package mtree

import (


// DefaultVisFlags is the set of Vis flags used when encoding filenames and
// other similar entries.
const DefaultVisFlags govis.VisFlag = govis.VisWhite | govis.VisOctal | govis.VisGlob

// Keyword is the string name of a keyword, with some convenience functions for
// determining whether it is a default or bsd standard keyword.
// It first portion before the "="
type Keyword string

// Prefix is the portion of the keyword before a first "." (if present).
// Primarly for the xattr use-case, where the keyword `` would have a Suffix of `security.selinux`.
func (k Keyword) Prefix() Keyword {
	if strings.Contains(string(k), ".") {
		return Keyword(strings.SplitN(string(k), ".", 2)[0])
	return k

// Suffix is the portion of the keyword after a first ".".
// This is an option feature.
// Primarly for the xattr use-case, where the keyword `` would have a Suffix of `security.selinux`.
func (k Keyword) Suffix() string {
	if strings.Contains(string(k), ".") {
		return strings.SplitN(string(k), ".", 2)[1]
	return string(k)

// Default returns whether this keyword is in the default set of keywords
func (k Keyword) Default() bool {
	return InKeywordSlice(k, DefaultKeywords)

// Bsd returns whether this keyword is in the upstream FreeBSD mtree(8)
func (k Keyword) Bsd() bool {
	return InKeywordSlice(k, BsdKeywords)

// Synonym returns the canonical name for this keyword. This is provides the
// same functionality as KeywordSynonym()
func (k Keyword) Synonym() Keyword {
	return KeywordSynonym(string(k))

// InKeywordSlice checks for the presence of `a` in `list`
func InKeywordSlice(a Keyword, list []Keyword) bool {
	for _, b := range list {
		if b == a {
			return true
	return false
func inKeyValSlice(a KeyVal, list []KeyVal) bool {
	for _, b := range list {
		if b == a {
			return true
	return false

// ToKeywords makes a list of Keyword from a list of string
func ToKeywords(list []string) []Keyword {
	ret := make([]Keyword, len(list))
	for i := range list {
		ret[i] = Keyword(list[i])
	return ret

// FromKeywords makes a list of string from a list of Keyword
func FromKeywords(list []Keyword) []string {
	ret := make([]string, len(list))
	for i := range list {
		ret[i] = string(list[i])
	return ret

// KeyValToString constructs a list of string from the list of KeyVal
func KeyValToString(list []KeyVal) []string {
	ret := make([]string, len(list))
	for i := range list {
		ret[i] = string(list[i])
	return ret

// StringToKeyVals constructs a list of KeyVal from the list of strings, like "keyword=value"
func StringToKeyVals(list []string) []KeyVal {
	ret := make([]KeyVal, len(list))
	for i := range list {
		ret[i] = KeyVal(list[i])
	return ret

// KeyVal is a "keyword=value"
type KeyVal string

// Keyword is the mapping to the available keywords
func (kv KeyVal) Keyword() Keyword {
	if !strings.Contains(string(kv), "=") {
		return Keyword("")
	return Keyword(strings.SplitN(strings.TrimSpace(string(kv)), "=", 2)[0])

// Value is the data/value portion of "keyword=value"
func (kv KeyVal) Value() string {
	if !strings.Contains(string(kv), "=") {
		return ""
	return strings.SplitN(strings.TrimSpace(string(kv)), "=", 2)[1]

// NewValue returns a new KeyVal with the newval
func (kv KeyVal) NewValue(newval string) KeyVal {
	return KeyVal(fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", kv.Keyword(), newval))

// Equal returns whether two KeyVal are equivalent. This takes
// care of certain odd cases such as tar_mtime, and should be used over
// using == comparisons directly unless you really know what you're
// doing.
func (kv KeyVal) Equal(b KeyVal) bool {
	// TODO: Implement handling of tar_mtime.
	return kv.Keyword() == b.Keyword() && kv.Value() == b.Value()

func keywordPrefixes(kvset []Keyword) []Keyword {
	kvs := []Keyword{}
	for _, kv := range kvset {
		kvs = append(kvs, kv.Prefix())
	return kvs

// keyvalSelector takes an array of KeyVal ("keyword=value") and filters out
// that only the set of keywords
func keyvalSelector(keyval []KeyVal, keyset []Keyword) []KeyVal {
	retList := []KeyVal{}
	for _, kv := range keyval {
		if InKeywordSlice(kv.Keyword().Prefix(), keywordPrefixes(keyset)) {
			retList = append(retList, kv)
	return retList

func keyValDifference(this, that []KeyVal) []KeyVal {
	if len(this) == 0 {
		return that
	diff := []KeyVal{}
	for _, kv := range this {
		if !inKeyValSlice(kv, that) {
			diff = append(diff, kv)
	return diff
func keyValCopy(set []KeyVal) []KeyVal {
	ret := make([]KeyVal, len(set))
	for i := range set {
		ret[i] = set[i]
	return ret

// Has the "keyword" present in the list of KeyVal, and returns the
// corresponding KeyVal, else an empty string.
func Has(keyvals []KeyVal, keyword string) []KeyVal {
	return HasKeyword(keyvals, Keyword(keyword))

// HasKeyword the "keyword" present in the list of KeyVal, and returns the
// corresponding KeyVal, else an empty string.
// This match is done on the Prefix of the keyword only.
func HasKeyword(keyvals []KeyVal, keyword Keyword) []KeyVal {
	kvs := []KeyVal{}
	for i := range keyvals {
		if keyvals[i].Keyword().Prefix() == keyword.Prefix() {
			kvs = append(kvs, keyvals[i])
	return kvs

// MergeSet takes the current setKeyVals, and then applies the entryKeyVals
// such that the entry's values win. The union is returned.
func MergeSet(setKeyVals, entryKeyVals []string) []KeyVal {
	retList := StringToKeyVals(setKeyVals)
	eKVs := StringToKeyVals(entryKeyVals)
	return MergeKeyValSet(retList, eKVs)

// MergeKeyValSet does a merge of the two sets of KeyVal, and the KeyVal of
// entryKeyVals win when there is a duplicate Keyword.
func MergeKeyValSet(setKeyVals, entryKeyVals []KeyVal) []KeyVal {
	retList := keyValCopy(setKeyVals)
	seenKeywords := []Keyword{}
	for i := range retList {
		word := retList[i].Keyword()
		for _, kv := range HasKeyword(entryKeyVals, word) {
			// match on the keyword prefix and suffix here
			if kv.Keyword() == word {
				retList[i] = kv
		seenKeywords = append(seenKeywords, word)
	for i := range entryKeyVals {
		if !InKeywordSlice(entryKeyVals[i].Keyword(), seenKeywords) {
			retList = append(retList, entryKeyVals[i])
	return retList

var (
	// DefaultKeywords has the several default keyword producers (uid, gid,
	// mode, nlink, type, size, mtime)
	DefaultKeywords = []Keyword{

	// DefaultTarKeywords has keywords that should be used when creating a manifest from
	// an archive. Currently, evaluating the # of hardlinks has not been implemented yet
	DefaultTarKeywords = []Keyword{

	// BsdKeywords is the set of keywords that is only in the upstream FreeBSD mtree
	BsdKeywords = []Keyword{
		"flags", // this one is really mostly BSD specific ...

	// SetKeywords is the default set of keywords calculated for a `/set` SpecialType
	SetKeywords = []Keyword{

// KeywordSynonym returns the canonical name for keywords that have synonyms,
// and just returns the name provided if there is no synonym. In this way it
// ought to be safe to wrap any keyword name.
func KeywordSynonym(name string) Keyword {
	var retname string
	switch name {
	case "md5":
		retname = "md5digest"
	case "rmd160":
		retname = "ripemd160digest"
	case "rmd160digest":
		retname = "ripemd160digest"
	case "sha1":
		retname = "sha1digest"
	case "sha256":
		retname = "sha256digest"
	case "sha384":
		retname = "sha384digest"
	case "sha512":
		retname = "sha512digest"
	case "sha512256":
		retname = "sha512256digest"
	case "xattrs":
		retname = "xattr"
		retname = name
	return Keyword(retname)