// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package pubsub

import (


// The default period for which to automatically extend Message acknowledgement deadlines.
const DefaultMaxExtension = 10 * time.Minute

// The default maximum number of messages that are prefetched from the server.
const DefaultMaxPrefetch = 100

// Subscription is a reference to a PubSub subscription.
type Subscription struct {
	s service

	// The fully qualified identifier for the subscription, in the format "projects/<projid>/subscriptions/<name>"
	name string

// Subscription creates a reference to a subscription.
func (c *Client) Subscription(id string) *Subscription {
	return &Subscription{
		s:    c.s,
		name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/subscriptions/%s", c.projectID, id),

// String returns the globally unique printable name of the subscription.
func (s *Subscription) String() string {
	return s.name

// ID returns the unique identifier of the subscription within its project.
func (s *Subscription) ID() string {
	slash := strings.LastIndex(s.name, "/")
	if slash == -1 {
		// name is not a fully-qualified name.
		panic("bad subscription name")
	return s.name[slash+1:]

// Subscriptions returns an iterator which returns all of the subscriptions for the client's project.
func (c *Client) Subscriptions(ctx context.Context) *SubscriptionIterator {
	return &SubscriptionIterator{
		s:    c.s,
		next: c.s.listProjectSubscriptions(ctx, c.fullyQualifiedProjectName()),

// SubscriptionIterator is an iterator that returns a series of subscriptions.
type SubscriptionIterator struct {
	s    service
	next nextStringFunc

// Next returns the next subscription. If there are no more subscriptions, iterator.Done will be returned.
func (subs *SubscriptionIterator) Next() (*Subscription, error) {
	subName, err := subs.next()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Subscription{s: subs.s, name: subName}, nil

// PushConfig contains configuration for subscriptions that operate in push mode.
type PushConfig struct {
	// A URL locating the endpoint to which messages should be pushed.
	Endpoint string

	// Endpoint configuration attributes. See https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.subscriptions#pushconfig for more details.
	Attributes map[string]string

// Subscription config contains the configuration of a subscription.
type SubscriptionConfig struct {
	Topic      *Topic
	PushConfig PushConfig

	// The default maximum time after a subscriber receives a message before
	// the subscriber should acknowledge the message. Note: messages which are
	// obtained via a MessageIterator need not be acknowledged within this
	// deadline, as the deadline will be automatically extended.
	AckDeadline time.Duration

// Delete deletes the subscription.
func (s *Subscription) Delete(ctx context.Context) error {
	return s.s.deleteSubscription(ctx, s.name)

// Exists reports whether the subscription exists on the server.
func (s *Subscription) Exists(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
	return s.s.subscriptionExists(ctx, s.name)

// Config fetches the current configuration for the subscription.
func (s *Subscription) Config(ctx context.Context) (*SubscriptionConfig, error) {
	conf, topicName, err := s.s.getSubscriptionConfig(ctx, s.name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	conf.Topic = &Topic{
		s:    s.s,
		name: topicName,
	return conf, nil

// Pull returns a MessageIterator that can be used to fetch Messages. The MessageIterator
// will automatically extend the ack deadline of all fetched Messages, for the
// period specified by DefaultMaxExtension. This may be overridden by supplying
// a MaxExtension pull option.
// If ctx is cancelled or exceeds its deadline, outstanding acks or deadline
// extensions will fail.
// The caller must call Stop on the MessageIterator once finished with it.
func (s *Subscription) Pull(ctx context.Context, opts ...PullOption) (*MessageIterator, error) {
	config, err := s.Config(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	po := processPullOptions(opts)
	po.ackDeadline = config.AckDeadline
	return newMessageIterator(ctx, s.s, s.name, po), nil

// ModifyPushConfig updates the endpoint URL and other attributes of a push subscription.
func (s *Subscription) ModifyPushConfig(ctx context.Context, conf *PushConfig) error {
	if conf == nil {
		return errors.New("must supply non-nil PushConfig")

	return s.s.modifyPushConfig(ctx, s.name, conf)

func (s *Subscription) IAM() *iam.Handle {
	return s.s.iamHandle(s.name)

// A PullOption is an optional argument to Subscription.Pull.
type PullOption interface {
	setOptions(o *pullOptions)

type pullOptions struct {
	// maxExtension is the maximum period for which the iterator should
	// automatically extend the ack deadline for each message.
	maxExtension time.Duration

	// maxPrefetch is the maximum number of Messages to have in flight, to
	// be returned by MessageIterator.Next.
	maxPrefetch int32

	// ackDeadline is the default ack deadline for the subscription.  Not
	// configurable via a PullOption.
	ackDeadline time.Duration

func processPullOptions(opts []PullOption) *pullOptions {
	po := &pullOptions{
		maxExtension: DefaultMaxExtension,
		maxPrefetch:  DefaultMaxPrefetch,

	for _, o := range opts {

	return po

type maxPrefetch int32

func (max maxPrefetch) setOptions(o *pullOptions) {
	if o.maxPrefetch = int32(max); o.maxPrefetch < 1 {
		o.maxPrefetch = 1

// MaxPrefetch returns a PullOption that limits Message prefetching.
// For performance reasons, the pubsub library may prefetch a pool of Messages
// to be returned serially from MessageIterator.Next. MaxPrefetch is used to limit the
// the size of this pool.
// If num is less than 1, it will be treated as if it were 1.
func MaxPrefetch(num int) PullOption {
	return maxPrefetch(trunc32(int64(num)))

type maxExtension time.Duration

func (max maxExtension) setOptions(o *pullOptions) {
	if o.maxExtension = time.Duration(max); o.maxExtension < 0 {
		o.maxExtension = 0

// MaxExtension returns a PullOption that limits how long acks deadlines are
// extended for.
// A MessageIterator will automatically extend the ack deadline of all fetched
// Messages for the duration specified. Automatic deadline extension may be
// disabled by specifying a duration of 0.
func MaxExtension(duration time.Duration) PullOption {
	return maxExtension(duration)

// CreateSubscription creates a new subscription on a topic.
// name is the name of the subscription to create. It must start with a letter,
// and contain only letters ([A-Za-z]), numbers ([0-9]), dashes (-),
// underscores (_), periods (.), tildes (~), plus (+) or percent signs (%). It
// must be between 3 and 255 characters in length, and must not start with
// "goog".
// topic is the topic from which the subscription should receive messages. It
// need not belong to the same project as the subscription.
// ackDeadline is the maximum time after a subscriber receives a message before
// the subscriber should acknowledge the message. It must be between 10 and 600
// seconds (inclusive), and is rounded down to the nearest second. If the
// provided ackDeadline is 0, then the default value of 10 seconds is used.
// Note: messages which are obtained via a MessageIterator need not be
// acknowledged within this deadline, as the deadline will be automatically
// extended.
// pushConfig may be set to configure this subscription for push delivery.
// If the subscription already exists an error will be returned.
func (c *Client) CreateSubscription(ctx context.Context, id string, topic *Topic, ackDeadline time.Duration, pushConfig *PushConfig) (*Subscription, error) {
	if ackDeadline == 0 {
		ackDeadline = 10 * time.Second
	if d := ackDeadline.Seconds(); d < 10 || d > 600 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("ack deadline must be between 10 and 600 seconds; got: %v", d)

	sub := c.Subscription(id)
	err := c.s.createSubscription(ctx, topic.name, sub.name, ackDeadline, pushConfig)
	return sub, err