It's unsightly and hard to maintain collections of references and long lists across multiple playbooks/include files. Centralize them all in ``vars.yml``, then include that in all plays. Minor: Update all files with a newline at the start and end. Signed-off-by: Chris Evich <>
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# Enable using BATS to output integration-test xunit output (FIXME: broken? Kill it?)
xunit: false
- btrfs-progs-devel
- container-selinux
- curl
- device-mapper-devel
- expect
- findutils
- gcc
- git
- glib2-devel
- glibc-devel
- glibc-static
- golang
- gpgme-devel
- hostname
- iproute
- iptables
- krb5-workstation
- libassuan-devel
- libffi-devel
- libgpg-error-devel
- libguestfs-tools
- libseccomp-devel
- libvirt-client
- libvirt-python
- libxml2-devel
- libxslt-devel
- make
- mlocate
- nfs-utils
- nmap-ncat
- npm
- oci-register-machine
- oci-systemd-hook
- oci-umount
- openssl
- openssl-devel
- ostree-devel
- pkgconfig
- python
- python2-boto
- python2-crypto
- python2-mock
- python-click
- python-devel
- python-virtualenv
- redhat-rpm-config
- rpcbind
- rsync
- sed
- skopeo-containers
- socat
- tar
- wget
# For results.yml Paths use rsync 'source' conventions
artifacts: "/tmp/artifacts" # Base-directory for collection
crio_integration_filepath: "{{ artifacts }}/testout.txt"
crio_node_e2e_filepath: "{{ artifacts }}/junit_01.xml"
result_dest_basedir: '{{ lookup("env","WORKSPACE") |
default(playbook_dir, True) }}/artifacts'