omaha: split request and response structures

Despite having common names between the request and response XML
structures the actual values which may appear in them are completely
disjoint. Splitting the types up makes the protocol easier to understand
when reading the code. When applicable, required fields like status are
passed to Add* methods.
This commit is contained in:
Michael Marineau 2015-07-25 16:44:18 -07:00
parent ec70842bdd
commit 75a1125f53
2 changed files with 101 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -28,19 +28,20 @@ import (
// Request sent by the Omaha client
type Request struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"request" json:"-"`
OS *OS `xml:"os"`
Apps []*App `xml:"app"`
Protocol string `xml:"protocol,attr"`
Version string `xml:"version,attr,omitempty"`
IsMachine string `xml:"ismachine,attr,omitempty"`
SessionId string `xml:"sessionid,attr,omitempty"`
UserId string `xml:"userid,attr,omitempty"`
InstallSource string `xml:"installsource,attr,omitempty"`
TestSource string `xml:"testsource,attr,omitempty"`
RequestId string `xml:"requestid,attr,omitempty"`
UpdaterVersion string `xml:"updaterversion,attr,omitempty"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"request" json:"-"`
OS *OS `xml:"os"`
Apps []*AppRequest `xml:"app"`
Protocol string `xml:"protocol,attr"`
Version string `xml:"version,attr,omitempty"`
IsMachine string `xml:"ismachine,attr,omitempty"`
RequestId string `xml:"requestid,attr,omitempty"`
SessionId string `xml:"sessionid,attr,omitempty"`
UserId string `xml:"userid,attr,omitempty"`
InstallSource string `xml:"installsource,attr,omitempty"`
TestSource string `xml:"testsource,attr,omitempty"`
UpdaterVersion string `xml:"updaterversion,attr,omitempty"`
func NewRequest() *Request {
@ -55,18 +56,71 @@ func NewRequest() *Request {
func (r *Request) AddApp(id, version string) *App {
a := &App{Id: id, Version: version}
func (r *Request) AddApp(id, version string) *AppRequest {
a := &AppRequest{Id: id, Version: version}
r.Apps = append(r.Apps, a)
return a
type AppRequest struct {
Ping *PingRequest `xml:"ping"`
UpdateCheck *UpdateRequest `xml:"updatecheck"`
Events []*EventRequest `xml:"event" json:",omitempty"`
Id string `xml:"appid,attr,omitempty"`
Version string `xml:"version,attr,omitempty"`
NextVersion string `xml:"nextversion,attr,omitempty"`
Lang string `xml:"lang,attr,omitempty"`
Client string `xml:"client,attr,omitempty"`
InstallAge string `xml:"installage,attr,omitempty"`
// update engine extensions
Track string `xml:"track,attr,omitempty"`
FromTrack string `xml:"from_track,attr,omitempty"`
// coreos update engine extensions
BootId string `xml:"bootid,attr,omitempty"`
MachineID string `xml:"machineid,attr,omitempty"`
OEM string `xml:"oem,attr,omitempty"`
func (a *AppRequest) AddUpdateCheck() *UpdateRequest {
a.UpdateCheck = &UpdateRequest{}
return a.UpdateCheck
func (a *AppRequest) AddPing() *PingRequest {
a.Ping = new(PingRequest)
return a.Ping
func (a *AppRequest) AddEvent() *EventRequest {
event := &EventRequest{}
a.Events = append(a.Events, event)
return event
type UpdateRequest struct {
TargetVersionPrefix string `xml:"targetversionprefix,attr,omitempty"`
type PingRequest struct {
LastReportDays string `xml:"r,attr,omitempty"`
type EventRequest struct {
Type EventType `xml:"eventtype,attr"`
Result EventResult `xml:"eventresult,attr"`
PreviousVersion string `xml:"previousversion,attr,omitempty"`
ErrorCode string `xml:"errorcode,attr,omitempty"`
// Response sent by the Omaha server
type Response struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"response" json:"-"`
DayStart DayStart `xml:"daystart"`
Apps []*App `xml:"app"`
Protocol string `xml:"protocol,attr"`
Server string `xml:"server,attr"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"response" json:"-"`
DayStart DayStart `xml:"daystart"`
Apps []*AppResponse `xml:"app"`
Protocol string `xml:"protocol,attr"`
Server string `xml:"server,attr"`
func NewResponse() *Response {
@ -81,58 +135,43 @@ type DayStart struct {
ElapsedSeconds string `xml:"elapsed_seconds,attr"`
func (r *Response) AddApp(id string, status AppStatus) *App {
a := &App{Id: id, Status: status}
func (r *Response) AddApp(id string, status AppStatus) *AppResponse {
a := &AppResponse{Id: id, Status: status}
r.Apps = append(r.Apps, a)
return a
type App struct {
Ping *Ping `xml:"ping"`
UpdateCheck *UpdateCheck `xml:"updatecheck"`
Events []*Event `xml:"event" json:",omitempty"`
Id string `xml:"appid,attr,omitempty"`
Version string `xml:"version,attr,omitempty"`
NextVersion string `xml:"nextversion,attr,omitempty"`
Lang string `xml:"lang,attr,omitempty"`
Client string `xml:"client,attr,omitempty"`
InstallAge string `xml:"installage,attr,omitempty"`
Status AppStatus `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"`
// update engine extensions
Track string `xml:"track,attr,omitempty"`
FromTrack string `xml:"from_track,attr,omitempty"`
// coreos update engine extensions
BootId string `xml:"bootid,attr,omitempty"`
MachineID string `xml:"machineid,attr,omitempty"`
OEM string `xml:"oem,attr,omitempty"`
type AppResponse struct {
Ping *PingResponse `xml:"ping"`
UpdateCheck *UpdateResponse `xml:"updatecheck"`
Events []*EventResponse `xml:"event" json:",omitempty"`
Id string `xml:"appid,attr,omitempty"`
Status AppStatus `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"`
func (a *App) AddUpdateCheck() *UpdateCheck {
a.UpdateCheck = new(UpdateCheck)
func (a *AppResponse) AddUpdateCheck(status UpdateStatus) *UpdateResponse {
a.UpdateCheck = &UpdateResponse{Status: status}
return a.UpdateCheck
func (a *App) AddPing() *Ping {
a.Ping = new(Ping)
func (a *AppResponse) AddPing() *PingResponse {
a.Ping = &PingResponse{"ok"}
return a.Ping
func (a *App) AddEvent() *Event {
event := new(Event)
func (a *AppResponse) AddEvent() *EventResponse {
event := &EventResponse{"ok"}
a.Events = append(a.Events, event)
return event
type UpdateCheck struct {
URLs *URLs `xml:"urls"`
Manifest *Manifest `xml:"manifest"`
TargetVersionPrefix string `xml:"targetversionprefix,attr,omitempty"`
Status UpdateStatus `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"`
type UpdateResponse struct {
URLs *URLs `xml:"urls"`
Manifest *Manifest `xml:"manifest"`
Status UpdateStatus `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"`
func (u *UpdateCheck) AddURL(codebase string) *URL {
func (u *UpdateResponse) AddURL(codebase string) *URL {
// An intermediate struct is used instead of a "urls>url" tag simply
// to keep Go from generating <urls></urls> if the list is empty.
if u.URLs == nil {
@ -143,14 +182,17 @@ func (u *UpdateCheck) AddURL(codebase string) *URL {
return url
func (u *UpdateCheck) AddManifest(version string) *Manifest {
func (u *UpdateResponse) AddManifest(version string) *Manifest {
u.Manifest = &Manifest{Version: version}
return u.Manifest
type Ping struct {
LastReportDays string `xml:"r,attr,omitempty"`
Status string `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"`
type PingResponse struct {
Status string `xml:"status,attr"` // Always "ok".
type EventResponse struct {
Status string `xml:"status,attr"` // Always "ok".
type OS struct {

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@ -83,10 +83,8 @@ func TestOmahaRequestUpdateCheck(t *testing.T) {
func ExampleNewResponse() {
response := NewResponse()
app := response.AddApp("{52F1B9BC-D31A-4D86-9276-CBC256AADF9A}", "ok")
p := app.AddPing()
p.Status = "ok"
u := app.AddUpdateCheck()
u.Status = "ok"
u := app.AddUpdateCheck(UpdateOK)
m := u.AddManifest("9999.0.0")
k := m.AddPackage()