Signed-off-by: Jacek J. Łakis <> Signed-off-by: Samuel Ortiz <>
259 lines
5.8 KiB
259 lines
5.8 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
package codec
// All non-std package dependencies related to testing live in this file,
// so porting to different environment is easy (just update functions).
// This file sets up the variables used, including testInitFns.
// Each file should add initialization that should be performed
// after flags are parsed.
// init is a multi-step process:
// - setup vars (handled by init functions in each file)
// - parse flags
// - setup derived vars (handled by pre-init registered functions - registered in init function)
// - post init (handled by post-init registered functions - registered in init function)
// This way, no one has to manage carefully control the initialization
// using file names, etc.
// Tests which require external dependencies need the -tag=x parameter.
// They should be run as:
// go test -tags=x -run=. <other parameters ...>
// Benchmarks should also take this parameter, to include the sereal, xdr, etc.
// To run against codecgen, etc, make sure you pass extra parameters.
// Example usage:
// go test "-tags=x codecgen unsafe" -bench=. <other parameters ...>
// To fully test everything:
// go test -tags=x -benchtime=100ms -tv -bg -bi -brw -bu -v -run=. -bench=.
// Handling flags
// codec_test.go will define a set of global flags for testing, including:
// - Use Reset
// - Use IO reader/writer (vs direct bytes)
// - Set Canonical
// - Set InternStrings
// - Use Symbols
// This way, we can test them all by running same set of tests with a different
// set of flags.
// Following this, all the benchmarks will utilize flags set by codec_test.go
// and will not redefine these "global" flags.
import (
type testHED struct {
H Handle
E *Encoder
D *Decoder
var (
testNoopH = NoopHandle(8)
testMsgpackH = &MsgpackHandle{}
testBincH = &BincHandle{}
testSimpleH = &SimpleHandle{}
testCborH = &CborHandle{}
testJsonH = &JsonHandle{}
testHandles []Handle
testPreInitFns []func()
testPostInitFns []func()
testOnce sync.Once
testHEDs []testHED
// variables used by tests
var (
testVerbose bool
testInitDebug bool
testUseIoEncDec bool
testStructToArray bool
testCanonical bool
testUseReset bool
testWriteNoSymbols bool
testSkipIntf bool
testInternStr bool
testUseMust bool
testCheckCircRef bool
testJsonIndent int
testMaxInitLen int
func init() {
testHEDs = make([]testHED, 0, 32)
testHandles = append(testHandles,
testNoopH, testMsgpackH, testBincH, testSimpleH,
testCborH, testJsonH)
func testHEDGet(h Handle) *testHED {
for i := range testHEDs {
v := &testHEDs[i]
if v.H == h {
return v
testHEDs = append(testHEDs, testHED{h, NewEncoder(nil, h), NewDecoder(nil, h)})
return &testHEDs[len(testHEDs)-1]
func testInitAll() {
for _, f := range testPreInitFns {
for _, f := range testPostInitFns {
func testCodecEncode(ts interface{}, bsIn []byte,
fn func([]byte) *bytes.Buffer, h Handle) (bs []byte, err error) {
// bs = make([]byte, 0, approxSize)
var e *Encoder
var buf *bytes.Buffer
if testUseReset {
e = testHEDGet(h).E
} else {
e = NewEncoder(nil, h)
if testUseIoEncDec {
buf = fn(bsIn)
} else {
bs = bsIn
if testUseMust {
} else {
err = e.Encode(ts)
if testUseIoEncDec {
bs = buf.Bytes()
func testCodecDecode(bs []byte, ts interface{}, h Handle) (err error) {
var d *Decoder
var buf *bytes.Reader
if testUseReset {
d = testHEDGet(h).D
} else {
d = NewDecoder(nil, h)
if testUseIoEncDec {
buf = bytes.NewReader(bs)
} else {
if testUseMust {
} else {
err = d.Decode(ts)
// ----- functions below are used only by tests (not benchmarks)
const (
testLogToT = true
failNowOnFail = true
func checkErrT(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err != nil {
logT(t, err.Error())
func checkEqualT(t *testing.T, v1 interface{}, v2 interface{}, desc string) (err error) {
if err = deepEqual(v1, v2); err != nil {
logT(t, "Not Equal: %s: %v. v1: %v, v2: %v", desc, err, v1, v2)
func failT(t *testing.T) {
if failNowOnFail {
} else {
// --- these functions are used by both benchmarks and tests
func deepEqual(v1, v2 interface{}) (err error) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(v1, v2) {
err = errors.New("Not Match")
func logT(x interface{}, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if t, ok := x.(*testing.T); ok && t != nil && testLogToT {
if testVerbose {
t.Logf(format, args...)
} else if b, ok := x.(*testing.B); ok && b != nil && testLogToT {
b.Logf(format, args...)
} else {
if len(format) == 0 || format[len(format)-1] != '\n' {
format = format + "\n"
fmt.Printf(format, args...)
func approxDataSize(rv reflect.Value) (sum int) {
switch rk := rv.Kind(); rk {
case reflect.Invalid:
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
sum += int(rv.Type().Size())
sum += approxDataSize(rv.Elem())
case reflect.Slice:
sum += int(rv.Type().Size())
for j := 0; j < rv.Len(); j++ {
sum += approxDataSize(rv.Index(j))
case reflect.String:
sum += int(rv.Type().Size())
sum += rv.Len()
case reflect.Map:
sum += int(rv.Type().Size())
for _, mk := range rv.MapKeys() {
sum += approxDataSize(mk)
sum += approxDataSize(rv.MapIndex(mk))
case reflect.Struct:
//struct size already includes the full data size.
//sum += int(rv.Type().Size())
for j := 0; j < rv.NumField(); j++ {
sum += approxDataSize(rv.Field(j))
//pure value types
sum += int(rv.Type().Size())