Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.

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package kubelet

import (

	cadvisorapi "github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v2"

// Manages policy for diskspace management for disks holding docker images and root fs.

// mb is used to easily convert an int to an mb
const mb = 1024 * 1024

// Implementation is thread-safe.
type diskSpaceManager interface {
	// Checks the available disk space
	IsRootDiskSpaceAvailable() (bool, error)
	IsRuntimeDiskSpaceAvailable() (bool, error)

type DiskSpacePolicy struct {
	// free disk space threshold for filesystem holding docker images.
	DockerFreeDiskMB int
	// free disk space threshold for root filesystem. Host volumes are created on root fs.
	RootFreeDiskMB int

type fsInfo struct {
	Usage     int64
	Capacity  int64
	Available int64
	Timestamp time.Time

type realDiskSpaceManager struct {
	cadvisor   cadvisor.Interface
	cachedInfo map[string]fsInfo // cache of filesystem info.
	lock       sync.Mutex        // protecting cachedInfo.
	policy     DiskSpacePolicy   // thresholds. Set at creation time.

func (dm *realDiskSpaceManager) getFsInfo(fsType string, f func() (cadvisorapi.FsInfo, error)) (fsInfo, error) {
	defer dm.lock.Unlock()
	fsi := fsInfo{}
	if info, ok := dm.cachedInfo[fsType]; ok {
		timeLimit := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Second)
		if info.Timestamp.After(timeLimit) {
			fsi = info
	if fsi.Timestamp.IsZero() {
		fs, err := f()
		if err != nil {
			return fsInfo{}, err
		fsi.Timestamp = time.Now()
		fsi.Usage = int64(fs.Usage)
		fsi.Capacity = int64(fs.Capacity)
		fsi.Available = int64(fs.Available)
		dm.cachedInfo[fsType] = fsi
	return fsi, nil

func (dm *realDiskSpaceManager) IsRuntimeDiskSpaceAvailable() (bool, error) {
	return dm.isSpaceAvailable("runtime", dm.policy.DockerFreeDiskMB, dm.cadvisor.ImagesFsInfo)

func (dm *realDiskSpaceManager) IsRootDiskSpaceAvailable() (bool, error) {
	return dm.isSpaceAvailable("root", dm.policy.RootFreeDiskMB, dm.cadvisor.RootFsInfo)

func (dm *realDiskSpaceManager) isSpaceAvailable(fsType string, threshold int, f func() (cadvisorapi.FsInfo, error)) (bool, error) {
	fsInfo, err := dm.getFsInfo(fsType, f)
	if err != nil {
		return true, fmt.Errorf("failed to get fs info for %q: %v", fsType, err)
	if fsInfo.Capacity == 0 {
		return true, fmt.Errorf("could not determine capacity for %q fs. Info: %+v", fsType, fsInfo)
	if fsInfo.Available < 0 {
		return true, fmt.Errorf("wrong available space for %q: %+v", fsType, fsInfo)

	if fsInfo.Available < int64(threshold)*mb {
		glog.Infof("Running out of space on disk for %q: available %d MB, threshold %d MB", fsType, fsInfo.Available/mb, threshold)
		return false, nil
	return true, nil

func validatePolicy(policy DiskSpacePolicy) error {
	if policy.DockerFreeDiskMB < 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("free disk space should be non-negative. Invalid value %d for docker disk space threshold.", policy.DockerFreeDiskMB)
	if policy.RootFreeDiskMB < 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("free disk space should be non-negative. Invalid value %d for root disk space threshold.", policy.RootFreeDiskMB)
	return nil

func newDiskSpaceManager(cadvisorInterface cadvisor.Interface, policy DiskSpacePolicy) (diskSpaceManager, error) {
	// validate policy
	err := validatePolicy(policy)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	dm := &realDiskSpaceManager{
		cadvisor:   cadvisorInterface,
		policy:     policy,
		cachedInfo: map[string]fsInfo{},

	return dm, nil