Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package pod

import (

	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

// FindPort locates the container port for the given pod and portName.  If the
// targetPort is a number, use that.  If the targetPort is a string, look that
// string up in all named ports in all containers in the target pod.  If no
// match is found, fail.
func FindPort(pod *v1.Pod, svcPort *v1.ServicePort) (int, error) {
	portName := svcPort.TargetPort
	switch portName.Type {
	case intstr.String:
		name := portName.StrVal
		for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
			for _, port := range container.Ports {
				if port.Name == name && port.Protocol == svcPort.Protocol {
					return int(port.ContainerPort), nil
	case intstr.Int:
		return portName.IntValue(), nil

	return 0, fmt.Errorf("no suitable port for manifest: %s", pod.UID)

// TODO: remove this function when init containers becomes a stable feature
func SetInitContainersAndStatuses(pod *v1.Pod) error {
	var initContainersAnnotation string
	initContainersAnnotation = pod.Annotations[v1.PodInitContainersAnnotationKey]
	initContainersAnnotation = pod.Annotations[v1.PodInitContainersBetaAnnotationKey]
	if len(initContainersAnnotation) > 0 {
		var values []v1.Container
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(initContainersAnnotation), &values); err != nil {
			return err
		pod.Spec.InitContainers = values

	var initContainerStatusesAnnotation string
	initContainerStatusesAnnotation = pod.Annotations[v1.PodInitContainerStatusesAnnotationKey]
	initContainerStatusesAnnotation = pod.Annotations[v1.PodInitContainerStatusesBetaAnnotationKey]
	if len(initContainerStatusesAnnotation) > 0 {
		var values []v1.ContainerStatus
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(initContainerStatusesAnnotation), &values); err != nil {
			return err
		pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses = values
	return nil

// TODO: remove this function when init containers becomes a stable feature
func SetInitContainersAnnotations(pod *v1.Pod) error {
	if len(pod.Spec.InitContainers) > 0 {
		value, err := json.Marshal(pod.Spec.InitContainers)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if pod.Annotations == nil {
			pod.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
		pod.Annotations[v1.PodInitContainersAnnotationKey] = string(value)
		pod.Annotations[v1.PodInitContainersBetaAnnotationKey] = string(value)
	return nil

// TODO: remove this function when init containers becomes a stable feature
func SetInitContainersStatusesAnnotations(pod *v1.Pod) error {
	if len(pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses) > 0 {
		value, err := json.Marshal(pod.Status.InitContainerStatuses)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if pod.Annotations == nil {
			pod.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
		pod.Annotations[v1.PodInitContainerStatusesAnnotationKey] = string(value)
		pod.Annotations[v1.PodInitContainerStatusesBetaAnnotationKey] = string(value)
	} else {
		delete(pod.Annotations, v1.PodInitContainerStatusesAnnotationKey)
		delete(pod.Annotations, v1.PodInitContainerStatusesBetaAnnotationKey)
	return nil

// Visitor is called with each object name, and returns true if visiting should continue
type Visitor func(name string) (shouldContinue bool)

// VisitPodSecretNames invokes the visitor function with the name of every secret
// referenced by the pod spec. If visitor returns false, visiting is short-circuited.
// Transitive references (e.g. pod -> pvc -> pv -> secret) are not visited.
// Returns true if visiting completed, false if visiting was short-circuited.
func VisitPodSecretNames(pod *v1.Pod, visitor Visitor) bool {
	for _, reference := range pod.Spec.ImagePullSecrets {
		if !visitor(reference.Name) {
			return false
	for i := range pod.Spec.InitContainers {
		if !visitContainerSecretNames(&pod.Spec.InitContainers[i], visitor) {
			return false
	for i := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		if !visitContainerSecretNames(&pod.Spec.Containers[i], visitor) {
			return false
	var source *v1.VolumeSource

	for i := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
		source = &pod.Spec.Volumes[i].VolumeSource
		switch {
		case source.AzureFile != nil:
			if len(source.AzureFile.SecretName) > 0 && !visitor(source.AzureFile.SecretName) {
				return false
		case source.CephFS != nil:
			if source.CephFS.SecretRef != nil && !visitor(source.CephFS.SecretRef.Name) {
				return false
		case source.FlexVolume != nil:
			if source.FlexVolume.SecretRef != nil && !visitor(source.FlexVolume.SecretRef.Name) {
				return false
		case source.Projected != nil:
			for j := range source.Projected.Sources {
				if source.Projected.Sources[j].Secret != nil {
					if !visitor(source.Projected.Sources[j].Secret.Name) {
						return false
		case source.RBD != nil:
			if source.RBD.SecretRef != nil && !visitor(source.RBD.SecretRef.Name) {
				return false
		case source.Secret != nil:
			if !visitor(source.Secret.SecretName) {
				return false
		case source.ScaleIO != nil:
			if source.ScaleIO.SecretRef != nil && !visitor(source.ScaleIO.SecretRef.Name) {
				return false
		case source.ISCSI != nil:
			if source.ISCSI.SecretRef != nil && !visitor(source.ISCSI.SecretRef.Name) {
				return false
		case source.StorageOS != nil:
			if source.StorageOS.SecretRef != nil && !visitor(source.StorageOS.SecretRef.Name) {
				return false
	return true

func visitContainerSecretNames(container *v1.Container, visitor Visitor) bool {
	for _, env := range container.EnvFrom {
		if env.SecretRef != nil {
			if !visitor(env.SecretRef.Name) {
				return false
	for _, envVar := range container.Env {
		if envVar.ValueFrom != nil && envVar.ValueFrom.SecretKeyRef != nil {
			if !visitor(envVar.ValueFrom.SecretKeyRef.Name) {
				return false
	return true

// VisitPodConfigmapNames invokes the visitor function with the name of every configmap
// referenced by the pod spec. If visitor returns false, visiting is short-circuited.
// Transitive references (e.g. pod -> pvc -> pv -> secret) are not visited.
// Returns true if visiting completed, false if visiting was short-circuited.
func VisitPodConfigmapNames(pod *v1.Pod, visitor Visitor) bool {
	for i := range pod.Spec.InitContainers {
		if !visitContainerConfigmapNames(&pod.Spec.InitContainers[i], visitor) {
			return false
	for i := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		if !visitContainerConfigmapNames(&pod.Spec.Containers[i], visitor) {
			return false
	var source *v1.VolumeSource
	for i := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
		source = &pod.Spec.Volumes[i].VolumeSource
		switch {
		case source.Projected != nil:
			for j := range source.Projected.Sources {
				if source.Projected.Sources[j].ConfigMap != nil {
					if !visitor(source.Projected.Sources[j].ConfigMap.Name) {
						return false
		case source.ConfigMap != nil:
			if !visitor(source.ConfigMap.Name) {
				return false
	return true

func visitContainerConfigmapNames(container *v1.Container, visitor Visitor) bool {
	for _, env := range container.EnvFrom {
		if env.ConfigMapRef != nil {
			if !visitor(env.ConfigMapRef.Name) {
				return false
	for _, envVar := range container.Env {
		if envVar.ValueFrom != nil && envVar.ValueFrom.ConfigMapKeyRef != nil {
			if !visitor(envVar.ValueFrom.ConfigMapKeyRef.Name) {
				return false
	return true

// GetContainerStatus extracts the status of container "name" from "statuses".
// It also returns if "name" exists.
func GetContainerStatus(statuses []v1.ContainerStatus, name string) (v1.ContainerStatus, bool) {
	for i := range statuses {
		if statuses[i].Name == name {
			return statuses[i], true
	return v1.ContainerStatus{}, false

// GetExistingContainerStatus extracts the status of container "name" from "statuses",
// and returns empty status if "name" does not exist.
func GetExistingContainerStatus(statuses []v1.ContainerStatus, name string) v1.ContainerStatus {
	for i := range statuses {
		if statuses[i].Name == name {
			return statuses[i]
	return v1.ContainerStatus{}

// IsPodAvailable returns true if a pod is available; false otherwise.
// Precondition for an available pod is that it must be ready. On top
// of that, there are two cases when a pod can be considered available:
// 1. minReadySeconds == 0, or
// 2. LastTransitionTime (is set) + minReadySeconds < current time
func IsPodAvailable(pod *v1.Pod, minReadySeconds int32, now metav1.Time) bool {
	if !IsPodReady(pod) {
		return false

	c := GetPodReadyCondition(pod.Status)
	minReadySecondsDuration := time.Duration(minReadySeconds) * time.Second
	if minReadySeconds == 0 || !c.LastTransitionTime.IsZero() && c.LastTransitionTime.Add(minReadySecondsDuration).Before(now.Time) {
		return true
	return false

// IsPodReady returns true if a pod is ready; false otherwise.
func IsPodReady(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	return IsPodReadyConditionTrue(pod.Status)

// IsPodReady retruns true if a pod is ready; false otherwise.
func IsPodReadyConditionTrue(status v1.PodStatus) bool {
	condition := GetPodReadyCondition(status)
	return condition != nil && condition.Status == v1.ConditionTrue

// Extracts the pod ready condition from the given status and returns that.
// Returns nil if the condition is not present.
func GetPodReadyCondition(status v1.PodStatus) *v1.PodCondition {
	_, condition := GetPodCondition(&status, v1.PodReady)
	return condition

// GetPodCondition extracts the provided condition from the given status and returns that.
// Returns nil and -1 if the condition is not present, and the index of the located condition.
func GetPodCondition(status *v1.PodStatus, conditionType v1.PodConditionType) (int, *v1.PodCondition) {
	if status == nil {
		return -1, nil
	for i := range status.Conditions {
		if status.Conditions[i].Type == conditionType {
			return i, &status.Conditions[i]
	return -1, nil

// Updates existing pod condition or creates a new one. Sets LastTransitionTime to now if the
// status has changed.
// Returns true if pod condition has changed or has been added.
func UpdatePodCondition(status *v1.PodStatus, condition *v1.PodCondition) bool {
	condition.LastTransitionTime = metav1.Now()
	// Try to find this pod condition.
	conditionIndex, oldCondition := GetPodCondition(status, condition.Type)

	if oldCondition == nil {
		// We are adding new pod condition.
		status.Conditions = append(status.Conditions, *condition)
		return true
	} else {
		// We are updating an existing condition, so we need to check if it has changed.
		if condition.Status == oldCondition.Status {
			condition.LastTransitionTime = oldCondition.LastTransitionTime

		isEqual := condition.Status == oldCondition.Status &&
			condition.Reason == oldCondition.Reason &&
			condition.Message == oldCondition.Message &&
			condition.LastProbeTime.Equal(oldCondition.LastProbeTime) &&

		status.Conditions[conditionIndex] = *condition
		// Return true if one of the fields have changed.
		return !isEqual