#oit## This file is managed by the OpenShift Image Tool #oit## by the OpenShift Continuous Delivery team. #oit## #oit## Any yum repos listed in this file will effectively be ignored during CD builds. #oit## Yum repos must be enabled in the oit configuration files. #oit## Some aspects of this file may be managed programmatically. For example, the image name, labels (version, #oit## release, and other), and the base FROM. Changes made directly in distgit may be lost during the next #oit## reconciliation. #oit## FROM rhel7:7-released RUN \ yum install --setopt=tsflags=nodocs -y socat iptables cri-o iproute runc skopeo-containers container-selinux && \ rpm -V socat iptables cri-o iproute runc skopeo-containers container-selinux && \ yum clean all && \ mkdir -p /exports/hostfs/etc/crio /exports/hostfs/opt/cni/bin/ /exports/hostfs/var/lib/containers/storage/ && \ cp /etc/crio/* /exports/hostfs/etc/crio && \ if test -e /usr/libexec/cni; then cp -Lr /usr/libexec/cni/* /exports/hostfs/opt/cni/bin/; fi COPY manifest.json tmpfiles.template config.json.template service.template /exports/ COPY set_mounts.sh / COPY run.sh /usr/bin/ CMD ["/usr/bin/run.sh"] LABEL \ com.redhat.component="cri-o-docker" \ io.k8s.description="CRI-O is an implementation of the Kubernetes CRI. It is a lightweight, OCI-compliant runtime that is native to kubernetes. CRI-O supports OCI container images and can pull from any container registry." \ maintainer="Jhon Honce " \ name="openshift3/cri-o" \ License="GPLv2+" \ io.k8s.display-name="CRI-O" \ summary="OCI-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface" \ release="" \ version="v3.8.0" \ architecture="x86_64" \ usage="atomic install --system --system-package=no crio && systemctl start crio" \ vendor="Red Hat" \ io.openshift.tags="cri-o system rhel7" \ atomic.type="system"