226 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable file
226 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# 1. Exit code is probably not always correct.
# 2. There are no unittests.
# 3. Will not work if the total length of paths to addons is greater than
# bash can handle. Probably it is not a problem: ARG_MAX=2097152 on GCE.
# cosmetic improvements to be done
# 1. Improve the log function; add timestamp, file name, etc.
# 2. Logging doesn't work from files that print things out.
# 3. Kubectl prints the output to stderr (the output should be captured and then
# logged)
# The business logic for whether a given object should be created
# was already enforced by salt, and /etc/kubernetes/addons is the
# managed result is of that. Start everything below that directory.
# Remember that you can't log from functions that print some output (because
# logs are also printed on stdout).
# $1 level
# $2 message
function log() {
# manage log levels manually here
# add the timestamp if you find it useful
case $1 in
DB3 )
# echo "$1: $2"
DB2 )
# echo "$1: $2"
# echo "$1: $2"
echo "$1: $2"
echo "$1: $2"
echo "$1: $2"
* )
echo "INVALID_LOG_LEVEL $1: $2"
# $1 command to execute.
# $2 count of tries to execute the command.
# $3 delay in seconds between two consecutive tries
function run_until_success() {
local -r command=$1
local tries=$2
local -r delay=$3
local -r command_name=$1
while [ ${tries} -gt 0 ]; do
log DBG "executing: '$command'"
# let's give the command as an argument to bash -c, so that we can use
# && and || inside the command itself
/bin/bash -c "${command}" && \
log DB3 "== Successfully executed ${command_name} at $(date -Is) ==" && \
return 0
let tries=tries-1
log WRN "== Failed to execute ${command_name} at $(date -Is). ${tries} tries remaining. =="
sleep ${delay}
return 1
# $1 filename of addon to start.
# $2 count of tries to start the addon.
# $3 delay in seconds between two consecutive tries
# $4 namespace
function start_addon() {
local -r addon_filename=$1;
local -r tries=$2;
local -r delay=$3;
local -r namespace=$4
create_resource_from_string "$(cat ${addon_filename})" "${tries}" "${delay}" "${addon_filename}" "${namespace}"
# $1 string with json or yaml.
# $2 count of tries to start the addon.
# $3 delay in seconds between two consecutive tries
# $4 name of this object to use when logging about it.
# $5 namespace for this object
function create_resource_from_string() {
local -r config_string=$1;
local tries=$2;
local -r delay=$3;
local -r config_name=$4;
local -r namespace=$5;
while [ ${tries} -gt 0 ]; do
echo "${config_string}" | ${KUBECTL} ${KUBECTL_OPTS} --namespace="${namespace}" apply -f - && \
log INFO "== Successfully started ${config_name} in namespace ${namespace} at $(date -Is)" && \
return 0;
let tries=tries-1;
log WRN "== Failed to start ${config_name} in namespace ${namespace} at $(date -Is). ${tries} tries remaining. =="
sleep ${delay};
return 1;
# $1 resource type.
function annotate_addons() {
local -r obj_type=$1;
# Annotate to objects already have this annotation should fail.
# Only try once for now.
${KUBECTL} ${KUBECTL_OPTS} annotate ${obj_type} --namespace=${SYSTEM_NAMESPACE} -l kubernetes.io/cluster-service=true \
kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration='' --overwrite=false
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
log INFO "== Annotate resources completed successfully at $(date -Is) =="
log WRN "== Annotate resources completed with errors at $(date -Is) =="
# $1 enable --prune or not.
# $2 additional option for command.
function update_addons() {
local -r enable_prune=$1;
local -r additional_opt=$2;
run_until_success "${KUBECTL} ${KUBECTL_OPTS} apply --namespace=${SYSTEM_NAMESPACE} -f ${ADDON_PATH} \
--prune=${enable_prune} -l kubernetes.io/cluster-service=true --recursive ${additional_opt}" 3 5
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
log INFO "== Kubernetes addon update completed successfully at $(date -Is) =="
log WRN "== Kubernetes addon update completed with errors at $(date -Is) =="
# The business logic for whether a given object should be created
# was already enforced by salt, and /etc/kubernetes/addons is the
# managed result is of that. Start everything below that directory.
log INFO "== Kubernetes addon manager started at $(date -Is) with ADDON_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC=${ADDON_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC} =="
# Create the namespace that will be used to host the cluster-level add-ons.
start_addon /opt/namespace.yaml 100 10 "" &
# Wait for the default service account to be created in the kube-system namespace.
while [ -z "${token_found}" ]; do
sleep .5
token_found=$(${KUBECTL} ${KUBECTL_OPTS} get --namespace="${SYSTEM_NAMESPACE}" serviceaccount default -o go-template="{{with index .secrets 0}}{{.name}}{{end}}")
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
log WRN "== Error getting default service account, retry in 0.5 second =="
log INFO "== Default service account in the ${SYSTEM_NAMESPACE} namespace has token ${token_found} =="
# Create admission_control objects if defined before any other addon services. If the limits
# are defined in a namespace other than default, we should still create the limits for the
# default namespace.
for obj in $(find /etc/kubernetes/admission-controls \( -name \*.yaml -o -name \*.json \)); do
start_addon "${obj}" 100 10 default &
log INFO "++ obj ${obj} is created ++"
# Fake the "kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration" annotation on old resources
# in order to clean them up by `kubectl apply --prune`.
# RCs have to be annotated for 1.4->1.5 upgrade, because we are migrating from RCs to deployments for all default addons.
# Other types resources will also need this fake annotation if their names are changed,
# otherwise they would be leaked during upgrade.
log INFO "== Annotating the old addon resources at $(date -Is) =="
annotate_addons ReplicationController
annotate_addons Deployment
# Create new addon resources by apply (with --prune=false).
# The old RCs will not fight for pods created by new Deployments with the same label because the `controllerRef` feature.
# The new Deployments will not fight for pods created by old RCs with the same label because the additional `pod-template-hash` label.
# Apply will fail if some fields are modified but not are allowed, in that case should bump up addon version and name (e.g. handle externally).
log INFO "== Executing apply to spin up new addon resources at $(date -Is) =="
update_addons false
# Wait for new addons to be spinned up before delete old resources
log INFO "== Wait for addons to be spinned up at $(date -Is) =="
# Start the apply loop.
# Check if the configuration has changed recently - in case the user
# created/updated/deleted the files on the master.
log INFO "== Entering periodical apply loop at $(date -Is) =="
while true; do
start_sec=$(date +"%s")
# Only print stderr for the readability of logging
update_addons true ">/dev/null"
end_sec=$(date +"%s")
# subtract the time passed from the sleep time
if [[ ${len_sec} -lt ${ADDON_CHECK_INTERVAL_SEC} ]]; then
sleep ${sleep_time}