package cli

import (

var boolFlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	expected string
	{"help", "--help\t"},
	{"h", "-h\t"},

func TestBoolFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range boolFlagTests {
		flag := BoolFlag{Name:}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)

func TestFlagsFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	var flagTests = []struct {
		input  string
		output interface{}
		flag   Flag
		err    error
		{"", false, BoolFlag{Name: "debug", EnvVar: "DEBUG"}, nil},
		{"1", true, BoolFlag{Name: "debug", EnvVar: "DEBUG"}, nil},
		{"false", false, BoolFlag{Name: "debug", EnvVar: "DEBUG"}, nil},
		{"foobar", true, BoolFlag{Name: "debug", EnvVar: "DEBUG"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as bool value for flag debug: strconv.ParseBool: parsing "foobar": invalid syntax`)},

		{"", false, BoolTFlag{Name: "debug", EnvVar: "DEBUG"}, nil},
		{"1", true, BoolTFlag{Name: "debug", EnvVar: "DEBUG"}, nil},
		{"false", false, BoolTFlag{Name: "debug", EnvVar: "DEBUG"}, nil},
		{"foobar", true, BoolTFlag{Name: "debug", EnvVar: "DEBUG"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as bool value for flag debug: strconv.ParseBool: parsing "foobar": invalid syntax`)},

		{"1s", 1 * time.Second, DurationFlag{Name: "time", EnvVar: "TIME"}, nil},
		{"foobar", false, DurationFlag{Name: "time", EnvVar: "TIME"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as duration for flag time: time: invalid duration foobar`)},

		{"1.2", 1.2, Float64Flag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, nil},
		{"1", 1.0, Float64Flag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, nil},
		{"foobar", 0, Float64Flag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as float64 value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "foobar": invalid syntax`)},

		{"1", int64(1), Int64Flag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, nil},
		{"1.2", 0, Int64Flag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse 1.2 as int value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "1.2": invalid syntax`)},
		{"foobar", 0, Int64Flag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as int value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "foobar": invalid syntax`)},

		{"1", 1, IntFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, nil},
		{"1.2", 0, IntFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse 1.2 as int value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "1.2": invalid syntax`)},
		{"foobar", 0, IntFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as int value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "foobar": invalid syntax`)},

		{"1,2", IntSlice{1, 2}, IntSliceFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, nil},
		{"1.2,2", IntSlice{}, IntSliceFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse 1.2,2 as int slice value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "1.2": invalid syntax`)},
		{"foobar", IntSlice{}, IntSliceFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as int slice value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "foobar": invalid syntax`)},

		{"1,2", Int64Slice{1, 2}, Int64SliceFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, nil},
		{"1.2,2", Int64Slice{}, Int64SliceFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse 1.2,2 as int64 slice value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "1.2": invalid syntax`)},
		{"foobar", Int64Slice{}, Int64SliceFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as int64 slice value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "foobar": invalid syntax`)},

		{"foo", "foo", StringFlag{Name: "name", EnvVar: "NAME"}, nil},

		{"foo,bar", StringSlice{"foo", "bar"}, StringSliceFlag{Name: "names", EnvVar: "NAMES"}, nil},

		{"1", uint(1), UintFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, nil},
		{"1.2", 0, UintFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse 1.2 as uint value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "1.2": invalid syntax`)},
		{"foobar", 0, UintFlag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as uint value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "foobar": invalid syntax`)},

		{"1", uint64(1), Uint64Flag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, nil},
		{"1.2", 0, Uint64Flag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse 1.2 as uint64 value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "1.2": invalid syntax`)},
		{"foobar", 0, Uint64Flag{Name: "seconds", EnvVar: "SECONDS"}, fmt.Errorf(`could not parse foobar as uint64 value for flag seconds: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "foobar": invalid syntax`)},

		{"foo,bar", &Parser{"foo", "bar"}, GenericFlag{Name: "names", Value: &Parser{}, EnvVar: "NAMES"}, nil},

	for _, test := range flagTests {
		os.Setenv(reflect.ValueOf(test.flag).FieldByName("EnvVar").String(), test.input)
		a := App{
			Flags: []Flag{test.flag},
			Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
				if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.value(test.flag.GetName()), test.output) {
					t.Errorf("expected %+v to be parsed as %+v, instead was %+v", test.input, test.output, ctx.value(test.flag.GetName()))
				return nil

		err := a.Run([]string{"run"})
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.err, err) {
			t.Errorf("expected error %s, got error %s", test.err, err)

var stringFlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	usage    string
	value    string
	expected string
	{"foo", "", "", "--foo value\t"},
	{"f", "", "", "-f value\t"},
	{"f", "The total `foo` desired", "all", "-f foo\tThe total foo desired (default: \"all\")"},
	{"test", "", "Something", "--test value\t(default: \"Something\")"},
	{"config,c", "Load configuration from `FILE`", "", "--config FILE, -c FILE\tLoad configuration from FILE"},
	{"config,c", "Load configuration from `CONFIG`", "config.json", "--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG\tLoad configuration from CONFIG (default: \"config.json\")"},

func TestStringFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range stringFlagTests {
		flag := StringFlag{Name:, Usage: test.usage, Value: test.value}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)

func TestStringFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_FOO", "derp")
	for _, test := range stringFlagTests {
		flag := StringFlag{Name:, Value: test.value, EnvVar: "APP_FOO"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_FOO]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_FOO%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%s does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var stringSliceFlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	value    *StringSlice
	expected string
	{"foo", func() *StringSlice {
		s := &StringSlice{}
		return s
	}(), "--foo value\t"},
	{"f", func() *StringSlice {
		s := &StringSlice{}
		return s
	}(), "-f value\t"},
	{"f", func() *StringSlice {
		s := &StringSlice{}
		return s
	}(), "-f value\t(default: \"Lipstick\")"},
	{"test", func() *StringSlice {
		s := &StringSlice{}
		return s
	}(), "--test value\t(default: \"Something\")"},

func TestStringSliceFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range stringSliceFlagTests {
		flag := StringSliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)

func TestStringSliceFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_QWWX", "11,4")
	for _, test := range stringSliceFlagTests {
		flag := StringSliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value, EnvVar: "APP_QWWX"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_QWWX]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_QWWX%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%q does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var intFlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	expected string
	{"hats", "--hats value\t(default: 9)"},
	{"H", "-H value\t(default: 9)"},

func TestIntFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range intFlagTests {
		flag := IntFlag{Name:, Value: 9}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%s does not match %s", output, test.expected)

func TestIntFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_BAR", "2")
	for _, test := range intFlagTests {
		flag := IntFlag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_BAR"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_BAR]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_BAR%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%s does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var int64FlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	expected string
	{"hats", "--hats value\t(default: 8589934592)"},
	{"H", "-H value\t(default: 8589934592)"},

func TestInt64FlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range int64FlagTests {
		flag := Int64Flag{Name:, Value: 8589934592}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%s does not match %s", output, test.expected)

func TestInt64FlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_BAR", "2")
	for _, test := range int64FlagTests {
		flag := IntFlag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_BAR"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_BAR]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_BAR%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%s does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var uintFlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	expected string
	{"nerfs", "--nerfs value\t(default: 41)"},
	{"N", "-N value\t(default: 41)"},

func TestUintFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range uintFlagTests {
		flag := UintFlag{Name:, Value: 41}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%s does not match %s", output, test.expected)

func TestUintFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_BAR", "2")
	for _, test := range uintFlagTests {
		flag := UintFlag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_BAR"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_BAR]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_BAR%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%s does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var uint64FlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	expected string
	{"gerfs", "--gerfs value\t(default: 8589934582)"},
	{"G", "-G value\t(default: 8589934582)"},

func TestUint64FlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range uint64FlagTests {
		flag := Uint64Flag{Name:, Value: 8589934582}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%s does not match %s", output, test.expected)

func TestUint64FlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_BAR", "2")
	for _, test := range uint64FlagTests {
		flag := UintFlag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_BAR"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_BAR]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_BAR%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%s does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var durationFlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	expected string
	{"hooting", "--hooting value\t(default: 1s)"},
	{"H", "-H value\t(default: 1s)"},

func TestDurationFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range durationFlagTests {
		flag := DurationFlag{Name:, Value: 1 * time.Second}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)

func TestDurationFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_BAR", "2h3m6s")
	for _, test := range durationFlagTests {
		flag := DurationFlag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_BAR"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_BAR]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_BAR%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%s does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var intSliceFlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	value    *IntSlice
	expected string
	{"heads", &IntSlice{}, "--heads value\t"},
	{"H", &IntSlice{}, "-H value\t"},
	{"H, heads", func() *IntSlice {
		i := &IntSlice{}
		return i
	}(), "-H value, --heads value\t(default: 9, 3)"},

func TestIntSliceFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range intSliceFlagTests {
		flag := IntSliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)

func TestIntSliceFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_SMURF", "42,3")
	for _, test := range intSliceFlagTests {
		flag := IntSliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value, EnvVar: "APP_SMURF"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_SMURF]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_SMURF%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%q does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var int64SliceFlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	value    *Int64Slice
	expected string
	{"heads", &Int64Slice{}, "--heads value\t"},
	{"H", &Int64Slice{}, "-H value\t"},
	{"H, heads", func() *Int64Slice {
		i := &Int64Slice{}
		return i
	}(), "-H value, --heads value\t(default: 2, 17179869184)"},

func TestInt64SliceFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range int64SliceFlagTests {
		flag := Int64SliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)

func TestInt64SliceFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_SMURF", "42,17179869184")
	for _, test := range int64SliceFlagTests {
		flag := Int64SliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value, EnvVar: "APP_SMURF"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_SMURF]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_SMURF%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%q does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var float64FlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	expected string
	{"hooting", "--hooting value\t(default: 0.1)"},
	{"H", "-H value\t(default: 0.1)"},

func TestFloat64FlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range float64FlagTests {
		flag := Float64Flag{Name:, Value: float64(0.1)}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)

func TestFloat64FlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_BAZ", "99.4")
	for _, test := range float64FlagTests {
		flag := Float64Flag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_BAZ"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_BAZ]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_BAZ%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%s does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

var genericFlagTests = []struct {
	name     string
	value    Generic
	expected string
	{"toads", &Parser{"abc", "def"}, "--toads value\ttest flag (default: abc,def)"},
	{"t", &Parser{"abc", "def"}, "-t value\ttest flag (default: abc,def)"},

func TestGenericFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range genericFlagTests {
		flag := GenericFlag{Name:, Value: test.value, Usage: "test flag"}
		output := flag.String()

		if output != test.expected {
			t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)

func TestGenericFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_ZAP", "3")
	for _, test := range genericFlagTests {
		flag := GenericFlag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_ZAP"}
		output := flag.String()

		expectedSuffix := " [$APP_ZAP]"
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			expectedSuffix = " [%APP_ZAP%]"
		if !strings.HasSuffix(output, expectedSuffix) {
			t.Errorf("%s does not end with"+expectedSuffix, output)

func TestParseMultiString(t *testing.T) {
		Flags: []Flag{
			StringFlag{Name: "serve, s"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.String("serve") != "10" {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.String("s") != "10" {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil
	}).Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10"})

func TestParseDestinationString(t *testing.T) {
	var dest string
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
				Name:        "dest",
				Destination: &dest,
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if dest != "10" {
				t.Errorf("expected destination String 10")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest", "10"})

func TestParseMultiStringFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_COUNT", "20")
		Flags: []Flag{
			StringFlag{Name: "count, c", EnvVar: "APP_COUNT"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.String("count") != "20" {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.String("c") != "20" {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiStringFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_COUNT", "20")
		Flags: []Flag{
			StringFlag{Name: "count, c", EnvVar: "COMPAT_COUNT,APP_COUNT"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.String("count") != "20" {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.String("c") != "20" {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiStringSlice(t *testing.T) {
		Flags: []Flag{
			StringSliceFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &StringSlice{}},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("serve"), []string{"10", "20"}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("s"), []string{"10", "20"}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil
	}).Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10", "-s", "20"})

func TestParseMultiStringSliceFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,40")

		Flags: []Flag{
			StringSliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &StringSlice{}, EnvVar: "APP_INTERVALS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("intervals"), []string{"20", "30", "40"}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("i"), []string{"20", "30", "40"}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiStringSliceFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,40")

		Flags: []Flag{
			StringSliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &StringSlice{}, EnvVar: "COMPAT_INTERVALS,APP_INTERVALS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("intervals"), []string{"20", "30", "40"}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("i"), []string{"20", "30", "40"}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiInt(t *testing.T) {
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			IntFlag{Name: "serve, s"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.Int("serve") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Int("s") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10"})

func TestParseDestinationInt(t *testing.T) {
	var dest int
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
				Name:        "dest",
				Destination: &dest,
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if dest != 10 {
				t.Errorf("expected destination Int 10")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest", "10"})

func TestParseMultiIntFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "10")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			IntFlag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.Int("timeout") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Int("t") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiIntFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "10")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			IntFlag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "COMPAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.Int("timeout") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Int("t") != 10 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiIntSlice(t *testing.T) {
		Flags: []Flag{
			IntSliceFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &IntSlice{}},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("serve"), []int{10, 20}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("s"), []int{10, 20}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil
	}).Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10", "-s", "20"})

func TestParseMultiIntSliceFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,40")

		Flags: []Flag{
			IntSliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &IntSlice{}, EnvVar: "APP_INTERVALS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("intervals"), []int{20, 30, 40}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("i"), []int{20, 30, 40}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiIntSliceFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,40")

		Flags: []Flag{
			IntSliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &IntSlice{}, EnvVar: "COMPAT_INTERVALS,APP_INTERVALS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("intervals"), []int{20, 30, 40}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("i"), []int{20, 30, 40}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiInt64Slice(t *testing.T) {
		Flags: []Flag{
			Int64SliceFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &Int64Slice{}},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Int64Slice("serve"), []int64{10, 17179869184}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Int64Slice("s"), []int64{10, 17179869184}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil
	}).Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10", "-s", "17179869184"})

func TestParseMultiInt64SliceFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,17179869184")

		Flags: []Flag{
			Int64SliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &Int64Slice{}, EnvVar: "APP_INTERVALS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Int64Slice("intervals"), []int64{20, 30, 17179869184}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Int64Slice("i"), []int64{20, 30, 17179869184}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiInt64SliceFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,17179869184")

		Flags: []Flag{
			Int64SliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &Int64Slice{}, EnvVar: "COMPAT_INTERVALS,APP_INTERVALS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Int64Slice("intervals"), []int64{20, 30, 17179869184}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Int64Slice("i"), []int64{20, 30, 17179869184}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiFloat64(t *testing.T) {
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			Float64Flag{Name: "serve, s"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.Float64("serve") != 10.2 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Float64("s") != 10.2 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10.2"})

func TestParseDestinationFloat64(t *testing.T) {
	var dest float64
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
				Name:        "dest",
				Destination: &dest,
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if dest != 10.2 {
				t.Errorf("expected destination Float64 10.2")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest", "10.2"})

func TestParseMultiFloat64FromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "15.5")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			Float64Flag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.Float64("timeout") != 15.5 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Float64("t") != 15.5 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiFloat64FromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "15.5")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			Float64Flag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "COMPAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.Float64("timeout") != 15.5 {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Float64("t") != 15.5 {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiBool(t *testing.T) {
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			BoolFlag{Name: "serve, s"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.Bool("serve") != true {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.Bool("s") != true {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "--serve"})

func TestParseDestinationBool(t *testing.T) {
	var dest bool
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
				Name:        "dest",
				Destination: &dest,
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if dest != true {
				t.Errorf("expected destination Bool true")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest"})

func TestParseMultiBoolFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "1")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			BoolFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "APP_DEBUG"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.Bool("debug") != true {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if ctx.Bool("d") != true {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiBoolFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "1")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			BoolFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "COMPAT_DEBUG,APP_DEBUG"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.Bool("debug") != true {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if ctx.Bool("d") != true {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseBoolTFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	var boolTFlagTests = []struct {
		input  string
		output bool
		{"", false},
		{"1", true},
		{"false", false},
		{"true", true},

	for _, test := range boolTFlagTests {
		os.Setenv("DEBUG", test.input)
		a := App{
			Flags: []Flag{
				BoolTFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "DEBUG"},
			Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
				if ctx.Bool("debug") != test.output {
					t.Errorf("expected %+v to be parsed as %+v, instead was %+v", test.input, test.output, ctx.Bool("debug"))
				if ctx.Bool("d") != test.output {
					t.Errorf("expected %+v to be parsed as %+v, instead was %+v", test.input, test.output, ctx.Bool("d"))
				return nil

func TestParseMultiBoolT(t *testing.T) {
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			BoolTFlag{Name: "serve, s"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.BoolT("serve") != true {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if ctx.BoolT("s") != true {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "--serve"})

func TestParseDestinationBoolT(t *testing.T) {
	var dest bool
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
				Name:        "dest",
				Destination: &dest,
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if dest != true {
				t.Errorf("expected destination BoolT true")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest"})

func TestParseMultiBoolTFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "0")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			BoolTFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "APP_DEBUG"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.BoolT("debug") != false {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if ctx.BoolT("d") != false {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseMultiBoolTFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "0")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			BoolTFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "COMPAT_DEBUG,APP_DEBUG"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if ctx.BoolT("debug") != false {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if ctx.BoolT("d") != false {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

type Parser [2]string

func (p *Parser) Set(value string) error {
	parts := strings.Split(value, ",")
	if len(parts) != 2 {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid format")

	(*p)[0] = parts[0]
	(*p)[1] = parts[1]

	return nil

func (p *Parser) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", p[0], p[1])

func (p *Parser) Get() interface{} {
	return p

func TestParseGeneric(t *testing.T) {
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			GenericFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &Parser{}},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("serve"), &Parser{"10", "20"}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("s"), &Parser{"10", "20"}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set")
			return nil
	a.Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10,20"})

func TestParseGenericFromEnv(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_SERVE", "20,30")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			GenericFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &Parser{}, EnvVar: "APP_SERVE"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("serve"), &Parser{"20", "30"}) {
				t.Errorf("main name not set from env")
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("s"), &Parser{"20", "30"}) {
				t.Errorf("short name not set from env")
			return nil

func TestParseGenericFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {
	os.Setenv("APP_FOO", "99,2000")
	a := App{
		Flags: []Flag{
			GenericFlag{Name: "foos", Value: &Parser{}, EnvVar: "COMPAT_FOO,APP_FOO"},
		Action: func(ctx *Context) error {
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("foos"), &Parser{"99", "2000"}) {
				t.Errorf("value not set from env")
			return nil