/* Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package validation import ( "reflect" "strings" "testing" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/validation/field" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/resource" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/service" storageutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/storage/util" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/capabilities" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/security/apparmor" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/intstr" ) const ( dnsLabelErrMsg = "a DNS-1123 label must consist of" dnsSubdomainLabelErrMsg = "a DNS-1123 subdomain" labelErrMsg = "a valid label must be an empty string or consist of" lowerCaseLabelErrMsg = "a valid label must consist of" maxLengthErrMsg = "must be no more than" namePartErrMsg = "name part must consist of" nameErrMsg = "a qualified name must consist of" idErrMsg = "a valid C identifier must" ) func expectPrefix(t *testing.T, prefix string, errs field.ErrorList) { for i := range errs { if f, p := errs[i].Field, prefix; !strings.HasPrefix(f, p) { t.Errorf("expected prefix '%s' for field '%s' (%v)", p, f, errs[i]) } } } func testVolume(name string, namespace string, spec api.PersistentVolumeSpec) *api.PersistentVolume { objMeta := metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: name} if namespace != "" { objMeta.Namespace = namespace } return &api.PersistentVolume{ ObjectMeta: objMeta, Spec: spec, } } func TestValidatePersistentVolumes(t *testing.T) { scenarios := map[string]struct { isExpectedFailure bool volume *api.PersistentVolume }{ "good-volume": { isExpectedFailure: false, volume: testVolume("foo", "", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/foo"}, }, }), }, "good-volume-with-retain-policy": { isExpectedFailure: false, volume: testVolume("foo", "", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/foo"}, }, PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: api.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain, }), }, "invalid-accessmode": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("foo", "", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{"fakemode"}, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/foo"}, }, }), }, "invalid-reclaimpolicy": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("foo", "", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/foo"}, }, PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: "fakeReclaimPolicy", }), }, "unexpected-namespace": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("foo", "unexpected-namespace", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/foo"}, }, }), }, "bad-name": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("123*Bad(Name", "unexpected-namespace", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/foo"}, }, }), }, "missing-name": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("", "", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, }), }, "missing-capacity": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("foo", "", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{}), }, "missing-accessmodes": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("goodname", "missing-accessmodes", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/foo"}, }, }), }, "too-many-sources": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("", "", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("5G"), }, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/foo"}, GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{PDName: "foo", FSType: "ext4"}, }, }), }, "host mount of / with recycle reclaim policy": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("bad-recycle-do-not-want", "", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/"}, }, PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: api.PersistentVolumeReclaimRecycle, }), }, "host mount of / with recycle reclaim policy 2": { isExpectedFailure: true, volume: testVolume("bad-recycle-do-not-want", "", api.PersistentVolumeSpec{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{api.ReadWriteOnce}, PersistentVolumeSource: api.PersistentVolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{Path: "/a/.."}, }, PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: api.PersistentVolumeReclaimRecycle, }), }, } for name, scenario := range scenarios { errs := ValidatePersistentVolume(scenario.volume) if len(errs) == 0 && scenario.isExpectedFailure { t.Errorf("Unexpected success for scenario: %s", name) } if len(errs) > 0 && !scenario.isExpectedFailure { t.Errorf("Unexpected failure for scenario: %s - %+v", name, errs) } } } func testVolumeClaim(name string, namespace string, spec api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec) *api.PersistentVolumeClaim { return &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: name, Namespace: namespace}, Spec: spec, } } func testVolumeClaimStorageClass(name string, namespace string, annval string, spec api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec) *api.PersistentVolumeClaim { annotations := map[string]string{ storageutil.StorageClassAnnotation: annval, } return &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: name, Namespace: namespace, Annotations: annotations, }, Spec: spec, } } func testVolumeClaimAnnotation(name string, namespace string, ann string, annval string, spec api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec) *api.PersistentVolumeClaim { annotations := map[string]string{ ann: annval, } return &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: name, Namespace: namespace, Annotations: annotations, }, Spec: spec, } } func TestValidatePersistentVolumeClaim(t *testing.T) { scenarios := map[string]struct { isExpectedFailure bool claim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim }{ "good-claim": { isExpectedFailure: false, claim: testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: "Exists", }, }, }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }), }, "invalid-label-selector": { isExpectedFailure: true, claim: testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: "InvalidOp", Values: []string{"value1", "value2"}, }, }, }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }), }, "invalid-accessmode": { isExpectedFailure: true, claim: testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{"fakemode"}, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }), }, "missing-namespace": { isExpectedFailure: true, claim: testVolumeClaim("foo", "", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }), }, "no-access-modes": { isExpectedFailure: true, claim: testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }), }, "no-resource-requests": { isExpectedFailure: true, claim: testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, }, }), }, "invalid-resource-requests": { isExpectedFailure: true, claim: testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }), }, "negative-storage-request": { isExpectedFailure: true, claim: testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: "Exists", }, }, }, AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("-10G"), }, }, }), }, } for name, scenario := range scenarios { errs := ValidatePersistentVolumeClaim(scenario.claim) if len(errs) == 0 && scenario.isExpectedFailure { t.Errorf("Unexpected success for scenario: %s", name) } if len(errs) > 0 && !scenario.isExpectedFailure { t.Errorf("Unexpected failure for scenario: %s - %+v", name, errs) } } } func TestValidatePersistentVolumeClaimUpdate(t *testing.T) { validClaim := testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }) validClaimStorageClass := testVolumeClaimStorageClass("foo", "ns", "fast", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }) validClaimAnnotation := testVolumeClaimAnnotation("foo", "ns", "description", "foo-description", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }) validUpdateClaim := testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, VolumeName: "volume", }) invalidUpdateClaimResources := testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("20G"), }, }, VolumeName: "volume", }) invalidUpdateClaimAccessModes := testVolumeClaim("foo", "ns", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, VolumeName: "volume", }) invalidUpdateClaimStorageClass := testVolumeClaimStorageClass("foo", "ns", "fast2", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, VolumeName: "volume", }) validUpdateClaimMutableAnnotation := testVolumeClaimAnnotation("foo", "ns", "description", "updated-or-added-foo-description", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, VolumeName: "volume", }) validAddClaimAnnotation := testVolumeClaimAnnotation("foo", "ns", "description", "updated-or-added-foo-description", api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{ AccessModes: []api.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{ api.ReadWriteOnce, api.ReadOnlyMany, }, Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, VolumeName: "volume", }) scenarios := map[string]struct { isExpectedFailure bool oldClaim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim newClaim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim }{ "valid-update-volumeName-only": { isExpectedFailure: false, oldClaim: validClaim, newClaim: validUpdateClaim, }, "valid-no-op-update": { isExpectedFailure: false, oldClaim: validUpdateClaim, newClaim: validUpdateClaim, }, "invalid-update-change-resources-on-bound-claim": { isExpectedFailure: true, oldClaim: validUpdateClaim, newClaim: invalidUpdateClaimResources, }, "invalid-update-change-access-modes-on-bound-claim": { isExpectedFailure: true, oldClaim: validUpdateClaim, newClaim: invalidUpdateClaimAccessModes, }, "invalid-update-change-storage-class-annotation-after-creation": { isExpectedFailure: true, oldClaim: validClaimStorageClass, newClaim: invalidUpdateClaimStorageClass, }, "valid-update-mutable-annotation": { isExpectedFailure: false, oldClaim: validClaimAnnotation, newClaim: validUpdateClaimMutableAnnotation, }, "valid-update-add-annotation": { isExpectedFailure: false, oldClaim: validClaim, newClaim: validAddClaimAnnotation, }, } for name, scenario := range scenarios { // ensure we have a resource version specified for updates scenario.oldClaim.ResourceVersion = "1" scenario.newClaim.ResourceVersion = "1" errs := ValidatePersistentVolumeClaimUpdate(scenario.newClaim, scenario.oldClaim) if len(errs) == 0 && scenario.isExpectedFailure { t.Errorf("Unexpected success for scenario: %s", name) } if len(errs) > 0 && !scenario.isExpectedFailure { t.Errorf("Unexpected failure for scenario: %s - %+v", name, errs) } } } func TestValidateKeyToPath(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { kp api.KeyToPath ok bool errtype field.ErrorType }{ { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "p"}, ok: true, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "p/p/p/p"}, ok: true, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "p/..p/p../p..p"}, ok: true, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "p", Mode: newInt32(0644)}, ok: true, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "", Path: "p"}, ok: false, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: ""}, ok: false, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "..p"}, ok: false, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "../p"}, ok: false, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "p/../p"}, ok: false, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "p/.."}, ok: false, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "p", Mode: newInt32(01000)}, ok: false, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, }, { kp: api.KeyToPath{Key: "k", Path: "p", Mode: newInt32(-1)}, ok: false, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, }, } for i, tc := range testCases { errs := validateKeyToPath(&tc.kp, field.NewPath("field")) if tc.ok && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("[%d] unexpected errors: %v", i, errs) } else if !tc.ok && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("[%d] expected error type %v", i, tc.errtype) } else if len(errs) > 1 { t.Errorf("[%d] expected only one error, got %d", i, len(errs)) } else if !tc.ok { if errs[0].Type != tc.errtype { t.Errorf("[%d] expected error type %v, got %v", i, tc.errtype, errs[0].Type) } } } } // helper func newInt32(val int) *int32 { p := new(int32) *p = int32(val) return p } // This test is a little too top-to-bottom. Ideally we would test each volume // type on its own, but we want to also make sure that the logic works through // the one-of wrapper, so we just do it all in one place. func TestValidateVolumes(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string vol api.Volume errtype field.ErrorType errfield string errdetail string }{ // EmptyDir and basic volume names { name: "valid alpha name", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "empty", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}, }, }, }, { name: "valid num name", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "123", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}, }, }, }, { name: "valid alphanum name", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "empty-123", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}, }, }, }, { name: "valid numalpha name", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "123-empty", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}, }, }, }, { name: "zero-length name", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "name", }, { name: "name > 63 characters", vol: api.Volume{ Name: strings.Repeat("a", 64), VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "name", errdetail: "must be no more than", }, { name: "name not a DNS label", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "a.b.c", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "name", errdetail: dnsLabelErrMsg, }, // More than one source field specified. { name: "more than one source", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "dups", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}, HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{ Path: "/mnt/path", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeForbidden, errfield: "hostPath", errdetail: "may not specify more than 1 volume", }, // HostPath { name: "valid HostPath", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "hostpath", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ HostPath: &api.HostPathVolumeSource{ Path: "/mnt/path", }, }, }, }, // GcePersistentDisk { name: "valid GcePersistentDisk", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "gce-pd", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{ PDName: "my-PD", FSType: "ext4", Partition: 1, ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, }, // AWSElasticBlockStore { name: "valid AWSElasticBlockStore", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "aws-ebs", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ AWSElasticBlockStore: &api.AWSElasticBlockStoreVolumeSource{ VolumeID: "my-PD", FSType: "ext4", Partition: 1, ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, }, // GitRepo { name: "valid GitRepo", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "git-repo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{ Repository: "my-repo", Revision: "hashstring", Directory: "target", }, }, }, }, { name: "valid GitRepo in .", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "git-repo-dot", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{ Repository: "my-repo", Directory: ".", }, }, }, }, { name: "valid GitRepo with .. in name", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "git-repo-dot-dot-foo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{ Repository: "my-repo", Directory: "..foo", }, }, }, }, { name: "GitRepo starts with ../", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "gitrepo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{ Repository: "foo", Directory: "../dots/bar", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "gitRepo.directory", errdetail: `must not contain '..'`, }, { name: "GitRepo contains ..", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "gitrepo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{ Repository: "foo", Directory: "dots/../bar", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "gitRepo.directory", errdetail: `must not contain '..'`, }, { name: "GitRepo absolute target", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "gitrepo", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ GitRepo: &api.GitRepoVolumeSource{ Repository: "foo", Directory: "/abstarget", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "gitRepo.directory", }, // ISCSI { name: "valid ISCSI", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "iscsi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ISCSI: &api.ISCSIVolumeSource{ TargetPortal: "", IQN: "iqn.2015-02.example.com:test", Lun: 1, FSType: "ext4", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, }, { name: "empty portal", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "iscsi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ISCSI: &api.ISCSIVolumeSource{ TargetPortal: "", IQN: "iqn.2015-02.example.com:test", Lun: 1, FSType: "ext4", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "iscsi.targetPortal", }, { name: "empty iqn", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "iscsi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ISCSI: &api.ISCSIVolumeSource{ TargetPortal: "", IQN: "", Lun: 1, FSType: "ext4", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "iscsi.iqn", }, // Secret { name: "valid Secret", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "secret", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{ SecretName: "my-secret", }, }, }, }, { name: "valid Secret with defaultMode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "secret", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{ SecretName: "my-secret", DefaultMode: newInt32(0644), }, }, }, }, { name: "valid Secret with projection and mode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "secret", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{ SecretName: "my-secret", Items: []api.KeyToPath{{ Key: "key", Path: "filename", Mode: newInt32(0644), }}, }, }, }, }, { name: "valid Secret with subdir projection", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "secret", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{ SecretName: "my-secret", Items: []api.KeyToPath{{ Key: "key", Path: "dir/filename", }}, }, }, }, }, { name: "secret with missing path", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "secret", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{ SecretName: "s", Items: []api.KeyToPath{{Key: "key", Path: ""}}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "secret.items[0].path", }, { name: "secret with leading ..", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "secret", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{ SecretName: "s", Items: []api.KeyToPath{{Key: "key", Path: "../foo"}}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "secret.items[0].path", }, { name: "secret with .. inside", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "secret", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{ SecretName: "s", Items: []api.KeyToPath{{Key: "key", Path: "foo/../bar"}}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "secret.items[0].path", }, { name: "secret with invalid positive defaultMode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "secret", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{ SecretName: "s", DefaultMode: newInt32(01000), }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "secret.defaultMode", }, { name: "secret with invalid negative defaultMode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "secret", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Secret: &api.SecretVolumeSource{ SecretName: "s", DefaultMode: newInt32(-1), }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "secret.defaultMode", }, // ConfigMap { name: "valid ConfigMap", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cfgmap", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ConfigMap: &api.ConfigMapVolumeSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "my-cfgmap", }, }, }, }, }, { name: "valid ConfigMap with defaultMode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cfgmap", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ConfigMap: &api.ConfigMapVolumeSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "my-cfgmap", }, DefaultMode: newInt32(0644), }, }, }, }, { name: "valid ConfigMap with projection and mode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cfgmap", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ConfigMap: &api.ConfigMapVolumeSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "my-cfgmap"}, Items: []api.KeyToPath{{ Key: "key", Path: "filename", Mode: newInt32(0644), }}, }, }, }, }, { name: "valid ConfigMap with subdir projection", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cfgmap", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ConfigMap: &api.ConfigMapVolumeSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "my-cfgmap"}, Items: []api.KeyToPath{{ Key: "key", Path: "dir/filename", }}, }, }, }, }, { name: "configmap with missing path", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cfgmap", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ConfigMap: &api.ConfigMapVolumeSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "c"}, Items: []api.KeyToPath{{Key: "key", Path: ""}}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "configMap.items[0].path", }, { name: "configmap with leading ..", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cfgmap", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ConfigMap: &api.ConfigMapVolumeSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "c"}, Items: []api.KeyToPath{{Key: "key", Path: "../foo"}}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "configMap.items[0].path", }, { name: "configmap with .. inside", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cfgmap", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ConfigMap: &api.ConfigMapVolumeSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "c"}, Items: []api.KeyToPath{{Key: "key", Path: "foo/../bar"}}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "configMap.items[0].path", }, { name: "configmap with invalid positive defaultMode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cfgmap", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ConfigMap: &api.ConfigMapVolumeSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "c"}, DefaultMode: newInt32(01000), }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "configMap.defaultMode", }, { name: "configmap with invalid negative defaultMode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cfgmap", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ ConfigMap: &api.ConfigMapVolumeSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "c"}, DefaultMode: newInt32(-1), }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "configMap.defaultMode", }, // Glusterfs { name: "valid Glusterfs", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "glusterfs", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Glusterfs: &api.GlusterfsVolumeSource{ EndpointsName: "host1", Path: "path", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, }, { name: "empty hosts", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "glusterfs", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Glusterfs: &api.GlusterfsVolumeSource{ EndpointsName: "", Path: "path", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "glusterfs.endpoints", }, { name: "empty path", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "glusterfs", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Glusterfs: &api.GlusterfsVolumeSource{ EndpointsName: "host", Path: "", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "glusterfs.path", }, // Flocker { name: "valid Flocker -- datasetUUID", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "flocker", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Flocker: &api.FlockerVolumeSource{ DatasetUUID: "d846b09d-223d-43df-ab5b-d6db2206a0e4", }, }, }, }, { name: "valid Flocker -- datasetName", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "flocker", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Flocker: &api.FlockerVolumeSource{ DatasetName: "datasetName", }, }, }, }, { name: "both empty", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "flocker", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Flocker: &api.FlockerVolumeSource{ DatasetName: "", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "flocker", }, { name: "both specified", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "flocker", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Flocker: &api.FlockerVolumeSource{ DatasetName: "datasetName", DatasetUUID: "d846b09d-223d-43df-ab5b-d6db2206a0e4", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "flocker", }, { name: "slash in flocker datasetName", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "flocker", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Flocker: &api.FlockerVolumeSource{ DatasetName: "foo/bar", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "flocker.datasetName", errdetail: "must not contain '/'", }, // RBD { name: "valid RBD", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "rbd", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ RBD: &api.RBDVolumeSource{ CephMonitors: []string{"foo"}, RBDImage: "bar", FSType: "ext4", }, }, }, }, { name: "empty rbd monitors", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "rbd", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ RBD: &api.RBDVolumeSource{ CephMonitors: []string{}, RBDImage: "bar", FSType: "ext4", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "rbd.monitors", }, { name: "empty image", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "rbd", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ RBD: &api.RBDVolumeSource{ CephMonitors: []string{"foo"}, RBDImage: "", FSType: "ext4", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "rbd.image", }, // Cinder { name: "valid Cinder", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cinder", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Cinder: &api.CinderVolumeSource{ VolumeID: "29ea5088-4f60-4757-962e-dba678767887", FSType: "ext4", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, }, // CephFS { name: "valid CephFS", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cephfs", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ CephFS: &api.CephFSVolumeSource{ Monitors: []string{"foo"}, }, }, }, }, { name: "empty cephfs monitors", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "cephfs", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ CephFS: &api.CephFSVolumeSource{ Monitors: []string{}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "cephfs.monitors", }, // DownwardAPI { name: "valid DownwardAPI", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downwardapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{ { Path: "labels", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }, { Path: "annotations", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.annotations", }, }, { Path: "namespace", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.namespace", }, }, { Path: "name", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.name", }, }, { Path: "path/with/subdirs", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }, { Path: "path/./withdot", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }, { Path: "path/with/embedded..dotdot", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }, { Path: "path/with/leading/..dotdot", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }, { Path: "cpu_limit", ResourceFieldRef: &api.ResourceFieldSelector{ ContainerName: "test-container", Resource: "limits.cpu", }, }, { Path: "cpu_request", ResourceFieldRef: &api.ResourceFieldSelector{ ContainerName: "test-container", Resource: "requests.cpu", }, }, { Path: "memory_limit", ResourceFieldRef: &api.ResourceFieldSelector{ ContainerName: "test-container", Resource: "limits.memory", }, }, { Path: "memory_request", ResourceFieldRef: &api.ResourceFieldSelector{ ContainerName: "test-container", Resource: "requests.memory", }, }, }, }, }, }, }, { name: "downapi valid defaultMode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ DefaultMode: newInt32(0644), }, }, }, }, { name: "downapi valid item mode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{{ Mode: newInt32(0644), Path: "path", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }}, }, }, }, }, { name: "downapi invalid positive item mode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{{ Mode: newInt32(01000), Path: "path", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "downwardAPI.mode", }, { name: "downapi invalid negative item mode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{{ Mode: newInt32(-1), Path: "path", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "downwardAPI.mode", }, { name: "downapi empty metatada path", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{{ Path: "", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "downwardAPI.path", }, { name: "downapi absolute path", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{{ Path: "/absolutepath", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "downwardAPI.path", }, { name: "downapi dot dot path", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{{ Path: "../../passwd", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "downwardAPI.path", errdetail: `must not contain '..'`, }, { name: "downapi dot dot file name", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{{ Path: "..badFileName", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "downwardAPI.path", errdetail: `must not start with '..'`, }, { name: "downapi dot dot first level dirent", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{{ Path: "..badDirName/goodFileName", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, }}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "downwardAPI.path", errdetail: `must not start with '..'`, }, { name: "downapi fieldRef and ResourceFieldRef together", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ Items: []api.DownwardAPIVolumeFile{{ Path: "test", FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: "v1", FieldPath: "metadata.labels", }, ResourceFieldRef: &api.ResourceFieldSelector{ ContainerName: "test-container", Resource: "requests.memory", }, }}, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "downwardAPI", errdetail: "fieldRef and resourceFieldRef can not be specified simultaneously", }, { name: "downapi invalid positive defaultMode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ DefaultMode: newInt32(01000), }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "downwardAPI.defaultMode", }, { name: "downapi invalid negative defaultMode", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "downapi", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ DownwardAPI: &api.DownwardAPIVolumeSource{ DefaultMode: newInt32(-1), }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "downwardAPI.defaultMode", }, // FC { name: "valid FC", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "fc", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ FC: &api.FCVolumeSource{ TargetWWNs: []string{"some_wwn"}, Lun: newInt32(1), FSType: "ext4", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, }, { name: "fc empty wwn", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "fc", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ FC: &api.FCVolumeSource{ TargetWWNs: []string{}, Lun: newInt32(1), FSType: "ext4", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "fc.targetWWNs", }, { name: "fc empty lun", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "fc", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ FC: &api.FCVolumeSource{ TargetWWNs: []string{"wwn"}, Lun: nil, FSType: "ext4", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "fc.lun", }, // FlexVolume { name: "valid FlexVolume", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "flex-volume", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ FlexVolume: &api.FlexVolumeSource{ Driver: "kubernetes.io/blue", FSType: "ext4", }, }, }, }, // AzureFile { name: "valid AzureFile", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "azure-file", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ AzureFile: &api.AzureFileVolumeSource{ SecretName: "key", ShareName: "share", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, }, { name: "AzureFile empty secret", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "azure-file", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ AzureFile: &api.AzureFileVolumeSource{ SecretName: "", ShareName: "share", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "azureFile.secretName", }, { name: "AzureFile empty share", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "azure-file", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ AzureFile: &api.AzureFileVolumeSource{ SecretName: "name", ShareName: "", ReadOnly: false, }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "azureFile.shareName", }, // Quobyte { name: "valid Quobyte", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "quobyte", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Quobyte: &api.QuobyteVolumeSource{ Registry: "registry:7861", Volume: "volume", ReadOnly: false, User: "root", Group: "root", }, }, }, }, { name: "empty registry quobyte", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "quobyte", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Quobyte: &api.QuobyteVolumeSource{ Volume: "/test", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "quobyte.registry", }, { name: "wrong format registry quobyte", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "quobyte", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Quobyte: &api.QuobyteVolumeSource{ Registry: "registry7861", Volume: "/test", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "quobyte.registry", }, { name: "wrong format multiple registries quobyte", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "quobyte", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Quobyte: &api.QuobyteVolumeSource{ Registry: "registry:7861,reg2", Volume: "/test", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeInvalid, errfield: "quobyte.registry", }, { name: "empty volume quobyte", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "quobyte", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ Quobyte: &api.QuobyteVolumeSource{ Registry: "registry:7861", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "quobyte.volume", }, // AzureDisk { name: "valid AzureDisk", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "azure-disk", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ AzureDisk: &api.AzureDiskVolumeSource{ DiskName: "foo", DataDiskURI: "https://blob/vhds/bar.vhd", }, }, }, }, { name: "AzureDisk empty disk name", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "azure-disk", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ AzureDisk: &api.AzureDiskVolumeSource{ DiskName: "", DataDiskURI: "https://blob/vhds/bar.vhd", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "azureDisk.diskName", }, { name: "AzureDisk empty disk uri", vol: api.Volume{ Name: "azure-disk", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{ AzureDisk: &api.AzureDiskVolumeSource{ DiskName: "foo", DataDiskURI: "", }, }, }, errtype: field.ErrorTypeRequired, errfield: "azureDisk.diskURI", }, } for i, tc := range testCases { names, errs := validateVolumes([]api.Volume{tc.vol}, field.NewPath("field")) if len(errs) > 0 && tc.errtype == "" { t.Errorf("[%d: %q] unexpected error(s): %v", i, tc.name, errs) } else if len(errs) > 1 { t.Errorf("[%d: %q] expected 1 error, got %d: %v", i, tc.name, len(errs), errs) } else if len(errs) == 0 && tc.errtype != "" { t.Errorf("[%d: %q] expected error type %v", i, tc.name, tc.errtype) } else if len(errs) == 1 { if errs[0].Type != tc.errtype { t.Errorf("[%d: %q] expected error type %v, got %v", i, tc.name, tc.errtype, errs[0].Type) } else if !strings.HasSuffix(errs[0].Field, "."+tc.errfield) { t.Errorf("[%d: %q] expected error on field %q, got %q", i, tc.name, tc.errfield, errs[0].Field) } else if !strings.Contains(errs[0].Detail, tc.errdetail) { t.Errorf("[%d: %q] expected error detail %q, got %q", i, tc.name, tc.errdetail, errs[0].Detail) } } else { if len(names) != 1 || !names.Has(tc.vol.Name) { t.Errorf("[%d: %q] wrong names result: %v", i, tc.name, names) } } } dupsCase := []api.Volume{ {Name: "abc", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}, {Name: "abc", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}, } _, errs := validateVolumes(dupsCase, field.NewPath("field")) if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected error") } else if len(errs) != 1 { t.Errorf("expected 1 error, got %d: %v", len(errs), errs) } else if errs[0].Type != field.ErrorTypeDuplicate { t.Errorf("expected error type %v, got %v", field.ErrorTypeDuplicate, errs[0].Type) } } func TestValidatePorts(t *testing.T) { successCase := []api.ContainerPort{ {Name: "abc", ContainerPort: 80, HostPort: 80, Protocol: "TCP"}, {Name: "easy", ContainerPort: 82, Protocol: "TCP"}, {Name: "as", ContainerPort: 83, Protocol: "UDP"}, {Name: "do-re-me", ContainerPort: 84, Protocol: "UDP"}, {ContainerPort: 85, Protocol: "TCP"}, } if errs := validateContainerPorts(successCase, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } nonCanonicalCase := []api.ContainerPort{ {ContainerPort: 80, Protocol: "TCP"}, } if errs := validateContainerPorts(nonCanonicalCase, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } errorCases := map[string]struct { P []api.ContainerPort T field.ErrorType F string D string }{ "name > 15 characters": { []api.ContainerPort{{Name: strings.Repeat("a", 16), ContainerPort: 80, Protocol: "TCP"}}, field.ErrorTypeInvalid, "name", "15", }, "name contains invalid characters": { []api.ContainerPort{{Name: "a.b.c", ContainerPort: 80, Protocol: "TCP"}}, field.ErrorTypeInvalid, "name", "alpha-numeric", }, "name is a number": { []api.ContainerPort{{Name: "80", ContainerPort: 80, Protocol: "TCP"}}, field.ErrorTypeInvalid, "name", "at least one letter", }, "name not unique": { []api.ContainerPort{ {Name: "abc", ContainerPort: 80, Protocol: "TCP"}, {Name: "abc", ContainerPort: 81, Protocol: "TCP"}, }, field.ErrorTypeDuplicate, "[1].name", "", }, "zero container port": { []api.ContainerPort{{ContainerPort: 0, Protocol: "TCP"}}, field.ErrorTypeRequired, "containerPort", "", }, "invalid container port": { []api.ContainerPort{{ContainerPort: 65536, Protocol: "TCP"}}, field.ErrorTypeInvalid, "containerPort", "between", }, "invalid host port": { []api.ContainerPort{{ContainerPort: 80, HostPort: 65536, Protocol: "TCP"}}, field.ErrorTypeInvalid, "hostPort", "between", }, "invalid protocol case": { []api.ContainerPort{{ContainerPort: 80, Protocol: "tcp"}}, field.ErrorTypeNotSupported, "protocol", "supported values: TCP, UDP", }, "invalid protocol": { []api.ContainerPort{{ContainerPort: 80, Protocol: "ICMP"}}, field.ErrorTypeNotSupported, "protocol", "supported values: TCP, UDP", }, "protocol required": { []api.ContainerPort{{Name: "abc", ContainerPort: 80}}, field.ErrorTypeRequired, "protocol", "", }, } for k, v := range errorCases { errs := validateContainerPorts(v.P, field.NewPath("field")) if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", k) } for i := range errs { if errs[i].Type != v.T { t.Errorf("%s: expected error to have type %q: %q", k, v.T, errs[i].Type) } if !strings.Contains(errs[i].Field, v.F) { t.Errorf("%s: expected error field %q: %q", k, v.F, errs[i].Field) } if !strings.Contains(errs[i].Detail, v.D) { t.Errorf("%s: expected error detail %q, got %q", k, v.D, errs[i].Detail) } } } } func TestValidateEnv(t *testing.T) { successCase := []api.EnvVar{ {Name: "abc", Value: "value"}, {Name: "ABC", Value: "value"}, {Name: "AbC_123", Value: "value"}, {Name: "abc", Value: ""}, { Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), FieldPath: "metadata.name", }, }, }, { Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), FieldPath: "spec.nodeName", }, }, }, { Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), FieldPath: "spec.serviceAccountName", }, }, }, { Name: "secret_value", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ SecretKeyRef: &api.SecretKeySelector{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "some-secret", }, Key: "secret-key", }, }, }, { Name: "ENV_VAR_1", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ ConfigMapKeyRef: &api.ConfigMapKeySelector{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "some-config-map", }, Key: "some-key", }, }, }, } if errs := validateEnv(successCase, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } errorCases := []struct { name string envs []api.EnvVar expectedError string }{ { name: "zero-length name", envs: []api.EnvVar{{Name: ""}}, expectedError: "[0].name: Required value", }, { name: "name not a C identifier", envs: []api.EnvVar{{Name: "a.b.c"}}, expectedError: `[0].name: Invalid value: "a.b.c": ` + idErrMsg, }, { name: "value and valueFrom specified", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "abc", Value: "foo", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), FieldPath: "metadata.name", }, }, }}, expectedError: "[0].valueFrom: Invalid value: \"\": may not be specified when `value` is not empty", }, { name: "valueFrom without a source", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{}, }}, expectedError: "[0].valueFrom: Invalid value: \"\": must specify one of: `fieldRef`, `resourceFieldRef`, `configMapKeyRef` or `secretKeyRef`", }, { name: "valueFrom.fieldRef and valueFrom.secretKeyRef specified", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), FieldPath: "metadata.name", }, SecretKeyRef: &api.SecretKeySelector{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "a-secret", }, Key: "a-key", }, }, }}, expectedError: "[0].valueFrom: Invalid value: \"\": may not have more than one field specified at a time", }, { name: "valueFrom.fieldRef and valueFrom.configMapKeyRef set", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "some_var_name", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), FieldPath: "metadata.name", }, ConfigMapKeyRef: &api.ConfigMapKeySelector{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "some-config-map", }, Key: "some-key", }, }, }}, expectedError: `[0].valueFrom: Invalid value: "": may not have more than one field specified at a time`, }, { name: "valueFrom.fieldRef and valueFrom.secretKeyRef specified", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), FieldPath: "metadata.name", }, SecretKeyRef: &api.SecretKeySelector{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "a-secret", }, Key: "a-key", }, ConfigMapKeyRef: &api.ConfigMapKeySelector{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{ Name: "some-config-map", }, Key: "some-key", }, }, }}, expectedError: `[0].valueFrom: Invalid value: "": may not have more than one field specified at a time`, }, { name: "missing FieldPath on ObjectFieldSelector", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), }, }, }}, expectedError: `[0].valueFrom.fieldRef.fieldPath: Required value`, }, { name: "missing APIVersion on ObjectFieldSelector", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ FieldPath: "metadata.name", }, }, }}, expectedError: `[0].valueFrom.fieldRef.apiVersion: Required value`, }, { name: "invalid fieldPath", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ FieldPath: "metadata.whoops", APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), }, }, }}, expectedError: `[0].valueFrom.fieldRef.fieldPath: Invalid value: "metadata.whoops": error converting fieldPath`, }, { name: "invalid fieldPath labels", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "labels", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ FieldPath: "metadata.labels", APIVersion: "v1", }, }, }}, expectedError: `[0].valueFrom.fieldRef.fieldPath: Unsupported value: "metadata.labels": supported values: metadata.name, metadata.namespace, spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.podIP`, }, { name: "invalid fieldPath annotations", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ FieldPath: "metadata.annotations", APIVersion: "v1", }, }, }}, expectedError: `[0].valueFrom.fieldRef.fieldPath: Unsupported value: "metadata.annotations": supported values: metadata.name, metadata.namespace, spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.podIP`, }, { name: "unsupported fieldPath", envs: []api.EnvVar{{ Name: "abc", ValueFrom: &api.EnvVarSource{ FieldRef: &api.ObjectFieldSelector{ FieldPath: "status.phase", APIVersion: api.Registry.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName).GroupVersion.String(), }, }, }}, expectedError: `valueFrom.fieldRef.fieldPath: Unsupported value: "status.phase": supported values: metadata.name, metadata.namespace, spec.nodeName, spec.serviceAccountName, status.podIP`, }, } for _, tc := range errorCases { if errs := validateEnv(tc.envs, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", tc.name) } else { for i := range errs { str := errs[i].Error() if str != "" && !strings.Contains(str, tc.expectedError) { t.Errorf("%s: expected error detail either empty or %q, got %q", tc.name, tc.expectedError, str) } } } } } func TestValidateEnvFrom(t *testing.T) { successCase := []api.EnvFromSource{ { ConfigMapRef: &api.ConfigMapEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "abc"}, }, }, { Prefix: "pre_", ConfigMapRef: &api.ConfigMapEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "abc"}, }, }, { SecretRef: &api.SecretEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "abc"}, }, }, { Prefix: "pre_", SecretRef: &api.SecretEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "abc"}, }, }, } if errs := validateEnvFrom(successCase, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } errorCases := []struct { name string envs []api.EnvFromSource expectedError string }{ { name: "zero-length name", envs: []api.EnvFromSource{ { ConfigMapRef: &api.ConfigMapEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: ""}}, }, }, expectedError: "field[0].configMapRef.name: Required value", }, { name: "invalid prefix", envs: []api.EnvFromSource{ { Prefix: "a.b", ConfigMapRef: &api.ConfigMapEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "abc"}}, }, }, expectedError: `field[0].prefix: Invalid value: "a.b": ` + idErrMsg, }, { name: "zero-length name", envs: []api.EnvFromSource{ { SecretRef: &api.SecretEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: ""}}, }, }, expectedError: "field[0].secretRef.name: Required value", }, { name: "invalid prefix", envs: []api.EnvFromSource{ { Prefix: "a.b", SecretRef: &api.SecretEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "abc"}}, }, }, expectedError: `field[0].prefix: Invalid value: "a.b": ` + idErrMsg, }, { name: "no refs", envs: []api.EnvFromSource{ {}, }, expectedError: "field: Invalid value: \"\": must specify one of: `configMapRef` or `secretRef`", }, { name: "multiple refs", envs: []api.EnvFromSource{ { SecretRef: &api.SecretEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "abc"}}, ConfigMapRef: &api.ConfigMapEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: api.LocalObjectReference{Name: "abc"}}, }, }, expectedError: "field: Invalid value: \"\": may not have more than one field specified at a time", }, } for _, tc := range errorCases { if errs := validateEnvFrom(tc.envs, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", tc.name) } else { for i := range errs { str := errs[i].Error() if str != "" && !strings.Contains(str, tc.expectedError) { t.Errorf("%s: expected error detail either empty or %q, got %q", tc.name, tc.expectedError, str) } } } } } func TestValidateVolumeMounts(t *testing.T) { volumes := sets.NewString("abc", "123", "abc-123") successCase := []api.VolumeMount{ {Name: "abc", MountPath: "/foo"}, {Name: "123", MountPath: "/bar"}, {Name: "abc-123", MountPath: "/baz"}, {Name: "abc-123", MountPath: "/baa", SubPath: ""}, {Name: "abc-123", MountPath: "/bab", SubPath: "baz"}, {Name: "abc-123", MountPath: "/bac", SubPath: ".baz"}, {Name: "abc-123", MountPath: "/bad", SubPath: "..baz"}, {Name: "abc", MountPath: "c:/foo/bar"}, } if errs := validateVolumeMounts(successCase, volumes, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } errorCases := map[string][]api.VolumeMount{ "empty name": {{Name: "", MountPath: "/foo"}}, "name not found": {{Name: "", MountPath: "/foo"}}, "empty mountpath": {{Name: "abc", MountPath: ""}}, "mountpath collision": {{Name: "foo", MountPath: "/path/a"}, {Name: "bar", MountPath: "/path/a"}}, "absolute subpath": {{Name: "abc", MountPath: "/bar", SubPath: "/baz"}}, "subpath in ..": {{Name: "abc", MountPath: "/bar", SubPath: "../baz"}}, "subpath contains ..": {{Name: "abc", MountPath: "/bar", SubPath: "baz/../bat"}}, "subpath ends in ..": {{Name: "abc", MountPath: "/bar", SubPath: "./.."}}, } for k, v := range errorCases { if errs := validateVolumeMounts(v, volumes, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", k) } } } func TestValidateProbe(t *testing.T) { handler := api.Handler{Exec: &api.ExecAction{Command: []string{"echo"}}} // These fields must be positive. positiveFields := [...]string{"InitialDelaySeconds", "TimeoutSeconds", "PeriodSeconds", "SuccessThreshold", "FailureThreshold"} successCases := []*api.Probe{nil} for _, field := range positiveFields { probe := &api.Probe{Handler: handler} reflect.ValueOf(probe).Elem().FieldByName(field).SetInt(10) successCases = append(successCases, probe) } for _, p := range successCases { if errs := validateProbe(p, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := []*api.Probe{{TimeoutSeconds: 10, InitialDelaySeconds: 10}} for _, field := range positiveFields { probe := &api.Probe{Handler: handler} reflect.ValueOf(probe).Elem().FieldByName(field).SetInt(-10) errorCases = append(errorCases, probe) } for _, p := range errorCases { if errs := validateProbe(p, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %v", p) } } } func TestValidateHandler(t *testing.T) { successCases := []api.Handler{ {Exec: &api.ExecAction{Command: []string{"echo"}}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "/", Port: intstr.FromInt(1), Host: "", Scheme: "HTTP"}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "/foo", Port: intstr.FromInt(65535), Host: "host", Scheme: "HTTP"}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "/", Port: intstr.FromString("port"), Host: "", Scheme: "HTTP"}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "/", Port: intstr.FromString("port"), Host: "", Scheme: "HTTP", HTTPHeaders: []api.HTTPHeader{{Name: "Host", Value: "foo.example.com"}}}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "/", Port: intstr.FromString("port"), Host: "", Scheme: "HTTP", HTTPHeaders: []api.HTTPHeader{{Name: "X-Forwarded-For", Value: ""}, {Name: "X-Forwarded-For", Value: ""}}}}, } for _, h := range successCases { if errs := validateHandler(&h, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := []api.Handler{ {}, {Exec: &api.ExecAction{Command: []string{}}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "", Port: intstr.FromInt(0), Host: ""}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "/foo", Port: intstr.FromInt(65536), Host: "host"}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "", Port: intstr.FromString(""), Host: ""}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "/", Port: intstr.FromString("port"), Host: "", Scheme: "HTTP", HTTPHeaders: []api.HTTPHeader{{Name: "Host:", Value: "foo.example.com"}}}}, {HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{Path: "/", Port: intstr.FromString("port"), Host: "", Scheme: "HTTP", HTTPHeaders: []api.HTTPHeader{{Name: "X_Forwarded_For", Value: "foo.example.com"}}}}, } for _, h := range errorCases { if errs := validateHandler(&h, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %#v", h) } } } func TestValidatePullPolicy(t *testing.T) { type T struct { Container api.Container ExpectedPolicy api.PullPolicy } testCases := map[string]T{ "NotPresent1": { api.Container{Name: "abc", Image: "image:latest", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, api.PullIfNotPresent, }, "NotPresent2": { api.Container{Name: "abc1", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, api.PullIfNotPresent, }, "Always1": { api.Container{Name: "123", Image: "image:latest", ImagePullPolicy: "Always"}, api.PullAlways, }, "Always2": { api.Container{Name: "1234", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "Always"}, api.PullAlways, }, "Never1": { api.Container{Name: "abc-123", Image: "image:latest", ImagePullPolicy: "Never"}, api.PullNever, }, "Never2": { api.Container{Name: "abc-1234", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "Never"}, api.PullNever, }, } for k, v := range testCases { ctr := &v.Container errs := validatePullPolicy(ctr.ImagePullPolicy, field.NewPath("field")) if len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("case[%s] expected success, got %#v", k, errs) } if ctr.ImagePullPolicy != v.ExpectedPolicy { t.Errorf("case[%s] expected policy %v, got %v", k, v.ExpectedPolicy, ctr.ImagePullPolicy) } } } func getResourceLimits(cpu, memory string) api.ResourceList { res := api.ResourceList{} res[api.ResourceCPU] = resource.MustParse(cpu) res[api.ResourceMemory] = resource.MustParse(memory) return res } func TestValidateContainers(t *testing.T) { volumes := sets.String{} capabilities.SetForTests(capabilities.Capabilities{ AllowPrivileged: true, }) successCase := []api.Container{ {Name: "abc", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, {Name: "123", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, {Name: "abc-123", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", Lifecycle: &api.Lifecycle{ PreStop: &api.Handler{ Exec: &api.ExecAction{Command: []string{"ls", "-l"}}, }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, { Name: "resources-test", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.ResourceName("my.org/resource"): resource.MustParse("10m"), }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, { Name: "resources-test-with-gpu-with-request", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceNvidiaGPU): resource.MustParse("1"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceNvidiaGPU): resource.MustParse("1"), }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, { Name: "resources-test-with-gpu-without-request", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceNvidiaGPU): resource.MustParse("1"), }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, { Name: "resources-request-limit-simple", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("8"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, { Name: "resources-request-limit-edge", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.ResourceName("my.org/resource"): resource.MustParse("10m"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.ResourceName("my.org/resource"): resource.MustParse("10m"), }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, { Name: "resources-request-limit-partials", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("9.5"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName("my.org/resource"): resource.MustParse("10m"), }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, { Name: "resources-request", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("9.5"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, { Name: "same-host-port-different-protocol", Image: "image", Ports: []api.ContainerPort{ {ContainerPort: 80, HostPort: 80, Protocol: "TCP"}, {ContainerPort: 80, HostPort: 80, Protocol: "UDP"}, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, { Name: "fallback-to-logs-termination-message", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "FallbackToLogsOnError", }, { Name: "file-termination-message", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, {Name: "abc-1234", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", SecurityContext: fakeValidSecurityContext(true)}, } if errs := validateContainers(successCase, volumes, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } capabilities.SetForTests(capabilities.Capabilities{ AllowPrivileged: false, }) errorCases := map[string][]api.Container{ "zero-length name": {{Name: "", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, "name > 63 characters": {{Name: strings.Repeat("a", 64), Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, "name not a DNS label": {{Name: "a.b.c", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, "name not unique": { {Name: "abc", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, {Name: "abc", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, }, "zero-length image": {{Name: "abc", Image: "", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, "host port not unique": { {Name: "abc", Image: "image", Ports: []api.ContainerPort{{ContainerPort: 80, HostPort: 80, Protocol: "TCP"}}, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, {Name: "def", Image: "image", Ports: []api.ContainerPort{{ContainerPort: 81, HostPort: 80, Protocol: "TCP"}}, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, }, "invalid env var name": { {Name: "abc", Image: "image", Env: []api.EnvVar{{Name: "ev.1"}}, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, }, "unknown volume name": { {Name: "abc", Image: "image", VolumeMounts: []api.VolumeMount{{Name: "anything", MountPath: "/foo"}}, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}, }, "invalid lifecycle, no exec command.": { { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", Lifecycle: &api.Lifecycle{ PreStop: &api.Handler{ Exec: &api.ExecAction{}, }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "invalid lifecycle, no http path.": { { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", Lifecycle: &api.Lifecycle{ PreStop: &api.Handler{ HTTPGet: &api.HTTPGetAction{}, }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "invalid lifecycle, no tcp socket port.": { { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", Lifecycle: &api.Lifecycle{ PreStop: &api.Handler{ TCPSocket: &api.TCPSocketAction{}, }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "invalid lifecycle, zero tcp socket port.": { { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", Lifecycle: &api.Lifecycle{ PreStop: &api.Handler{ TCPSocket: &api.TCPSocketAction{ Port: intstr.FromInt(0), }, }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "invalid lifecycle, no action.": { { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", Lifecycle: &api.Lifecycle{ PreStop: &api.Handler{}, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "invalid liveness probe, no tcp socket port.": { { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", LivenessProbe: &api.Probe{ Handler: api.Handler{ TCPSocket: &api.TCPSocketAction{}, }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "invalid liveness probe, no action.": { { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", LivenessProbe: &api.Probe{ Handler: api.Handler{}, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "invalid message termination policy": { { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "Unknown", }, }, "empty message termination policy": { { Name: "life-123", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "", }, }, "privilege disabled": { {Name: "abc", Image: "image", SecurityContext: fakeValidSecurityContext(true)}, }, "invalid compute resource": { { Name: "abc-123", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Limits: api.ResourceList{ "disk": resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "Resource CPU invalid": { { Name: "abc-123", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Limits: getResourceLimits("-10", "0"), }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "Resource Requests CPU invalid": { { Name: "abc-123", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: getResourceLimits("-10", "0"), }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "Resource Memory invalid": { { Name: "abc-123", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Limits: getResourceLimits("0", "-10"), }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "Resource GPU limit must match request": { { Name: "gpu-resource-request-limit", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceNvidiaGPU): resource.MustParse("0"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceNvidiaGPU): resource.MustParse("1"), }, }, TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", }, }, "Request limit simple invalid": { { Name: "abc-123", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Limits: getResourceLimits("5", "3"), Requests: getResourceLimits("6", "3"), }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, "Request limit multiple invalid": { { Name: "abc-123", Image: "image", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Limits: getResourceLimits("5", "3"), Requests: getResourceLimits("6", "4"), }, ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, } for k, v := range errorCases { if errs := validateContainers(v, volumes, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", k) } } } func TestValidateRestartPolicy(t *testing.T) { successCases := []api.RestartPolicy{ api.RestartPolicyAlways, api.RestartPolicyOnFailure, api.RestartPolicyNever, } for _, policy := range successCases { if errs := validateRestartPolicy(&policy, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := []api.RestartPolicy{"", "newpolicy"} for k, policy := range errorCases { if errs := validateRestartPolicy(&policy, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %d", k) } } } func TestValidateDNSPolicy(t *testing.T) { successCases := []api.DNSPolicy{api.DNSClusterFirst, api.DNSDefault, api.DNSPolicy(api.DNSClusterFirst)} for _, policy := range successCases { if errs := validateDNSPolicy(&policy, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := []api.DNSPolicy{api.DNSPolicy("invalid")} for _, policy := range errorCases { if errs := validateDNSPolicy(&policy, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %v", policy) } } } func TestValidatePodSpec(t *testing.T) { activeDeadlineSeconds := int64(30) minID := int64(0) maxID := int64(2147483647) successCases := []api.PodSpec{ { // Populate basic fields, leave defaults for most. Volumes: []api.Volume{{Name: "vol", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}}, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, { // Populate all fields. Volumes: []api.Volume{ {Name: "vol", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}, }, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, InitContainers: []api.Container{{Name: "ictr", Image: "iimage", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, NodeSelector: map[string]string{ "key": "value", }, NodeName: "foobar", DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSeconds, ServiceAccountName: "acct", }, { // Populate HostNetwork. Containers: []api.Container{ {Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", Ports: []api.ContainerPort{ {HostPort: 8080, ContainerPort: 8080, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostNetwork: true, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, { // Populate RunAsUser SupplementalGroups FSGroup with minID 0 Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ SupplementalGroups: []int64{minID}, RunAsUser: &minID, FSGroup: &minID, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, { // Populate RunAsUser SupplementalGroups FSGroup with maxID 2147483647 Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ SupplementalGroups: []int64{maxID}, RunAsUser: &maxID, FSGroup: &maxID, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, { // Populate HostIPC. SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostIPC: true, }, Volumes: []api.Volume{{Name: "vol", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}}, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, { // Populate HostPID. SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostPID: true, }, Volumes: []api.Volume{{Name: "vol", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}}, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, { // Populate Affinity. Volumes: []api.Volume{{Name: "vol", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}}, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, } for i := range successCases { if errs := ValidatePodSpec(&successCases[i], field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } activeDeadlineSeconds = int64(0) minID = int64(-1) maxID = int64(2147483648) failureCases := map[string]api.PodSpec{ "bad volume": { Volumes: []api.Volume{{}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, "no containers": { RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad container": { Containers: []api.Container{{}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad init container": { Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, InitContainers: []api.Container{{}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad DNS policy": { DNSPolicy: api.DNSPolicy("invalid"), RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, "bad service account name": { Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, ServiceAccountName: "invalidName", }, "bad restart policy": { RestartPolicy: "UnknowPolicy", DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, "with hostNetwork hostPort not equal to containerPort": { Containers: []api.Container{ {Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", Ports: []api.ContainerPort{ {HostPort: 8080, ContainerPort: 2600, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostNetwork: true, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad supplementalGroups large than math.MaxInt32": { Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostNetwork: false, SupplementalGroups: []int64{maxID, 1234}, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad supplementalGroups less than 0": { Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostNetwork: false, SupplementalGroups: []int64{minID, 1234}, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad runAsUser large than math.MaxInt32": { Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostNetwork: false, RunAsUser: &maxID, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad runAsUser less than 0": { Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostNetwork: false, RunAsUser: &minID, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad fsGroup large than math.MaxInt32": { Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostNetwork: false, FSGroup: &maxID, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad fsGroup less than 0": { Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, SecurityContext: &api.PodSecurityContext{ HostNetwork: false, FSGroup: &minID, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, "bad-active-deadline-seconds": { Volumes: []api.Volume{ {Name: "vol", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}, }, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, NodeSelector: map[string]string{ "key": "value", }, NodeName: "foobar", DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSeconds, }, "bad nodeName": { NodeName: "node name", Volumes: []api.Volume{{Name: "vol", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}}, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, } for k, v := range failureCases { if errs := ValidatePodSpec(&v, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %q", k) } } } func TestValidatePod(t *testing.T) { validPodSpec := func(affinity *api.Affinity) api.PodSpec { spec := api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, } if affinity != nil { spec.Affinity = affinity } return spec } successCases := []api.Pod{ { // Basic fields. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "123", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Volumes: []api.Volume{{Name: "vol", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}}, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, { // Just about everything. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc.123.do-re-mi", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Volumes: []api.Volume{ {Name: "vol", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{EmptyDir: &api.EmptyDirVolumeSource{}}}, }, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, NodeSelector: map[string]string{ "key": "value", }, NodeName: "foobar", }, }, { // Serialized node affinity requirements. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec( // TODO: Uncomment and move this block and move inside NodeAffinity once // RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution is implemented // RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution: &api.NodeSelector{ // NodeSelectorTerms: []api.NodeSelectorTerm{ // { // MatchExpressions: []api.NodeSelectorRequirement{ // { // Key: "key1", // Operator: api.NodeSelectorOpExists // }, // }, // }, // }, // }, &api.Affinity{ NodeAffinity: &api.NodeAffinity{ RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: &api.NodeSelector{ NodeSelectorTerms: []api.NodeSelectorTerm{ { MatchExpressions: []api.NodeSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: api.NodeSelectorOpIn, Values: []string{"value1", "value2"}, }, }, }, }, }, PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.PreferredSchedulingTerm{ { Weight: 10, Preference: api.NodeSelectorTerm{ MatchExpressions: []api.NodeSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "foo", Operator: api.NodeSelectorOpIn, Values: []string{"bar"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, ), }, { // Serialized pod affinity in affinity requirements in annotations. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", // TODO: Uncomment and move this block into Annotations map once // RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution is implemented // "requiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution": [{ // "labelSelector": { // "matchExpressions": [{ // "key": "key2", // "operator": "In", // "values": ["value1", "value2"] // }] // }, // "namespaces":["ns"], // "topologyKey": "zone" // }] }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ PodAffinity: &api.PodAffinity{ RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.PodAffinityTerm{ { LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpIn, Values: []string{"value1", "value2"}, }, }, }, TopologyKey: "zone", Namespaces: []string{"ns"}, }, }, PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.WeightedPodAffinityTerm{ { Weight: 10, PodAffinityTerm: api.PodAffinityTerm{ LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpNotIn, Values: []string{"value1", "value2"}, }, }, }, Namespaces: []string{"ns"}, TopologyKey: "region", }, }, }, }, }), }, { // Serialized pod anti affinity with different Label Operators in affinity requirements in annotations. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", // TODO: Uncomment and move this block into Annotations map once // RequiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution is implemented // "requiredDuringSchedulingRequiredDuringExecution": [{ // "labelSelector": { // "matchExpressions": [{ // "key": "key2", // "operator": "In", // "values": ["value1", "value2"] // }] // }, // "namespaces":["ns"], // "topologyKey": "zone" // }] }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ PodAntiAffinity: &api.PodAntiAffinity{ RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.PodAffinityTerm{ { LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpExists, }, }, }, TopologyKey: "zone", Namespaces: []string{"ns"}, }, }, PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.WeightedPodAffinityTerm{ { Weight: 10, PodAffinityTerm: api.PodAffinityTerm{ LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpDoesNotExist, }, }, }, Namespaces: []string{"ns"}, TopologyKey: "region", }, }, }, }, }), }, { // populate tolerations equal operator in annotations. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TolerationsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "foo", "operator": "Equal", "value": "bar", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // populate tolerations exists operator in annotations. ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TolerationsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "foo", "operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // empty operator is ok for toleration ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TolerationsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "foo", "value": "bar", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // empty efffect is ok for toleration ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TolerationsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "foo", "operator": "Equal", "value": "bar" }]`, }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // docker default seccomp profile ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompPodAnnotationKey: "docker/default", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // unconfined seccomp profile ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompPodAnnotationKey: "unconfined", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // localhost seccomp profile ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompPodAnnotationKey: "localhost/foo", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // localhost seccomp profile for a container ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "foo": "localhost/foo", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // default AppArmor profile for a container ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ apparmor.ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "ctr": apparmor.ProfileRuntimeDefault, }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // default AppArmor profile for an init container ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ apparmor.ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "init-ctr": apparmor.ProfileRuntimeDefault, }, }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{{Name: "init-ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, { // localhost AppArmor profile for a container ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ apparmor.ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "ctr": apparmor.ProfileNamePrefix + "foo", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // syntactically valid sysctls ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SysctlsPodAnnotationKey: "kernel.shmmni=32768,kernel.shmmax=1000000000", api.UnsafeSysctlsPodAnnotationKey: "knet.ipv4.route.min_pmtu=1000", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, { // valid opaque integer resources for init container ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "valid-opaque-int", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{ { Name: "valid-opaque-int", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("10"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("20"), }, }, TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, { // valid opaque integer resources for regular container ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "valid-opaque-int", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, Containers: []api.Container{ { Name: "valid-opaque-int", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("10"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("20"), }, }, TerminationMessagePolicy: "File", }, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, } for _, pod := range successCases { if errs := ValidatePod(&pod); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := map[string]api.Pod{ "bad name": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, }, "bad namespace": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: ""}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, }, "bad spec": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{{}}, }, }, "bad label": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", Namespace: "ns", Labels: map[string]string{ "NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals": "bar", }, }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, }, "invalid node selector requirement in node affinity, operator can't be null": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ NodeAffinity: &api.NodeAffinity{ RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: &api.NodeSelector{ NodeSelectorTerms: []api.NodeSelectorTerm{ { MatchExpressions: []api.NodeSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key1", }, }, }, }, }, }, }), }, "invalid preferredSchedulingTerm in node affinity, weight should be in range 1-100": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ NodeAffinity: &api.NodeAffinity{ PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.PreferredSchedulingTerm{ { Weight: 199, Preference: api.NodeSelectorTerm{ MatchExpressions: []api.NodeSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "foo", Operator: api.NodeSelectorOpIn, Values: []string{"bar"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, }), }, "invalid requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution node selector, nodeSelectorTerms must have at least one term": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ NodeAffinity: &api.NodeAffinity{ RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: &api.NodeSelector{ NodeSelectorTerms: []api.NodeSelectorTerm{}, }, }, }), }, "invalid requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution node selector term, matchExpressions must have at least one node selector requirement": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ NodeAffinity: &api.NodeAffinity{ RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: &api.NodeSelector{ NodeSelectorTerms: []api.NodeSelectorTerm{ { MatchExpressions: []api.NodeSelectorRequirement{}, }, }, }, }, }), }, "invalid weight in preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution in pod affinity annotations, weight should be in range 1-100": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ PodAffinity: &api.PodAffinity{ PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.WeightedPodAffinityTerm{ { Weight: 109, PodAffinityTerm: api.PodAffinityTerm{ LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpNotIn, Values: []string{"value1", "value2"}, }, }, }, Namespaces: []string{"ns"}, TopologyKey: "region", }, }, }, }, }), }, "invalid labelSelector in preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution in podaffinity annotations, values should be empty if the operator is Exists": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ PodAntiAffinity: &api.PodAntiAffinity{ PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.WeightedPodAffinityTerm{ { Weight: 10, PodAffinityTerm: api.PodAffinityTerm{ LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpExists, Values: []string{"value1", "value2"}, }, }, }, Namespaces: []string{"ns"}, TopologyKey: "region", }, }, }, }, }), }, "invalid name space in preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution in podaffinity annotations, name space shouldbe valid": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ PodAffinity: &api.PodAffinity{ PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.WeightedPodAffinityTerm{ { Weight: 10, PodAffinityTerm: api.PodAffinityTerm{ LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpExists, }, }, }, Namespaces: []string{"INVALID_NAMESPACE"}, TopologyKey: "region", }, }, }, }, }), }, "invalid pod affinity, empty topologyKey is not allowed for hard pod affinity": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ PodAffinity: &api.PodAffinity{ RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.PodAffinityTerm{ { LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpIn, Values: []string{"value1", "value2"}, }, }, }, Namespaces: []string{"ns"}, }, }, }, }), }, "invalid pod anti-affinity, empty topologyKey is not allowed for hard pod anti-affinity": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ PodAntiAffinity: &api.PodAntiAffinity{ RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.PodAffinityTerm{ { LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpIn, Values: []string{"value1", "value2"}, }, }, }, Namespaces: []string{"ns"}, }, }, }, }), }, "invalid pod anti-affinity, empty topologyKey is not allowed for soft pod affinity": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", }, Spec: validPodSpec(&api.Affinity{ PodAffinity: &api.PodAffinity{ PreferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: []api.WeightedPodAffinityTerm{ { Weight: 10, PodAffinityTerm: api.PodAffinityTerm{ LabelSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{ MatchExpressions: []metav1.LabelSelectorRequirement{ { Key: "key2", Operator: metav1.LabelSelectorOpNotIn, Values: []string{"value1", "value2"}, }, }, }, Namespaces: []string{"ns"}, }, }, }, }, }), }, "invalid toleration key": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TolerationsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "nospecialchars^=@", "operator": "Equal", "value": "bar", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "invalid toleration operator": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TolerationsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "foo", "operator": "In", "value": "bar", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "value must be empty when `operator` is 'Exists'": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TolerationsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "foo", "operator": "Exists", "value": "bar", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "must be a valid pod seccomp profile": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompPodAnnotationKey: "foo", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "must be a valid container seccomp profile": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "foo": "foo", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "must be a non-empty container name in seccomp annotation": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix: "foo", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "must be a non-empty container profile in seccomp annotation": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "foo": "", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "must be a relative path in a node-local seccomp profile annotation": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompPodAnnotationKey: "localhost//foo", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "must not start with '../'": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SeccompPodAnnotationKey: "localhost/../foo", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "AppArmor profile must apply to a container": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ apparmor.ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "ctr": apparmor.ProfileRuntimeDefault, apparmor.ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "init-ctr": apparmor.ProfileRuntimeDefault, apparmor.ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "fake-ctr": apparmor.ProfileRuntimeDefault, }, }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{{Name: "init-ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, "AppArmor profile format must be valid": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ apparmor.ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "ctr": "bad-name", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "only default AppArmor profile may start with runtime/": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ apparmor.ContainerAnnotationKeyPrefix + "ctr": "runtime/foo", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "invalid sysctl annotation": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SysctlsPodAnnotationKey: "foo:", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "invalid comma-separated sysctl annotation": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SysctlsPodAnnotationKey: "kernel.msgmax,", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "invalid unsafe sysctl annotation": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SysctlsPodAnnotationKey: "foo:", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "intersecting safe sysctls and unsafe sysctls annotations": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.SysctlsPodAnnotationKey: "kernel.shmmax=10000000", api.UnsafeSysctlsPodAnnotationKey: "kernel.shmmax=10000000", }, }, Spec: validPodSpec(nil), }, "invalid opaque integer resource requirement: request must be <= limit": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "123", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Name: "invalid", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("2"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("1"), }, }, }, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, "invalid fractional opaque integer resource in container request": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "123", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Name: "invalid", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("500m"), }, }, }, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, "invalid fractional opaque integer resource in init container request": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "123", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{ { Name: "invalid", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("500m"), }, }, }, }, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, "invalid fractional opaque integer resource in container limit": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "123", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Name: "invalid", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("5"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("2.5"), }, }, }, }, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, "invalid fractional opaque integer resource in init container limit": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "123", Namespace: "ns"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{ { Name: "invalid", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("5"), }, Limits: api.ResourceList{ api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("2.5"), }, }, }, }, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, }, } for k, v := range errorCases { if errs := ValidatePod(&v); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %q", k) } } } func TestValidatePodUpdate(t *testing.T) { var ( activeDeadlineSecondsZero = int64(0) activeDeadlineSecondsNegative = int64(-30) activeDeadlineSecondsPositive = int64(30) activeDeadlineSecondsLarger = int64(31) now = metav1.Now() grace = int64(30) grace2 = int64(31) ) tests := []struct { a api.Pod b api.Pod isValid bool test string }{ {api.Pod{}, api.Pod{}, true, "nothing"}, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "bar"}, }, false, "ids", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{ "foo": "bar", }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{ "bar": "foo", }, }, }, true, "labels", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Annotations: map[string]string{ "foo": "bar", }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Annotations: map[string]string{ "bar": "foo", }, }, }, true, "annotations", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V1", }, }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V2", }, { Image: "bar:V2", }, }, }, }, false, "more containers", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V1", }, }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V2", }, { Image: "bar:V2", }, }, }, }, false, "more init containers", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{Containers: []api.Container{{Image: "foo:V1"}}}, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", DeletionTimestamp: &now}, Spec: api.PodSpec{Containers: []api.Container{{Image: "foo:V1"}}}, }, true, "deletion timestamp filled out", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", DeletionTimestamp: &now, DeletionGracePeriodSeconds: &grace}, Spec: api.PodSpec{Containers: []api.Container{{Image: "foo:V1"}}}, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", DeletionTimestamp: &now, DeletionGracePeriodSeconds: &grace2}, Spec: api.PodSpec{Containers: []api.Container{{Image: "foo:V1"}}}, }, false, "deletion grace period seconds cleared", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V1", }, }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V2", }, }, }, }, true, "image change", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V1", }, }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V2", }, }, }, }, true, "init container image change", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ {}, }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V2", }, }, }, }, false, "image change to empty", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{ {}, }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ InitContainers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V2", }, }, }, }, false, "init container image change to empty", }, { api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{}, }, api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{}, }, true, "activeDeadlineSeconds no change, nil", }, { api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsPositive, }, }, api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsPositive, }, }, true, "activeDeadlineSeconds no change, set", }, { api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsPositive, }, }, api.Pod{}, true, "activeDeadlineSeconds change to positive from nil", }, { api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsPositive, }, }, api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsLarger, }, }, true, "activeDeadlineSeconds change to smaller positive", }, { api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsLarger, }, }, api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsPositive, }, }, false, "activeDeadlineSeconds change to larger positive", }, { api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsNegative, }, }, api.Pod{}, false, "activeDeadlineSeconds change to negative from nil", }, { api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsNegative, }, }, api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsPositive, }, }, false, "activeDeadlineSeconds change to negative from positive", }, { api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsZero, }, }, api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsPositive, }, }, true, "activeDeadlineSeconds change to zero from positive", }, { api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsZero, }, }, api.Pod{}, true, "activeDeadlineSeconds change to zero from nil", }, { api.Pod{}, api.Pod{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &activeDeadlineSecondsPositive, }, }, false, "activeDeadlineSeconds change to nil from positive", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V1", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Limits: getResourceLimits("100m", "0"), }, }, }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V2", Resources: api.ResourceRequirements{ Limits: getResourceLimits("1000m", "0"), }, }, }, }, }, false, "cpu change", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V1", Ports: []api.ContainerPort{ {HostPort: 8080, ContainerPort: 80}, }, }, }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Containers: []api.Container{ { Image: "foo:V2", Ports: []api.ContainerPort{ {HostPort: 8000, ContainerPort: 80}, }, }, }, }, }, false, "port change", }, { api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{ "foo": "bar", }, }, }, api.Pod{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{ "Bar": "foo", }, }, }, true, "bad label change", }, } for _, test := range tests { test.a.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" test.b.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" errs := ValidatePodUpdate(&test.a, &test.b) if test.isValid { if len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("unexpected invalid: %s (%+v)\nA: %+v\nB: %+v", test.test, errs, test.a, test.b) } } else { if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("unexpected valid: %s\nA: %+v\nB: %+v", test.test, test.a, test.b) } } } } func makeValidService() api.Service { return api.Service{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "valid", Namespace: "valid", Labels: map[string]string{}, Annotations: map[string]string{}, ResourceVersion: "1", }, Spec: api.ServiceSpec{ Selector: map[string]string{"key": "val"}, SessionAffinity: "None", Type: api.ServiceTypeClusterIP, Ports: []api.ServicePort{{Name: "p", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 8675, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(8675)}}, }, } } func TestValidateService(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string tweakSvc func(svc *api.Service) // given a basic valid service, each test case can customize it numErrs int }{ { name: "missing namespace", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Namespace = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid namespace", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Namespace = "-123" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "missing name", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Name = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid name", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Name = "-123" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "too long name", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Name = strings.Repeat("a", 64) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid generateName", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.GenerateName = "-123" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "too long generateName", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.GenerateName = strings.Repeat("a", 64) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid label", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Labels["NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals"] = "bar" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid annotation", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Annotations["NoSpecialCharsLike=Equals"] = "bar" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "nil selector", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Selector = nil }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "invalid selector", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Selector["NoSpecialCharsLike=Equals"] = "bar" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "missing session affinity", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.SessionAffinity = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "missing type", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "missing ports", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports = nil }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "missing ports but headless", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports = nil s.Spec.ClusterIP = api.ClusterIPNone }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "empty port[0] name", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Name = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "empty port[1] name", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 12345, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "empty multi-port port[0] name", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Name = "" s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "p", Protocol: "TCP", Port: 12345, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid port name", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Name = "INVALID" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "missing protocol", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Protocol = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid protocol", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Protocol = "INVALID" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid cluster ip", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.ClusterIP = "invalid" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "missing port", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Port = 0 }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid port", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Port = 65536 }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid TargetPort int", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort = intstr.FromInt(65536) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "valid port headless", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Port = 11722 s.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort = intstr.FromInt(11722) s.Spec.ClusterIP = api.ClusterIPNone }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "invalid port headless 1", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Port = 11722 s.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort = intstr.FromInt(11721) s.Spec.ClusterIP = api.ClusterIPNone }, // in the v1 API, targetPorts on headless services were tolerated. // once we have version-specific validation, we can reject this on newer API versions, but until then, we have to tolerate it for compatibility. // numErrs: 1, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "invalid port headless 2", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Port = 11722 s.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort = intstr.FromString("target") s.Spec.ClusterIP = api.ClusterIPNone }, // in the v1 API, targetPorts on headless services were tolerated. // once we have version-specific validation, we can reject this on newer API versions, but until then, we have to tolerate it for compatibility. // numErrs: 1, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "invalid publicIPs localhost", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.ExternalIPs = []string{""} }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid publicIPs unspecified", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.ExternalIPs = []string{""} }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid publicIPs loopback", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.ExternalIPs = []string{""} }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid publicIPs host", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.ExternalIPs = []string{"myhost.mydomain"} }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "dup port name", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Name = "p" s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "p", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "valid load balancer protocol UDP 1", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.Ports[0].Protocol = "UDP" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid load balancer protocol UDP 2", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.Ports[0] = api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "UDP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)} }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "invalid load balancer with mix protocol", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "UDP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "valid 1", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { // do nothing }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid 2", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].Protocol = "UDP" s.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort = intstr.FromInt(12345) }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid 3", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort = intstr.FromString("http") }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid cluster ip - none ", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.ClusterIP = "None" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid cluster ip - empty", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.ClusterIP = "" s.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort = intstr.FromString("http") }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type - cluster", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type - loadbalancer", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type loadbalancer 2 ports", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid external load balancer 2 ports", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "duplicate nodeports", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 1, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 1, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(1)}) s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "r", Port: 2, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 1, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(2)}) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "duplicate nodeports (different protocols)", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 1, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 1, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(1)}) s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "r", Port: 2, Protocol: "UDP", NodePort: 1, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(2)}) }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type - cluster", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type - nodeport", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type - loadbalancer", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type loadbalancer 2 ports", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type loadbalancer with NodePort", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 12345, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type=NodePort service with NodePort", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 12345, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid type=NodePort service without NodePort", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "valid cluster service without NodePort", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "invalid cluster service with NodePort", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 12345, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid public service with duplicate NodePort", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "p1", Port: 1, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 1, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(1)}) s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "p2", Port: 2, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 1, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(2)}) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "valid type=LoadBalancer", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 12345, Protocol: "TCP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 0, }, { // For now we open firewalls, and its insecure if we open 10250, remove this // when we have better protections in place. name: "invalid port type=LoadBalancer", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "kubelet", Port: 10250, Protocol: "TCP", TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(12345)}) }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "valid LoadBalancer source range annotation", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Annotations[service.AnnotationLoadBalancerSourceRangesKey] = "," }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "empty LoadBalancer source range annotation", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Annotations[service.AnnotationLoadBalancerSourceRangesKey] = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "invalid LoadBalancer source range annotation (hostname)", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Annotations[service.AnnotationLoadBalancerSourceRangesKey] = "foo.bar" }, numErrs: 2, }, { name: "invalid LoadBalancer source range annotation (invalid CIDR)", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Annotations[service.AnnotationLoadBalancerSourceRangesKey] = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid source range for non LoadBalancer type service", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = []string{"", ""} }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "valid LoadBalancer source range", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = []string{"", ""} }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "empty LoadBalancer source range", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = []string{" "} }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid LoadBalancer source range", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer s.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = []string{"foo.bar"} }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "valid ExternalName", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeExternalName s.Spec.ClusterIP = "" s.Spec.ExternalName = "foo.bar.example.com" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "invalid ExternalName clusterIP (valid IP)", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeExternalName s.Spec.ClusterIP = "" s.Spec.ExternalName = "foo.bar.example.com" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid ExternalName clusterIP (None)", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeExternalName s.Spec.ClusterIP = "None" s.Spec.ExternalName = "foo.bar.example.com" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid ExternalName (not a DNS name)", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeExternalName s.Spec.ClusterIP = "" s.Spec.ExternalName = "-123" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "LoadBalancer type cannot have None ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.ClusterIP = "None" s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "LoadBalancer disallows onlyLocal alpha annotations", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationExternalTraffic] = service.AnnotationValueExternalTrafficLocal }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "invalid node port with clusterIP None", tweakSvc: func(s *api.Service) { s.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort s.Spec.Ports = append(s.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 1, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 1, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(1)}) s.Spec.ClusterIP = "None" }, numErrs: 1, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { svc := makeValidService() tc.tweakSvc(&svc) errs := ValidateService(&svc) if len(errs) != tc.numErrs { t.Errorf("Unexpected error list for case %q: %v", tc.name, errs.ToAggregate()) } } } func TestValidateReplicationControllerStatusUpdate(t *testing.T) { validSelector := map[string]string{"a": "b"} validPodTemplate := api.PodTemplate{ Template: api.PodTemplateSpec{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: validSelector, }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "abc", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, }, } type rcUpdateTest struct { old api.ReplicationController update api.ReplicationController } successCases := []rcUpdateTest{ { old: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, Status: api.ReplicationControllerStatus{ Replicas: 2, }, }, update: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: 3, Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, Status: api.ReplicationControllerStatus{ Replicas: 4, }, }, }, } for _, successCase := range successCases { successCase.old.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" successCase.update.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" if errs := ValidateReplicationControllerStatusUpdate(&successCase.update, &successCase.old); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := map[string]rcUpdateTest{ "negative replicas": { old: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, Status: api.ReplicationControllerStatus{ Replicas: 3, }, }, update: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: 2, Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, Status: api.ReplicationControllerStatus{ Replicas: -3, }, }, }, } for testName, errorCase := range errorCases { if errs := ValidateReplicationControllerStatusUpdate(&errorCase.update, &errorCase.old); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure: %s", testName) } } } func TestValidateReplicationControllerUpdate(t *testing.T) { validSelector := map[string]string{"a": "b"} validPodTemplate := api.PodTemplate{ Template: api.PodTemplateSpec{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: validSelector, }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "abc", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, }, } readWriteVolumePodTemplate := api.PodTemplate{ Template: api.PodTemplateSpec{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: validSelector, }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "abc", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, Volumes: []api.Volume{{Name: "gcepd", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{PDName: "my-PD", FSType: "ext4", Partition: 1, ReadOnly: false}}}}, }, }, } invalidSelector := map[string]string{"NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals": "b"} invalidPodTemplate := api.PodTemplate{ Template: api.PodTemplateSpec{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: invalidSelector, }, }, } type rcUpdateTest struct { old api.ReplicationController update api.ReplicationController } successCases := []rcUpdateTest{ { old: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, update: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: 3, Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, }, { old: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, update: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: 1, Selector: validSelector, Template: &readWriteVolumePodTemplate.Template, }, }, }, } for _, successCase := range successCases { successCase.old.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" successCase.update.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" if errs := ValidateReplicationControllerUpdate(&successCase.update, &successCase.old); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := map[string]rcUpdateTest{ "more than one read/write": { old: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, update: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: 2, Selector: validSelector, Template: &readWriteVolumePodTemplate.Template, }, }, }, "invalid selector": { old: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, update: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: 2, Selector: invalidSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, }, "invalid pod": { old: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, update: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: 2, Selector: validSelector, Template: &invalidPodTemplate.Template, }, }, }, "negative replicas": { old: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, update: api.ReplicationController{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: -1, Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, }, } for testName, errorCase := range errorCases { if errs := ValidateReplicationControllerUpdate(&errorCase.update, &errorCase.old); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure: %s", testName) } } } func TestValidateReplicationController(t *testing.T) { validSelector := map[string]string{"a": "b"} validPodTemplate := api.PodTemplate{ Template: api.PodTemplateSpec{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: validSelector, }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "abc", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, }, } readWriteVolumePodTemplate := api.PodTemplate{ Template: api.PodTemplateSpec{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: validSelector, }, Spec: api.PodSpec{ Volumes: []api.Volume{{Name: "gcepd", VolumeSource: api.VolumeSource{GCEPersistentDisk: &api.GCEPersistentDiskVolumeSource{PDName: "my-PD", FSType: "ext4", Partition: 1, ReadOnly: false}}}}, RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "abc", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, }, } invalidSelector := map[string]string{"NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals": "b"} invalidPodTemplate := api.PodTemplate{ Template: api.PodTemplateSpec{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyAlways, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, }, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: invalidSelector, }, }, } successCases := []api.ReplicationController{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc-123", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc-123", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: 1, Selector: validSelector, Template: &readWriteVolumePodTemplate.Template, }, }, } for _, successCase := range successCases { if errs := ValidateReplicationController(&successCase); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := map[string]api.ReplicationController{ "zero-length ID": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, "missing-namespace": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc-123"}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, "empty selector": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, "selector_doesnt_match": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, "invalid manifest": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, }, }, "read-write persistent disk with > 1 pod": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc"}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: 2, Selector: validSelector, Template: &readWriteVolumePodTemplate.Template, }, }, "negative_replicas": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault}, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Replicas: -1, Selector: validSelector, }, }, "invalid_label": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc-123", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault, Labels: map[string]string{ "NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals": "bar", }, }, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, "invalid_label 2": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc-123", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault, Labels: map[string]string{ "NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals": "bar", }, }, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Template: &invalidPodTemplate.Template, }, }, "invalid_annotation": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc-123", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault, Annotations: map[string]string{ "NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals": "bar", }, }, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &validPodTemplate.Template, }, }, "invalid restart policy 1": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc-123", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault, }, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &api.PodTemplateSpec{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyOnFailure, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: validSelector, }, }, }, }, "invalid restart policy 2": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc-123", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault, }, Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{ Selector: validSelector, Template: &api.PodTemplateSpec{ Spec: api.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: api.RestartPolicyNever, DNSPolicy: api.DNSClusterFirst, Containers: []api.Container{{Name: "ctr", Image: "image", ImagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent", TerminationMessagePolicy: "File"}}, }, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Labels: validSelector, }, }, }, }, } for k, v := range errorCases { errs := ValidateReplicationController(&v) if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", k) } for i := range errs { field := errs[i].Field if !strings.HasPrefix(field, "spec.template.") && field != "metadata.name" && field != "metadata.namespace" && field != "spec.selector" && field != "spec.template" && field != "GCEPersistentDisk.ReadOnly" && field != "spec.replicas" && field != "spec.template.labels" && field != "metadata.annotations" && field != "metadata.labels" && field != "status.replicas" { t.Errorf("%s: missing prefix for: %v", k, errs[i]) } } } } func TestValidateNode(t *testing.T) { validSelector := map[string]string{"a": "b"} invalidSelector := map[string]string{"NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals": "b"} successCases := []api.Node{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", Labels: validSelector, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeLegacyHostIP, Address: "something"}, }, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.ResourceName("my.org/gpu"): resource.MustParse("10"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeLegacyHostIP, Address: "something"}, }, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("0"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "dedicated-node1", // Add a valid taint to a node Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TaintsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "GPU", "value": "true", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeLegacyHostIP, Address: "something"}, }, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("0"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.PreferAvoidPodsAnnotationKey: ` { "preferAvoidPods": [ { "podSignature": { "podController": { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "ReplicationController", "name": "foo", "uid": "abcdef123456", "controller": true } }, "reason": "some reason", "message": "some message" } ] }`, }, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeLegacyHostIP, Address: "something"}, }, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("0"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, } for _, successCase := range successCases { if errs := ValidateNode(&successCase); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := map[string]api.Node{ "zero-length Name": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "", Labels: validSelector, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{}, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, "invalid-labels": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc-123", Labels: invalidSelector, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, "missing-external-id": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc-123", Labels: validSelector, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), }, }, }, "missing-taint-key": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "dedicated-node1", // Add a taint with an empty key to a node Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TaintsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "", "value": "special-user-1", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, "bad-taint-key": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "dedicated-node1", // Add a taint with an empty key to a node Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TaintsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals", "value": "special-user-1", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, "bad-taint-value": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "dedicated-node2", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TaintsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "dedicated", "value": "some\\bad\\value", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeLegacyHostIP, Address: "something"}, }, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("0"), }, }, // Add a taint with an empty value to a node Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, "missing-taint-effect": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "dedicated-node3", // Add a taint with an empty effect to a node Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TaintsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "dedicated", "value": "special-user-3", "effect": "" }]`, }, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeLegacyHostIP, Address: "something"}, }, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("0"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, "invalide-taint-effect": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "dedicated-node3", // Add a taint with an empty effect to a node Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TaintsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "dedicated", "value": "special-user-3", "effect": "NoExecute" }]`, }, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeLegacyHostIP, Address: "something"}, }, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("0"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, "duplicated-taints-with-same-key-effect": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "dedicated-node1", // Add two taints to the node with the same key and effect; should be rejected. Annotations: map[string]string{ api.TaintsAnnotationKey: ` [{ "key": "dedicated", "value": "special-user-1", "effect": "NoSchedule" }, { "key": "dedicated", "value": "special-user-2", "effect": "NoSchedule" }]`, }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, "missing-podSignature": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc-123", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.PreferAvoidPodsAnnotationKey: ` { "preferAvoidPods": [ { "reason": "some reason", "message": "some message" } ] }`, }, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{}, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("0"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, "invalid-podController": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc-123", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.PreferAvoidPodsAnnotationKey: ` { "preferAvoidPods": [ { "podSignature": { "podController": { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "ReplicationController", "name": "foo", "uid": "abcdef123456", "controller": false } }, "reason": "some reason", "message": "some message" } ] }`, }, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{}, Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("0"), }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ ExternalID: "external", }, }, } for k, v := range errorCases { errs := ValidateNode(&v) if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", k) } for i := range errs { field := errs[i].Field expectedFields := map[string]bool{ "metadata.name": true, "metadata.labels": true, "metadata.annotations": true, "metadata.namespace": true, "spec.externalID": true, "metadata.annotations.scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/taints[0].key": true, "metadata.annotations.scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/taints[0].value": true, "metadata.annotations.scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/taints[0].effect": true, "metadata.annotations.scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/preferAvoidPods[0].PodSignature": true, "metadata.annotations.scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/preferAvoidPods[0].PodSignature.PodController.Controller": true, } if val, ok := expectedFields[field]; ok { if !val { t.Errorf("%s: missing prefix for: %v", k, errs[i]) } } } } } func TestValidateNodeUpdate(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { oldNode api.Node node api.Node valid bool }{ {api.Node{}, api.Node{}, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo"}}, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "bar"}, }, false}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"}, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"}, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"bar": "foo"}, }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"}, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ PodCIDR: "", }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ PodCIDR: "", }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ PodCIDR: "", }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ PodCIDR: "", }, }, false}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("10000"), api.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("100"), }, }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), api.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("10000"), }, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"bar": "foo"}, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("10000"), api.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("100"), }, }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"bar": "fooobaz"}, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), api.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("10000"), }, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"bar": "foo"}, }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeLegacyHostIP, Address: ""}, }, }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"bar": "fooobaz"}, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"}, }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Labels: map[string]string{"Foo": "baz"}, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ Unschedulable: false, }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ Unschedulable: true, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ Unschedulable: false, }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeExternalIP, Address: ""}, {Type: api.NodeExternalIP, Address: ""}, }, }, }, false}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ Unschedulable: false, }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Addresses: []api.NodeAddress{ {Type: api.NodeExternalIP, Address: ""}, {Type: api.NodeInternalIP, Address: ""}, }, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.PreferAvoidPodsAnnotationKey: ` { "preferAvoidPods": [ { "podSignature": { "podController": { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "ReplicationController", "name": "foo", "uid": "abcdef123456", "controller": true } }, "reason": "some reason", "message": "some message" } ] }`, }, }, Spec: api.NodeSpec{ Unschedulable: false, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.PreferAvoidPodsAnnotationKey: ` { "preferAvoidPods": [ { "reason": "some reason", "message": "some message" } ] }`, }, }, }, false}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.PreferAvoidPodsAnnotationKey: ` { "preferAvoidPods": [ { "podSignature": { "podController": { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "ReplicationController", "name": "foo", "uid": "abcdef123456", "controller": false } }, "reason": "some reason", "message": "some message" } ] }`, }, }, }, false}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "valid-opaque-int-resources", }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "valid-opaque-int-resources", }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("5"), api.OpaqueIntResourceName("B"): resource.MustParse("10"), }, }, }, true}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "invalid-fractional-opaque-int-capacity", }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "invalid-fractional-opaque-int-capacity", }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("500m"), }, }, }, false}, {api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "invalid-fractional-opaque-int-allocatable", }, }, api.Node{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "invalid-fractional-opaque-int-allocatable", }, Status: api.NodeStatus{ Capacity: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("5"), }, Allocatable: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceName(api.ResourceCPU): resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceName(api.ResourceMemory): resource.MustParse("10G"), api.OpaqueIntResourceName("A"): resource.MustParse("4.5"), }, }, }, false}, } for i, test := range tests { test.oldNode.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" test.node.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" errs := ValidateNodeUpdate(&test.node, &test.oldNode) if test.valid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected error: %v", i, errs) t.Logf("%#v vs %#v", test.oldNode.ObjectMeta, test.node.ObjectMeta) } if !test.valid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected non-error", i) } } } func TestValidateServiceUpdate(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string tweakSvc func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) // given basic valid services, each test case can customize them numErrs int }{ { name: "no change", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { // do nothing }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "change name", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Name += "2" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "change namespace", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Namespace += "2" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "change label valid", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Labels["key"] = "other-value" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "add label", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Labels["key2"] = "value2" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "change cluster IP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "remove cluster IP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "change affinity", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Spec.SessionAffinity = "ClientIP" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "remove affinity", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Spec.SessionAffinity = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "change type", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "remove type", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Spec.Type = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "change type -> nodeport", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "add loadBalancerSourceRanges", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer newSvc.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = []string{""} }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "update loadBalancerSourceRanges", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer oldSvc.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = []string{""} newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer newSvc.Spec.LoadBalancerSourceRanges = []string{""} }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "LoadBalancer type cannot have None ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "None" newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service disallows removing one onlyLocal alpha annotation", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationExternalTraffic] = service.AnnotationValueExternalTrafficLocal oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] = "3001" }, numErrs: 2, }, { name: "Service disallows modifying onlyLocal alpha annotations", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationExternalTraffic] = service.AnnotationValueExternalTrafficLocal oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] = "3001" newSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationExternalTraffic] = service.AnnotationValueExternalTrafficGlobal newSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] = oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service disallows promoting one of the onlyLocal pair to beta", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationExternalTraffic] = service.AnnotationValueExternalTrafficLocal oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] = "3001" newSvc.Annotations[service.BetaAnnotationExternalTraffic] = service.AnnotationValueExternalTrafficGlobal newSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] = oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service allows changing both onlyLocal annotations from alpha to beta", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationExternalTraffic] = service.AnnotationValueExternalTrafficLocal oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] = "3001" newSvc.Annotations[service.BetaAnnotationExternalTraffic] = service.AnnotationValueExternalTrafficLocal newSvc.Annotations[service.BetaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] = oldSvc.Annotations[service.AlphaAnnotationHealthCheckNodePort] }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "`None` ClusterIP cannot be changed", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "None" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "`None` ClusterIP cannot be removed", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "None" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with ClusterIP type cannot change its set ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with ClusterIP type can change its empty ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with ClusterIP type cannot change its set ClusterIP when changing type to NodePort", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with ClusterIP type can change its empty ClusterIP when changing type to NodePort", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with ClusterIP type cannot change its ClusterIP when changing type to LoadBalancer", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with ClusterIP type can change its empty ClusterIP when changing type to LoadBalancer", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with NodePort type cannot change its set ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with NodePort type can change its empty ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with NodePort type cannot change its set ClusterIP when changing type to ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with NodePort type can change its empty ClusterIP when changing type to ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with NodePort type cannot change its set ClusterIP when changing type to LoadBalancer", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with NodePort type can change its empty ClusterIP when changing type to LoadBalancer", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with LoadBalancer type cannot change its set ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with LoadBalancer type can change its empty ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with LoadBalancer type cannot change its set ClusterIP when changing type to ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with LoadBalancer type can change its empty ClusterIP when changing type to ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with LoadBalancer type cannot change its set ClusterIP when changing type to NodePort", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 1, }, { name: "Service with LoadBalancer type can change its empty ClusterIP when changing type to NodePort", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with ExternalName type can change its empty ClusterIP when changing type to ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeExternalName newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "Service with ExternalName type can change its set ClusterIP when changing type to ClusterIP", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeExternalName newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeClusterIP oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" }, numErrs: 0, }, { name: "invalid node port with clusterIP None", tweakSvc: func(oldSvc, newSvc *api.Service) { oldSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort newSvc.Spec.Type = api.ServiceTypeNodePort oldSvc.Spec.Ports = append(oldSvc.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 1, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 1, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(1)}) newSvc.Spec.Ports = append(newSvc.Spec.Ports, api.ServicePort{Name: "q", Port: 1, Protocol: "TCP", NodePort: 1, TargetPort: intstr.FromInt(1)}) oldSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "" newSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = "None" }, numErrs: 1, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { oldSvc := makeValidService() newSvc := makeValidService() tc.tweakSvc(&oldSvc, &newSvc) errs := ValidateServiceUpdate(&newSvc, &oldSvc) if len(errs) != tc.numErrs { t.Errorf("Unexpected error list for case %q: %v", tc.name, errs.ToAggregate()) } } } func TestValidateResourceNames(t *testing.T) { table := []struct { input string success bool expect string }{ {"memory", true, ""}, {"cpu", true, ""}, {"storage", true, ""}, {"requests.cpu", true, ""}, {"requests.memory", true, ""}, {"requests.storage", true, ""}, {"limits.cpu", true, ""}, {"limits.memory", true, ""}, {"network", false, ""}, {"disk", false, ""}, {"", false, ""}, {".", false, ""}, {"..", false, ""}, {"my.favorite.app.co/12345", true, ""}, {"my.favorite.app.co/_12345", false, ""}, {"my.favorite.app.co/12345_", false, ""}, {"kubernetes.io/..", false, ""}, {"kubernetes.io/" + strings.Repeat("a", 63), true, ""}, {"kubernetes.io/" + strings.Repeat("a", 64), false, ""}, {"kubernetes.io//", false, ""}, {"kubernetes.io", false, ""}, {"kubernetes.io/will/not/work/", false, ""}, } for k, item := range table { err := validateResourceName(item.input, field.NewPath("field")) if len(err) != 0 && item.success { t.Errorf("expected no failure for input %q", item.input) } else if len(err) == 0 && !item.success { t.Errorf("expected failure for input %q", item.input) for i := range err { detail := err[i].Detail if detail != "" && !strings.Contains(detail, item.expect) { t.Errorf("%d: expected error detail either empty or %s, got %s", k, item.expect, detail) } } } } } func getResourceList(cpu, memory string) api.ResourceList { res := api.ResourceList{} if cpu != "" { res[api.ResourceCPU] = resource.MustParse(cpu) } if memory != "" { res[api.ResourceMemory] = resource.MustParse(memory) } return res } func getStorageResourceList(storage string) api.ResourceList { res := api.ResourceList{} if storage != "" { res[api.ResourceStorage] = resource.MustParse(storage) } return res } func TestValidateLimitRange(t *testing.T) { successCases := []struct { name string spec api.LimitRangeSpec }{ { name: "all-fields-valid", spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePod, Max: getResourceList("100m", "10000Mi"), Min: getResourceList("5m", "100Mi"), MaxLimitRequestRatio: getResourceList("10", ""), }, { Type: api.LimitTypeContainer, Max: getResourceList("100m", "10000Mi"), Min: getResourceList("5m", "100Mi"), Default: getResourceList("50m", "500Mi"), DefaultRequest: getResourceList("10m", "200Mi"), MaxLimitRequestRatio: getResourceList("10", ""), }, { Type: api.LimitTypePersistentVolumeClaim, Max: getStorageResourceList("10Gi"), Min: getStorageResourceList("5Gi"), }, }, }, }, { name: "pvc-min-only", spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePersistentVolumeClaim, Min: getStorageResourceList("5Gi"), }, }, }, }, { name: "pvc-max-only", spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePersistentVolumeClaim, Max: getStorageResourceList("10Gi"), }, }, }, }, { name: "all-fields-valid-big-numbers", spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypeContainer, Max: getResourceList("100m", "10000T"), Min: getResourceList("5m", "100Mi"), Default: getResourceList("50m", "500Mi"), DefaultRequest: getResourceList("10m", "200Mi"), MaxLimitRequestRatio: getResourceList("10", ""), }, }, }, }, { name: "thirdparty-fields-all-valid-standard-container-resources", spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: "thirdparty.com/foo", Max: getResourceList("100m", "10000T"), Min: getResourceList("5m", "100Mi"), Default: getResourceList("50m", "500Mi"), DefaultRequest: getResourceList("10m", "200Mi"), MaxLimitRequestRatio: getResourceList("10", ""), }, }, }, }, { name: "thirdparty-fields-all-valid-storage-resources", spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: "thirdparty.com/foo", Max: getStorageResourceList("10000T"), Min: getStorageResourceList("100Mi"), Default: getStorageResourceList("500Mi"), DefaultRequest: getStorageResourceList("200Mi"), MaxLimitRequestRatio: getStorageResourceList(""), }, }, }, }, } for _, successCase := range successCases { limitRange := &api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: successCase.name, Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: successCase.spec} if errs := ValidateLimitRange(limitRange); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("Case %v, unexpected error: %v", successCase.name, errs) } } errorCases := map[string]struct { R api.LimitRange D string }{ "zero-length-name": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{}}, "name or generateName is required", }, "zero-length-namespace": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: ""}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{}}, "", }, "invalid-name": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "^Invalid", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{}}, dnsSubdomainLabelErrMsg, }, "invalid-namespace": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "^Invalid"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{}}, dnsLabelErrMsg, }, "duplicate-limit-type": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePod, Max: getResourceList("100m", "10000m"), Min: getResourceList("0m", "100m"), }, { Type: api.LimitTypePod, Min: getResourceList("0m", "100m"), }, }, }}, "", }, "default-limit-type-pod": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePod, Max: getResourceList("100m", "10000m"), Min: getResourceList("0m", "100m"), Default: getResourceList("10m", "100m"), }, }, }}, "may not be specified when `type` is 'Pod'", }, "default-request-limit-type-pod": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePod, Max: getResourceList("100m", "10000m"), Min: getResourceList("0m", "100m"), DefaultRequest: getResourceList("10m", "100m"), }, }, }}, "may not be specified when `type` is 'Pod'", }, "min value 100m is greater than max value 10m": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePod, Max: getResourceList("10m", ""), Min: getResourceList("100m", ""), }, }, }}, "min value 100m is greater than max value 10m", }, "invalid spec default outside range": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypeContainer, Max: getResourceList("1", ""), Min: getResourceList("100m", ""), Default: getResourceList("2000m", ""), }, }, }}, "default value 2 is greater than max value 1", }, "invalid spec defaultrequest outside range": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypeContainer, Max: getResourceList("1", ""), Min: getResourceList("100m", ""), DefaultRequest: getResourceList("2000m", ""), }, }, }}, "default request value 2 is greater than max value 1", }, "invalid spec defaultrequest more than default": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypeContainer, Max: getResourceList("2", ""), Min: getResourceList("100m", ""), Default: getResourceList("500m", ""), DefaultRequest: getResourceList("800m", ""), }, }, }}, "default request value 800m is greater than default limit value 500m", }, "invalid spec maxLimitRequestRatio less than 1": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePod, MaxLimitRequestRatio: getResourceList("800m", ""), }, }, }}, "ratio 800m is less than 1", }, "invalid spec maxLimitRequestRatio greater than max/min": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypeContainer, Max: getResourceList("", "2Gi"), Min: getResourceList("", "512Mi"), MaxLimitRequestRatio: getResourceList("", "10"), }, }, }}, "ratio 10 is greater than max/min = 4.000000", }, "invalid non standard limit type": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: "foo", Max: getStorageResourceList("10000T"), Min: getStorageResourceList("100Mi"), Default: getStorageResourceList("500Mi"), DefaultRequest: getStorageResourceList("200Mi"), MaxLimitRequestRatio: getStorageResourceList(""), }, }, }}, "must be a standard limit type or fully qualified", }, "min and max values missing, one required": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePersistentVolumeClaim, }, }, }}, "either minimum or maximum storage value is required, but neither was provided", }, "invalid min greater than max": { api.LimitRange{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: api.LimitRangeSpec{ Limits: []api.LimitRangeItem{ { Type: api.LimitTypePersistentVolumeClaim, Min: getStorageResourceList("10Gi"), Max: getStorageResourceList("1Gi"), }, }, }}, "min value 10Gi is greater than max value 1Gi", }, } for k, v := range errorCases { errs := ValidateLimitRange(&v.R) if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", k) } for i := range errs { detail := errs[i].Detail if !strings.Contains(detail, v.D) { t.Errorf("[%s]: expected error detail either empty or %q, got %q", k, v.D, detail) } } } } func TestValidateResourceQuota(t *testing.T) { spec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), api.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("10000"), api.ResourceRequestsCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), api.ResourceRequestsMemory: resource.MustParse("10000"), api.ResourceLimitsCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), api.ResourceLimitsMemory: resource.MustParse("10000"), api.ResourcePods: resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceServices: resource.MustParse("0"), api.ResourceReplicationControllers: resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceQuotas: resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceConfigMaps: resource.MustParse("10"), api.ResourceSecrets: resource.MustParse("10"), }, } terminatingSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), api.ResourceLimitsCPU: resource.MustParse("200"), }, Scopes: []api.ResourceQuotaScope{api.ResourceQuotaScopeTerminating}, } nonTerminatingSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), }, Scopes: []api.ResourceQuotaScope{api.ResourceQuotaScopeNotTerminating}, } bestEffortSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourcePods: resource.MustParse("100"), }, Scopes: []api.ResourceQuotaScope{api.ResourceQuotaScopeBestEffort}, } nonBestEffortSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), }, Scopes: []api.ResourceQuotaScope{api.ResourceQuotaScopeNotBestEffort}, } // storage is not yet supported as a quota tracked resource invalidQuotaResourceSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse("10"), }, } negativeSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("-100"), api.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("-10000"), api.ResourcePods: resource.MustParse("-10"), api.ResourceServices: resource.MustParse("-10"), api.ResourceReplicationControllers: resource.MustParse("-10"), api.ResourceQuotas: resource.MustParse("-10"), api.ResourceConfigMaps: resource.MustParse("-10"), api.ResourceSecrets: resource.MustParse("-10"), }, } fractionalComputeSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100m"), }, } fractionalPodSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourcePods: resource.MustParse(".1"), api.ResourceServices: resource.MustParse(".5"), api.ResourceReplicationControllers: resource.MustParse("1.25"), api.ResourceQuotas: resource.MustParse("2.5"), }, } invalidTerminatingScopePairsSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), }, Scopes: []api.ResourceQuotaScope{api.ResourceQuotaScopeTerminating, api.ResourceQuotaScopeNotTerminating}, } invalidBestEffortScopePairsSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourcePods: resource.MustParse("100"), }, Scopes: []api.ResourceQuotaScope{api.ResourceQuotaScopeBestEffort, api.ResourceQuotaScopeNotBestEffort}, } invalidScopeNameSpec := api.ResourceQuotaSpec{ Hard: api.ResourceList{ api.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("100"), }, Scopes: []api.ResourceQuotaScope{api.ResourceQuotaScope("foo")}, } successCases := []api.ResourceQuota{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo", }, Spec: spec, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo", }, Spec: fractionalComputeSpec, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo", }, Spec: terminatingSpec, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo", }, Spec: nonTerminatingSpec, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo", }, Spec: bestEffortSpec, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo", }, Spec: nonBestEffortSpec, }, } for _, successCase := range successCases { if errs := ValidateResourceQuota(&successCase); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := map[string]struct { R api.ResourceQuota D string }{ "zero-length Name": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: spec}, "name or generateName is required", }, "zero-length Namespace": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: ""}, Spec: spec}, "", }, "invalid Name": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "^Invalid", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: spec}, dnsSubdomainLabelErrMsg, }, "invalid Namespace": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "^Invalid"}, Spec: spec}, dnsLabelErrMsg, }, "negative-limits": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: negativeSpec}, isNegativeErrorMsg, }, "fractional-api-resource": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: fractionalPodSpec}, isNotIntegerErrorMsg, }, "invalid-quota-resource": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: invalidQuotaResourceSpec}, isInvalidQuotaResource, }, "invalid-quota-terminating-pair": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: invalidTerminatingScopePairsSpec}, "conflicting scopes", }, "invalid-quota-besteffort-pair": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: invalidBestEffortScopePairsSpec}, "conflicting scopes", }, "invalid-quota-scope-name": { api.ResourceQuota{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Namespace: "foo"}, Spec: invalidScopeNameSpec}, "unsupported scope", }, } for k, v := range errorCases { errs := ValidateResourceQuota(&v.R) if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", k) } for i := range errs { if !strings.Contains(errs[i].Detail, v.D) { t.Errorf("[%s]: expected error detail either empty or %s, got %s", k, v.D, errs[i].Detail) } } } } func TestValidateNamespace(t *testing.T) { validLabels := map[string]string{"a": "b"} invalidLabels := map[string]string{"NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals": "b"} successCases := []api.Namespace{ { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Labels: validLabels}, }, { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc-123"}, Spec: api.NamespaceSpec{ Finalizers: []api.FinalizerName{"example.com/something", "example.com/other"}, }, }, } for _, successCase := range successCases { if errs := ValidateNamespace(&successCase); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } } errorCases := map[string]struct { R api.Namespace D string }{ "zero-length name": { api.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: ""}}, "", }, "defined-namespace": { api.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc-123", Namespace: "makesnosense"}}, "", }, "invalid-labels": { api.Namespace{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "abc", Labels: invalidLabels}}, "", }, } for k, v := range errorCases { errs := ValidateNamespace(&v.R) if len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure for %s", k) } } } func TestValidateNamespaceFinalizeUpdate(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { oldNamespace api.Namespace namespace api.Namespace valid bool }{ {api.Namespace{}, api.Namespace{}, true}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo"}}, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.NamespaceSpec{ Finalizers: []api.FinalizerName{"Foo"}, }, }, false}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.NamespaceSpec{ Finalizers: []api.FinalizerName{"foo.com/bar"}, }, }, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo"}, Spec: api.NamespaceSpec{ Finalizers: []api.FinalizerName{"foo.com/bar", "what.com/bar"}, }, }, true}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "fooemptyfinalizer"}, Spec: api.NamespaceSpec{ Finalizers: []api.FinalizerName{"foo.com/bar"}, }, }, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "fooemptyfinalizer"}, Spec: api.NamespaceSpec{ Finalizers: []api.FinalizerName{"", "foo.com/bar", "what.com/bar"}, }, }, false}, } for i, test := range tests { test.namespace.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" test.oldNamespace.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" errs := ValidateNamespaceFinalizeUpdate(&test.namespace, &test.oldNamespace) if test.valid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected error: %v", i, errs) t.Logf("%#v vs %#v", test.oldNamespace, test.namespace) } if !test.valid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected non-error", i) } } } func TestValidateNamespaceStatusUpdate(t *testing.T) { now := metav1.Now() tests := []struct { oldNamespace api.Namespace namespace api.Namespace valid bool }{ {api.Namespace{}, api.Namespace{ Status: api.NamespaceStatus{ Phase: api.NamespaceActive, }, }, true}, // Cannot set deletionTimestamp via status update {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo"}}, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", DeletionTimestamp: &now}, Status: api.NamespaceStatus{ Phase: api.NamespaceTerminating, }, }, false}, // Can update phase via status update {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", DeletionTimestamp: &now}}, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", DeletionTimestamp: &now}, Status: api.NamespaceStatus{ Phase: api.NamespaceTerminating, }, }, true}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo"}}, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo"}, Status: api.NamespaceStatus{ Phase: api.NamespaceTerminating, }, }, false}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo"}}, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "bar"}, Status: api.NamespaceStatus{ Phase: api.NamespaceTerminating, }, }, false}, } for i, test := range tests { test.namespace.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" test.oldNamespace.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" errs := ValidateNamespaceStatusUpdate(&test.namespace, &test.oldNamespace) if test.valid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected error: %v", i, errs) t.Logf("%#v vs %#v", test.oldNamespace.ObjectMeta, test.namespace.ObjectMeta) } if !test.valid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected non-error", i) } } } func TestValidateNamespaceUpdate(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { oldNamespace api.Namespace namespace api.Namespace valid bool }{ {api.Namespace{}, api.Namespace{}, true}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo1"}}, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "bar1"}, }, false}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo2", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, }, }, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo2", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"}, }, }, true}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo3", }, }, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo3", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"}, }, }, true}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo4", Labels: map[string]string{"bar": "foo"}, }, }, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo4", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"}, }, }, true}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo5", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"}, }, }, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo5", Labels: map[string]string{"Foo": "baz"}, }, }, true}, {api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo6", Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"}, }, }, api.Namespace{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo6", Labels: map[string]string{"Foo": "baz"}, }, Spec: api.NamespaceSpec{ Finalizers: []api.FinalizerName{"kubernetes"}, }, Status: api.NamespaceStatus{ Phase: api.NamespaceTerminating, }, }, true}, } for i, test := range tests { test.namespace.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" test.oldNamespace.ObjectMeta.ResourceVersion = "1" errs := ValidateNamespaceUpdate(&test.namespace, &test.oldNamespace) if test.valid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected error: %v", i, errs) t.Logf("%#v vs %#v", test.oldNamespace.ObjectMeta, test.namespace.ObjectMeta) } if !test.valid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected non-error", i) } } } func TestValidateSecret(t *testing.T) { // Opaque secret validation validSecret := func() api.Secret { return api.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar"}, Data: map[string][]byte{ "data-1": []byte("bar"), }, } } var ( emptyName = validSecret() invalidName = validSecret() emptyNs = validSecret() invalidNs = validSecret() overMaxSize = validSecret() invalidKey = validSecret() leadingDotKey = validSecret() dotKey = validSecret() doubleDotKey = validSecret() ) emptyName.Name = "" invalidName.Name = "NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals" emptyNs.Namespace = "" invalidNs.Namespace = "NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals" overMaxSize.Data = map[string][]byte{ "over": make([]byte, api.MaxSecretSize+1), } invalidKey.Data["a*b"] = []byte("whoops") leadingDotKey.Data[".key"] = []byte("bar") dotKey.Data["."] = []byte("bar") doubleDotKey.Data[".."] = []byte("bar") // kubernetes.io/service-account-token secret validation validServiceAccountTokenSecret := func() api.Secret { return api.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar", Annotations: map[string]string{ api.ServiceAccountNameKey: "foo", }, }, Type: api.SecretTypeServiceAccountToken, Data: map[string][]byte{ "data-1": []byte("bar"), }, } } var ( emptyTokenAnnotation = validServiceAccountTokenSecret() missingTokenAnnotation = validServiceAccountTokenSecret() missingTokenAnnotations = validServiceAccountTokenSecret() ) emptyTokenAnnotation.Annotations[api.ServiceAccountNameKey] = "" delete(missingTokenAnnotation.Annotations, api.ServiceAccountNameKey) missingTokenAnnotations.Annotations = nil tests := map[string]struct { secret api.Secret valid bool }{ "valid": {validSecret(), true}, "empty name": {emptyName, false}, "invalid name": {invalidName, false}, "empty namespace": {emptyNs, false}, "invalid namespace": {invalidNs, false}, "over max size": {overMaxSize, false}, "invalid key": {invalidKey, false}, "valid service-account-token secret": {validServiceAccountTokenSecret(), true}, "empty service-account-token annotation": {emptyTokenAnnotation, false}, "missing service-account-token annotation": {missingTokenAnnotation, false}, "missing service-account-token annotations": {missingTokenAnnotations, false}, "leading dot key": {leadingDotKey, true}, "dot key": {dotKey, false}, "double dot key": {doubleDotKey, false}, } for name, tc := range tests { errs := ValidateSecret(&tc.secret) if tc.valid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%v: Unexpected error: %v", name, errs) } if !tc.valid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v: Unexpected non-error", name) } } } func TestValidateDockerConfigSecret(t *testing.T) { validDockerSecret := func() api.Secret { return api.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar"}, Type: api.SecretTypeDockercfg, Data: map[string][]byte{ api.DockerConfigKey: []byte(`{"https://index.docker.io/v1/": {"auth": "Y2x1ZWRyb29sZXIwMDAxOnBhc3N3b3Jk","email": "fake@example.com"}}`), }, } } validDockerSecret2 := func() api.Secret { return api.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar"}, Type: api.SecretTypeDockerConfigJson, Data: map[string][]byte{ api.DockerConfigJsonKey: []byte(`{"auths":{"https://index.docker.io/v1/": {"auth": "Y2x1ZWRyb29sZXIwMDAxOnBhc3N3b3Jk","email": "fake@example.com"}}}`), }, } } var ( missingDockerConfigKey = validDockerSecret() emptyDockerConfigKey = validDockerSecret() invalidDockerConfigKey = validDockerSecret() missingDockerConfigKey2 = validDockerSecret2() emptyDockerConfigKey2 = validDockerSecret2() invalidDockerConfigKey2 = validDockerSecret2() ) delete(missingDockerConfigKey.Data, api.DockerConfigKey) emptyDockerConfigKey.Data[api.DockerConfigKey] = []byte("") invalidDockerConfigKey.Data[api.DockerConfigKey] = []byte("bad") delete(missingDockerConfigKey2.Data, api.DockerConfigJsonKey) emptyDockerConfigKey2.Data[api.DockerConfigJsonKey] = []byte("") invalidDockerConfigKey2.Data[api.DockerConfigJsonKey] = []byte("bad") tests := map[string]struct { secret api.Secret valid bool }{ "valid dockercfg": {validDockerSecret(), true}, "missing dockercfg": {missingDockerConfigKey, false}, "empty dockercfg": {emptyDockerConfigKey, false}, "invalid dockercfg": {invalidDockerConfigKey, false}, "valid config.json": {validDockerSecret2(), true}, "missing config.json": {missingDockerConfigKey2, false}, "empty config.json": {emptyDockerConfigKey2, false}, "invalid config.json": {invalidDockerConfigKey2, false}, } for name, tc := range tests { errs := ValidateSecret(&tc.secret) if tc.valid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%v: Unexpected error: %v", name, errs) } if !tc.valid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v: Unexpected non-error", name) } } } func TestValidateBasicAuthSecret(t *testing.T) { validBasicAuthSecret := func() api.Secret { return api.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar"}, Type: api.SecretTypeBasicAuth, Data: map[string][]byte{ api.BasicAuthUsernameKey: []byte("username"), api.BasicAuthPasswordKey: []byte("password"), }, } } var ( missingBasicAuthUsernamePasswordKeys = validBasicAuthSecret() // invalidBasicAuthUsernamePasswordKey = validBasicAuthSecret() // emptyBasicAuthUsernameKey = validBasicAuthSecret() // emptyBasicAuthPasswordKey = validBasicAuthSecret() ) delete(missingBasicAuthUsernamePasswordKeys.Data, api.BasicAuthUsernameKey) delete(missingBasicAuthUsernamePasswordKeys.Data, api.BasicAuthPasswordKey) // invalidBasicAuthUsernamePasswordKey.Data[api.BasicAuthUsernameKey] = []byte("bad") // invalidBasicAuthUsernamePasswordKey.Data[api.BasicAuthPasswordKey] = []byte("bad") // emptyBasicAuthUsernameKey.Data[api.BasicAuthUsernameKey] = []byte("") // emptyBasicAuthPasswordKey.Data[api.BasicAuthPasswordKey] = []byte("") tests := map[string]struct { secret api.Secret valid bool }{ "valid": {validBasicAuthSecret(), true}, "missing username and password": {missingBasicAuthUsernamePasswordKeys, false}, // "invalid username and password": {invalidBasicAuthUsernamePasswordKey, false}, // "empty username": {emptyBasicAuthUsernameKey, false}, // "empty password": {emptyBasicAuthPasswordKey, false}, } for name, tc := range tests { errs := ValidateSecret(&tc.secret) if tc.valid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%v: Unexpected error: %v", name, errs) } if !tc.valid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v: Unexpected non-error", name) } } } func TestValidateSSHAuthSecret(t *testing.T) { validSSHAuthSecret := func() api.Secret { return api.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar"}, Type: api.SecretTypeSSHAuth, Data: map[string][]byte{ api.SSHAuthPrivateKey: []byte("foo-bar-baz"), }, } } missingSSHAuthPrivateKey := validSSHAuthSecret() delete(missingSSHAuthPrivateKey.Data, api.SSHAuthPrivateKey) tests := map[string]struct { secret api.Secret valid bool }{ "valid": {validSSHAuthSecret(), true}, "missing private key": {missingSSHAuthPrivateKey, false}, } for name, tc := range tests { errs := ValidateSecret(&tc.secret) if tc.valid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%v: Unexpected error: %v", name, errs) } if !tc.valid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v: Unexpected non-error", name) } } } func TestValidateEndpoints(t *testing.T) { successCases := map[string]api.Endpoints{ "simple endpoint": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}, {IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "a", Port: 8675, Protocol: "TCP"}, {Name: "b", Port: 309, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "a", Port: 93, Protocol: "TCP"}, {Name: "b", Port: 76, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, "empty subsets": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, }, "no name required for singleton port": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Port: 8675, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, } for k, v := range successCases { if errs := ValidateEndpoints(&v); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected success for %s, got %v", k, errs) } } errorCases := map[string]struct { endpoints api.Endpoints errorType field.ErrorType errorDetail string }{ "missing namespace": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc"}}, errorType: "FieldValueRequired", }, "missing name": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Namespace: "namespace"}}, errorType: "FieldValueRequired", }, "invalid namespace": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "no@#invalid.;chars\"allowed"}}, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: dnsLabelErrMsg, }, "invalid name": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "-_Invliad^&Characters", Namespace: "namespace"}}, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: dnsSubdomainLabelErrMsg, }, "empty addresses": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "a", Port: 93, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueRequired", }, "empty ports": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueRequired", }, "invalid IP": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: "[2001:0db8:85a3:0042:1000:8a2e:0370:7334]"}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "a", Port: 93, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: "must be a valid IP address", }, "Multiple ports, one without name": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Port: 8675, Protocol: "TCP"}, {Name: "b", Port: 309, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueRequired", }, "Invalid port number": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "a", Port: 66000, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: "between", }, "Invalid protocol": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "a", Port: 93, Protocol: "Protocol"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueNotSupported", }, "Address missing IP": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "a", Port: 93, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: "must be a valid IP address", }, "Port missing number": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "a", Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: "between", }, "Port missing protocol": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "a", Port: 93}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueRequired", }, "Address is loopback": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "p", Port: 93, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: "loopback", }, "Address is link-local": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "p", Port: 93, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: "link-local", }, "Address is link-local multicast": { endpoints: api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "mysvc", Namespace: "namespace"}, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{{IP: ""}}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "p", Port: 93, Protocol: "TCP"}}, }, }, }, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: "link-local multicast", }, } for k, v := range errorCases { if errs := ValidateEndpoints(&v.endpoints); len(errs) == 0 || errs[0].Type != v.errorType || !strings.Contains(errs[0].Detail, v.errorDetail) { t.Errorf("[%s] Expected error type %s with detail %q, got %v", k, v.errorType, v.errorDetail, errs) } } } func TestValidateTLSSecret(t *testing.T) { successCases := map[string]api.Secret{ "emtpy certificate chain": { ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "tls-cert", Namespace: "namespace"}, Data: map[string][]byte{ api.TLSCertKey: []byte("public key"), api.TLSPrivateKeyKey: []byte("private key"), }, }, } for k, v := range successCases { if errs := ValidateSecret(&v); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected success for %s, got %v", k, errs) } } errorCases := map[string]struct { secrets api.Secret errorType field.ErrorType errorDetail string }{ "missing public key": { secrets: api.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "tls-cert"}, Data: map[string][]byte{ api.TLSCertKey: []byte("public key"), }, }, errorType: "FieldValueRequired", }, "missing private key": { secrets: api.Secret{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "tls-cert"}, Data: map[string][]byte{ api.TLSCertKey: []byte("public key"), }, }, errorType: "FieldValueRequired", }, } for k, v := range errorCases { if errs := ValidateSecret(&v.secrets); len(errs) == 0 || errs[0].Type != v.errorType || !strings.Contains(errs[0].Detail, v.errorDetail) { t.Errorf("[%s] Expected error type %s with detail %q, got %v", k, v.errorType, v.errorDetail, errs) } } } func TestValidateSecurityContext(t *testing.T) { priv := false var runAsUser int64 = 1 fullValidSC := func() *api.SecurityContext { return &api.SecurityContext{ Privileged: &priv, Capabilities: &api.Capabilities{ Add: []api.Capability{"foo"}, Drop: []api.Capability{"bar"}, }, SELinuxOptions: &api.SELinuxOptions{ User: "user", Role: "role", Type: "type", Level: "level", }, RunAsUser: &runAsUser, } } //setup data allSettings := fullValidSC() noCaps := fullValidSC() noCaps.Capabilities = nil noSELinux := fullValidSC() noSELinux.SELinuxOptions = nil noPrivRequest := fullValidSC() noPrivRequest.Privileged = nil noRunAsUser := fullValidSC() noRunAsUser.RunAsUser = nil successCases := map[string]struct { sc *api.SecurityContext }{ "all settings": {allSettings}, "no capabilities": {noCaps}, "no selinux": {noSELinux}, "no priv request": {noPrivRequest}, "no run as user": {noRunAsUser}, } for k, v := range successCases { if errs := ValidateSecurityContext(v.sc, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("[%s] Expected success, got %v", k, errs) } } privRequestWithGlobalDeny := fullValidSC() requestPrivileged := true privRequestWithGlobalDeny.Privileged = &requestPrivileged negativeRunAsUser := fullValidSC() var negativeUser int64 = -1 negativeRunAsUser.RunAsUser = &negativeUser errorCases := map[string]struct { sc *api.SecurityContext errorType field.ErrorType errorDetail string }{ "request privileged when capabilities forbids": { sc: privRequestWithGlobalDeny, errorType: "FieldValueForbidden", errorDetail: "disallowed by cluster policy", }, "negative RunAsUser": { sc: negativeRunAsUser, errorType: "FieldValueInvalid", errorDetail: isNegativeErrorMsg, }, } for k, v := range errorCases { if errs := ValidateSecurityContext(v.sc, field.NewPath("field")); len(errs) == 0 || errs[0].Type != v.errorType || !strings.Contains(errs[0].Detail, v.errorDetail) { t.Errorf("[%s] Expected error type %q with detail %q, got %v", k, v.errorType, v.errorDetail, errs) } } } func fakeValidSecurityContext(priv bool) *api.SecurityContext { return &api.SecurityContext{ Privileged: &priv, } } func TestValidPodLogOptions(t *testing.T) { now := metav1.Now() negative := int64(-1) zero := int64(0) positive := int64(1) tests := []struct { opt api.PodLogOptions errs int }{ {api.PodLogOptions{}, 0}, {api.PodLogOptions{Previous: true}, 0}, {api.PodLogOptions{Follow: true}, 0}, {api.PodLogOptions{TailLines: &zero}, 0}, {api.PodLogOptions{TailLines: &negative}, 1}, {api.PodLogOptions{TailLines: &positive}, 0}, {api.PodLogOptions{LimitBytes: &zero}, 1}, {api.PodLogOptions{LimitBytes: &negative}, 1}, {api.PodLogOptions{LimitBytes: &positive}, 0}, {api.PodLogOptions{SinceSeconds: &negative}, 1}, {api.PodLogOptions{SinceSeconds: &positive}, 0}, {api.PodLogOptions{SinceSeconds: &zero}, 1}, {api.PodLogOptions{SinceTime: &now}, 0}, } for i, test := range tests { errs := ValidatePodLogOptions(&test.opt) if test.errs != len(errs) { t.Errorf("%d: Unexpected errors: %v", i, errs) } } } func TestValidateConfigMap(t *testing.T) { newConfigMap := func(name, namespace string, data map[string]string) api.ConfigMap { return api.ConfigMap{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: name, Namespace: namespace, }, Data: data, } } var ( validConfigMap = newConfigMap("validname", "validns", map[string]string{"key": "value"}) maxKeyLength = newConfigMap("validname", "validns", map[string]string{strings.Repeat("a", 253): "value"}) emptyName = newConfigMap("", "validns", nil) invalidName = newConfigMap("NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals", "validns", nil) emptyNs = newConfigMap("validname", "", nil) invalidNs = newConfigMap("validname", "NoUppercaseOrSpecialCharsLike=Equals", nil) invalidKey = newConfigMap("validname", "validns", map[string]string{"a*b": "value"}) leadingDotKey = newConfigMap("validname", "validns", map[string]string{".ab": "value"}) dotKey = newConfigMap("validname", "validns", map[string]string{".": "value"}) doubleDotKey = newConfigMap("validname", "validns", map[string]string{"..": "value"}) overMaxKeyLength = newConfigMap("validname", "validns", map[string]string{strings.Repeat("a", 254): "value"}) overMaxSize = newConfigMap("validname", "validns", map[string]string{"key": strings.Repeat("a", api.MaxSecretSize+1)}) ) tests := map[string]struct { cfg api.ConfigMap isValid bool }{ "valid": {validConfigMap, true}, "max key length": {maxKeyLength, true}, "leading dot key": {leadingDotKey, true}, "empty name": {emptyName, false}, "invalid name": {invalidName, false}, "invalid key": {invalidKey, false}, "empty namespace": {emptyNs, false}, "invalid namespace": {invalidNs, false}, "dot key": {dotKey, false}, "double dot key": {doubleDotKey, false}, "over max key length": {overMaxKeyLength, false}, "over max size": {overMaxSize, false}, } for name, tc := range tests { errs := ValidateConfigMap(&tc.cfg) if tc.isValid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%v: unexpected error: %v", name, errs) } if !tc.isValid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v: unexpected non-error", name) } } } func TestValidateConfigMapUpdate(t *testing.T) { newConfigMap := func(version, name, namespace string, data map[string]string) api.ConfigMap { return api.ConfigMap{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: name, Namespace: namespace, ResourceVersion: version, }, Data: data, } } var ( validConfigMap = newConfigMap("1", "validname", "validns", map[string]string{"key": "value"}) noVersion = newConfigMap("", "validname", "validns", map[string]string{"key": "value"}) ) cases := []struct { name string newCfg api.ConfigMap oldCfg api.ConfigMap isValid bool }{ { name: "valid", newCfg: validConfigMap, oldCfg: validConfigMap, isValid: true, }, { name: "invalid", newCfg: noVersion, oldCfg: validConfigMap, isValid: false, }, } for _, tc := range cases { errs := ValidateConfigMapUpdate(&tc.newCfg, &tc.oldCfg) if tc.isValid && len(errs) > 0 { t.Errorf("%v: unexpected error: %v", tc.name, errs) } if !tc.isValid && len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("%v: unexpected non-error", tc.name) } } } func TestValidateHasLabel(t *testing.T) { successCase := metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Labels: map[string]string{ "other": "blah", "foo": "bar", }, } if errs := ValidateHasLabel(successCase, field.NewPath("field"), "foo", "bar"); len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("expected success: %v", errs) } missingCase := metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Labels: map[string]string{ "other": "blah", }, } if errs := ValidateHasLabel(missingCase, field.NewPath("field"), "foo", "bar"); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure") } wrongValueCase := metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "123", Namespace: "ns", Labels: map[string]string{ "other": "blah", "foo": "notbar", }, } if errs := ValidateHasLabel(wrongValueCase, field.NewPath("field"), "foo", "bar"); len(errs) == 0 { t.Errorf("expected failure") } } func TestIsValidSysctlName(t *testing.T) { valid := []string{ "a.b.c.d", "a", "a_b", "a-b", "abc", "abc.def", } invalid := []string{ "", "*", "รค", "a_", "_", "__", "_a", "_a._b", "-", ".", "a.", ".a", "a.b.", "a*.b", "a*b", "*a", "a.*", "*", "abc*", "a.abc*", "a.b.*", "Abc", func(n int) string { x := make([]byte, n) for i := range x { x[i] = byte('a') } return string(x) }(256), } for _, s := range valid { if !IsValidSysctlName(s) { t.Errorf("%q expected to be a valid sysctl name", s) } } for _, s := range invalid { if IsValidSysctlName(s) { t.Errorf("%q expected to be an invalid sysctl name", s) } } } func TestValidateSysctls(t *testing.T) { valid := []string{ "net.foo.bar", "kernel.shmmax", } invalid := []string{ "i..nvalid", "_invalid", } sysctls := make([]api.Sysctl, len(valid)) for i, sysctl := range valid { sysctls[i].Name = sysctl } errs := validateSysctls(sysctls, field.NewPath("foo")) if len(errs) != 0 { t.Errorf("unexpected validation errors: %v", errs) } sysctls = make([]api.Sysctl, len(invalid)) for i, sysctl := range invalid { sysctls[i].Name = sysctl } errs = validateSysctls(sysctls, field.NewPath("foo")) if len(errs) != 2 { t.Errorf("expected 2 validation errors. Got: %v", errs) } else { if got, expected := errs[0].Error(), "foo"; !strings.Contains(got, expected) { t.Errorf("unexpected errors: expected=%q, got=%q", expected, got) } if got, expected := errs[1].Error(), "foo"; !strings.Contains(got, expected) { t.Errorf("unexpected errors: expected=%q, got=%q", expected, got) } } } func newNodeNameEndpoint(nodeName string) *api.Endpoints { ep := &api.Endpoints{ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "foo", Namespace: metav1.NamespaceDefault, ResourceVersion: "1", }, Subsets: []api.EndpointSubset{ { NotReadyAddresses: []api.EndpointAddress{}, Ports: []api.EndpointPort{{Name: "https", Port: 443, Protocol: "TCP"}}, Addresses: []api.EndpointAddress{ { IP: "", Hostname: "zookeeper1", NodeName: &nodeName}}}}} return ep } func TestEndpointAddressNodeNameUpdateRestrictions(t *testing.T) { oldEndpoint := newNodeNameEndpoint("kubernetes-node-setup-by-backend") updatedEndpoint := newNodeNameEndpoint("kubernetes-changed-nodename") // Check that NodeName cannot be changed during update (if already set) errList := ValidateEndpoints(updatedEndpoint) errList = append(errList, ValidateEndpointsUpdate(updatedEndpoint, oldEndpoint)...) if len(errList) == 0 { t.Error("Endpoint should not allow changing of Subset.Addresses.NodeName on update") } } func TestEndpointAddressNodeNameInvalidDNSSubdomain(t *testing.T) { // Check NodeName DNS validation endpoint := newNodeNameEndpoint("illegal*.nodename") errList := ValidateEndpoints(endpoint) if len(errList) == 0 { t.Error("Endpoint should reject invalid NodeName") } } func TestEndpointAddressNodeNameCanBeAnIPAddress(t *testing.T) { endpoint := newNodeNameEndpoint("") errList := ValidateEndpoints(endpoint) if len(errList) != 0 { t.Error("Endpoint should accept a NodeName that is an IP address") } }