# This configuration file for Fluentd / td-agent is used
# to watch changes to Docker log files that live in the
# directory /var/lib/docker/containers/ and are symbolically
# linked to from the /var/log directory using names that capture the
# pod name and container name. These logs are then submitted to
# Google Cloud Logging which assumes the installation of the cloud-logging plug-in.
# Example
# =======
# A line in the Docker log file might like like this JSON:
# {"log":"2014/09/25 21:15:03 Got request with path wombat\n",
# "stream":"stderr",
# "time":"2014-09-25T21:15:03.499185026Z"}
# The record reformer is used to write the tag to focus on the pod name
# and the Kubernetes container name. For example a Docker container's logs
# might be in the directory:
# /var/lib/docker/containers/997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b
# and in the file:
# 997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b-json.log
# where 997599971ee6... is the Docker ID of the running container.
# The Kubernetes kubelet makes a symbolic link to this file on the host machine
# in the /var/log/containers directory which includes the pod name and the Kubernetes
# container name:
# synthetic-logger-0.25lps-pod_default-synth-lgr-997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b.log
# ->
# /var/lib/docker/containers/997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b/997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b-json.log
# The /var/log directory on the host is mapped to the /var/log directory in the container
# running this instance of Fluentd and we end up collecting the file:
# /var/log/containers/synthetic-logger-0.25lps-pod_default-synth-lgr-997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b.log
# This results in the tag:
# var.log.containers.synthetic-logger-0.25lps-pod_default-synth-lgr-997599971ee6366d4a5920d25b79286ad45ff37a74494f262e3bc98d909d0a7b.log
# The record reformer is used is discard the var.log.containers prefix and
# the Docker container ID suffix and "kubernetes." is pre-pended giving the
# final tag which is ingested into Elasticsearch:
# kubernetes.synthetic-logger-0.25lps-pod_default-synth-lgr
# This makes it easier for users to search for logs by pod name or by
# the name of the Kubernetes container regardless of how many times the
# Kubernetes pod has been restarted (resulting in a several Docker container IDs).
# Prevent fluentd from handling records containing its own logs. Otherwise
# it can lead to an infinite loop, when error in sending one message generates
# another message which also fails to be sent and so on.
type null
# Example:
# {"log":"[info:2016-02-16T16:04:05.930-08:00] Some log text here\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2016-02-17T00:04:05.931087621Z"}
type parser
format /^(?\w)(?
type record_reformer
enable_ruby true
tag raw.kubernetes.${tag_suffix[4].split('-')[0..-2].join('-')}
# Detect exceptions in the log output and forward them as one log entry.
type detect_exceptions
remove_tag_prefix raw
message log
stream stream
multiline_flush_interval 5
max_bytes 500000
max_lines 1000
# Example:
# 2015-12-21 23:17:22,066 [salt.state ][INFO ] Completed state [net.ipv4.ip_forward] at time 23:17:22.066081
# Example:
# Dec 21 23:17:22 gke-foo-1-1-4b5cbd14-node-4eoj startupscript: Finished running startup script /var/run/google.startup.script
# Examples:
# time="2016-02-04T06:51:03.053580605Z" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
# time="2016-02-04T07:53:57.505612354Z" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="No such image: -f" statusCode=404
# Example:
# 2016/02/04 06:52:38 filePurge: successfully removed file /var/etcd/data/member/wal/00000000000006d0-00000000010a23d1.wal
# Multi-line parsing is required for all the kube logs because very large log
# statements, such as those that include entire object bodies, get split into
# multiple lines by glog.
# Example:
# I0204 07:32:30.020537 3368 server.go:1048] POST /stats/container/: (13.972191ms) 200 [[Go-http-client/1.1]]