Add crio annotations to container endpoint
Signed-off-by: Mrunal Patel <>
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 77 additions and 65 deletions
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ func (c *ContainerServer) LoadSandbox(id string) error {
return err
scontainer, err := oci.NewContainer(m.Annotations[annotations.ContainerID], cname, sandboxPath, m.Annotations[annotations.LogPath], sb.NetNs(), labels, kubeAnnotations, "", "", "", nil, id, false, false, false, privileged, trusted, sandboxDir, created, m.Annotations["org.opencontainers.image.stopSignal"])
scontainer, err := oci.NewContainer(m.Annotations[annotations.ContainerID], cname, sandboxPath, m.Annotations[annotations.LogPath], sb.NetNs(), labels, m.Annotations, kubeAnnotations, "", "", "", nil, id, false, false, false, privileged, trusted, sandboxDir, created, m.Annotations["org.opencontainers.image.stopSignal"])
if err != nil {
return err
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ func (c *ContainerServer) LoadContainer(id string) error {
return err
ctr, err := oci.NewContainer(id, name, containerPath, m.Annotations[annotations.LogPath], sb.NetNs(), labels, kubeAnnotations, img, imgName, imgRef, &metadata, sb.ID(), tty, stdin, stdinOnce, sb.Privileged(), sb.Trusted(), containerDir, created, m.Annotations["org.opencontainers.image.stopSignal"])
ctr, err := oci.NewContainer(id, name, containerPath, m.Annotations[annotations.LogPath], sb.NetNs(), labels, m.Annotations, kubeAnnotations, img, imgName, imgRef, &metadata, sb.ID(), tty, stdin, stdinOnce, sb.Privileged(), sb.Trusted(), containerDir, created, m.Annotations["org.opencontainers.image.stopSignal"])
if err != nil {
return err
@ -22,22 +22,23 @@ const (
// Container represents a runtime container.
type Container struct {
id string
name string
logPath string
labels fields.Set
annotations fields.Set
image string
sandbox string
netns ns.NetNS
terminal bool
stdin bool
stdinOnce bool
privileged bool
trusted bool
state *ContainerState
metadata *pb.ContainerMetadata
opLock sync.Locker
id string
name string
logPath string
labels fields.Set
annotations fields.Set
crioAnnotations fields.Set
image string
sandbox string
netns ns.NetNS
terminal bool
stdin bool
stdinOnce bool
privileged bool
trusted bool
state *ContainerState
metadata *pb.ContainerMetadata
opLock sync.Locker
// this is the /var/run/storage/... directory, erased on reboot
bundlePath string
// this is the /var/lib/storage/... directory
@ -68,31 +69,32 @@ type ContainerState struct {
// NewContainer creates a container object.
func NewContainer(id string, name string, bundlePath string, logPath string, netns ns.NetNS, labels map[string]string, annotations map[string]string, image string, imageName string, imageRef string, metadata *pb.ContainerMetadata, sandbox string, terminal bool, stdin bool, stdinOnce bool, privileged bool, trusted bool, dir string, created time.Time, stopSignal string) (*Container, error) {
func NewContainer(id string, name string, bundlePath string, logPath string, netns ns.NetNS, labels map[string]string, crioAnnotations map[string]string, annotations map[string]string, image string, imageName string, imageRef string, metadata *pb.ContainerMetadata, sandbox string, terminal bool, stdin bool, stdinOnce bool, privileged bool, trusted bool, dir string, created time.Time, stopSignal string) (*Container, error) {
state := &ContainerState{}
state.Created = created
c := &Container{
id: id,
name: name,
bundlePath: bundlePath,
logPath: logPath,
labels: labels,
sandbox: sandbox,
netns: netns,
terminal: terminal,
stdin: stdin,
stdinOnce: stdinOnce,
privileged: privileged,
trusted: trusted,
metadata: metadata,
annotations: annotations,
image: image,
imageName: imageName,
imageRef: imageRef,
dir: dir,
state: state,
stopSignal: stopSignal,
opLock: new(sync.Mutex),
id: id,
name: name,
bundlePath: bundlePath,
logPath: logPath,
labels: labels,
sandbox: sandbox,
netns: netns,
terminal: terminal,
stdin: stdin,
stdinOnce: stdinOnce,
privileged: privileged,
trusted: trusted,
metadata: metadata,
annotations: annotations,
crioAnnotations: crioAnnotations,
image: image,
imageName: imageName,
imageRef: imageRef,
dir: dir,
state: state,
stopSignal: stopSignal,
opLock: new(sync.Mutex),
return c, nil
@ -163,6 +165,11 @@ func (c *Container) Annotations() map[string]string {
return c.annotations
// CrioAnnotations returns the crio annotations of the container.
func (c *Container) CrioAnnotations() map[string]string {
return c.crioAnnotations
// Image returns the image of the container.
func (c *Container) Image() string {
return c.image
@ -862,6 +862,7 @@ func (s *Server) createSandboxContainer(ctx context.Context, containerID string,
specgen.AddAnnotation(annotations.Stdin, fmt.Sprintf("%v", containerConfig.Stdin))
specgen.AddAnnotation(annotations.StdinOnce, fmt.Sprintf("%v", containerConfig.StdinOnce))
specgen.AddAnnotation(annotations.Image, image)
specgen.AddAnnotation(annotations.ResolvPath, sb.InfraContainer().CrioAnnotations()[annotations.ResolvPath])
created := time.Now()
specgen.AddAnnotation(annotations.Created, created.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
@ -1000,7 +1001,9 @@ func (s *Server) createSandboxContainer(ctx context.Context, containerID string,
return nil, err
container, err := oci.NewContainer(containerID, containerName, containerInfo.RunDir, logPath, sb.NetNs(), labels, kubeAnnotations, image, imageName, imageRef, metadata, sb.ID(), containerConfig.Tty, containerConfig.Stdin, containerConfig.StdinOnce, sb.Privileged(), sb.Trusted(), containerInfo.Dir, created, containerImageConfig.Config.StopSignal)
crioAnnotations := specgen.Spec().Annotations
container, err := oci.NewContainer(containerID, containerName, containerInfo.RunDir, logPath, sb.NetNs(), labels, crioAnnotations, kubeAnnotations, image, imageName, imageRef, metadata, sb.ID(), containerConfig.Tty, containerConfig.Stdin, containerConfig.StdinOnce, sb.Privileged(), sb.Trusted(), containerInfo.Dir, created, containerImageConfig.Config.StopSignal)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -46,16 +46,17 @@ func (s *Server) getContainerInfo(id string, getContainerFunc func(id string) *o
return types.ContainerInfo{}, errSandboxNotFound
return types.ContainerInfo{
Name: ctr.Name(),
Pid: ctrState.Pid,
Image: ctr.Image(),
CreatedTime: ctrState.Created.UnixNano(),
Labels: ctr.Labels(),
Annotations: ctr.Annotations(),
Root: ctr.MountPoint(),
LogPath: ctr.LogPath(),
Sandbox: ctr.Sandbox(),
IP: sb.IP(),
Name: ctr.Name(),
Pid: ctrState.Pid,
Image: ctr.Image(),
CreatedTime: ctrState.Created.UnixNano(),
Labels: ctr.Labels(),
Annotations: ctr.Annotations(),
CrioAnnotations: ctr.CrioAnnotations(),
Root: ctr.MountPoint(),
LogPath: ctr.LogPath(),
Sandbox: ctr.Sandbox(),
IP: sb.IP(),
}, nil
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func TestGetContainerInfo(t *testing.T) {
"io.kubernetes.test1": "value1",
getContainerFunc := func(id string) *oci.Container {
container, err := oci.NewContainer("testid", "testname", "", "/container/logs", mockNetNS{}, labels, annotations, "imageName", "imageName", "imageRef", &runtime.ContainerMetadata{}, "testsandboxid", false, false, false, false, false, "/root/for/container", created, "SIGKILL")
container, err := oci.NewContainer("testid", "testname", "", "/container/logs", mockNetNS{}, labels, annotations, annotations, "imageName", "imageName", "imageRef", &runtime.ContainerMetadata{}, "testsandboxid", false, false, false, false, false, "/root/for/container", created, "SIGKILL")
if err != nil {
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ func TestGetContainerInfoCtrStateNil(t *testing.T) {
labels := map[string]string{}
annotations := map[string]string{}
getContainerFunc := func(id string) *oci.Container {
container, err := oci.NewContainer("testid", "testname", "", "/container/logs", mockNetNS{}, labels, annotations, "imageName", "imageName", "imageRef", &runtime.ContainerMetadata{}, "testsandboxid", false, false, false, false, false, "/root/for/container", created, "SIGKILL")
container, err := oci.NewContainer("testid", "testname", "", "/container/logs", mockNetNS{}, labels, annotations, annotations, "imageName", "imageName", "imageRef", &runtime.ContainerMetadata{}, "testsandboxid", false, false, false, false, false, "/root/for/container", created, "SIGKILL")
if err != nil {
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ func TestGetContainerInfoSandboxNotFound(t *testing.T) {
labels := map[string]string{}
annotations := map[string]string{}
getContainerFunc := func(id string) *oci.Container {
container, err := oci.NewContainer("testid", "testname", "", "/container/logs", mockNetNS{}, labels, annotations, "imageName", "imageName", "imageRef", &runtime.ContainerMetadata{}, "testsandboxid", false, false, false, false, false, "/root/for/container", created, "SIGKILL")
container, err := oci.NewContainer("testid", "testname", "", "/container/logs", mockNetNS{}, labels, annotations, annotations, "imageName", "imageName", "imageRef", &runtime.ContainerMetadata{}, "testsandboxid", false, false, false, false, false, "/root/for/container", created, "SIGKILL")
if err != nil {
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ func (s *Server) RunPodSandbox(ctx context.Context, req *pb.RunPodSandboxRequest
g.AddAnnotation(annotations.HostnamePath, hostnamePath)
container, err := oci.NewContainer(id, containerName, podContainer.RunDir, logPath, sb.NetNs(), labels, kubeAnnotations, "", "", "", nil, id, false, false, false, sb.Privileged(), sb.Trusted(), podContainer.Dir, created, podContainer.Config.Config.StopSignal)
container, err := oci.NewContainer(id, containerName, podContainer.RunDir, logPath, sb.NetNs(), labels, g.Spec().Annotations, kubeAnnotations, "", "", "", nil, id, false, false, false, sb.Privileged(), sb.Trusted(), podContainer.Dir, created, podContainer.Config.Config.StopSignal)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -2,16 +2,17 @@ package types
// ContainerInfo stores information about containers
type ContainerInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Pid int `json:"pid"`
Image string `json:"image"`
CreatedTime int64 `json:"created_time"`
Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"`
Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations"`
LogPath string `json:"log_path"`
Root string `json:"root"`
Sandbox string `json:"sandbox"`
IP string `json:"ip_address"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Pid int `json:"pid"`
Image string `json:"image"`
CreatedTime int64 `json:"created_time"`
Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"`
Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations"`
CrioAnnotations map[string]string `json:"crio_annotations"`
LogPath string `json:"log_path"`
Root string `json:"root"`
Sandbox string `json:"sandbox"`
IP string `json:"ip_address"`
// CrioInfo stores information about the crio daemon
Reference in a new issue