Jacek J. Łakis bf51655a7b vendor: Update vendoring for the exec client and server implementations
Signed-off-by: Jacek J. Łakis <>
Signed-off-by: Samuel Ortiz <>
2017-04-24 18:38:41 +02:00

650 lines
13 KiB

package tests
import (
type PrimitiveTypes struct {
String string
Bool bool
Int int
Int8 int8
Int16 int16
Int32 int32
Int64 int64
Uint uint
Uint8 uint8
Uint16 uint16
Uint32 uint32
Uint64 uint64
IntString int `json:",string"`
Int8String int8 `json:",string"`
Int16String int16 `json:",string"`
Int32String int32 `json:",string"`
Int64String int64 `json:",string"`
UintString uint `json:",string"`
Uint8String uint8 `json:",string"`
Uint16String uint16 `json:",string"`
Uint32String uint32 `json:",string"`
Uint64String uint64 `json:",string"`
Float32 float32
Float64 float64
Ptr *string
PtrNil *string
var str = "bla"
var primitiveTypesValue = PrimitiveTypes{
String: "test", Bool: true,
Int: math.MinInt32,
Int8: math.MinInt8,
Int16: math.MinInt16,
Int32: math.MinInt32,
Int64: math.MinInt64,
Uint: math.MaxUint32,
Uint8: math.MaxUint8,
Uint16: math.MaxUint16,
Uint32: math.MaxUint32,
Uint64: math.MaxUint64,
IntString: math.MinInt32,
Int8String: math.MinInt8,
Int16String: math.MinInt16,
Int32String: math.MinInt32,
Int64String: math.MinInt64,
UintString: math.MaxUint32,
Uint8String: math.MaxUint8,
Uint16String: math.MaxUint16,
Uint32String: math.MaxUint32,
Uint64String: math.MaxUint64,
Float32: 1.5,
Float64: math.MaxFloat64,
Ptr: &str,
var primitiveTypesString = "{" +
`"String":"test","Bool":true,` +
`"Int":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt32) + `,` +
`"Int8":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt8) + `,` +
`"Int16":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt16) + `,` +
`"Int32":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt32) + `,` +
`"Int64":` + fmt.Sprint(int64(math.MinInt64)) + `,` +
`"Uint":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint32) + `,` +
`"Uint8":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint8) + `,` +
`"Uint16":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint16) + `,` +
`"Uint32":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint32) + `,` +
`"Uint64":` + fmt.Sprint(uint64(math.MaxUint64)) + `,` +
`"IntString":"` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt32) + `",` +
`"Int8String":"` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt8) + `",` +
`"Int16String":"` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt16) + `",` +
`"Int32String":"` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt32) + `",` +
`"Int64String":"` + fmt.Sprint(int64(math.MinInt64)) + `",` +
`"UintString":"` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint32) + `",` +
`"Uint8String":"` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint8) + `",` +
`"Uint16String":"` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint16) + `",` +
`"Uint32String":"` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint32) + `",` +
`"Uint64String":"` + fmt.Sprint(uint64(math.MaxUint64)) + `",` +
`"Float32":` + fmt.Sprint(1.5) + `,` +
`"Float64":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxFloat64) + `,` +
`"Ptr":"bla",` +
`"PtrNil":null` +
type (
NamedString string
NamedBool bool
NamedInt int
NamedInt8 int8
NamedInt16 int16
NamedInt32 int32
NamedInt64 int64
NamedUint uint
NamedUint8 uint8
NamedUint16 uint16
NamedUint32 uint32
NamedUint64 uint64
NamedFloat32 float32
NamedFloat64 float64
NamedStrPtr *string
type NamedPrimitiveTypes struct {
String NamedString
Bool NamedBool
Int NamedInt
Int8 NamedInt8
Int16 NamedInt16
Int32 NamedInt32
Int64 NamedInt64
Uint NamedUint
Uint8 NamedUint8
Uint16 NamedUint16
Uint32 NamedUint32
Uint64 NamedUint64
Float32 NamedFloat32
Float64 NamedFloat64
Ptr NamedStrPtr
PtrNil NamedStrPtr
var namedPrimitiveTypesValue = NamedPrimitiveTypes{
String: "test",
Bool: true,
Int: math.MinInt32,
Int8: math.MinInt8,
Int16: math.MinInt16,
Int32: math.MinInt32,
Int64: math.MinInt64,
Uint: math.MaxUint32,
Uint8: math.MaxUint8,
Uint16: math.MaxUint16,
Uint32: math.MaxUint32,
Uint64: math.MaxUint64,
Float32: 1.5,
Float64: math.MaxFloat64,
Ptr: NamedStrPtr(&str),
var namedPrimitiveTypesString = "{" +
`"String":"test",` +
`"Bool":true,` +
`"Int":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt32) + `,` +
`"Int8":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt8) + `,` +
`"Int16":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt16) + `,` +
`"Int32":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MinInt32) + `,` +
`"Int64":` + fmt.Sprint(int64(math.MinInt64)) + `,` +
`"Uint":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint32) + `,` +
`"Uint8":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint8) + `,` +
`"Uint16":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint16) + `,` +
`"Uint32":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxUint32) + `,` +
`"Uint64":` + fmt.Sprint(uint64(math.MaxUint64)) + `,` +
`"Float32":` + fmt.Sprint(1.5) + `,` +
`"Float64":` + fmt.Sprint(math.MaxFloat64) + `,` +
`"Ptr":"bla",` +
`"PtrNil":null` +
type SubStruct struct {
Value string
Value2 string
unexpored bool
type SubP struct {
V string
type SubStructAlias SubStruct
type Structs struct {
Value2 int
Sub1 SubStruct `json:"substruct"`
Sub2 *SubStruct
SubNil *SubStruct
SubSlice []SubStruct
SubSliceNil []SubStruct
SubPtrSlice []*SubStruct
SubPtrSliceNil []*SubStruct
SubA1 SubStructAlias
SubA2 *SubStructAlias
Anonymous struct {
V string
I int
Anonymous1 *struct {
V string
AnonymousSlice []struct{ V int }
AnonymousPtrSlice []*struct{ V int }
Slice []string
unexported bool
var structsValue = Structs{
SubStruct: SubStruct{Value: "test"},
SubP: &SubP{V: "subp"},
Value2: 5,
Sub1: SubStruct{Value: "test1", Value2: "v"},
Sub2: &SubStruct{Value: "test2", Value2: "v2"},
SubSlice: []SubStruct{
{Value: "s1"},
{Value: "s2"},
SubPtrSlice: []*SubStruct{
{Value: "p1"},
{Value: "p2"},
SubA1: SubStructAlias{Value: "test3", Value2: "v3"},
SubA2: &SubStructAlias{Value: "test4", Value2: "v4"},
Anonymous: struct {
V string
I int
}{V: "bla", I: 5},
Anonymous1: &struct {
V string
}{V: "bla1"},
AnonymousSlice: []struct{ V int }{{1}, {2}},
AnonymousPtrSlice: []*struct{ V int }{{3}, {4}},
Slice: []string{"test5", "test6"},
var structsString = "{" +
`"Value2":5,` +
`"substruct":{"Value":"test1","Value2":"v"},` +
`"Sub2":{"Value":"test2","Value2":"v2"},` +
`"SubNil":null,` +
`"SubSlice":[{"Value":"s1","Value2":""},{"Value":"s2","Value2":""}],` +
`"SubSliceNil":null,` +
`"SubPtrSlice":[{"Value":"p1","Value2":""},{"Value":"p2","Value2":""}],` +
`"SubPtrSliceNil":null,` +
`"SubA1":{"Value":"test3","Value2":"v3"},` +
`"SubA2":{"Value":"test4","Value2":"v4"},` +
`"Anonymous":{"V":"bla","I":5},` +
`"Anonymous1":{"V":"bla1"},` +
`"AnonymousSlice":[{"V":1},{"V":2}],` +
`"AnonymousPtrSlice":[{"V":3},{"V":4}],` +
`"Slice":["test5","test6"],` +
// Embedded fields go last.
`"V":"subp",` +
`"Value":"test"` +
type OmitEmpty struct {
// NOTE: first field is empty to test comma printing.
StrE, StrNE string `json:",omitempty"`
PtrE, PtrNE *string `json:",omitempty"`
IntNE int `json:"intField,omitempty"`
IntE int `json:",omitempty"`
// NOTE: omitempty has no effect on non-pointer struct fields.
SubE, SubNE SubStruct `json:",omitempty"`
SubPE, SubPNE *SubStruct `json:",omitempty"`
var omitEmptyValue = OmitEmpty{
StrNE: "str",
PtrNE: &str,
IntNE: 6,
SubNE: SubStruct{Value: "1", Value2: "2"},
SubPNE: &SubStruct{Value: "3", Value2: "4"},
var omitEmptyString = "{" +
`"StrNE":"str",` +
`"PtrNE":"bla",` +
`"intField":6,` +
`"SubE":{"Value":"","Value2":""},` +
`"SubNE":{"Value":"1","Value2":"2"},` +
`"SubPNE":{"Value":"3","Value2":"4"}` +
type Opts struct {
StrNull opt.String
StrEmpty opt.String
Str opt.String
StrOmitempty opt.String `json:",omitempty"`
IntNull opt.Int
IntZero opt.Int
Int opt.Int
var optsValue = Opts{
StrEmpty: opt.OString(""),
Str: opt.OString("test"),
IntZero: opt.OInt(0),
Int: opt.OInt(5),
var optsString = `{` +
`"StrNull":null,` +
`"StrEmpty":"",` +
`"Str":"test",` +
`"IntNull":null,` +
`"IntZero":0,` +
`"Int":5` +
type Raw struct {
Field easyjson.RawMessage
Field2 string
var rawValue = Raw{
Field: []byte(`{"a" : "b"}`),
Field2: "test",
var rawString = `{` +
`"Field":{"a" : "b"},` +
`"Field2":"test"` +
type StdMarshaler struct {
T time.Time
var stdMarshalerValue = StdMarshaler{T: time.Date(2016, 01, 02, 14, 15, 10, 0, time.UTC)}
var stdMarshalerString = `{"T":"2016-01-02T14:15:10Z"}`
type unexportedStruct struct {
Value string
var unexportedStructValue = unexportedStruct{"test"}
var unexportedStructString = `{"Value":"test"}`
type ExcludedField struct {
Process bool `json:"process"`
DoNotProcess bool `json:"-"`
DoNotProcess1 bool `json:"-"`
var excludedFieldValue = ExcludedField{
Process: true,
DoNotProcess: false,
DoNotProcess1: false,
var excludedFieldString = `{"process":true}`
type Slices struct {
ByteSlice []byte
EmptyByteSlice []byte
NilByteSlice []byte
IntSlice []int
EmptyIntSlice []int
NilIntSlice []int
var sliceValue = Slices{
ByteSlice: []byte("abc"),
EmptyByteSlice: []byte{},
NilByteSlice: []byte(nil),
IntSlice: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
EmptyIntSlice: []int{},
NilIntSlice: []int(nil),
var sliceString = `{` +
`"ByteSlice":"YWJj",` +
`"EmptyByteSlice":"",` +
`"NilByteSlice":null,` +
`"IntSlice":[1,2,3,4,5],` +
`"EmptyIntSlice":[],` +
`"NilIntSlice":null` +
type Arrays struct {
ByteArray [3]byte
EmptyByteArray [0]byte
IntArray [5]int
EmptyIntArray [0]int
var arrayValue = Arrays{
ByteArray: [3]byte{'a', 'b', 'c'},
EmptyByteArray: [0]byte{},
IntArray: [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
EmptyIntArray: [0]int{},
var arrayString = `{` +
`"ByteArray":"YWJj",` +
`"EmptyByteArray":"",` +
`"IntArray":[1,2,3,4,5],` +
`"EmptyIntArray":[]` +
var arrayOverflowString = `{` +
`"ByteArray":"YWJjbnNk",` +
`"EmptyByteArray":"YWJj",` +
`"IntArray":[1,2,3,4,5,6],` +
`"EmptyIntArray":[7,8]` +
var arrayUnderflowValue = Arrays{
ByteArray: [3]byte{'x', 0, 0},
EmptyByteArray: [0]byte{},
IntArray: [5]int{1, 2, 0, 0, 0},
EmptyIntArray: [0]int{},
var arrayUnderflowString = `{` +
`"ByteArray":"eA==",` +
`"IntArray":[1,2]` +
type Str string
type Maps struct {
Map map[string]string
InterfaceMap map[string]interface{}
NilMap map[string]string
CustomMap map[Str]Str
var mapsValue = Maps{
Map: map[string]string{"A": "b"}, // only one item since map iteration is randomized
InterfaceMap: map[string]interface{}{"G": float64(1)},
CustomMap: map[Str]Str{"c": "d"},
var mapsString = `{` +
`"Map":{"A":"b"},` +
`"InterfaceMap":{"G":1},` +
`"NilMap":null,` +
`"CustomMap":{"c":"d"}` +
type NamedSlice []Str
type NamedMap map[Str]Str
type DeepNest struct {
SliceMap map[Str][]Str
SliceMap1 map[Str][]Str
SliceMap2 map[Str][]Str
NamedSliceMap map[Str]NamedSlice
NamedMapMap map[Str]NamedMap
MapSlice []map[Str]Str
NamedSliceSlice []NamedSlice
NamedMapSlice []NamedMap
NamedStringSlice []NamedString
var deepNestValue = DeepNest{
SliceMap: map[Str][]Str{
"testSliceMap": []Str{
SliceMap1: map[Str][]Str{
"testSliceMap1": []Str(nil),
SliceMap2: map[Str][]Str{
"testSliceMap2": []Str{},
NamedSliceMap: map[Str]NamedSlice{
"testNamedSliceMap": NamedSlice{
NamedMapMap: map[Str]NamedMap{
"testNamedMapMap": NamedMap{
"key1": "value1",
MapSlice: []map[Str]Str{
"testMapSlice": "someValue",
NamedSliceSlice: []NamedSlice{
NamedMapSlice: []NamedMap{
"key2": "value2",
"key3": "value3",
NamedStringSlice: []NamedString{
"value4", "value5",
var deepNestString = `{` +
`"SliceMap":{` +
`"testSliceMap":["0","1"]` +
`},` +
`"SliceMap1":{` +
`"testSliceMap1":null` +
`},` +
`"SliceMap2":{` +
`"testSliceMap2":[]` +
`},` +
`"NamedSliceMap":{` +
`"testNamedSliceMap":["2","3"]` +
`},` +
`"NamedMapMap":{` +
`"testNamedMapMap":{"key1":"value1"}` +
`},` +
`"MapSlice":[` +
`{"testMapSlice":"someValue"}` +
`],` +
`"NamedSliceSlice":[` +
`["someValue1","someValue2"],` +
`["someValue3","someValue4"]` +
`],` +
`"NamedMapSlice":[` +
`{"key2":"value2"},` +
`{"key3":"value3"}` +
`],` +
`"NamedStringSlice":["value4","value5"]` +
type Ints []int
var IntsValue = Ints{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
var IntsString = `[1,2,3,4,5]`
type MapStringString map[string]string
var mapStringStringValue = MapStringString{"a": "b"}
var mapStringStringString = `{"a":"b"}`
type RequiredOptionalStruct struct {
FirstName string `json:"first_name,required"`
Lastname string `json:"last_name"`
type EncodingFlagsTestMap struct {
F map[string]string
type EncodingFlagsTestSlice struct {
F []string
type StructWithInterface struct {
Field1 int `json:"f1"`
Field2 interface{} `json:"f2"`
Field3 string `json:"f3"`
type EmbeddedStruct struct {
Field1 int `json:"f1"`
Field2 string `json:"f2"`
var structWithInterfaceString = `{"f1":1,"f2":{"f1":11,"f2":"22"},"f3":"3"}`
var structWithInterfaceValueFilled = StructWithInterface{1, &EmbeddedStruct{11, "22"}, "3"}