Fix a bug in the parser that caused all iterators to have to handle the /set and /unset semantics separately. In addition, provide a helper function to correctly generate the merged set of keywords for a particular entry. Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai <>
194 lines
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194 lines
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package mtree
import (
// Result of a Check
type Result struct {
// list of any failures in the Check
Failures []Failure `json:"failures"`
Missing []Entry `json:"missing,omitempty"`
Extra []Entry `json:"extra,omitempty"`
// Failure of a particular keyword for a path
type Failure struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
Keyword string `json:"keyword"`
Expected string `json:"expected"`
Got string `json:"got"`
// String returns a "pretty" formatting for a Failure
func (f Failure) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q: keyword %q: expected %s; got %s", f.Path, f.Keyword, f.Expected, f.Got)
// Check a root directory path against the DirectoryHierarchy, regarding only
// the available keywords from the list and each entry in the hierarchy.
// If keywords is nil, the check all present in the DirectoryHierarchy
func Check(root string, dh *DirectoryHierarchy, keywords []string) (*Result, error) {
curDir, err := os.Getwd()
if err == nil {
defer os.Chdir(curDir)
if err := os.Chdir(root); err != nil {
return nil, err
var result Result
for _, e := range dh.Entries {
switch e.Type {
case RelativeType, FullType:
pathname, err := e.Path()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
info, err := os.Lstat(pathname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kvs := e.AllKeys()
for _, kv := range kvs {
kw := kv.Keyword()
// 'tar_time' keyword evaluation wins against 'time' keyword evaluation
if kv.Keyword() == "time" && inSlice("tar_time", keywords) {
kw = "tar_time"
tartime := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", (strings.Split(kv.Value(), ".")[0]), "000000000")
kv = KeyVal(KeyVal(kw).ChangeValue(tartime))
keywordFunc, ok := KeywordFuncs[kw]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown keyword %q for file %q", kv.Keyword(), pathname)
if keywords != nil && !inSlice(kv.Keyword(), keywords) {
var curKeyVal string
if info.Mode().IsRegular() {
fh, err := os.Open(pathname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curKeyVal, err = keywordFunc(pathname, info, fh)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
curKeyVal, err = keywordFunc(pathname, info, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if string(kv) != curKeyVal {
failure := Failure{Path: pathname, Keyword: kv.Keyword(), Expected: kv.Value(), Got: KeyVal(curKeyVal).Value()}
result.Failures = append(result.Failures, failure)
return &result, nil
// TarCheck is the tar equivalent of checking a file hierarchy spec against a tar stream to
// determine if files have been changed.
func TarCheck(tarDH, dh *DirectoryHierarchy, keywords []string) (*Result, error) {
var result Result
var err error
var tarRoot *Entry
for _, e := range tarDH.Entries {
if e.Name == "." {
tarRoot = &e
if tarRoot == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("root of archive could not be found")
tarRoot.Next = &Entry{
Name: "seen",
Type: CommentType,
curDir := tarRoot
var outOfTree bool
for _, e := range dh.Entries {
switch e.Type {
case RelativeType, FullType:
pathname, err := e.Path()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if outOfTree {
return &result, fmt.Errorf("No parent node from %s", pathname)
// TODO: handle the case where "." is not the first Entry to be found
tarEntry := curDir.Descend(e.Name)
if tarEntry == nil {
result.Missing = append(result.Missing, e)
tarEntry.Next = &Entry{
Type: CommentType,
Name: "seen",
// expected values from file hierarchy spec
kvs := e.AllKeys()
// actual
tarkvs := tarEntry.AllKeys()
for _, kv := range kvs {
// TODO: keep track of symlinks
if _, ok := KeywordFuncs[kv.Keyword()]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown keyword %q for file %q", kv.Keyword(), pathname)
if keywords != nil && !inSlice(kv.Keyword(), keywords) {
tarpath, err := tarEntry.Path()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if tarkv := tarkvs.Has(kv.Keyword()); tarkv != emptyKV {
if string(tarkv) != string(kv) {
failure := Failure{Path: tarpath, Keyword: kv.Keyword(), Expected: kv.Value(), Got: tarkv.Value()}
result.Failures = append(result.Failures, failure)
// Step into a directory
if tarEntry.Prev != nil {
curDir = tarEntry
case DotDotType:
if outOfTree {
return &result, fmt.Errorf("No parent node.")
curDir = curDir.Ascend()
if curDir == nil {
outOfTree = true
result.Extra = filter(tarRoot, func(e *Entry) bool {
return e.Next == nil
return &result, err