Bump containers/image (pulling in its new dependency on ostree-go), containers/storage, and updated image-spec. This pulls in the OCI v1.0 specifications and code that allows us to support 1.0 images. Signed-off-by: Dan Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
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package otbuiltin
import (
glib "github.com/ostreedev/ostree-go/pkg/glibobject"
// #cgo pkg-config: ostree-1
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include <glib.h>
// #include <ostree.h>
// #include "builtin.go.h"
import "C"
// Global variable for options
var checkoutOpts checkoutOptions
// Contains all of the options for checking commits out of
// an ostree repo
type checkoutOptions struct {
UserMode bool // Do not change file ownership or initialize extended attributes
Union bool // Keep existing directories and unchanged files, overwriting existing filesystem
AllowNoent bool // Do nothing if the specified filepath does not exist
DisableCache bool // Do not update or use the internal repository uncompressed object caceh
Whiteouts bool // Process 'whiteout' (docker style) entries
RequireHardlinks bool // Do not fall back to full copies if hard linking fails
Subpath string // Checkout sub-directory path
FromFile string // Process many checkouts from the given file
// Instantiates and returns a checkoutOptions struct with default values set
func NewCheckoutOptions() checkoutOptions {
return checkoutOptions{}
// Checks out a commit with the given ref from a repository at the location of repo path to to the destination. Returns an error if the checkout could not be processed
func Checkout(repoPath, destination, commit string, opts checkoutOptions) error {
checkoutOpts = opts
var cancellable *glib.GCancellable
ccommit := C.CString(commit)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(ccommit))
var gerr = glib.NewGError()
cerr := (*C.GError)(gerr.Ptr())
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cerr))
repoPathc := C.g_file_new_for_path(C.CString(repoPath))
defer C.g_object_unref(C.gpointer(repoPathc))
crepo := C.ostree_repo_new(repoPathc)
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_open(crepo, (*C.GCancellable)(cancellable.Ptr()), &cerr))) {
return generateError(cerr)
if strings.Compare(checkoutOpts.FromFile, "") != 0 {
err := processManyCheckouts(crepo, destination, cancellable)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
var resolvedCommit *C.char
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(resolvedCommit))
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_resolve_rev(crepo, ccommit, C.FALSE, &resolvedCommit, &cerr))) {
return generateError(cerr)
err := processOneCheckout(crepo, resolvedCommit, checkoutOpts.Subpath, destination, cancellable)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Processes one checkout from the repo
func processOneCheckout(crepo *C.OstreeRepo, resolvedCommit *C.char, subpath, destination string, cancellable *glib.GCancellable) error {
cdest := C.CString(destination)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cdest))
var gerr = glib.NewGError()
cerr := (*C.GError)(gerr.Ptr())
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cerr))
var repoCheckoutAtOptions C.OstreeRepoCheckoutAtOptions
if checkoutOpts.UserMode {
repoCheckoutAtOptions.mode = C.OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_MODE_USER
if checkoutOpts.Union {
repoCheckoutAtOptions.overwrite_mode = C.OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_OVERWRITE_UNION_FILES
checkedOut := glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_checkout_at(crepo, &repoCheckoutAtOptions, C._at_fdcwd(), cdest, resolvedCommit, nil, &cerr)))
if !checkedOut {
return generateError(cerr)
return nil
// process many checkouts
func processManyCheckouts(crepo *C.OstreeRepo, target string, cancellable *glib.GCancellable) error {
return nil