Update to proposed changes in containers/image, and bump containers/storage to 04ad0b827097209ca65e59b5fd768511f3b1ae91, which is currently the tip of the master branch. Signed-off-by: Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
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package manifest
import (
imgspecv1 "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
// FIXME: Should we just use docker/distribution and docker/docker implementations directly?
// FIXME(runcom, mitr): should we havea mediatype pkg??
const (
// DockerV2Schema1MediaType MIME type represents Docker manifest schema 1
DockerV2Schema1MediaType = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json"
// DockerV2Schema1MediaType MIME type represents Docker manifest schema 1 with a JWS signature
DockerV2Schema1SignedMediaType = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+prettyjws"
// DockerV2Schema2MediaType MIME type represents Docker manifest schema 2
DockerV2Schema2MediaType = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"
// DockerV2Schema2ConfigMediaType is the MIME type used for schema 2 config blobs.
DockerV2Schema2ConfigMediaType = "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json"
// DockerV2Schema2LayerMediaType is the MIME type used for schema 2 layers.
DockerV2Schema2LayerMediaType = "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip"
// DockerV2ListMediaType MIME type represents Docker manifest schema 2 list
DockerV2ListMediaType = "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json"
// DockerV2Schema2ForeignLayerMediaType is the MIME type used for schema 2 foreign layers.
DockerV2Schema2ForeignLayerMediaType = "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.foreign.diff.tar.gzip"
// DefaultRequestedManifestMIMETypes is a list of MIME types a types.ImageSource
// should request from the backend unless directed otherwise.
var DefaultRequestedManifestMIMETypes = []string{
// DockerV2ListMediaType, // FIXME: Restore this ASAP
// Manifest is an interface for parsing, modifying image manifests in isolation.
// Callers can either use this abstract interface without understanding the details of the formats,
// or instantiate a specific implementation (e.g. manifest.OCI1) and access the public members
// directly.
// See types.Image for functionality not limited to manifests, including format conversions and config parsing.
// This interface is similar to, but not strictly equivalent to, the equivalent methods in types.Image.
type Manifest interface {
// ConfigInfo returns a complete BlobInfo for the separate config object, or a BlobInfo{Digest:""} if there isn't a separate object.
ConfigInfo() types.BlobInfo
// LayerInfos returns a list of BlobInfos of layers referenced by this image, in order (the root layer first, and then successive layered layers).
// The Digest field is guaranteed to be provided; Size may be -1.
// WARNING: The list may contain duplicates, and they are semantically relevant.
LayerInfos() []types.BlobInfo
// UpdateLayerInfos replaces the original layers with the specified BlobInfos (size+digest+urls), in order (the root layer first, and then successive layered layers)
UpdateLayerInfos(layerInfos []types.BlobInfo) error
// Inspect returns various information for (skopeo inspect) parsed from the manifest,
// incorporating information from a configuration blob returned by configGetter, if
// the underlying image format is expected to include a configuration blob.
Inspect(configGetter func(types.BlobInfo) ([]byte, error)) (*types.ImageInspectInfo, error)
// Serialize returns the manifest in a blob format.
// NOTE: Serialize() does not in general reproduce the original blob if this object was loaded from one, even if no modifications were made!
Serialize() ([]byte, error)
// GuessMIMEType guesses MIME type of a manifest and returns it _if it is recognized_, or "" if unknown or unrecognized.
// FIXME? We should, in general, prefer out-of-band MIME type instead of blindly parsing the manifest,
// but we may not have such metadata available (e.g. when the manifest is a local file).
func GuessMIMEType(manifest []byte) string {
// A subset of manifest fields; the rest is silently ignored by json.Unmarshal.
// Also docker/distribution/manifest.Versioned.
meta := struct {
MediaType string `json:"mediaType"`
SchemaVersion int `json:"schemaVersion"`
Signatures interface{} `json:"signatures"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(manifest, &meta); err != nil {
return ""
switch meta.MediaType {
case DockerV2Schema2MediaType, DockerV2ListMediaType: // A recognized type.
return meta.MediaType
// this is the only way the function can return DockerV2Schema1MediaType, and recognizing that is essential for stripping the JWS signatures = computing the correct manifest digest.
switch meta.SchemaVersion {
case 1:
if meta.Signatures != nil {
return DockerV2Schema1SignedMediaType
return DockerV2Schema1MediaType
case 2:
// best effort to understand if this is an OCI image since mediaType
// isn't in the manifest for OCI anymore
// for docker v2s2 meta.MediaType should have been set. But given the data, this is our best guess.
ociMan := struct {
Config struct {
MediaType string `json:"mediaType"`
} `json:"config"`
Layers []imgspecv1.Descriptor `json:"layers"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(manifest, &ociMan); err != nil {
return ""
if ociMan.Config.MediaType == imgspecv1.MediaTypeImageConfig && len(ociMan.Layers) != 0 {
return imgspecv1.MediaTypeImageManifest
ociIndex := struct {
Manifests []imgspecv1.Descriptor `json:"manifests"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(manifest, &ociIndex); err != nil {
return ""
if len(ociIndex.Manifests) != 0 && ociIndex.Manifests[0].MediaType == imgspecv1.MediaTypeImageManifest {
return imgspecv1.MediaTypeImageIndex
return DockerV2Schema2MediaType
return ""
// Digest returns the a digest of a docker manifest, with any necessary implied transformations like stripping v1s1 signatures.
func Digest(manifest []byte) (digest.Digest, error) {
if GuessMIMEType(manifest) == DockerV2Schema1SignedMediaType {
sig, err := libtrust.ParsePrettySignature(manifest, "signatures")
if err != nil {
return "", err
manifest, err = sig.Payload()
if err != nil {
// Coverage: This should never happen, libtrust's Payload() can fail only if joseBase64UrlDecode() fails, on a string
// that libtrust itself has josebase64UrlEncode()d
return "", err
return digest.FromBytes(manifest), nil
// MatchesDigest returns true iff the manifest matches expectedDigest.
// Error may be set if this returns false.
// Note that this is not doing ConstantTimeCompare; by the time we get here, the cryptographic signature must already have been verified,
// or we are not using a cryptographic channel and the attacker can modify the digest along with the manifest blob.
func MatchesDigest(manifest []byte, expectedDigest digest.Digest) (bool, error) {
// This should eventually support various digest types.
actualDigest, err := Digest(manifest)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return expectedDigest == actualDigest, nil
// AddDummyV2S1Signature adds an JWS signature with a temporary key (i.e. useless) to a v2s1 manifest.
// This is useful to make the manifest acceptable to a Docker Registry (even though nothing needs or wants the JWS signature).
func AddDummyV2S1Signature(manifest []byte) ([]byte, error) {
key, err := libtrust.GenerateECP256PrivateKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err // Coverage: This can fail only if rand.Reader fails.
js, err := libtrust.NewJSONSignature(manifest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := js.Sign(key); err != nil { // Coverage: This can fail basically only if rand.Reader fails.
return nil, err
return js.PrettySignature("signatures")
// NormalizedMIMEType returns the effective MIME type of a manifest MIME type returned by a server,
// centralizing various workarounds.
func NormalizedMIMEType(input string) string {
switch input {
// "application/json" is a valid v2s1 value per https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/docs/spec/manifest-v2-1.md .
// This works for now, when nothing else seems to return "application/json"; if that were not true, the mapping/detection might
// need to happen within the ImageSource.
case "application/json":
return DockerV2Schema1SignedMediaType
case DockerV2Schema1MediaType, DockerV2Schema1SignedMediaType,
return input
// If it's not a recognized manifest media type, or we have failed determining the type, we'll try one last time
// to deserialize using v2s1 as per https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/manifests.go#L108
// and https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/manifest/schema1/manifest.go#L50
// Crane registries can also return "text/plain", or pretty much anything else depending on a file extension “recognized” in the tag.
// This makes no real sense, but it happens
// because requests for manifests are
// redirected to a content distribution
// network which is configured that way. See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1389442
return DockerV2Schema1SignedMediaType
// FromBlob returns a Manifest instance for the specified manifest blob and the corresponding MIME type
func FromBlob(manblob []byte, mt string) (Manifest, error) {
switch NormalizedMIMEType(mt) {
case DockerV2Schema1MediaType, DockerV2Schema1SignedMediaType:
return Schema1FromManifest(manblob)
case imgspecv1.MediaTypeImageManifest:
return OCI1FromManifest(manblob)
case DockerV2Schema2MediaType:
return Schema2FromManifest(manblob)
case DockerV2ListMediaType:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Treating manifest lists as individual manifests is not implemented")
default: // Note that this may not be reachable, NormalizedMIMEType has a default for unknown values.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unimplemented manifest MIME type %s", mt)