tar: populate Entry tree under a common root

Resolves #56. Now, the Entry tree will be populated
under a common root (if necessary), so that a manifest can
be accurately generate from a tar file that has been
created using multiple directories.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Chung <schung@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Chung 2016-08-02 15:30:45 -04:00
parent 6a37331074
commit 3d6b74d6f7
22 changed files with 287 additions and 91 deletions

View file

@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ func Check(root string, dh *DirectoryHierarchy, keywords []string) (*Result, err
return nil, err
var result Result
for i, e := range creator.DH.Entries {
switch e.Type {
@ -118,6 +117,9 @@ func TarCheck(tarDH, dh *DirectoryHierarchy, keywords []string) (*Result, error)
if tarRoot == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("root of archive could not be found")
tarRoot.Next = &Entry{
Name: "seen",
Type: CommentType,

View file

@ -49,18 +49,15 @@ type tarStream struct {
func (ts *tarStream) readHeaders() {
// We have to start with the directory we're in, and anything beyond these
// items is determined at the time a tar is extracted.
rootComment := Entry{
Raw: "# .",
Type: CommentType,
ts.root = &Entry{
Name: ".",
Type: RelativeType,
Prev: &rootComment,
Set: &Entry{
Name: "meta-set",
Type: SpecialType,
Prev: &Entry{
Raw: "# .",
Type: CommentType,
Set: nil,
Keywords: []string{"type=dir"},
metadataEntries := signatureEntries("<user specified tar archive>")
for _, e := range metadataEntries {
@ -163,11 +160,7 @@ func (ts *tarStream) readHeaders() {
if filepath.Dir(filepath.Clean(hdr.Name)) == "." {
ts.root.Set = &s
} else {
e.Set = &s
e.Set = &s
err = populateTree(ts.root, &e, hdr)
if err != nil {
@ -178,15 +171,6 @@ func (ts *tarStream) readHeaders() {
type relationship int
const (
unknownDir relationship = iota
// populateTree creates a pseudo file tree hierarchy using an Entry's Parent and
// Children fields. When examining the Entry e to insert in the tree, we
// determine if the path to that Entry exists yet. If it does, insert it in the
@ -196,35 +180,50 @@ const (
// e: the Entry we are looking to insert
// hdr: the tar header struct associated with e
func populateTree(root, e *Entry, hdr *tar.Header) error {
if root == nil || e == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot populate or insert nil Entry's")
} else if root.Prev == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("root needs to be an Entry associated with a directory")
isDir := hdr.FileInfo().IsDir()
wd := filepath.Clean(hdr.Name)
if !isDir {
// If entry is a file, we only want the directory it's in.
// directory up until the actual file
wd = filepath.Dir(wd)
if filepath.Dir(wd) == "." {
if isDir {
root.Keywords = e.Keywords
} else {
if wd == "." {
// If file in root directory, no need to traverse down, just append
root.Children = append([]*Entry{e}, root.Children...)
e.Parent = root
return nil
return nil
// TODO: what about directory/file names with "/" in it?
dirNames := strings.Split(wd, "/")
parent := root
for _, name := range dirNames[1:] {
for _, name := range dirNames[:] {
encoded, err := Vis(name)
if err != nil {
return err
if node := parent.Descend(encoded); node == nil {
// Entry for directory doesn't exist in tree relative to root
// Entry for directory doesn't exist in tree relative to root.
// We don't know if this directory is an actual tar header (because a
// user could have just specified a path to a deep file), so we must
// specify this placeholder directory as a "type=dir", and Set=nil.
newEntry := Entry{
Name: encoded,
Type: RelativeType,
Parent: parent,
Name: encoded,
Type: RelativeType,
Parent: parent,
Keywords: []string{"type=dir"}, // temp data
Set: nil, // temp data
pathname, err := newEntry.Path()
if err != nil {
return err
newEntry.Prev = &Entry{
Type: CommentType,
Raw: "# " + pathname,
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, &newEntry)
parent = &newEntry
@ -237,32 +236,20 @@ func populateTree(root, e *Entry, hdr *tar.Header) error {
parent.Children = append([]*Entry{e}, parent.Children...)
e.Parent = parent
} else {
// the "placeholder" directory already exists in the Entry "parent",
// so now we have to replace it's underlying data with that from e,
// as well as set the Parent field. Note that we don't set parent = e
// because parent is already in the pseudo tree, we just need to
// complete it's data.
e.Parent = parent.Parent
*parent = *e
commentpath, err := parent.Path()
if err != nil {
return err
parent.Prev = &Entry{
Raw: "# " + commentpath,
Type: CommentType,
// fill in the actual data from e
parent.Keywords = e.Keywords
parent.Set = e.Set
return nil
// After constructing a pseudo file hierarchy tree, we want to "flatten" this
// tree by putting the Entries into a slice with appropriate positioning.
// root: the "head" of the sub-tree to flatten
// creator: a dhCreator that helps with the '/set' keyword
// root: the "head" of the sub-tree to flatten
// creator: a dhCreator that helps with the '/set' keyword
// keywords: keywords specified by the user that should be evaluated
func flatten(root *Entry, creator *dhCreator, keywords []string) {
if root == nil {
if root == nil || creator == nil {
if root.Prev != nil {
@ -275,43 +262,54 @@ func flatten(root *Entry, creator *dhCreator, keywords []string) {
root.Prev.Pos = len(creator.DH.Entries)
creator.DH.Entries = append(creator.DH.Entries, *root.Prev)
// Check if we need a new set
if creator.curSet == nil {
creator.curSet = &Entry{
Type: SpecialType,
Name: "/set",
Keywords: keywordSelector(append(tarDefaultSetKeywords, root.Set.Keywords...), keywords),
Pos: len(creator.DH.Entries),
creator.DH.Entries = append(creator.DH.Entries, *creator.curSet)
} else {
needNewSet := false
for _, k := range root.Set.Keywords {
if !inSlice(k, creator.curSet.Keywords) {
needNewSet = true
if needNewSet {
if root.Set != nil {
// Check if we need a new set
if creator.curSet == nil {
creator.curSet = &Entry{
Name: "/set",
Type: SpecialType,
Pos: len(creator.DH.Entries),
Name: "/set",
Keywords: keywordSelector(append(tarDefaultSetKeywords, root.Set.Keywords...), keywords),
Pos: len(creator.DH.Entries),
creator.DH.Entries = append(creator.DH.Entries, *creator.curSet)
} else {
needNewSet := false
for _, k := range root.Set.Keywords {
if !inSlice(k, creator.curSet.Keywords) {
needNewSet = true
if needNewSet {
creator.curSet = &Entry{
Name: "/set",
Type: SpecialType,
Pos: len(creator.DH.Entries),
Keywords: keywordSelector(append(tarDefaultSetKeywords, root.Set.Keywords...), keywords),
creator.DH.Entries = append(creator.DH.Entries, *creator.curSet)
} else if creator.curSet != nil {
// Getting into here implies that the Entry's set has not and
// was not supposed to be evaluated, thus, we need to reset curSet
creator.DH.Entries = append(creator.DH.Entries, Entry{
Name: "/unset",
Type: SpecialType,
Pos: len(creator.DH.Entries),
creator.curSet = nil
root.Set = creator.curSet
root.Keywords = setDifference(root.Keywords, creator.curSet.Keywords)
if creator.curSet != nil {
root.Keywords = setDifference(root.Keywords, creator.curSet.Keywords)
root.Pos = len(creator.DH.Entries)
creator.DH.Entries = append(creator.DH.Entries, *root)
for _, c := range root.Children {
flatten(c, creator, keywords)
if root.Prev != nil {
// Show a comment when stepping out
root.Prev.Pos = len(creator.DH.Entries)
@ -329,23 +327,24 @@ func flatten(root *Entry, creator *dhCreator, keywords []string) {
// filter takes in a pointer to an Entry, and returns a slice of Entry's that
// satisfy the predicate p
func filter(root *Entry, p func(*Entry) bool) []Entry {
var validEntrys []Entry
if len(root.Children) > 0 || root.Prev != nil {
for _, c := range root.Children {
// if an Entry is a directory, filter the directory
if c.Prev != nil {
validEntrys = append(validEntrys, filter(c, p)...)
if p(c) {
if c.Prev == nil {
// prepend files
validEntrys = append([]Entry{*c}, validEntrys...)
} else {
validEntrys = append(validEntrys, *c)
if root != nil {
var validEntrys []Entry
if len(root.Children) > 0 || root.Prev != nil {
for _, c := range root.Children {
// filter the sub-directory
if c.Prev != nil {
validEntrys = append(validEntrys, filter(c, p)...)
if p(c) {
if c.Prev == nil {
validEntrys = append([]Entry{*c}, validEntrys...)
} else {
validEntrys = append(validEntrys, *c)
return validEntrys
return validEntrys
return nil
@ -363,6 +362,15 @@ func setDifference(this, that []string) []string {
return diff
type relationship int
const (
unknownDir relationship = iota
func compareDir(curDir, prevDir string) relationship {
curDir = filepath.Clean(curDir)
prevDir = filepath.Clean(prevDir)
@ -390,12 +398,14 @@ func (ts *tarStream) Close() error {
return ts.pipeReader.Close()
// Hierarchy returns the DirectoryHierarchy of the archive. It flattens the
// Entry tree before returning the DirectoryHierarchy
func (ts *tarStream) Hierarchy() (*DirectoryHierarchy, error) {
if ts.err != nil && ts.err != io.EOF {
return nil, ts.err
if ts.root == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("root Entry not found. Nothing to flatten")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("root Entry not found, nothing to flatten")
flatten(ts.root, &ts.creator, ts.keywords)
return ts.creator.DH, nil

View file

@ -142,6 +142,184 @@ func TestTar(t *testing.T) {
// This test checks how gomtree handles archives that were created
// with multiple directories, i.e, archives created with something like:
// `tar -cvf some.tar dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4/dir5 dir6` ... etc.
// The testdata of collection.tar resemble such an archive. the `collection` folder
// is the contents of `collection.tar` extracted
func TestArchiveCreation(t *testing.T) {
fh, err := os.Open("./testdata/collection.tar")
if err != nil {
str := NewTarStreamer(fh, []string{"sha1"})
if _, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, str); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
if err := str.Close(); err != nil {
defer fh.Close()
// get DirectoryHierarcy struct from walking the tar archive
tdh, err := str.Hierarchy()
if err != nil {
// Test the tar manifest against the actual directory
res, err := Check("./testdata/collection", tdh, []string{"sha1"})
if err != nil {
if res != nil {
for _, f := range res.Failures {
for _, e := range res.Extra {
t.Errorf("%s extra not expected", e.Name)
for _, m := range res.Missing {
t.Errorf("%s missing not expected", m.Name)
// Test the tar manifest against itself
res, err = TarCheck(tdh, tdh, []string{"sha1"})
if err != nil {
if res != nil {
for _, f := range res.Failures {
for _, e := range res.Extra {
t.Errorf("%s extra not expected", e.Name)
for _, m := range res.Missing {
t.Errorf("%s missing not expected", m.Name)
// Validate the directory manifest against the archive
dh, err := Walk("./testdata/collection", nil, []string{"sha1"})
if err != nil {
res, err = TarCheck(tdh, dh, []string{"sha1"})
if err != nil {
if res != nil {
for _, f := range res.Failures {
for _, e := range res.Extra {
t.Errorf("%s extra not expected", e.Name)
for _, m := range res.Missing {
t.Errorf("%s missing not expected", m.Name)
// Now test a tar file that was created with just the path to a file. In this
// test case, the traversal and creation of "placeholder" directories are
// evaluated. Also, The fact that this archive contains a single entry, yet the
// entry is associated with a file that has parent directories, means that the
// "." directory should be the lowest sub-directory under which `file` is contained.
func TestTreeTraversal(t *testing.T) {
fh, err := os.Open("./testdata/traversal.tar")
if err != nil {
str := NewTarStreamer(fh, DefaultTarKeywords)
if _, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, str); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
if err = str.Close(); err != nil {
tdh, err := str.Hierarchy()
if err != nil {
res, err := TarCheck(tdh, tdh, []string{"sha1"})
if err != nil {
if res != nil {
for _, f := range res.Failures {
for _, e := range res.Extra {
t.Errorf("%s extra not expected", e.Name)
for _, m := range res.Missing {
t.Errorf("%s missing not expected", m.Name)
// top-level "." directory will contain contents of traversal.tar
res, err = Check("./testdata/.", tdh, []string{"sha1"})
if err != nil {
if res != nil {
for _, f := range res.Failures {
for _, e := range res.Extra {
t.Errorf("%s extra not expected", e.Name)
for _, m := range res.Missing {
t.Errorf("%s missing not expected", m.Name)
// Now test an archive that requires placeholder directories, i.e, there are
// no headers in the archive that are associated with the actual directory name
fh, err = os.Open("./testdata/singlefile.tar")
if err != nil {
str = NewTarStreamer(fh, DefaultTarKeywords)
if _, err = io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, str); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
if err = str.Close(); err != nil {
tdh, err = str.Hierarchy()
if err != nil {
// Implied top-level "." directory will contain the contents of singlefile.tar
res, err = Check("./testdata/.", tdh, []string{"sha1"})
if err != nil {
if res != nil {
for _, f := range res.Failures {
for _, e := range res.Extra {
t.Errorf("%s extra not expected", e.Name)
for _, m := range res.Missing {
t.Errorf("%s missing not expected", m.Name)
// minimal tar archive stream that mimics what is in ./testdata/test.tar
func makeTarStream() ([]byte, error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)

testdata/collection.tar vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/collection/dir1/file1 vendored Normal file
View file

testdata/collection/dir2/file2 vendored Normal file
View file

testdata/collection/dir3/file3 vendored Normal file
View file

testdata/collection/dir4/file4 vendored Normal file
View file

View file

testdata/collection/file1 vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

testdata/collection/file2 vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

testdata/collection/file3 vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

testdata/singlefile.tar vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

testdata/singlefile/dir2/dir3/file vendored Normal file
View file

testdata/traversal.tar vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View file

View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

testdata/traversal/dir2/dir3/file vendored Normal file
View file

testdata/traversal/dir2/dir3/file3 vendored Normal file
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