Bump containers/image (pulling in its new dependency on ostree-go), containers/storage, and updated image-spec. This pulls in the OCI v1.0 specifications and code that allows us to support 1.0 images. Signed-off-by: Dan Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com>
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// Package otbuiltin contains all of the basic commands for creating and
// interacting with an ostree repository
package otbuiltin
import (
glib "github.com/ostreedev/ostree-go/pkg/glibobject"
// #cgo pkg-config: ostree-1
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include <glib.h>
// #include <ostree.h>
// #include "builtin.go.h"
import "C"
type Repo struct {
ptr unsafe.Pointer
// Converts an ostree repo struct to its C equivalent
func (r *Repo) native() *C.OstreeRepo {
//return (*C.OstreeRepo)(r.Ptr())
return (*C.OstreeRepo)(r.ptr)
// Takes a C ostree repo and converts it to a Go struct
func repoFromNative(p *C.OstreeRepo) *Repo {
if p == nil {
return nil
//o := (*glib.GObject)(unsafe.Pointer(p))
//r := &Repo{o}
r := &Repo{unsafe.Pointer(p)}
return r
// Checks if the repo has been initialized
func (r *Repo) isInitialized() bool {
if r.ptr != nil {
return true
return false
// Attempts to open the repo at the given path
func OpenRepo(path string) (*Repo, error) {
var cerr *C.GError = nil
cpath := C.CString(path)
pathc := C.g_file_new_for_path(cpath)
defer C.g_object_unref(C.gpointer(pathc))
crepo := C.ostree_repo_new(pathc)
repo := repoFromNative(crepo)
r := glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_open(crepo, nil, &cerr)))
if !r {
return nil, generateError(cerr)
return repo, nil
// Enable support for tombstone commits, which allow the repo to distinguish between
// commits that were intentionally deleted and commits that were removed accidentally
func enableTombstoneCommits(repo *Repo) error {
var tombstoneCommits bool
var config *C.GKeyFile = C.ostree_repo_get_config(repo.native())
var cerr *C.GError
tombstoneCommits = glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.g_key_file_get_boolean(config, (*C.gchar)(C.CString("core")), (*C.gchar)(C.CString("tombstone-commits")), nil)))
//tombstoneCommits is false only if it really is false or if it is set to FALSE in the config file
if !tombstoneCommits {
C.g_key_file_set_boolean(config, (*C.gchar)(C.CString("core")), (*C.gchar)(C.CString("tombstone-commits")), C.TRUE)
if !glib.GoBool(glib.GBoolean(C.ostree_repo_write_config(repo.native(), config, &cerr))) {
return generateError(cerr)
return nil
func generateError(err *C.GError) error {
goErr := glib.ConvertGError(glib.ToGError(unsafe.Pointer(err)))
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
if ok {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d - %s", file, line, goErr))
} else {
return goErr