--- - name: clone build and install kubernetes include: "build/kubernetes.yml" - name: enable and start CRI-O systemd: name: crio state: started enabled: yes daemon_reload: yes - name: update the server address for the custom cluster lineinfile: dest: /usr/local/bin/createcluster.sh line: "export {{ item }}={{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}" regexp: "^export {{ item }}=" state: present with_items: - DNS_SERVER_IP - API_HOST - API_HOST_IP - name: enable and start the custom cluster systemd: name: customcluster.service state: started enabled: yes daemon_reload: yes - name: wait for the cluster to be running command: "{{ ansible_env.GOPATH }}/src/k8s.io/kubernetes/_output/bin/kubectl get service kubernetes --namespace default" register: kube_poll until: kube_poll | succeeded retries: 100 delay: 30 - name: ensure directory exists for e2e reports file: path: "{{ artifacts }}" state: directory - name: Buffer the e2e testing command to workaround Ansible YAML folding "feature" set_fact: e2e_shell_cmd: > /usr/bin/go run hack/e2e.go --test --test_args="-host=https://{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:6443 --ginkgo.focus=\[Conformance\] --report-dir={{ artifacts }}" &> {{ artifacts }}/e2e.log # Fix vim syntax hilighting: " - name: disable SELinux command: setenforce 0 - name: run e2e tests shell: "{{ e2e_shell_cmd | regex_replace('\\s+', ' ') }}" args: chdir: "{{ ansible_env.GOPATH }}/src/k8s.io/kubernetes"