EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT ?= 7fc874e05e74faa81e7c423b6514fc5c474c6b34 default: help help: @echo "Usage: make <target>" @echo @echo " * 'binaries' - Build ocid, conmon and ocic" @echo " * 'clean' - Clean artifacts" @echo " * 'lint' - Execute the source code linter" @echo " * 'update-deps' - Update vendored dependencies" lint: @echo "checking lint" @./.tool/lint conmon: make -C $@ ocid: go build -o ocid ./cmd/server/main.go ocic: go build -o ocic ./cmd/client/main.go clean: rm -f ocic ocid rm -f conmon/conmon.o conmon/conmon update-deps: @which glide > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "ERROR: glide not found." && false) glide update --strip-vcs --strip-vendor --update-vendored --delete glide-vc --only-code --no-tests # see http://sed.sourceforge.net/sed1line.txt find vendor -type f -exec sed -i -e :a -e '/^\n*$$/{$$d;N;ba' -e '}' "{}" \; binaries: ocid ocic conmon .PHONY: .gitvalidation # When this is running in travis, it will only check the travis commit range .gitvalidation: @which git-validation > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "ERROR: git-validation not found. Consider 'make install.tools' target" && false) ifeq ($(TRAVIS),true) git-validation -q -run DCO,short-subject,dangling-whitespace else git-validation -v -run DCO,short-subject,dangling-whitespace -range $(EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT)..HEAD endif .PHONY: install.tools install.tools: .install.gitvalidation .install.glide .install.glide-vc .install.gometalinter .install.gitvalidation: go get github.com/vbatts/git-validation .install.glide: go get github.com/Masterminds/glide .install.glide-vc: go get github.com/sgotti/glide-vc .install.gometalinter: go get github.com/alecthomas/gometalinter gometalinter --install .PHONY: \ binaries \ conmon \ ocid \ ocic \ clean \ lint