Kubelet can send cap add/drop ALL. Handle that in CRI-O as well. Also, this PR is re-vendoring runtime-tools to fix capabilities add to add caps to _all_ caps set **and** fix a shared memory issue (caps set were initialized with the same slice, if one modifies one slice, it's reflected on the other slices, the vendoring fixes this as well) Signed-off-by: Antonio Murdaca <runcom@redhat.com>
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// Package specerror implements runtime-spec-specific tooling for
// tracking RFC 2119 violations.
package specerror
import (
rfc2119 "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-tools/error"
const referenceTemplate = "https://github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/blob/v%s/%s"
// Code represents the spec violation, enumerating both
// configuration violations and runtime violations.
type Code int
const (
// NonError represents that an input is not an error
NonError Code = iota
// NonRFCError represents that an error is not a rfc2119 error
// ConfigFileExistence represents the error code of 'config.json' existence test
// ArtifactsInSingleDir represents the error code of artifacts place test
// SpecVersion represents the error code of specfication version test
// RootOnNonHyperV represents the error code of root setting test on non hyper-v containers
// RootOnHyperV represents the error code of root setting test on hyper-v containers
// PathFormatOnWindows represents the error code of the path format test on Window
// PathName represents the error code of the path name test
// PathExistence represents the error code of the path existence test
// ReadonlyFilesystem represents the error code of readonly test
// ReadonlyOnWindows represents the error code of readonly setting test on Windows
// DefaultFilesystems represents the error code of default filesystems test
// CreateWithID represents the error code of 'create' lifecyle test with 'id' provided
// CreateWithUniqueID represents the error code of 'create' lifecyle test with unique 'id' provided
// CreateNewContainer represents the error code 'create' lifecyle test that creates new container
type errorTemplate struct {
Level rfc2119.Level
Reference func(version string) (reference string, err error)
// Error represents a runtime-spec violation.
type Error struct {
// Err holds the RFC 2119 violation.
Err rfc2119.Error
// Code is a matchable holds a Code
Code Code
var (
containerFormatRef = func(version string) (reference string, err error) {
return fmt.Sprintf(referenceTemplate, version, "bundle.md#container-format"), nil
specVersionRef = func(version string) (reference string, err error) {
return fmt.Sprintf(referenceTemplate, version, "config.md#specification-version"), nil
rootRef = func(version string) (reference string, err error) {
return fmt.Sprintf(referenceTemplate, version, "config.md#root"), nil
defaultFSRef = func(version string) (reference string, err error) {
return fmt.Sprintf(referenceTemplate, version, "config-linux.md#default-filesystems"), nil
runtimeCreateRef = func(version string) (reference string, err error) {
return fmt.Sprintf(referenceTemplate, version, "runtime.md#create"), nil
var ociErrors = map[Code]errorTemplate{
// Bundle.md
// Container Format
ConfigFileExistence: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: containerFormatRef},
ArtifactsInSingleDir: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: containerFormatRef},
// Config.md
// Specification Version
SpecVersion: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: specVersionRef},
// Root
RootOnNonHyperV: {Level: rfc2119.Required, Reference: rootRef},
RootOnHyperV: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: rootRef},
// TODO: add tests for 'PathFormatOnWindows'
PathFormatOnWindows: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: rootRef},
PathName: {Level: rfc2119.Should, Reference: rootRef},
PathExistence: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: rootRef},
ReadonlyFilesystem: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: rootRef},
ReadonlyOnWindows: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: rootRef},
// Config-Linux.md
// Default Filesystems
DefaultFilesystems: {Level: rfc2119.Should, Reference: defaultFSRef},
// Runtime.md
// Create
CreateWithID: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: runtimeCreateRef},
CreateWithUniqueID: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: runtimeCreateRef},
CreateNewContainer: {Level: rfc2119.Must, Reference: runtimeCreateRef},
// Error returns the error message with specification reference.
func (err *Error) Error() string {
return err.Err.Error()
// NewError creates an Error referencing a spec violation. The error
// can be cast to an *Error for extracting structured information
// about the level of the violation and a reference to the violated
// spec condition.
// A version string (for the version of the spec that was violated)
// must be set to get a working URL.
func NewError(code Code, err error, version string) error {
template := ociErrors[code]
reference, err2 := template.Reference(version)
if err2 != nil {
return err2
return &Error{
Err: rfc2119.Error{
Level: template.Level,
Reference: reference,
Err: err,
Code: code,
// FindError finds an error from a source error (multiple error) and
// returns the error code if found.
// If the source error is nil or empty, return NonError.
// If the source error is not a multiple error, return NonRFCError.
func FindError(err error, code Code) Code {
if err == nil {
return NonError
if merr, ok := err.(*multierror.Error); ok {
if merr.ErrorOrNil() == nil {
return NonError
for _, e := range merr.Errors {
if rfcErr, ok := e.(*Error); ok {
if rfcErr.Code == code {
return code
return NonRFCError