or any other OCI compatible runtime. kpod shares state with ocid and so
-has the capability to debug pods/images created by ocid.
+crio uses i.e. containers/image, container/storage, oci-runtime-tool/generate,
+runc or any other OCI compatible runtime. kpod shares state with crio and so
+has the capability to debug pods/images created by crio.
 **kpod [GLOBAL OPTIONS]**
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ has the capability to debug pods/images created by ocid.
 Launch a pod
-ocid(8), ocid.conf(5)
+crio(8), crio.conf(5)
 Dec 2016, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com>
diff --git a/kubernetes.md b/kubernetes.md
index ec0a3764..5585c494 100644
--- a/kubernetes.md
+++ b/kubernetes.md
@@ -11,32 +11,32 @@ so we can keep kubelet running inside container (as well as directly on the host
 Below, you can find an instruction how to switch one or more nodes on running kubernetes cluster from docker to cri-o.
-### Preparing ocid
+### Preparing crio
-You must prepare and install `ocid` on each node you would like to switch. Here's the list of files that must be provided:
+You must prepare and install `crio` on each node you would like to switch. Here's the list of files that must be provided:
 | File path                                  | Description                | Location                                            |
-| `/etc/ocid/ocid.conf`                      | ocid configuration         | Generated on cri-o `make install`                   |
-| `/etc/ocid/seccomp.conf`                   | seccomp config             | Example stored in cri-o repository                  |
+| `/etc/crio/crio.conf`                      | crio configuration         | Generated on cri-o `make install`                   |
+| `/etc/crio/seccomp.conf`                   | seccomp config             | Example stored in cri-o repository                  |
 | `/etc/containers/policy.json`              | containers policy          | Example stored in cri-o repository                  |
-| `/bin/{ocid, runc}`                        | `ocid` and `runc` binaries | Built from cri-o repository                         |
-| `/usr/local/libexec/ocid/conmon`           | `conmon` binary            | Built from cri-o repository                         |
+| `/bin/{crio, runc}`                        | `crio` and `runc` binaries | Built from cri-o repository                         |
+| `/usr/local/libexec/crio/conmon`           | `conmon` binary            | Built from cri-o repository                         |
 | `/opt/cni/bin/{flannel, bridge,...}`       | CNI plugins binaries       | Can be built from sources `containernetworking/cni` |
 | `/etc/cni/net.d/10-mynet.conf`             | Network config             | Example stored in [README file](README.md)          |
-`ocid` binary can be executed directly on host, inside the container or in any way.
+`crio` binary can be executed directly on host, inside the container or in any way.
 However, recommended way is to set it as a systemd service.
 Here's the example of unit file:
-# cat /etc/systemd/system/ocid.service
+# cat /etc/systemd/system/crio.service
 Description=CRI-O daemon
-ExecStart=/bin/ocid --runtime /bin/runc --log /root/ocid.log --debug
+ExecStart=/bin/crio --runtime /bin/runc --log /root/crio.log --debug
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ and stop all kubelet docker containers that are still runing.
 # docker stop $(docker ps | grep k8s_ | awk '{print $1}')
-We have to be sure that `kubelet.service` will start after `ocid.service`.
-It can be done by adding `ocid.service` to `Wants=` section in `/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service`:
+We have to be sure that `kubelet.service` will start after `crio.service`.
+It can be done by adding `crio.service` to `Wants=` section in `/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service`:
 # cat /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service | grep Wants
-Wants=docker.socket ocid.service
+Wants=docker.socket crio.service
 If you'd like to change the way of starting kubelet (e.g. directly on host instead of docker container), you can change it here, but, as mentioned, it's not necessary.
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ KUBELET_ARGS="--pod-manifest-path=/etc/kubernetes/manifests
 You need to add following parameters to `KUBELET_ARGS`:
 * `--experimental-cri=true` - Use Container Runtime Interface. Will be true by default from kubernetes 1.6 release.
 * `--container-runtime=remote` - Use remote runtime with provided socket.
-* `--container-runtime-endpoint=/var/run/ocid.sock` - Socket for remote runtime (default `ocid` socket localization).
+* `--container-runtime-endpoint=/var/run/crio.sock` - Socket for remote runtime (default `crio` socket localization).
 * `--runtime-request-timeout=10m` - Optional but useful. Some requests, especially pulling huge images, may take longer than default (2 minutes) and will cause an error. 
 Kubelet is prepared now.
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ If your cluster is using flannel network, your network configuration should be l
 Then, kubelet will take parameters from `/run/flannel/subnet.env` - file generated by flannel kubelet microservice.
 ## Starting kubelet with cri-o
-Start ocid first, then kubelet. If you created `ocid` service:
+Start crio first, then kubelet. If you created `crio` service:
-# systemctl start ocid
+# systemctl start crio
 # systemctl start kubelet
diff --git a/oci/oci.go b/oci/oci.go
index 1f927102..e486394a 100644
--- a/oci/oci.go
+++ b/oci/oci.go
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ func (r *Runtime) CreateContainer(c *Container, cgroupParent string) error {
 	// Move conmon to specified cgroup
 	if cgroupParent != "" {
 		if r.cgroupManager == "systemd" {
-			logrus.Infof("Running conmon under slice %s and unitName %s", cgroupParent, createUnitName("ocid", c.name))
-			if err = utils.RunUnderSystemdScope(cmd.Process.Pid, cgroupParent, createUnitName("ocid", c.name)); err != nil {
+			logrus.Infof("Running conmon under slice %s and unitName %s", cgroupParent, createUnitName("crio", c.name))
+			if err = utils.RunUnderSystemdScope(cmd.Process.Pid, cgroupParent, createUnitName("crio", c.name)); err != nil {
 				logrus.Warnf("Failed to add conmon to sandbox cgroup: %v", err)
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ func (r *Runtime) ExecSync(c *Container, command []string, timeout int64) (resp
-	logFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "ocid-log-"+c.name)
+	logFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "crio-log-"+c.name)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, ExecSyncError{
 			ExitCode: -1,
diff --git a/pkg/storage/doc.go b/pkg/storage/doc.go
index eed2fbf5..6366b22a 100644
--- a/pkg/storage/doc.go
+++ b/pkg/storage/doc.go
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // Package storage provides helper functions for creating and managing CRI pod
 // sandboxes and containers and metadata associated with them in the format
-// that ocid understands.  The API it provides should be considered to be
+// that crio understands.  The API it provides should be considered to be
 // unstable.
 package storage
diff --git a/server/apparmor/apparmor_common.go b/server/apparmor/apparmor_common.go
index 43670865..6366a66e 100644
--- a/server/apparmor/apparmor_common.go
+++ b/server/apparmor/apparmor_common.go
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package apparmor
 const (
 	// DefaultApparmorProfile is the name of default apparmor profile name.
-	DefaultApparmorProfile = "ocid-default"
+	DefaultApparmorProfile = "crio-default"
 	// ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix is the prefix to an annotation key specifying a container profile.
 	ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix = "container.apparmor.security.beta.kubernetes.io/"
diff --git a/server/config.go b/server/config.go
index 59233772..09bfc5a3 100644
--- a/server/config.go
+++ b/server/config.go
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import (
 // Default paths if none are specified
 const (
-	ocidRoot            = "/var/lib/containers/storage"
-	ocidRunRoot         = "/var/run/containers/storage"
-	conmonPath          = "/usr/local/libexec/ocid/conmon"
+	crioRoot            = "/var/lib/containers/storage"
+	crioRunRoot         = "/var/run/containers/storage"
+	conmonPath          = "/usr/local/libexec/crio/conmon"
 	pauseImage          = "kubernetes/pause"
 	pauseCommand        = "/pause"
 	defaultTransport    = "docker://"
-	seccompProfilePath  = "/etc/ocid/seccomp.json"
-	apparmorProfileName = "ocid-default"
+	seccompProfilePath  = "/etc/crio/seccomp.json"
+	apparmorProfileName = "crio-default"
 	cniConfigDir        = "/etc/cni/net.d/"
 	cniBinDir           = "/opt/cni/bin/"
 	cgroupManager       = "cgroupfs"
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type Config struct {
 // while also not requiring a bunch of layered structs for no good
 // reason.
-// RootConfig represents the root of the "ocid" TOML config table.
+// RootConfig represents the root of the "crio" TOML config table.
 type RootConfig struct {
 	// Root is a path to the "root directory" where data not
 	// explicitly handled by other options will be stored.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ type RootConfig struct {
 	LogDir string `toml:"log_dir"`
-// APIConfig represents the "ocid.api" TOML config table.
+// APIConfig represents the "crio.api" TOML config table.
 type APIConfig struct {
 	// Listen is the path to the AF_LOCAL socket on which cri-o will listen.
 	// This may support proto://addr formats later, but currently this is just
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ type APIConfig struct {
 	Listen string `toml:"listen"`
-// RuntimeConfig represents the "ocid.runtime" TOML config table.
+// RuntimeConfig represents the "crio.runtime" TOML config table.
 type RuntimeConfig struct {
-	// Runtime is a path to the OCI runtime which ocid will be using. Currently
+	// Runtime is a path to the OCI runtime which crio will be using. Currently
 	// the only known working choice is runC, simply because the OCI has not
 	// yet merged a CLI API (so we assume runC's API here).
 	Runtime string `toml:"runtime"`
-	// RuntimeHostPrivileged is a path to the OCI runtime which ocid will be
+	// RuntimeHostPrivileged is a path to the OCI runtime which crio will be
 	// using for host privileged operations.
 	RuntimeHostPrivileged string `toml:"runtime_host_privileged"`
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ type RuntimeConfig struct {
 	CgroupManager string `toml:"cgroup_manager"`
-// ImageConfig represents the "ocid.image" TOML config table.
+// ImageConfig represents the "crio.image" TOML config table.
 type ImageConfig struct {
 	// DefaultTransport is a value we prefix to image names that fail to
 	// validate source references.
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ type ImageConfig struct {
 	SignaturePolicyPath string `toml:"signature_policy"`
-// NetworkConfig represents the "ocid.network" TOML config table
+// NetworkConfig represents the "crio.network" TOML config table
 type NetworkConfig struct {
 	// NetworkDir is where CNI network configuration files are stored.
 	NetworkDir string `toml:"network_dir"`
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ type tomlConfig struct {
 		Runtime struct{ RuntimeConfig } `toml:"runtime"`
 		Image   struct{ ImageConfig }   `toml:"image"`
 		Network struct{ NetworkConfig } `toml:"network"`
-	} `toml:"ocid"`
+	} `toml:"crio"`
 func (t *tomlConfig) toConfig(c *Config) {
@@ -195,16 +195,16 @@ func (c *Config) ToFile(path string) error {
 	return ioutil.WriteFile(path, w.Bytes(), 0644)
-// DefaultConfig returns the default configuration for ocid.
+// DefaultConfig returns the default configuration for crio.
 func DefaultConfig() *Config {
 	return &Config{
 		RootConfig: RootConfig{
-			Root:    ocidRoot,
-			RunRoot: ocidRunRoot,
-			LogDir:  "/var/log/ocid/pods",
+			Root:    crioRoot,
+			RunRoot: crioRunRoot,
+			LogDir:  "/var/log/crio/pods",
 		APIConfig: APIConfig{
-			Listen: "/var/run/ocid.sock",
+			Listen: "/var/run/crio.sock",
 		RuntimeConfig: RuntimeConfig{
 			Runtime:               "/usr/bin/runc",
diff --git a/server/container_create.go b/server/container_create.go
index 3b7ce7e8..bc4f1eed 100644
--- a/server/container_create.go
+++ b/server/container_create.go
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ func (s *Server) createSandboxContainer(ctx context.Context, containerID string,
 		if sb.cgroupParent != "" {
 			if s.config.CgroupManager == "systemd" {
-				cgPath := sb.cgroupParent + ":" + "ocid" + ":" + containerID
+				cgPath := sb.cgroupParent + ":" + "crio" + ":" + containerID
 			} else {
 				specgen.SetLinuxCgroupsPath(sb.cgroupParent + "/" + containerID)
@@ -511,31 +511,31 @@ func (s *Server) createSandboxContainer(ctx context.Context, containerID string,
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/name", containerName)
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/sandbox_id", sb.id)
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/sandbox_name", sb.infraContainer.Name())
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/container_type", containerTypeContainer)
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/log_path", logPath)
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/tty", fmt.Sprintf("%v", containerConfig.Tty))
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/image", image)
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/name", containerName)
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/sandbox_id", sb.id)
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/sandbox_name", sb.infraContainer.Name())
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/container_type", containerTypeContainer)
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/log_path", logPath)
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/tty", fmt.Sprintf("%v", containerConfig.Tty))
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/image", image)
 	metadataJSON, err := json.Marshal(metadata)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/metadata", string(metadataJSON))
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/metadata", string(metadataJSON))
 	labelsJSON, err := json.Marshal(labels)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/labels", string(labelsJSON))
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/labels", string(labelsJSON))
 	annotationsJSON, err := json.Marshal(annotations)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	specgen.AddAnnotation("ocid/annotations", string(annotationsJSON))
+	specgen.AddAnnotation("crio/annotations", string(annotationsJSON))
 	if err = s.setupSeccomp(&specgen, containerName, sb.annotations); err != nil {
 		return nil, err
diff --git a/server/sandbox_run.go b/server/sandbox_run.go
index a43bd55f..d10b1290 100644
--- a/server/sandbox_run.go
+++ b/server/sandbox_run.go
@@ -252,20 +252,20 @@ func (s *Server) RunPodSandbox(ctx context.Context, req *pb.RunPodSandboxRequest
 	privileged := s.privilegedSandbox(req)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/metadata", string(metadataJSON))
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/labels", string(labelsJSON))
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/annotations", string(annotationsJSON))
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/log_path", logPath)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/name", name)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/container_type", containerTypeSandbox)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/sandbox_id", id)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/container_name", containerName)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/container_id", id)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/shm_path", shmPath)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/privileged_runtime", fmt.Sprintf("%v", privileged))
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/resolv_path", resolvPath)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/hostname", hostname)
-	g.AddAnnotation("ocid/kube_name", kubeName)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/metadata", string(metadataJSON))
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/labels", string(labelsJSON))
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/annotations", string(annotationsJSON))
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/log_path", logPath)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/name", name)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/container_type", containerTypeSandbox)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/sandbox_id", id)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/container_name", containerName)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/container_id", id)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/shm_path", shmPath)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/privileged_runtime", fmt.Sprintf("%v", privileged))
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/resolv_path", resolvPath)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/hostname", hostname)
+	g.AddAnnotation("crio/kube_name", kubeName)
 	sb := &sandbox{
 		id:           id,
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ func (s *Server) RunPodSandbox(ctx context.Context, req *pb.RunPodSandboxRequest
 	cgroupParent := req.GetConfig().GetLinux().CgroupParent
 	if cgroupParent != "" {
 		if s.config.CgroupManager == "systemd" {
-			cgPath := cgroupParent + ":" + "ocid" + ":" + id
+			cgPath := cgroupParent + ":" + "crio" + ":" + id
 		} else {
diff --git a/server/server.go b/server/server.go
index 2fe7e3ee..39c93f35 100644
--- a/server/server.go
+++ b/server/server.go
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import (
 const (
 	runtimeAPIVersion = "v1alpha1"
-	shutdownFile      = "/var/lib/ocid/ocid.shutdown"
+	shutdownFile      = "/var/lib/crio/crio.shutdown"
 // streamService implements streaming.Runtime.
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ func (s *Server) loadContainer(id string) error {
 		return err
 	labels := make(map[string]string)
-	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["ocid/labels"]), &labels); err != nil {
+	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["crio/labels"]), &labels); err != nil {
 		return err
-	name := m.Annotations["ocid/name"]
+	name := m.Annotations["crio/name"]
 	name, err = s.reserveContainerName(id, name)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -103,16 +103,16 @@ func (s *Server) loadContainer(id string) error {
 	var metadata pb.ContainerMetadata
-	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["ocid/metadata"]), &metadata); err != nil {
+	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["crio/metadata"]), &metadata); err != nil {
 		return err
-	sb := s.getSandbox(m.Annotations["ocid/sandbox_id"])
+	sb := s.getSandbox(m.Annotations["crio/sandbox_id"])
 	if sb == nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("could not get sandbox with id %s, skipping", m.Annotations["ocid/sandbox_id"])
+		return fmt.Errorf("could not get sandbox with id %s, skipping", m.Annotations["crio/sandbox_id"])
 	var tty bool
-	if v := m.Annotations["ocid/tty"]; v == "true" {
+	if v := m.Annotations["crio/tty"]; v == "true" {
 		tty = true
 	containerPath, err := s.store.GetContainerRunDirectory(id)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func (s *Server) loadContainer(id string) error {
 	var img *pb.ImageSpec
-	image, ok := m.Annotations["ocid/image"]
+	image, ok := m.Annotations["crio/image"]
 	if ok {
 		img = &pb.ImageSpec{
 			Image: image,
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ func (s *Server) loadContainer(id string) error {
 	annotations := make(map[string]string)
-	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["ocid/annotations"]), &annotations); err != nil {
+	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["crio/annotations"]), &annotations); err != nil {
 		return err
-	ctr, err := oci.NewContainer(id, name, containerPath, m.Annotations["ocid/log_path"], sb.netNs(), labels, annotations, img, &metadata, sb.id, tty, sb.privileged)
+	ctr, err := oci.NewContainer(id, name, containerPath, m.Annotations["crio/log_path"], sb.netNs(), labels, annotations, img, &metadata, sb.id, tty, sb.privileged)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ func (s *Server) loadSandbox(id string) error {
 		return err
 	labels := make(map[string]string)
-	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["ocid/labels"]), &labels); err != nil {
+	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["crio/labels"]), &labels); err != nil {
 		return err
-	name := m.Annotations["ocid/name"]
+	name := m.Annotations["crio/name"]
 	name, err = s.reservePodName(id, name)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ func (s *Server) loadSandbox(id string) error {
 	var metadata pb.PodSandboxMetadata
-	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["ocid/metadata"]), &metadata); err != nil {
+	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["crio/metadata"]), &metadata); err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -194,26 +194,26 @@ func (s *Server) loadSandbox(id string) error {
 	annotations := make(map[string]string)
-	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["ocid/annotations"]), &annotations); err != nil {
+	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(m.Annotations["crio/annotations"]), &annotations); err != nil {
 		return err
-	privileged := m.Annotations["ocid/privileged_runtime"] == "true"
+	privileged := m.Annotations["crio/privileged_runtime"] == "true"
 	sb := &sandbox{
 		id:           id,
 		name:         name,
-		kubeName:     m.Annotations["ocid/kube_name"],
-		logDir:       filepath.Dir(m.Annotations["ocid/log_path"]),
+		kubeName:     m.Annotations["crio/kube_name"],
+		logDir:       filepath.Dir(m.Annotations["crio/log_path"]),
 		labels:       labels,
 		containers:   oci.NewMemoryStore(),
 		processLabel: processLabel,
 		mountLabel:   mountLabel,
 		annotations:  annotations,
 		metadata:     &metadata,
-		shmPath:      m.Annotations["ocid/shm_path"],
+		shmPath:      m.Annotations["crio/shm_path"],
 		privileged:   privileged,
-		resolvPath:   m.Annotations["ocid/resolv_path"],
+		resolvPath:   m.Annotations["crio/resolv_path"],
 	// We add a netNS only if we can load a permanent one.
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func (s *Server) loadSandbox(id string) error {
 		return err
-	cname, err := s.reserveContainerName(m.Annotations["ocid/container_id"], m.Annotations["ocid/container_name"])
+	cname, err := s.reserveContainerName(m.Annotations["crio/container_id"], m.Annotations["crio/container_name"])
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ func (s *Server) loadSandbox(id string) error {
-	scontainer, err := oci.NewContainer(m.Annotations["ocid/container_id"], cname, sandboxPath, m.Annotations["ocid/log_path"], sb.netNs(), labels, annotations, nil, nil, id, false, privileged)
+	scontainer, err := oci.NewContainer(m.Annotations["crio/container_id"], cname, sandboxPath, m.Annotations["crio/log_path"], sb.netNs(), labels, annotations, nil, nil, id, false, privileged)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
diff --git a/test/README.md b/test/README.md
index dbef4693..8d7e7639 100644
--- a/test/README.md
+++ b/test/README.md
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ make localintegration RUNTIME=cc-oci-runtime
 ## Writing integration tests
 [Helper functions]
 are provided in order to facilitate writing tests.
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ function teardown() {
-@test "ocic runtimeversion" {
-	start_ocid
-	ocic runtimeversion
+@test "crioctl runtimeversion" {
+	start_crio
+	crioctl runtimeversion
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
diff --git a/test/apparmor.bats b/test/apparmor.bats
index 014d3257..a152839d 100644
--- a/test/apparmor.bats
+++ b/test/apparmor.bats
@@ -15,31 +15,31 @@ function teardown() {
         skip "skip this test since apparmor is not enabled."
-    start_ocid
+    start_crio
     sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/testname1": "runtime\/default"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/apparmor1.json
-    run ocic pod run --name apparmor1 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor1.json
+    run crioctl pod run --name apparmor1 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor1.json
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    run ocic ctr create --name testname1 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+    run crioctl ctr create --name testname1 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" touch test.txt
+    run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" touch test.txt
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    stop_ocid
+    stop_crio
-# 2. test running with loading a specific apparmor profile as ocid default apparmor profile.
-# test that we can run with a specific apparmor profile which will block touching a file in `.` as ocid default apparmor profile.
+# 2. test running with loading a specific apparmor profile as crio default apparmor profile.
+# test that we can run with a specific apparmor profile which will block touching a file in `.` as crio default apparmor profile.
 @test "load a specific apparmor profile as default apparmor and run a container with it" {
     # this test requires apparmor, so skip this test if apparmor is not enabled.
@@ -48,31 +48,31 @@ function teardown() {
     load_apparmor_profile "$APPARMOR_TEST_PROFILE_PATH"
-    start_ocid "" "$APPARMOR_TEST_PROFILE_NAME"
+    start_crio "" "$APPARMOR_TEST_PROFILE_NAME"
     sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/testname2": "apparmor-test-deny-write"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/apparmor2.json
-    run ocic pod run --name apparmor2 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor2.json
+    run crioctl pod run --name apparmor2 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor2.json
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    run ocic ctr create --name testname2 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+    run crioctl ctr create --name testname2 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" touch test.txt
+    run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" touch test.txt
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -ne 0 ]
     [[ "$output" =~ "Permission denied" ]]
-    stop_ocid
+    stop_crio
     remove_apparmor_profile "$APPARMOR_TEST_PROFILE_PATH"
-# 3. test running with loading a specific apparmor profile but not as ocid default apparmor profile.
+# 3. test running with loading a specific apparmor profile but not as crio default apparmor profile.
 # test that we can run with a specific apparmor profile which will block touching a file in `.`
 @test "load default apparmor profile and run a container with another apparmor profile" {
     # this test requires apparmor, so skip this test if apparmor is not enabled.
@@ -82,27 +82,27 @@ function teardown() {
     load_apparmor_profile "$APPARMOR_TEST_PROFILE_PATH"
-    start_ocid
+    start_crio
     sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/testname3": "apparmor-test-deny-write"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/apparmor3.json
-    run ocic pod run --name apparmor3 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor3.json
+    run crioctl pod run --name apparmor3 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor3.json
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    run ocic ctr create --name testname3 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+    run crioctl ctr create --name testname3 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" touch test.txt
+    run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" touch test.txt
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -ne 0 ]
     [[ "$output" =~ "Permission denied" ]]
-    stop_ocid
+    stop_crio
     remove_apparmor_profile "$APPARMOR_TEST_PROFILE_PATH"
@@ -115,15 +115,15 @@ function teardown() {
         skip "skip this test since apparmor is not enabled."
-    start_ocid
+    start_crio
     sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/testname4": "not-exists"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/apparmor4.json
-    run ocic pod run --name apparmor4 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor4.json
+    run crioctl pod run --name apparmor4 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor4.json
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    run ocic ctr create --name testname4 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+    run crioctl ctr create --name testname4 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -ne 0 ]
     [[ "$output" =~ "Creating container failed" ]]
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ function teardown() {
-    stop_ocid
+    stop_crio
 # 5. test running with default apparmor profile unloaded.
@@ -143,26 +143,26 @@ function teardown() {
         skip "skip this test since apparmor is not enabled."
-    start_ocid
+    start_crio
     remove_apparmor_profile "$FAKE_OCID_DEFAULT_PROFILE_PATH"
     sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io\/testname5": "runtime\/default"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/apparmor5.json
-    run ocic pod run --name apparmor5 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor5.json
+    run crioctl pod run --name apparmor5 --config "$TESTDIR"/apparmor5.json
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    run ocic ctr create --name testname5 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+    run crioctl ctr create --name testname5 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" touch test.txt
+    run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" touch test.txt
     echo "$output"
     [ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-    stop_ocid
+    stop_crio
diff --git a/test/ctr.bats b/test/ctr.bats
index 375fc8bf..6605358e 100644
--- a/test/ctr.bats
+++ b/test/ctr.bats
@@ -7,125 +7,125 @@ function teardown() {
 @test "ctr remove" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr remove --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr remove --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr lifecycle" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod list
+	run crioctl pod list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list
+	run crioctl ctr list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list
+	run crioctl ctr list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list
+	run crioctl ctr list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr remove --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr remove --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list
+	run crioctl ctr list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod list
+	run crioctl pod list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list
+	run crioctl ctr list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod list
+	run crioctl pod list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list
+	run crioctl ctr list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr logging" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod list
+	run crioctl pod list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	# Create a new container.
-	newconfig=$(mktemp --tmpdir ocid-config.XXXXXX.json)
+	newconfig=$(mktemp --tmpdir crio-config.XXXXXX.json)
 	cp "$TESTDATA"/container_config_logging.json "$newconfig"
 	sed -i 's|"%shellcommand%"|"echo here is some output \&\& echo and some from stderr >\&2"|' "$newconfig"
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$newconfig" --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$newconfig" --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	# Ignore errors on stop.
-	run ocic ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr remove --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr remove --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@@ -136,46 +136,46 @@ function teardown() {
 	grep -E "^[^\n]+ stdout here is some output$" "$logpath"
 	grep -E "^[^\n]+ stderr and some from stderr$" "$logpath"
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr logging [tty=true]" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod list
+	run crioctl pod list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	# Create a new container.
-	newconfig=$(mktemp --tmpdir ocid-config.XXXXXX.json)
+	newconfig=$(mktemp --tmpdir crio-config.XXXXXX.json)
 	cp "$TESTDATA"/container_config_logging.json "$newconfig"
 	sed -i 's|"%shellcommand%"|"echo here is some output"|' "$newconfig"
 	sed -i 's|"tty": false,|"tty": true,|' "$newconfig"
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$newconfig" --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$newconfig" --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	# Ignore errors on stop.
-	run ocic ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr remove --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr remove --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@@ -185,211 +185,211 @@ function teardown() {
 	echo "$logpath :: $(cat "$logpath")"
 	grep -E "^[^\n]+ stdout here is some output$" "$logpath"
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 # regression test for #127
 @test "ctrs status for a pod" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "${output}" != "" ]]
 	printf '%s\n' "$output" | while IFS= read -r id
-		run ocic ctr status --id "$id"
+		run crioctl ctr status --id "$id"
 		echo "$output"
 		[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr list filtering" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json --name pod1
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json --name pod1
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod1_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod1_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr1_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr1_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json --name pod2
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json --name pod2
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod2_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod2_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json --name pod3
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json --name pod3
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod3_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod3_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr3_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr3_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr stop --id "$ctr3_id"
+	run crioctl ctr stop --id "$ctr3_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list --id "$ctr1_id" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --id "$ctr1_id" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr1_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --id "${ctr1_id:0:4}" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --id "${ctr1_id:0:4}" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr1_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --id "$ctr2_id" --pod "$pod2_id" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --id "$ctr2_id" --pod "$pod2_id" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr2_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --id "$ctr2_id" --pod "$pod3_id" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --id "$ctr2_id" --pod "$pod3_id" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" == "" ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --state created --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --state created --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr2_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --state running --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --state running --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr1_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --state stopped --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --state stopped --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr3_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --pod "$pod1_id" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --pod "$pod1_id" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr1_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --pod "$pod2_id" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --pod "$pod2_id" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr2_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --pod "$pod3_id" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --pod "$pod3_id" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr3_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod1_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod1_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod2_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod2_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod3_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod3_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr list label filtering" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id" --name ctr1 --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --label "e=f"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id" --name ctr1 --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --label "e=f"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id" --name ctr2 --label "a=b" --label "c=d"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id" --name ctr2 --label "a=b" --label "c=d"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id" --name ctr3 --label "a=b"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id" --name ctr3 --label "a=b"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list --label "tier=backend" --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --label "e=f" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --label "tier=backend" --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --label "e=f" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr1_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --label "tier=frontend" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --label "tier=frontend" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" == "" ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr1_id"  ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr2_id"  ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --label "a=b" --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --label "a=b" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr1_id"  ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr2_id"  ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$ctr3_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr metadata in list & status" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr list --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	# TODO: expected value should not hard coded here
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Name: container1" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Attempt: 1" ]]
-	run ocic ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	# TODO: expected value should not hard coded here
@@ -398,161 +398,161 @@ function teardown() {
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr execsync" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" echo HELLO
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" echo HELLO
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "HELLO" ]]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" --timeout 1 sleep 10
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" --timeout 1 sleep 10
 	echo "$output"
 	[[ "$output" =~ "command timed out" ]]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr device add" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis_device.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis_device.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" ls /dev/mynull
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" ls /dev/mynull
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "/dev/mynull" ]]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr execsync failure" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" doesnotexist
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" doesnotexist
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -ne 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr execsync exit code" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" false
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" false
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Exit code: 1" ]]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr execsync std{out,err}" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" "echo hello0 stdout"
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" "echo hello0 stdout"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" == *"$(printf "Stdout:\nhello0 stdout")"* ]]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" "echo hello1 stderr >&2"
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" "echo hello1 stderr >&2"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" == *"$(printf "Stderr:\nhello1 stderr")"* ]]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" "echo hello2 stderr >&2; echo hello3 stdout"
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" "echo hello2 stderr >&2; echo hello3 stdout"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" == *"$(printf "Stderr:\nhello2 stderr")"* ]]
 	[[ "$output" == *"$(printf "Stdout:\nhello3 stdout")"* ]]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "ctr stop idempotent" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr stop --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
diff --git a/test/helpers.bash b/test/helpers.bash
index 4a244c16..36903bc1 100644
--- a/test/helpers.bash
+++ b/test/helpers.bash
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ TESTDATA="${INTEGRATION_ROOT}/testdata"
 # Root directory of the repository.
 OCID_ROOT=${OCID_ROOT:-$(cd "$INTEGRATION_ROOT/../.."; pwd -P)}
-# Path of the ocid binary.
-# Path of the ocic binary.
+# Path of the crio binary.
+# Path of the crioctl binary.
 # Path of the conmon binary.
 # Path of the pause binary.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ PAUSE_BINARY=${PAUSE_BINARY:-${OCID_ROOT}/cri-o/pause/pause}
 # Path of the default seccomp profile.
 # Name of the default apparmor profile.
 # Runtime
 RUNTIME_PATH=$(command -v $RUNTIME || true)
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ RUNTIME_BINARY=${RUNTIME_PATH:-/usr/local/sbin/runc}
 # Path of the apparmor profile for test.
-# Path of the apparmor profile for unloading ocid-default.
+# Path of the apparmor profile for unloading crio-default.
 # Name of the apparmor profile for test.
 # Path of boot config.
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ ARTIFACTS_PATH=${ARTIFACTS_PATH:-${OCID_ROOT}/cri-o/.artifacts}
 # Path of the checkseccomp binary.
 # XXX: This is hardcoded inside cri-o at the moment.
 TESTDIR=$(mktemp -d)
 if [ -e /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled ] && /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled; then
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ if [ -e /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled ] && /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled; then
     filelabel=$(awk -F'"' '/^file.*=.*/ {print $2}' /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/contexts/lxc_contexts)
     chcon -R ${filelabel} $TESTDIR
@@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ if ! [ -d "$ARTIFACTS_PATH"/busybox-image ]; then
-# Run ocid using the binary specified by $OCID_BINARY.
-# This must ONLY be run on engines created with `start_ocid`.
-function ocid() {
+# Run crio using the binary specified by $OCID_BINARY.
+# This must ONLY be run on engines created with `start_crio`.
+function crio() {
 	"$OCID_BINARY" --listen "$OCID_SOCKET" "$@"
-# Run ocic using the binary specified by $OCIC_BINARY.
-function ocic() {
+# Run crioctl using the binary specified by $OCIC_BINARY.
+function crioctl() {
 	"$OCIC_BINARY" --connect "$OCID_SOCKET" "$@"
@@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ function retry() {
-# Waits until the given ocid becomes reachable.
+# Waits until the given crio becomes reachable.
 function wait_until_reachable() {
-	retry 15 1 ocic runtimeversion
+	retry 15 1 crioctl runtimeversion
-# Start ocid.
-function start_ocid() {
+# Start crio.
+function start_crio() {
 	if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
@@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ function start_ocid() {
-	# Don't forget: bin2img, copyimg, and ocid have their own default drivers, so if you override any, you probably need to override them all
+	# Don't forget: bin2img, copyimg, and crio have their own default drivers, so if you override any, you probably need to override them all
 	if ! [ "$3" = "--no-pause-image" ] ; then
-		"$BIN2IMG_BINARY" --root "$TESTDIR/ocid" $STORAGE_OPTS --runroot "$TESTDIR/ocid-run" --source-binary "$PAUSE_BINARY"
+		"$BIN2IMG_BINARY" --root "$TESTDIR/crio" $STORAGE_OPTS --runroot "$TESTDIR/crio-run" --source-binary "$PAUSE_BINARY"
-	"$COPYIMG_BINARY" --root "$TESTDIR/ocid" $STORAGE_OPTS --runroot "$TESTDIR/ocid-run" --image-name=redis:alpine --import-from=dir:"$ARTIFACTS_PATH"/redis-image --add-name=docker://docker.io/library/redis:alpine --signature-policy="$INTEGRATION_ROOT"/policy.json
-	"$OCID_BINARY" --conmon "$CONMON_BINARY" --listen "$OCID_SOCKET" --runtime "$RUNTIME_BINARY" --root "$TESTDIR/ocid" --runroot "$TESTDIR/ocid-run" $STORAGE_OPTS --seccomp-profile "$seccomp" --apparmor-profile "$apparmor" --cni-config-dir "$OCID_CNI_CONFIG" --signature-policy "$INTEGRATION_ROOT"/policy.json --config /dev/null config >$OCID_CONFIG
+	"$COPYIMG_BINARY" --root "$TESTDIR/crio" $STORAGE_OPTS --runroot "$TESTDIR/crio-run" --image-name=redis:alpine --import-from=dir:"$ARTIFACTS_PATH"/redis-image --add-name=docker://docker.io/library/redis:alpine --signature-policy="$INTEGRATION_ROOT"/policy.json
+	"$OCID_BINARY" --conmon "$CONMON_BINARY" --listen "$OCID_SOCKET" --runtime "$RUNTIME_BINARY" --root "$TESTDIR/crio" --runroot "$TESTDIR/crio-run" $STORAGE_OPTS --seccomp-profile "$seccomp" --apparmor-profile "$apparmor" --cni-config-dir "$OCID_CNI_CONFIG" --signature-policy "$INTEGRATION_ROOT"/policy.json --config /dev/null config >$OCID_CONFIG
 	# Prepare the CNI configuration files, we're running with non host networking by default
 	if [[ -n "$4" ]]; then
@@ -159,58 +159,58 @@ function start_ocid() {
 	"$OCID_BINARY" --debug --config "$OCID_CONFIG" & OCID_PID=$!
-	run ocic image status --id=redis:alpine
+	run crioctl image status --id=redis:alpine
 	if [ "$status" -ne 0 ] ; then
-		ocic image pull redis:alpine
+		crioctl image pull redis:alpine
-	REDIS_IMAGEID=$(ocic image status --id=redis:alpine | head -1 | sed -e "s/ID: //g")
-	run ocic image status --id=busybox
+	REDIS_IMAGEID=$(crioctl image status --id=redis:alpine | head -1 | sed -e "s/ID: //g")
+	run crioctl image status --id=busybox
 	if [ "$status" -ne 0 ] ; then
-		ocic image pull busybox:latest
+		crioctl image pull busybox:latest
-	BUSYBOX_IMAGEID=$(ocic image status --id=busybox | head -1 | sed -e "s/ID: //g")
+	BUSYBOX_IMAGEID=$(crioctl image status --id=busybox | head -1 | sed -e "s/ID: //g")
 function cleanup_ctrs() {
-	run ocic ctr list --quiet
+	run crioctl ctr list --quiet
 	if [ "$status" -eq 0 ]; then
 		if [ "$output" != "" ]; then
 			printf '%s\n' "$output" | while IFS= read -r line
-			   ocic ctr stop --id "$line" || true
-			   ocic ctr remove --id "$line"
+			   crioctl ctr stop --id "$line" || true
+			   crioctl ctr remove --id "$line"
 function cleanup_images() {
-	run ocic image list --quiet
+	run crioctl image list --quiet
 	if [ "$status" -eq 0 ]; then
 		if [ "$output" != "" ]; then
 			printf '%s\n' "$output" | while IFS= read -r line
-			   ocic image remove --id "$line"
+			   crioctl image remove --id "$line"
 function cleanup_pods() {
-	run ocic pod list --quiet
+	run crioctl pod list --quiet
 	if [ "$status" -eq 0 ]; then
 		if [ "$output" != "" ]; then
 			printf '%s\n' "$output" | while IFS= read -r line
-			   ocic pod stop --id "$line" || true
-			   ocic pod remove --id "$line"
+			   crioctl pod stop --id "$line" || true
+			   crioctl pod remove --id "$line"
-# Stop ocid.
-function stop_ocid() {
+# Stop crio.
+function stop_crio() {
 	if [ "$OCID_PID" != "" ]; then
 		kill "$OCID_PID" >/dev/null 2>&1
 		wait "$OCID_PID"
@@ -220,13 +220,13 @@ function stop_ocid() {
-function restart_ocid() {
+function restart_crio() {
 	if [ "$OCID_PID" != "" ]; then
 		kill "$OCID_PID" >/dev/null 2>&1
 		wait "$OCID_PID"
-		start_ocid
+		start_crio
-		echo "you must start ocid first"
+		echo "you must start crio first"
 		exit 1
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ function is_apparmor_enabled() {
 function prepare_network_conf() {
 	mkdir -p $OCID_CNI_CONFIG
-	cat >$OCID_CNI_CONFIG/10-ocid.conf <<-EOF
+	cat >$OCID_CNI_CONFIG/10-crio.conf <<-EOF
     "cniVersion": "0.2.0",
-    "name": "ocidnet",
+    "name": "crionet",
     "type": "bridge",
     "bridge": "cni0",
     "isGateway": true,
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ function prepare_plugin_test_args_network_conf() {
 	cat >$OCID_CNI_CONFIG/10-plugin-test-args.conf <<-EOF
     "cniVersion": "0.2.0",
-    "name": "ocidnet",
+    "name": "crionet",
     "type": "plugin_test_args.bash"
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ EOF
 function check_pod_cidr() {
-        fullnetns=`ocic pod status --id $1 | grep namespace | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
+        fullnetns=`crioctl pod status --id $1 | grep namespace | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
 	netns=`basename $fullnetns`
 	run ip netns exec $netns ip addr show dev eth0 scope global 2>&1
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ function parse_pod_ip() {
 function ping_pod() {
-	netns=`ocic pod status --id $1 | grep namespace | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
+	netns=`crioctl pod status --id $1 | grep namespace | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
 	inet=`ip netns exec \`basename $netns\` ip addr show dev eth0 scope global | grep inet`
 	IFS=" "
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ function ping_pod() {
 function ping_pod_from_pod() {
-	pod_ip=`ocic pod status --id $1 | grep "IP Address" | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
-	netns=`ocic pod status --id $2 | grep namespace | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
+	pod_ip=`crioctl pod status --id $1 | grep "IP Address" | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
+	netns=`crioctl pod status --id $2 | grep namespace | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
 	ip netns exec `basename $netns` ping -W 1 -c 2 $pod_ip
diff --git a/test/image.bats b/test/image.bats
index fb9ae641..ebad58fc 100644
--- a/test/image.bats
+++ b/test/image.bats
@@ -9,73 +9,73 @@ function teardown() {
 @test "run container in pod with image ID" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	sed -e "s/%VALUE%/$REDIS_IMAGEID/g" "$TESTDATA"/container_config_by_imageid.json > "$TESTDIR"/ctr_by_imageid.json
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDIR"/ctr_by_imageid.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDIR"/ctr_by_imageid.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "image pull" {
-	start_ocid "" "" --no-pause-image
-	run ocic image pull "$IMAGE"
+	start_crio "" "" --no-pause-image
+	run crioctl image pull "$IMAGE"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "image pull and list by digest" {
-	start_ocid "" "" --no-pause-image
-	run ocic image pull nginx@sha256:4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
+	start_crio "" "" --no-pause-image
+	run crioctl image pull nginx@sha256:4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet nginx@sha256:4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
+	run crioctl image list --quiet nginx@sha256:4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$output" != "" ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet nginx@4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
+	run crioctl image list --quiet nginx@4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$output" != "" ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet @4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
+	run crioctl image list --quiet @4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$output" != "" ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet 4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
+	run crioctl image list --quiet 4aacdcf186934dcb02f642579314075910f1855590fd3039d8fa4c9f96e48315
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$output" != "" ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "image list with filter" {
-	start_ocid "" "" --no-pause-image
-	run ocic image pull "$IMAGE"
+	start_crio "" "" --no-pause-image
+	run crioctl image pull "$IMAGE"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet "$IMAGE"
+	run crioctl image list --quiet "$IMAGE"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	printf '%s\n' "$output" | while IFS= read -r id; do
-		run ocic image remove --id "$id"
+		run crioctl image remove --id "$id"
 		echo "$output"
 		[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet
+	run crioctl image list --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	printf '%s\n' "$output" | while IFS= read -r id; do
@@ -83,24 +83,24 @@ function teardown() {
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "image list/remove" {
-	start_ocid "" "" --no-pause-image
-	run ocic image pull "$IMAGE"
+	start_crio "" "" --no-pause-image
+	run crioctl image pull "$IMAGE"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet
+	run crioctl image list --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[ "$output" != "" ]
 	printf '%s\n' "$output" | while IFS= read -r id; do
-		run ocic image remove --id "$id"
+		run crioctl image remove --id "$id"
 		echo "$output"
 		[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet
+	run crioctl image list --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[ "$output" = "" ]
@@ -109,28 +109,28 @@ function teardown() {
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "image status/remove" {
-	start_ocid "" "" --no-pause-image
-	run ocic image pull "$IMAGE"
+	start_crio "" "" --no-pause-image
+	run crioctl image pull "$IMAGE"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet
+	run crioctl image list --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[ "$output" != "" ]
 	printf '%s\n' "$output" | while IFS= read -r id; do
-		run ocic image status --id "$id"
+		run crioctl image status --id "$id"
 		echo "$output"
 		[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 		[ "$output" != "" ]
-		run ocic image remove --id "$id"
+		run crioctl image remove --id "$id"
 		echo "$output"
 		[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic image list --quiet
+	run crioctl image list --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[ "$output" = "" ]
@@ -139,5 +139,5 @@ function teardown() {
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
diff --git a/test/network.bats b/test/network.bats
index 39480d40..fab38d98 100644
--- a/test/network.bats
+++ b/test/network.bats
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 load helpers
 @test "Check for valid pod netns CIDR" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ load helpers
 	check_pod_cidr $pod_id
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "Ping pod from the host" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@ load helpers
 	ping_pod $pod_id
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "Ping pod from another pod" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	temp_sandbox_conf cni_test
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDIR"/sandbox_config_cni_test.json
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDIR"/sandbox_config_cni_test.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
@@ -49,21 +49,21 @@ load helpers
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "Ensure correct CNI plugin namespace/name/container-id arguments" {
-	start_ocid "" "" "" "prepare_plugin_test_args_network_conf"
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio "" "" "" "prepare_plugin_test_args_network_conf"
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	. /tmp/plugin_test_args.out
-	[ "$FOUND_CNI_CONTAINERID" != "redhat.test.ocid" ]
+	[ "$FOUND_CNI_CONTAINERID" != "redhat.test.crio" ]
 	[ "$FOUND_CNI_CONTAINERID" != "podsandbox1" ]
-	[ "$FOUND_K8S_POD_NAMESPACE" = "redhat.test.ocid" ]
+	[ "$FOUND_K8S_POD_NAMESPACE" = "redhat.test.crio" ]
 	[ "$FOUND_K8S_POD_NAME" = "podsandbox1" ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
diff --git a/test/pod.bats b/test/pod.bats
index a805e0b9..762dee5c 100644
--- a/test/pod.bats
+++ b/test/pod.bats
@@ -8,282 +8,282 @@ function teardown() {
 # PR#59
 @test "pod release name on remove" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	echo "$output"
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "pod remove" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "pod list filtering" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json -name pod1 --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --label "e=f"
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json -name pod1 --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --label "e=f"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json -name pod2 --label "a=b" --label "c=d"
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json -name pod2 --label "a=b" --label "c=d"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json -name pod3 --label "a=b"
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json -name pod3 --label "a=b"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod list --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --label "e=f" --quiet
+	run crioctl pod list --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --label "e=f" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod1_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod list --label "g=h" --quiet
+	run crioctl pod list --label "g=h" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" == "" ]]
-	run ocic pod list --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --quiet
+	run crioctl pod list --label "a=b" --label "c=d" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod1_id"  ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod2_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod list --label "a=b" --quiet
+	run crioctl pod list --label "a=b" --quiet
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod1_id"  ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod2_id"  ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod3_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod1_id"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod1_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod1_id"  ]]
 	# filter by truncated id should work as well
-	run ocic pod list --id "${pod1_id:0:4}"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "${pod1_id:0:4}"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod1_id" ]]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod2_id"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod2_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod2_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod3_id"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod3_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod3_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod1_id" --label "a=b"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod1_id" --label "a=b"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod1_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod2_id" --label "a=b"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod2_id" --label "a=b"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod2_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod3_id" --label "a=b"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod3_id" --label "a=b"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" != "" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "$pod3_id"  ]]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod3_id" --label "c=d"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod3_id" --label "c=d"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" == "" ]]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod1_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod1_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod2_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod2_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod3_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod3_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "pod metadata in list & status" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	# TODO: expected value should not hard coded here
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Name: podsandbox1" ]]
-	[[ "$output" =~ "UID: redhat-test-ocid" ]]
-	[[ "$output" =~ "Namespace: redhat.test.ocid" ]]
+	[[ "$output" =~ "UID: redhat-test-crio" ]]
+	[[ "$output" =~ "Namespace: redhat.test.crio" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Attempt: 1" ]]
-	run ocic pod status --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod status --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	# TODO: expected value should not hard coded here
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Name: podsandbox1" ]]
-	[[ "$output" =~ "UID: redhat-test-ocid" ]]
-	[[ "$output" =~ "Namespace: redhat.test.ocid" ]]
+	[[ "$output" =~ "UID: redhat-test-crio" ]]
+	[[ "$output" =~ "Namespace: redhat.test.crio" ]]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Attempt: 1" ]]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "pass pod sysctls to runtime" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --pod "$pod_id" --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json
+	run crioctl ctr create --pod "$pod_id" --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$container_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$container_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$container_id" sysctl kernel.shm_rmid_forced
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$container_id" sysctl kernel.shm_rmid_forced
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "kernel.shm_rmid_forced = 1" ]]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$container_id" sysctl kernel.msgmax
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$container_id" sysctl kernel.msgmax
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "kernel.msgmax = 8192" ]]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$container_id" sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$container_id" sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024	65000" ]]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "pod stop idempotent" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "pod remove idempotent" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod remove --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod remove --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 @test "pod stop idempotent with ctrs already stopped" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
-@test "restart ocid and still get pod status" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+@test "restart crio and still get pod status" {
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod stop --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod stop --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	restart_ocid
-	run ocic pod status --id "$pod_id"
+	restart_crio
+	run crioctl pod status --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[ "$output" != "" ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
diff --git a/test/restore.bats b/test/restore.bats
index 6e345c34..c50344a1 100644
--- a/test/restore.bats
+++ b/test/restore.bats
@@ -6,74 +6,74 @@ function teardown() {
-@test "ocid restore" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
+@test "crio restore" {
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic pod status --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod status --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr list --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr list --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic pod list
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl pod list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "${output}" != "" ]]
 	[[ "${output}" =~ "${pod_id}" ]]
-	run ocic pod list --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod list --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "${output}" == "${pod_list_info}" ]]
-	run ocic pod status --id "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl pod status --id "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "${output}" == "${pod_status_info}" ]]
-	run ocic ctr list
+	run crioctl ctr list
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "${output}" != "" ]]
 	[[ "${output}" =~ "${pod_id}" ]]
-	run ocic ctr list --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr list --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "${output}" == "${ctr_list_info}" ]]
-	run ocic ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr status --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "${output}" == "${ctr_status_info}" ]]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
diff --git a/test/runtimeversion.bats b/test/runtimeversion.bats
index c0398cc7..f0d2a436 100644
--- a/test/runtimeversion.bats
+++ b/test/runtimeversion.bats
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ function teardown() {
-@test "ocic runtimeversion" {
-	start_ocid
-	run ocic runtimeversion
+@test "crioctl runtimeversion" {
+	start_crio
+	run crioctl runtimeversion
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
diff --git a/test/seccomp.bats b/test/seccomp.bats
index fa20978a..721197ff 100644
--- a/test/seccomp.bats
+++ b/test/seccomp.bats
@@ -19,27 +19,27 @@ function teardown() {
 	sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.ocid-seccomp1-1-testname-0": "unconfined"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp1.json
-	run ocic pod run --name seccomp1 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp1.json
+	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.crio-seccomp1-1-testname-0": "unconfined"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp1.json
+	run crioctl pod run --name seccomp1 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp1.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --name testname --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --name testname --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 # 2. test running with ctr runtime/default
@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ function teardown() {
 	sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.ocid-seccomp2-1-testname2-0": "runtime\/default"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp2.json
-	run ocic pod run --name seccomp2 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp2.json
+	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.crio-seccomp2-1-testname2-0": "runtime\/default"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp2.json
+	run crioctl pod run --name seccomp2 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp2.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --name testname2 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --name testname2 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Exit code: 1" ]]
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function teardown() {
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 # 3. test running with ctr wrong profile name
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ function teardown() {
 	sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.ocid-seccomp3-1-testname3-1": "notgood"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp3.json
-	run ocic pod run --name seccomp3 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp3.json
+	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.crio-seccomp3-1-testname3-1": "notgood"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp3.json
+	run crioctl pod run --name seccomp3 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp3.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --name testname3 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --name testname3 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -ne 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "unknown seccomp profile option:" ]]
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ function teardown() {
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 # TODO(runcom): need https://issues.k8s.io/36997
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ function teardown() {
 	#sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	#sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	#start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	#start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	skip "need https://issues.k8s.io/36997"
@@ -143,21 +143,21 @@ function teardown() {
 	sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.ocid-seccomp2-1-testname2-0-not-exists": "unconfined", "security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/pod": "runtime\/default"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp5.json
-	run ocic pod run --name seccomp5 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp5.json
+	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.crio-seccomp2-1-testname2-0-not-exists": "unconfined", "security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/pod": "runtime\/default"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp5.json
+	run crioctl pod run --name seccomp5 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp5.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Exit code: 1" ]]
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ function teardown() {
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 # 6. test running with unkwown ctr profile and no pod, falls back to unconfined
@@ -183,27 +183,27 @@ function teardown() {
 	sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.ocid-seccomp6-1-testname6-0-not-exists": "runtime-default"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp6.json
-	run ocic pod run --name seccomp6 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp6.json
+	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/container\/redhat\.test\.crio-seccomp6-1-testname6-0-not-exists": "runtime-default"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp6.json
+	run crioctl pod run --name seccomp6 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp6.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --name testname6 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --name testname6 --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 # 1. test running with pod unconfined
@@ -219,27 +219,27 @@ function teardown() {
 	sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/pod": "unconfined"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp1.json
-	run ocic pod run --name seccomp1 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp1.json
+	run crioctl pod run --name seccomp1 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp1.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 # 2. test running with pod runtime/default
@@ -255,21 +255,21 @@ function teardown() {
 	sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/pod": "runtime\/default"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp2.json
-	run ocic pod run --name seccomp2 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp2.json
+	run crioctl pod run --name seccomp2 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp2.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_redis.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
+	run crioctl ctr start --id "$ctr_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
+	run crioctl ctr execsync --id "$ctr_id" chmod 777 .
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "Exit code: 1" ]]
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ function teardown() {
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 # 3. test running with pod wrong profile name
@@ -292,15 +292,15 @@ function teardown() {
 	sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	# 3. test running with pod wrong profile name
 	sed -e 's/%VALUE%/,"security\.alpha\.kubernetes\.io\/seccomp\/pod": "notgood"/g' "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config_seccomp.json > "$TESTDIR"/seccomp3.json
-	run ocic pod run --name seccomp3 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp3.json
+	run crioctl pod run --name seccomp3 --config "$TESTDIR"/seccomp3.json
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
-	run ocic ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
+	run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id"
 	echo "$output"
 	[ "$status" -ne 0 ]
 	[[ "$output" =~ "unknown seccomp profile option:" ]]
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ function teardown() {
-	stop_ocid
+	stop_crio
 # TODO(runcom): need https://issues.k8s.io/36997
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ function teardown() {
 	#sed -i 's/"fchmod",//' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	#sed -i 's/"fchmodat",//g' "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
-	#start_ocid "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
+	#start_crio "$TESTDIR"/seccomp_profile1.json
 	skip "need https://issues.k8s.io/36997"
diff --git a/test/testdata/README.md b/test/testdata/README.md
index 2fef7118..afc6b32f 100644
--- a/test/testdata/README.md
+++ b/test/testdata/README.md
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 In terminal 1:
-sudo ./ocid
+sudo ./crio
 In terminal 2:
-sudo ./ocic runtimeversion
+sudo ./crioctl runtimeversion
 sudo rm -rf /var/lib/containers/storage/sandboxes/podsandbox1
-sudo ./ocic pod run --config testdata/sandbox_config.json
+sudo ./crioctl pod run --config testdata/sandbox_config.json
 sudo rm -rf /var/lib/containers/storage/containers/container1
-sudo ./ocic container create --pod podsandbox1 --config testdata/container_config.json
+sudo ./crioctl container create --pod podsandbox1 --config testdata/container_config.json
diff --git a/test/testdata/container_config.json b/test/testdata/container_config.json
index fecc72eb..27ea3f98 100644
--- a/test/testdata/container_config.json
+++ b/test/testdata/container_config.json
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	"annotations": {
 		"owner": "dragon",
-		"daemon": "ocid"
+		"daemon": "crio"
 	"privileged": true,
 	"readonly_rootfs": true,
diff --git a/test/testdata/container_config_by_imageid.json b/test/testdata/container_config_by_imageid.json
index 7bed4b4f..fe34fc0c 100644
--- a/test/testdata/container_config_by_imageid.json
+++ b/test/testdata/container_config_by_imageid.json
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	"annotations": {
 		"owner": "dragon",
-		"daemon": "ocid"
+		"daemon": "crio"
 	"privileged": true,
 	"readonly_rootfs": true,
diff --git a/test/testdata/container_config_logging.json b/test/testdata/container_config_logging.json
index 018f9539..ba661dcd 100644
--- a/test/testdata/container_config_logging.json
+++ b/test/testdata/container_config_logging.json
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 	"annotations": {
 		"owner": "dragon",
-		"daemon": "ocid"
+		"daemon": "crio"
 	"privileged": true,
 	"readonly_rootfs": true,
diff --git a/test/testdata/container_config_seccomp.json b/test/testdata/container_config_seccomp.json
index e62be3c1..c476fbda 100644
--- a/test/testdata/container_config_seccomp.json
+++ b/test/testdata/container_config_seccomp.json
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 	"annotations": {
 		"owner": "dragon",
-		"daemon": "ocid"
+		"daemon": "crio"
 	"privileged": true,
 	"readonly_rootfs": true,
diff --git a/test/testdata/fake_ocid_default b/test/testdata/fake_ocid_default
index 9c6e6b84..915fb17d 100644
--- a/test/testdata/fake_ocid_default
+++ b/test/testdata/fake_ocid_default
@@ -1 +1 @@
-profile ocid-default flags=(attach_disconnected) {}
+profile crio-default flags=(attach_disconnected) {}
diff --git a/test/testdata/sandbox_config.json b/test/testdata/sandbox_config.json
index 39241317..5833013b 100644
--- a/test/testdata/sandbox_config.json
+++ b/test/testdata/sandbox_config.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 	"metadata": {
 		"name": "podsandbox1",
-		"uid": "redhat-test-ocid",
-		"namespace": "redhat.test.ocid",
+		"uid": "redhat-test-crio",
+		"namespace": "redhat.test.crio",
 		"attempt": 1
-	"hostname": "ocic_host",
+	"hostname": "crioctl_host",
 	"log_directory": "",
 	"dns_options": {
 		"servers": [
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 		"security.alpha.kubernetes.io/seccomp/pod": "unconfined"
 	"linux": {
-		"cgroup_parent": "/ocid-podsandbox1",
+		"cgroup_parent": "/crio-podsandbox1",
 		"security_context": {
 			"namespace_options": {
 				"host_network": false,
diff --git a/test/testdata/sandbox_config_hostnet.json b/test/testdata/sandbox_config_hostnet.json
index 44a72166..7315960d 100644
--- a/test/testdata/sandbox_config_hostnet.json
+++ b/test/testdata/sandbox_config_hostnet.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 	"metadata": {
 		"name": "podsandbox1",
-		"uid": "redhat-test-ocid",
-		"namespace": "redhat.test.ocid",
+		"uid": "redhat-test-crio",
+		"namespace": "redhat.test.crio",
 		"attempt": 1
-	"hostname": "ocic_host",
+	"hostname": "crioctl_host",
 	"log_directory": "",
 	"dns_options": {
 		"servers": [
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 		"security.alpha.kubernetes.io/seccomp/pod": "unconfined"
 	"linux": {
-		"cgroup_parent": "/ocid-podsandbox1",
+		"cgroup_parent": "/crio-podsandbox1",
 		"security_context": {
 			"namespace_options": {
 				"host_network": true,
diff --git a/test/testdata/sandbox_config_seccomp.json b/test/testdata/sandbox_config_seccomp.json
index de666222..97c8b5ed 100644
--- a/test/testdata/sandbox_config_seccomp.json
+++ b/test/testdata/sandbox_config_seccomp.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 	"metadata": {
 		"name": "podsandbox1",
-		"uid": "redhat-test-ocid",
-		"namespace": "redhat.test.ocid",
+		"uid": "redhat-test-crio",
+		"namespace": "redhat.test.crio",
 		"attempt": 1
-	"hostname": "ocic_host",
+	"hostname": "crioctl_host",
 	"log_directory": "",
 	"dns_options": {
 		"servers": [
diff --git a/tutorial.md b/tutorial.md
index 74011534..e981f892 100644
--- a/tutorial.md
+++ b/tutorial.md
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ gcloud compute ssh cri-o
 This section will walk you through installing the following components:
-* ocid - The implementation of the Kubernetes CRI, which manages Pods.
-* ocic - The ocid client for testing.
+* crio - The implementation of the Kubernetes CRI, which manages Pods.
+* crioctl - The crio client for testing.
 * cni - The Container Network Interface
 * runc - The OCI runtime to launch the container
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ commit: c91b5bea4830a57eac7882d7455d59518cdf70ec
 spec: 1.0.0-rc2-dev
-### ocid
+### crio
-The `ocid` project does not ship binary releases so you'll need to build it from source.
+The `crio` project does not ship binary releases so you'll need to build it from source.
 #### Install the Go runtime and tool chain
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ go version
 go version go1.7.4 linux/amd64
-#### Build ocid from source
+#### Build crio from source
 sudo apt-get install -y libglib2.0-dev libseccomp-dev libapparmor-dev
@@ -130,16 +130,16 @@ Output:
 install -D -m 755 kpod /usr/local/bin/kpod
-install -D -m 755 ocid /usr/local/bin/ocid
-install -D -m 755 ocic /usr/local/bin/ocic
-install -D -m 755 conmon/conmon /usr/local/libexec/ocid/conmon
-install -D -m 755 pause/pause /usr/local/libexec/ocid/pause
+install -D -m 755 crio /usr/local/bin/crio
+install -D -m 755 crioctl /usr/local/bin/crioctl
+install -D -m 755 conmon/conmon /usr/local/libexec/crio/conmon
+install -D -m 755 pause/pause /usr/local/libexec/crio/pause
 install -d -m 755 /usr/local/share/man/man{1,5,8}
 install -m 644 docs/kpod.1 docs/kpod-launch.1 -t /usr/local/share/man/man1
-install -m 644 docs/ocid.conf.5 -t /usr/local/share/man/man5
-install -m 644 docs/ocid.8 -t /usr/local/share/man/man8
-install -D -m 644 ocid.conf /etc/ocid/ocid.conf
-install -D -m 644 seccomp.json /etc/ocid/seccomp.json
+install -m 644 docs/crio.conf.5 -t /usr/local/share/man/man5
+install -m 644 docs/crio.8 -t /usr/local/share/man/man8
+install -D -m 644 crio.conf /etc/crio/crio.conf
+install -D -m 644 seccomp.json /etc/crio/seccomp.json
 If you are installing for the first time, generate config as follows:
@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ make install.config
-install -D -m 644 ocid.conf /etc/ocid/ocid.conf
-install -D -m 644 seccomp.json /etc/ocid/seccomp.json
+install -D -m 644 crio.conf /etc/crio/crio.conf
+install -D -m 644 seccomp.json /etc/crio/seccomp.json
-#### Start the ocid system daemon
+#### Start the crio system daemon
 sudo sh -c 'echo "[Unit]
@@ -163,28 +163,28 @@ Description=OCI-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface
-ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ocid --debug
+ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/crio --debug
-WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /etc/systemd/system/ocid.service'
+WantedBy=multi-user.target" > /etc/systemd/system/crio.service'
 sudo systemctl daemon-reload
-sudo systemctl enable ocid
+sudo systemctl enable crio
-sudo systemctl start ocid
+sudo systemctl start crio
-#### Ensure the ocid service is running
+#### Ensure the crio service is running
-sudo ocic runtimeversion
+sudo crioctl runtimeversion
 VersionResponse: Version: 0.1.0, RuntimeName: runc, RuntimeVersion: 1.0.0-rc2, RuntimeApiVersion: v1alpha1
@@ -290,15 +290,15 @@ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o
 Next create the Pod and capture the Pod ID for later use:
-POD_ID=$(sudo ocic pod run --config test/testdata/sandbox_config.json)
+POD_ID=$(sudo crioctl pod run --config test/testdata/sandbox_config.json)
-> sudo ocic pod run --config test/testdata/sandbox_config.json
+> sudo crioctl pod run --config test/testdata/sandbox_config.json
-Use the `ocic` command to get the status of the Pod:
+Use the `crioctl` command to get the status of the Pod:
-sudo ocic pod status --id $POD_ID
+sudo crioctl pod status --id $POD_ID
@@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ Output:
 ID: cd6c0883663c6f4f99697aaa15af8219e351e03696bd866bc3ac055ef289702a
 Name: podsandbox1
-UID: redhat-test-ocid
-Namespace: redhat.test.ocid
+UID: redhat-test-crio
+Namespace: redhat.test.crio
 Attempt: 1
 Created: 2016-12-14 15:59:04.373680832 +0000 UTC
@@ -324,26 +324,26 @@ Annotations:
 ### Create a Redis container inside the Pod
-Use the `ocic` command to create a redis container from a container configuration and attach it to the Pod created earlier:
+Use the `crioctl` command to create a redis container from a container configuration and attach it to the Pod created earlier:
-CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo ocic ctr create --pod $POD_ID --config test/testdata/container_redis.json)
+CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo crioctl ctr create --pod $POD_ID --config test/testdata/container_redis.json)
-> sudo ocic ctr create --pod $POD_ID --config test/testdata/container_redis.json
+> sudo crioctl ctr create --pod $POD_ID --config test/testdata/container_redis.json
-The `ocic ctr create` command  will take a few seconds to return because the redis container needs to be pulled.
+The `crioctl ctr create` command  will take a few seconds to return because the redis container needs to be pulled.
 Start the Redis container:
-sudo ocic ctr start --id $CONTAINER_ID
+sudo crioctl ctr start --id $CONTAINER_ID
 Get the status for the Redis container:
-sudo ocic ctr status --id $CONTAINER_ID
+sudo crioctl ctr status --id $CONTAINER_ID
@@ -391,34 +391,34 @@ Connection closed.
 #### Viewing the Redis logs
-The Redis logs are logged to the stderr of the ocid service, which can be viewed using `journalctl`:
+The Redis logs are logged to the stderr of the crio service, which can be viewed using `journalctl`:
-sudo journalctl -u ocid --no-pager
+sudo journalctl -u crio --no-pager
 ### Stop the redis container and delete the Pod
-sudo ocic ctr stop --id $CONTAINER_ID
+sudo crioctl ctr stop --id $CONTAINER_ID
-sudo ocic ctr remove --id $CONTAINER_ID
+sudo crioctl ctr remove --id $CONTAINER_ID
-sudo ocic pod stop --id $POD_ID
+sudo crioctl pod stop --id $POD_ID
-sudo ocic pod remove --id $POD_ID
+sudo crioctl pod remove --id $POD_ID
-sudo ocic pod list
+sudo crioctl pod list
-sudo ocic ctr list
+sudo crioctl ctr list