# OCI Image Manifest Specification There are three main goals of the Image Manifest Specification. The first goal is content-addressable images, by supporting an image model where the image's configuration can be hashed to generate a unique ID for the image and its components. The second goal is to allow multi-architecture images, through a "fat manifest" which references image manifests for platform-specific versions of an image. In OCI, this is codified in an [image index](image-index.md). The third goal is to be translatable to the [OCI Runtime Specification](https://github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec). This section defines the `application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json` [media type](media-types.md). For the media type(s) that this is compatible with see the [matrix](media-types.md#compatibility-matrix). # Image Manifest Unlike the [image index](image-index.md), which contains information about a set of images that can span a variety of architectures and operating systems, an image manifest provides a configuration and set of layers for a single container image for a specific architecture and operating system. ## *Image Manifest* Property Descriptions - **`schemaVersion`** *int* This REQUIRED property specifies the image manifest schema version. For this version of the specification, this MUST be `2` to ensure backward compatibility with older versions of Docker. The value of this field will not change. This field MAY be removed in a future version of the specification. - **`mediaType`** *string* This property is *reserved* for use, to [maintain compatibility](media-types.md#compatibility-matrix). When used, this field contains the media type of this document, which differs from the [descriptor](descriptor.md#properties) use of `mediaType`. - **`config`** *[descriptor](descriptor.md)* This REQUIRED property references a configuration object for a container, by digest. Beyond the [descriptor requirements](descriptor.md#properties), the value has the following additional restrictions: - **`mediaType`** *string* This [descriptor property](descriptor.md#properties) has additional restrictions for `config`. Implementations MUST support at least the following media types: - [`application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json`](config.md) Manifests concerned with portability SHOULD use one of the above media types. - **`layers`** *array of objects* Each item in the array MUST be a [descriptor](descriptor.md). The array MUST have the base layer at index 0. Subsequent layers MUST then follow in stack order (i.e. from `layers[0]` to `layers[len(layers)-1]`). The final filesystem layout MUST match the result of [applying](layer.md#applying-changesets) the layers to an empty directory. The [ownership, mode, and other attributes](layer.md#file-attributes) of the initial empty directory are unspecified. Beyond the [descriptor requirements](descriptor.md#properties), the value has the following additional restrictions: - **`mediaType`** *string* This [descriptor property](descriptor.md#properties) has additional restrictions for `layers[]`. Implementations MUST support at least the following media types: - [`application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar`](layer.md) - [`application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip`](layer.md#gzip-media-types) - [`application/vnd.oci.image.layer.nondistributable.v1.tar`](layer.md#non-distributable-layers) - [`application/vnd.oci.image.layer.nondistributable.v1.tar+gzip`](layer.md#gzip-media-types) Manifests concerned with portability SHOULD use one of the above media types. Entries in this field will frequently use the `+gzip` types. - **`annotations`** *string-string map* This OPTIONAL property contains arbitrary metadata for the image manifest. This OPTIONAL property MUST use the [annotation rules](annotations.md#rules). See [Pre-Defined Annotation Keys](annotations.md#pre-defined-annotation-keys). ## Example Image Manifest *Example showing an image manifest:* ```json,title=Manifest&mediatype=application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1%2Bjson { "schemaVersion": 2, "config": { "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json", "size": 7023, "digest": "sha256:b5b2b2c507a0944348e0303114d8d93aaaa081732b86451d9bce1f432a537bc7" }, "layers": [ { "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip", "size": 32654, "digest": "sha256:e692418e4cbaf90ca69d05a66403747baa33ee08806650b51fab815ad7fc331f" }, { "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip", "size": 16724, "digest": "sha256:3c3a4604a545cdc127456d94e421cd355bca5b528f4a9c1905b15da2eb4a4c6b" }, { "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip", "size": 73109, "digest": "sha256:ec4b8955958665577945c89419d1af06b5f7636b4ac3da7f12184802ad867736" } ], "annotations": { "com.example.key1": "value1", "com.example.key2": "value2" } } ```