EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT ?= 78aae PROJECT := github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN := $(shell echo $(GIT_BRANCH) | sed -e "s/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g") OCID_IMAGE := ocid_dev$(if $(GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN),:$(GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN)) OCID_LINK := ${CURDIR}/vendor/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o OCID_LINK_DIR := ${CURDIR}/vendor/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator OCID_INSTANCE := ocid_dev SYSTEM_GOPATH := ${GOPATH} PREFIX ?= ${DESTDIR}/usr INSTALLDIR=${PREFIX}/bin GO_MD2MAN ?= $(shell which go-md2man) export GOPATH := ${CURDIR}/vendor BUILDTAGS := selinux default: help help: @echo "Usage: make " @echo @echo " * 'binaries' - Build ocid, conmon and ocic" @echo " * 'integration' - Execute integration tests" @echo " * 'clean' - Clean artifacts" @echo " * 'lint' - Execute the source code linter" lint: ${OCID_LINK} @which gometalinter > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "ERROR: gometalinter not found. Consider 'make install.tools' target" && false) @echo "checking lint" @./.tool/lint ${OCID_LINK}: mkdir -p ${OCID_LINK_DIR} ln -sfn ${CURDIR} ${OCID_LINK} conmon: make -C $@ pause: make -C $@ ocid: ${OCID_LINK} go build --tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" -o ocid ./cmd/server/ ocic: ${OCID_LINK} go build -o ocic ./cmd/client/ ocid.conf: ocid ./ocid --config="" config --default > ocid.conf clean: rm -f ocid.conf rm -f ocic ocid rm -f ${OCID_LINK} rm -f conmon/conmon.o conmon/conmon rm -f pause/pause.o pause/pause rm -f docs/*.1 docs/*.5 docs/*.8 find . -name \*~ -delete find . -name \#\* -delete ocidimage: docker build -t ${OCID_IMAGE} . dbuild: ocidimage docker run --name=${OCID_INSTANCE} --privileged ${OCID_IMAGE} make binaries docker cp ${OCID_INSTANCE}:/go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o/ocid . docker cp ${OCID_INSTANCE}:/go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o/ocic . docker cp ${OCID_INSTANCE}:/go/src/github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-o/conmon/conmon ./conmon/conmon docker rm ${OCID_INSTANCE} integration: ocidimage docker run -e TESTFLAGS -e TRAVIS -t --privileged --rm -v ${CURDIR}:/go/src/${PROJECT} ${OCID_IMAGE} make localintegration localintegration: binaries ./test/test_runner.sh ${TESTFLAGS} binaries: ${OCID_LINK} ocid ocic conmon pause MANPAGES_MD = $(wildcard docs/*.md) docs/%.8: docs/%.8.md @which go-md2man > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "ERROR: go-md2man not found. Consider 'make install.tools' target" && false) $(GO_MD2MAN) -in $< -out $@.tmp && touch $@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@ docs/%.5: docs/%.5.md @which go-md2man > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "ERROR: go-md2man not found. Consider 'make install.tools' target" && false) $(GO_MD2MAN) -in $< -out $@.tmp && touch $@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@ docs: $(MANPAGES_MD:%.md=%) install: ocid.conf install -D -m 755 ocid ${INSTALLDIR}/ocid install -D -m 755 ocic ${INSTALLDIR}/ocic install -D -m 755 conmon/conmon $(PREFIX)/libexec/ocid/conmon install -D -m 755 pause/pause $(PREFIX)/libexec/ocid/pause install -d $(PREFIX)/share/man/man8 install -m 644 $(wildcard docs/*.8.md) $(PREFIX)/share/man/man8 install -d $(PREFIX)/share/man/man5 install -m 644 $(wildcard docs/*.5.md) $(PREFIX)/share/man/man5 install -D -m 644 ocid.service $(PREFIX)/lib/systemd/system install -D -m 644 ocid.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc uninstall: systemctl stop ocid.service systemctl disable ocid.service rm -f $(PREFIX)/lib/systemd/system/ocid.service rm -f ${INSTALLDIR}/{ocid,ocic} rm -f $(PREFIX)/libexec/ocid/{conmon,pause} for i in $(wildcard docs/*.8.md); do \ rm -f $(PREFIX)/share/man/man8/$$(basename $${i}); \ done for i in $(wildcard docs/*.5.md); do \ rm -f $(PREFIX)/share/man/man5/$$(basename $${i}); \ done .PHONY: .gitvalidation # When this is running in travis, it will only check the travis commit range .gitvalidation: @which git-validation > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "ERROR: git-validation not found. Consider 'make install.tools' target" && false) ifeq ($(TRAVIS),true) git-validation -q -run DCO,short-subject else git-validation -v -run DCO,short-subject -range $(EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)..HEAD endif .PHONY: install.tools install.tools: .install.gitvalidation .install.gometalinter .install.md2man .install.gitvalidation: GOPATH=${SYSTEM_GOPATH} go get github.com/vbatts/git-validation .install.gometalinter: GOPATH=${SYSTEM_GOPATH} go get github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter GOPATH=${SYSTEM_GOPATH} gometalinter --install .install.md2man: GOPATH=${SYSTEM_GOPATH} go get github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man .PHONY: \ binaries \ clean \ conmon \ default \ docs \ help \ install \ lint \ ocic \ ocid \ pause \ uninstall