Fix a bunch of problems with USB.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 637 additions and 167 deletions
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <grub/cpu/io.h>
#include <grub/time.h>
#include <grub/cs5536.h>
#include <grub/loader.h>
struct grub_ohci_hcca
@ -96,7 +97,11 @@ typedef enum
} grub_ohci_reg_t;
@ -195,7 +200,7 @@ grub_ohci_pci_iter (grub_pci_device_t dev,
if (! o)
return 1;
o->iobase = grub_pci_device_map_range (dev, base, 0x100);
o->iobase = grub_pci_device_map_range (dev, base, 0x800);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "base=%p\n", o->iobase);
@ -212,10 +217,48 @@ grub_ohci_pci_iter (grub_pci_device_t dev,
if ((revision & 0xFF) != 0x10)
goto fail;
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBA,
(grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBA)
grub_uint32_t control;
/* Check SMM/BIOS ownership of OHCI (SMM = USB Legacy Support driver for BIOS) */
control = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL);
if ((control & 0x100) != 0)
unsigned i;
grub_dprintf("ohci", "OHCI is owned by SMM\n");
/* Do change of ownership */
/* Ownership change request */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS, (1<<3)); /* XXX: Magic. */
/* Waiting for SMM deactivation */
for (i=0; i < 10; i++)
if ((grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL) & 0x100) == 0)
grub_dprintf("ohci", "Ownership changed normally.\n");
grub_millisleep (100);
if (i >= 10)
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL,
grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL) & ~0x100);
grub_dprintf("ohci", "Ownership changing timeout, change forced !\n");
else if (((control & 0x100) == 0) &&
((control & 0xc0) != 0)) /* Not owned by SMM nor reset */
grub_dprintf("ohci", "OHCI is owned by BIOS\n");
/* Do change of ownership - not implemented yet... */
/* In fact we probably need to do nothing ...? */
grub_dprintf("ohci", "OHCI is not owned by SMM nor BIOS\n");
/* We can setup OHCI. */
/* Suspend the OHCI by issuing a reset. */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS, 1); /* XXX: Magic. */
@ -232,15 +275,58 @@ grub_ohci_pci_iter (grub_pci_device_t dev,
/* Setup the HCCA. */
o->hcca->donehead = 0;
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_HCCA, o->hcca_addr);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "OHCI HCCA\n");
/* Misc. pre-sets. */
o->hcca->donehead = 0;
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_INTSTATUS, (1 << 1)); /* Clears WDH */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROLHEAD, 0);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROLCURR, 0);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_BULKHEAD, 0);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_BULKCURR, 0);
/* Check OHCI Legacy Support */
if ((revision & 0x100) != 0)
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "Legacy Support registers detected\n");
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "Current state of legacy control reg.: 0x%04x\n",
grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_LEGACY_CONTROL));
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_LEGACY_CONTROL,
(grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_LEGACY_CONTROL)) & ~1);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "OHCI Legacy Support disabled.\n");
/* Enable the OHCI. */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL,
(2 << 6));
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "OHCI enable: 0x%02x\n",
(grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL) >> 6) & 3);
/* Power on all ports */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBA,
(grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBA)
/* Wait for stable power (100ms) and stable attachment (100ms) */
/* I.e. minimum wait time should be probably 200ms. */
/* We assume that device is attached when ohci is loaded. */
/* Some devices take long time to power-on or indicate attach. */
/* Here is some experimental value which should probably mostly work. */
/* Cameras with manual USB mode selection and maybe some other similar
* devices will not work in some cases - they are repowered during
* ownership change and then they are starting slowly and mostly they
* are wanting select proper mode again...
* The same situation can be on computers where BIOS not set-up OHCI
* to be at least powered USB bus (maybe it is Yeelong case...?)
* Possible workaround could be for example some prompt
* for user with confirmation of proper USB device connection.
* Another workaround - "rmmod usbms", "rmmod ohci", proper start
* and configuration of USB device and then "insmod ohci"
* and "insmod usbms". */
grub_millisleep (500);
/* Link to ohci now that initialisation is successful. */
o->next = ohci;
ohci = o;
@ -317,13 +403,29 @@ grub_ohci_transaction (grub_ohci_td_t td,
token |= toggle << 24;
token |= 1 << 25;
/* Set "Not accessed" error code */
token |= 15 << 28;
buffer = data;
buffer_end = buffer + size - 1;
/* Set correct buffer values in TD if zero transfer occurs */
if (size)
buffer = (grub_uint32_t) data;
buffer_end = buffer + size - 1;
td->buffer = grub_cpu_to_le32 (buffer);
td->buffer_end = grub_cpu_to_le32 (buffer_end);
td->buffer = 0;
td->buffer_end = 0;
/* Set the rest of TD */
td->token = grub_cpu_to_le32 (token);
td->buffer = grub_cpu_to_le32 (buffer);
td->next_td = 0;
td->buffer_end = grub_cpu_to_le32 (buffer_end);
static grub_usb_err_t
@ -342,7 +444,9 @@ grub_ohci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
grub_uint32_t status;
grub_uint32_t control;
grub_usb_err_t err;
int i;
int i, j;
grub_uint64_t maxtime;
int err_timeout = 0;
/* Allocate an Endpoint Descriptor. */
ed_chunk = grub_memalign_dma32 (256, sizeof (*ed));
@ -375,13 +479,25 @@ grub_ohci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
+ (i + 1) * sizeof (td_list[0]));
/* The last-1 TD token we should change to enable interrupt when TD finishes.
* As OHCI interrupts are disabled, it does only setting of WDH bit in
* HcInterruptStatus register - and that is what we want to safely detect
* normal end of all transactions. */
td_list[transfer->transcnt - 1].token &= ~(7 << 21);
td_list[transfer->transcnt].token = 0;
td_list[transfer->transcnt].buffer = 0;
td_list[transfer->transcnt].buffer_end = 0;
td_list[transfer->transcnt].next_td =
(grub_uint32_t) &td_list[transfer->transcnt];
/* Setup the Endpoint Descriptor. */
/* Set the device address. */
target = transfer->devaddr;
/* Set the endpoint. */
target |= transfer->endpoint << 7;
/* Set the endpoint. It should be masked, we need 4 bits only. */
target |= (transfer->endpoint & 15) << 7;
/* Set the device speed. */
target |= (transfer->dev->speed == GRUB_USB_SPEED_LOW) << 13;
@ -400,6 +516,30 @@ grub_ohci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "program OHCI\n");
/* Disable the Control and Bulk lists. */
control = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL);
control &= ~(3 << 4);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL, control);
/* Clear BulkListFilled and ControlListFilled. */
status = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS);
status &= ~(3 << 1);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS, status);
/* Now we should wait for start of next frame. Because we are not using
* interrupt, we reset SF bit and wait when it goes to 1. */
/* SF bit reset. (SF bit indicates Start Of Frame (SOF) packet) */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_INTSTATUS, (1<<2));
/* Wait for new SOF */
while ((grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_INTSTATUS) & 0x4) == 0);
/* Now it should be safe to change CONTROL and BULK lists. */
/* This we do for safety's sake - it should be done in previous call
* of grub_ohci_transfer and nobody should change it in meantime...
* It should be done before start of control or bulk OHCI list. */
o->hcca->donehead = 0;
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_INTSTATUS, (1 << 1)); /* Clears WDH */
/* Program the OHCI to actually transfer. */
switch (transfer->type)
@ -407,24 +547,17 @@ grub_ohci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "add to bulk list\n");
status = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS);
control = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL);
/* Disable the Control and Bulk lists. */
control &= ~(3 << 4);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL, control);
/* Clear BulkListFilled. */
status &= ~(1 << 2);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS, status);
/* Set BulkList Head and Current */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_BULKHEAD, ed_addr);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_BULKCURR, 0);
/* Enable the Bulk list. */
control = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL);
control |= 1 << 5;
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL, control);
/* Set BulkListFilled. */
status = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS);
status |= 1 << 2;
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS, status);
@ -433,21 +566,9 @@ grub_ohci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "add to control list\n");
status = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS);
control = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL);
/* Disable the Control and Bulk lists. */
control &= ~(3 << 4);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL, control);
/* Clear ControlListFilled. */
status &= ~(1 << 1);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS, status);
/* Set ControlList Head and Current */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROLHEAD, ed_addr);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROLHEAD+1,
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROLCURR, 0);
/* Enable the Control list. */
control |= 1 << 4;
@ -465,36 +586,77 @@ grub_ohci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL),
grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS));
/* Safety measure to avoid a hang. */
maxtime = grub_get_time_ms () + 1000;
/* Wait until the transfer is completed or STALLs. */
while ((ed->td_head & ~0xf) != (ed->td_tail & ~0xf))
grub_cpu_idle ();
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "head=0x%02x tail=0x%02x\n", ed->td_head, ed->td_tail);
/* Detected a HALT. */
if (grub_le_to_cpu32 (ed->td_head) & 1)
if ((grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_INTSTATUS) & 0x2) != 0)
if ((grub_le_to_cpu32 (o->hcca->donehead) & ~0xf)
== td_list_addr + (transfer->transcnt - 1) * sizeof (td_list[0]))
/* Detected a STALL. */
if (ed->td_head & 1)
/* Done Head can be updated on some another place if ED is halted. */
if (grub_le_to_cpu32 (ed->td_head) & 1)
/* If there is not HALT in ED, it is not correct, so debug it, reset
* donehead and WDH and continue waiting. */
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "Incorrect HccaDoneHead=0x%08x\n",
o->hcca->donehead = 0;
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_INTSTATUS, (1 << 1));
/* Timeout ? */
if (grub_get_time_ms () > maxtime)
/* Disable the Control and Bulk lists. */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL,
grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROL) & ~(3 << 4));
err_timeout = 1;
if ((ed->td_head & ~0xf) == (ed->td_tail & ~0xf))
while (1);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "complete\n");
/* if (ed->td_head & 1) */
/* err = GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL; */
/* else if (ed->td */
if (ed->td_head & 1)
if (err_timeout)
grub_dprintf("ohci", "Timeout, target=%08x, head=%08x\n\t\ttail=%08x, next=%08x\n",
else if (grub_le_to_cpu32 (ed->td_head) & 1)
grub_uint8_t errcode;
grub_ohci_td_t tderr;
grub_uint32_t td_err_addr;
grub_uint8_t errcode;
grub_ohci_td_t tderr = NULL;
td_err_addr = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_DONEHEAD);
td_err_addr = (grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_DONEHEAD) & ~0xf);
if (td_err_addr == 0)
/* If DONEHEAD==0 it means that correct address is in HCCA.
* It should be always now! */
td_err_addr = (grub_le_to_cpu32 (o->hcca->donehead) & ~0xf);
tderr = (grub_ohci_td_t) ((char *) td_list
+ (td_err_addr - td_list_addr));
errcode = tderr->token >> 28;
errcode = grub_le_to_cpu32 (tderr->token) >> 28;
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "OHCI errcode=0x%02x\n", errcode);
switch (errcode)
@ -540,11 +702,17 @@ grub_ohci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
case 8:
/* XXX: Data overrun error. */
j = ((grub_uint32_t)tderr - (grub_uint32_t)td_list) / sizeof (*td_list);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "Overrun, failed TD address: %p, index: %d\n", tderr, j);
case 9:
/* XXX: Data underrun error. */
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "Underrun, number of not transferred bytes: %d\n",
1 + grub_le_to_cpu32 (tderr->buffer_end) - grub_le_to_cpu32 (tderr->buffer));
j = ((grub_uint32_t)tderr - (grub_uint32_t)td_list) / sizeof (*td_list);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "Underrun, failed TD address: %p, index: %d\n", tderr, j);
case 10:
@ -582,43 +750,73 @@ grub_ohci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
/* Clear BulkListFilled and ControlListFilled. */
status = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS);
status &= ~((1 << 2) | (1 << 3));
status &= ~(3 << 1);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CMDSTATUS, status);
/* XXX */
/* Set ED to be skipped - for safety */
ed->target |= grub_cpu_to_le32 (1 << 14);
/* Now we should wait for start of next frame.
* It is necessary because we will invalidate pointer to ED and it
* can be on OHCI active till SOF!
* Because we are not using interrupt, we reset SF bit and wait when
* it goes to 1. */
/* SF bit reset. (SF bit indicates Start Of Frame (SOF) packet) */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_INTSTATUS, (1<<2));
/* Wait for new SOF */
while ((grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_INTSTATUS) & 0x4) == 0);
/* Now it should be safe to change CONTROL and BULK lists. */
/* Important cleaning. */
o->hcca->donehead = 0;
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_INTSTATUS, (1 << 1)); /* Clears WDH */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROLHEAD, 0);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_CONTROLCURR, 0);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_BULKHEAD, 0);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_BULKCURR, 0);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "OHCI finished, freeing, err=0x%02x\n", err);
grub_dma_free (td_list_chunk);
grub_dma_free (ed_chunk);
return err;
#define GRUB_OHCI_SET_PORT_ENABLE (1 << 1)
#define GRUB_OHCI_SET_PORT_RESET (1 << 4)
static grub_err_t
grub_ohci_portstatus (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
unsigned int port, unsigned int enable)
struct grub_ohci *o = (struct grub_ohci *) dev->data;
grub_uint32_t status;
/* Reset the port. */
status = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port);
status |= (1 << 4); /* XXX: Magic. */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port, status);
grub_millisleep (100);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "begin of portstatus=0x%02x\n",
grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port));
/* End the reset signaling. */
status = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port);
status |= (1 << 20); /* XXX: Magic. */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port, status);
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port,
grub_millisleep (50); /* For root hub should be nominaly 50ms */
/* End the reset signaling. */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port,
grub_millisleep (10);
/* Enable the port. */
status = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port);
status |= (enable << 1); /* XXX: Magic. */
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port, status);
status = grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "portstatus=0x%02x\n", status);
if (enable)
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port,
grub_ohci_writereg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port,
grub_millisleep (10);
grub_dprintf ("ohci", "end of portstatus=0x%02x\n",
grub_ohci_readreg32 (o, GRUB_OHCI_REG_RHUBPORT + port));
@ -174,14 +174,15 @@ grub_uhci_pci_iter (grub_pci_device_t dev,
return 1;
u->iobase = base & GRUB_UHCI_IOMASK;
grub_dprintf ("uhci", "class=0x%02x 0x%02x interface 0x%02x base=0x%x\n",
class, subclass, interf, u->iobase);
/* Reserve a page for the frame list. */
u->framelist = grub_memalign (4096, 4096);
if (! u->framelist)
goto fail;
grub_dprintf ("uhci", "class=0x%02x 0x%02x interface 0x%02x base=0x%x framelist=%p\n",
class, subclass, interf, u->iobase, u->framelist);
/* The framelist pointer of UHCI is only 32 bits, make sure this
code works on on 64 bits architectures. */
@ -221,6 +222,9 @@ grub_uhci_pci_iter (grub_pci_device_t dev,
grub_dprintf ("uhci", "QH=%p, TD=%p\n",
u->qh, u->td);
/* Link all Transfer Descriptors in a list of available Transfer
Descriptors. */
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
@ -441,6 +445,8 @@ grub_uhci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
if (! qh)
return grub_errno;
grub_dprintf ("uhci", "transfer, iobase:%08x\n", u->iobase);
for (i = 0; i < transfer->transcnt; i++)
grub_usb_transaction_t tr = &transfer->transactions[i];
@ -548,7 +554,8 @@ grub_uhci_transfer (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
grub_dprintf ("uhci", "transaction failed\n");
if (err != GRUB_USB_ERR_NONE)
grub_dprintf ("uhci", "transaction failed\n");
/* Place the QH back in the free list and deallocate the associated
TDs. */
@ -583,6 +590,8 @@ grub_uhci_portstatus (grub_usb_controller_t dev,
unsigned int status;
grub_uint64_t endtime;
grub_dprintf ("uhci", "portstatus, iobase:%08x\n", u->iobase);
grub_dprintf ("uhci", "enable=%d port=%d\n", enable, port);
if (port == 0)
@ -631,6 +640,8 @@ grub_uhci_detect_dev (grub_usb_controller_t dev, int port)
int reg;
unsigned int status;
grub_dprintf ("uhci", "detect_dev, iobase:%08x\n", u->iobase);
if (port == 0)
else if (port == 1)
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ grub_usb_set_configuration (grub_usb_device_t dev, int configuration)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
dev->toggle[i] = 0;
return grub_usb_control_msg (dev, (GRUB_USB_REQTYPE_OUT
@ -163,6 +163,16 @@ grub_usb_device_initialize (grub_usb_device_t dev)
grub_usb_err_t err;
int i;
/* First we have to read first 8 bytes only and determine
* max. size of packet */
dev->descdev.maxsize0 = 0; /* invalidating, for safety only, can be removed if it is sure it is zero here */
err = grub_usb_get_descriptor (dev, GRUB_USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE,
0, 8, (char *) &dev->descdev);
if (err)
return err;
/* Now we have valid value in dev->descdev.maxsize0,
* so we can read whole device descriptor */
err = grub_usb_get_descriptor (dev, GRUB_USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE,
0, sizeof (struct grub_usb_desc_device),
(char *) &dev->descdev);
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ grub_usb_control_msg (grub_usb_device_t dev,
/* End with an empty OUT transaction. */
transfer->transactions[datablocks + 1].size = 0;
transfer->transactions[datablocks + 1].data = 0;
if (reqtype & 128)
if ((reqtype & 128) && datablocks)
transfer->transactions[datablocks + 1].pid = GRUB_USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_OUT;
transfer->transactions[datablocks + 1].pid = GRUB_USB_TRANSFER_TYPE_IN;
@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ grub_usb_control_msg (grub_usb_device_t dev,
err = dev->>transfer (&dev->controller, transfer);
grub_free (transfer->transactions);
grub_free (transfer);
grub_dma_free (data_chunk);
grub_dma_free (setupdata_chunk);
@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ grub_usb_bulk_readwrite (grub_usb_device_t dev,
datablocks = ((size + max - 1) / max);
transfer->transcnt = datablocks;
transfer->size = size - 1;
transfer->endpoint = endpoint;
transfer->endpoint = endpoint & 15;
transfer->devaddr = dev->addr;
transfer->max = max;
@ -148,6 +148,8 @@ usb_iterate (grub_usb_device_t dev)
grub_printf ("%s speed device\n", usb_devspeed[dev->speed]);
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < descdev->configcnt; i++)
struct grub_usb_desc_config *config;
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <grub/types.h>
#include <grub/scsi.h>
#include <grub/scsicmd.h>
#include <grub/time.h>
static grub_scsi_dev_t grub_scsi_dev_list;
@ -50,7 +51,62 @@ grub_scsi_dev_unregister (grub_scsi_dev_t dev)
/* Determine the the device is removable and the type of the device
/* Check result of previous operation. */
static grub_err_t
grub_scsi_request_sense (grub_scsi_t scsi)
struct grub_scsi_request_sense rs;
struct grub_scsi_request_sense_data rsd;
grub_err_t err;
rs.opcode = grub_scsi_cmd_request_sense;
rs.lun = scsi->lun << GRUB_SCSI_LUN_SHIFT;
rs.reserved1 = 0;
rs.reserved2 = 0;
rs.alloc_length = 0x12; /* XXX: Hardcoded for now */
rs.control = 0;
grub_memset (rs.pad, 0, sizeof(rs.pad));
err = scsi->dev->read (scsi, sizeof (rs), (char *) &rs,
sizeof (rsd), (char *) &rsd);
if (err)
return err;
/* Self commenting... */
static grub_err_t
grub_scsi_test_unit_ready (grub_scsi_t scsi)
struct grub_scsi_test_unit_ready tur;
grub_err_t err;
grub_err_t err_sense;
tur.opcode = grub_scsi_cmd_test_unit_ready;
tur.lun = scsi->lun << GRUB_SCSI_LUN_SHIFT;
tur.reserved1 = 0;
tur.reserved2 = 0;
tur.reserved3 = 0;
tur.control = 0;
grub_memset (tur.pad, 0, sizeof(tur.pad));
err = scsi->dev->read (scsi, sizeof (tur), (char *) &tur,
0, NULL);
/* Each SCSI command should be followed by Request Sense.
If not so, many devices STALLs or definitely freezes. */
err_sense = grub_scsi_request_sense (scsi);
if (err_sense != GRUB_ERR_NONE)
grub_errno = err;
/* err_sense is ignored for now and Request Sense Data also... */
if (err)
return err;
/* Determine if the device is removable and the type of the device
SCSI. */
static grub_err_t
grub_scsi_inquiry (grub_scsi_t scsi)
@ -58,15 +114,26 @@ grub_scsi_inquiry (grub_scsi_t scsi)
struct grub_scsi_inquiry iq;
struct grub_scsi_inquiry_data iqd;
grub_err_t err;
grub_err_t err_sense;
iq.opcode = grub_scsi_cmd_inquiry;
iq.lun = scsi->lun << GRUB_SCSI_LUN_SHIFT;
|||| = 0;
iq.reserved = 0;
iq.alloc_length = 0x24; /* XXX: Hardcoded for now */
iq.reserved2 = 0;
iq.control = 0;
grub_memset (iq.pad, 0, sizeof(iq.pad));
err = scsi->dev->read (scsi, sizeof (iq), (char *) &iq,
sizeof (iqd), (char *) &iqd);
/* Each SCSI command should be followed by Request Sense.
If not so, many devices STALLs or definitely freezes. */
err_sense = grub_scsi_request_sense (scsi);
if (err_sense != GRUB_ERR_NONE)
grub_errno = err;
/* err_sense is ignored for now and Request Sense Data also... */
if (err)
return err;
@ -83,13 +150,27 @@ grub_scsi_read_capacity (grub_scsi_t scsi)
struct grub_scsi_read_capacity rc;
struct grub_scsi_read_capacity_data rcd;
grub_err_t err;
grub_err_t err_sense;
rc.opcode = grub_scsi_cmd_read_capacity;
rc.lun = scsi->lun << GRUB_SCSI_LUN_SHIFT;
grub_memset (rc.reserved, 0, sizeof (rc.reserved));
rc.logical_block_addr = 0;
rc.reserved1 = 0;
rc.reserved2 = 0;
rc.PMI = 0;
rc.control = 0;
rc.pad = 0;
err = scsi->dev->read (scsi, sizeof (rc), (char *) &rc,
sizeof (rcd), (char *) &rcd);
/* Each SCSI command should be followed by Request Sense.
If not so, many devices STALLs or definitely freezes. */
err_sense = grub_scsi_request_sense (scsi);
if (err_sense != GRUB_ERR_NONE)
grub_errno = err;
/* err_sense is ignored for now and Request Sense Data also... */
if (err)
return err;
@ -107,6 +188,8 @@ grub_scsi_read10 (grub_disk_t disk, grub_disk_addr_t sector,
grub_scsi_t scsi;
struct grub_scsi_read10 rd;
grub_err_t err;
grub_err_t err_sense;
scsi = disk->data;
@ -118,7 +201,16 @@ grub_scsi_read10 (grub_disk_t disk, grub_disk_addr_t sector,
rd.reserved2 = 0;
rd.pad = 0;
return scsi->dev->read (scsi, sizeof (rd), (char *) &rd, size * scsi->blocksize, buf);
err = scsi->dev->read (scsi, sizeof (rd), (char *) &rd, size * scsi->blocksize, buf);
/* Each SCSI command should be followed by Request Sense.
If not so, many devices STALLs or definitely freezes. */
err_sense = grub_scsi_request_sense (scsi);
if (err_sense != GRUB_ERR_NONE)
grub_errno = err;
/* err_sense is ignored for now and Request Sense Data also... */
return err;
/* Send a SCSI request for DISK: read SIZE sectors starting with
@ -129,6 +221,8 @@ grub_scsi_read12 (grub_disk_t disk, grub_disk_addr_t sector,
grub_scsi_t scsi;
struct grub_scsi_read12 rd;
grub_err_t err;
grub_err_t err_sense;
scsi = disk->data;
@ -139,7 +233,16 @@ grub_scsi_read12 (grub_disk_t disk, grub_disk_addr_t sector,
rd.reserved = 0;
rd.control = 0;
return scsi->dev->read (scsi, sizeof (rd), (char *) &rd, size * scsi->blocksize, buf);
err = scsi->dev->read (scsi, sizeof (rd), (char *) &rd, size * scsi->blocksize, buf);
/* Each SCSI command should be followed by Request Sense.
If not so, many devices STALLs or definitely freezes. */
err_sense = grub_scsi_request_sense (scsi);
if (err_sense != GRUB_ERR_NONE)
grub_errno = err;
/* err_sense is ignored for now and Request Sense Data also... */
return err;
#if 0
@ -151,6 +254,8 @@ grub_scsi_write10 (grub_disk_t disk, grub_disk_addr_t sector,
grub_scsi_t scsi;
struct grub_scsi_write10 wr;
grub_err_t err;
grub_err_t err_sense;
scsi = disk->data;
@ -162,7 +267,16 @@ grub_scsi_write10 (grub_disk_t disk, grub_disk_addr_t sector,
wr.reserved2 = 0;
wr.pad = 0;
return scsi->dev->write (scsi, sizeof (wr), (char *) &wr, size * scsi->blocksize, buf);
err = scsi->dev->write (scsi, sizeof (wr), (char *) &wr, size * scsi->blocksize, buf);
/* Each SCSI command should be followed by Request Sense.
If not so, many devices STALLs or definitely freezes. */
err_sense = grub_scsi_request_sense (scsi);
if (err_sense != GRUB_ERR_NONE)
grub_errno = err;
/* err_sense is ignored for now and Request Sense Data also... */
return err;
/* Send a SCSI request for DISK: write the data stored in BUF to SIZE
@ -172,7 +286,9 @@ grub_scsi_write12 (grub_disk_t disk, grub_disk_addr_t sector,
grub_size_t size, char *buf)
grub_scsi_t scsi;
struct grub_scsi_write10 wr;
struct grub_scsi_write12 wr;
grub_err_t err;
grub_err_t err_sense;
scsi = disk->data;
@ -181,9 +297,18 @@ grub_scsi_write12 (grub_disk_t disk, grub_disk_addr_t sector,
wr.lba = grub_cpu_to_be32 (sector);
wr.size = grub_cpu_to_be32 (size);
wr.reserved = 0;
wr.pad = 0;
wr.control = 0;
return scsi->dev->write (scsi, sizeof (wr), (char *) &wr, size * scsi->blocksize, buf);
err = scsi->dev->write (scsi, sizeof (wr), (char *) &wr, size * scsi->blocksize, buf);
/* Each SCSI command should be followed by Request Sense.
If not so, many devices STALLs or definitely freezes. */
err_sense = grub_scsi_request_sense (scsi);
if (err_sense != GRUB_ERR_NONE)
grub_errno = err;
/* err_sense is ignored for now and Request Sense Data also... */
return err;
@ -235,6 +360,7 @@ grub_scsi_open (const char *name, grub_disk_t disk)
grub_err_t err;
int len;
int lun;
grub_uint64_t maxtime;
scsi = grub_malloc (sizeof (*scsi));
if (! scsi)
@ -292,6 +418,31 @@ grub_scsi_open (const char *name, grub_disk_t disk)
disk->has_partitions = 1;
/* According to USB MS tests specification, issue Test Unit Ready
* until OK */
maxtime = grub_get_time_ms () + 1000;
/* Timeout is necessary - for example in case when we have
* universal card reader with more LUNs and we have only
* one card inserted (or none), so only one LUN (or none)
* will be ready - and we want not to hang... */
if (grub_get_time_ms () > maxtime)
grub_free (scsi);
grub_dprintf ("scsi", "LUN is not ready - timeout\n");
return err;
err = grub_scsi_test_unit_ready (scsi);
while (err == GRUB_ERR_READ_ERROR);
/* Reset grub_errno !
* It is set to some error code in loop before... */
grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE;
/* Read capacity of media */
err = grub_scsi_read_capacity (scsi);
if (err)
@ -302,12 +453,14 @@ grub_scsi_open (const char *name, grub_disk_t disk)
/* SCSI blocks can be something else than 512, although GRUB
wants 512 byte blocks. */
disk->total_sectors = ((scsi->size * scsi->blocksize)
disk->total_sectors = ((grub_uint64_t)scsi->size
* (grub_uint64_t)scsi->blocksize)
grub_dprintf ("scsi", "capacity=%llu, blksize=%d\n",
(unsigned long long) disk->total_sectors,
grub_dprintf ("scsi", "blocks=%u, blocksize=%u\n",
scsi->size, scsi->blocksize);
grub_dprintf ("scsi", "Disk total 512 sectors = %llu\n",
@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ grub_usbms_finddevs (void)
struct grub_usb_desc_device *descdev = &usbdev->descdev;
int i;
if (descdev->class != 0 || descdev->subclass || descdev->protocol != 0)
if (descdev->class != 0 || descdev->subclass || descdev->protocol != 0
|| descdev->configcnt == 0)
return 0;
/* XXX: Just check configuration 0 for now. */
@ -93,19 +94,31 @@ grub_usbms_finddevs (void)
struct grub_usbms_dev *usbms;
struct grub_usb_desc_if *interf;
int j;
grub_uint8_t luns;
grub_uint8_t luns = 0;
grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");
interf = usbdev->config[0].interf[i].descif;
/* If this is not a USB Mass Storage device with a supported
protocol, just skip it. */
grub_dprintf ("usbms", "iterate: interf=%d, class=%d, subclass=%d, protocol=%d\n",
i, interf->class, interf->subclass, interf->protocol);
if (interf->class != GRUB_USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE
|| interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_BULK
|| ( interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_BULK &&
/* Experimental support of RBC, MMC-2, UFI, SFF-8070i devices */
interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_RBC &&
interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_MMC2 &&
interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_UFI &&
interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_SFF8070 )
|| interf->protocol != GRUB_USBMS_PROTOCOL_BULK)
grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");
usbms = grub_zalloc (sizeof (struct grub_usbms_dev));
if (! usbms)
@ -114,6 +127,8 @@ grub_usbms_finddevs (void)
usbms->dev = usbdev;
usbms->interface = i;
grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");
/* Iterate over all endpoints of this interface, at least a
IN and OUT bulk endpoint are required. */
for (j = 0; j < interf->endpointcnt; j++)
@ -125,14 +140,16 @@ grub_usbms_finddevs (void)
/* Bulk IN endpoint. */
usbms->in = endp;
grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, endp->endp_addr & 128);
/* Clear Halt is not possible yet! */
/* grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, endp->endp_addr); */
usbms->in_maxsz = endp->maxpacket;
else if (!(endp->endp_addr & 128) && (endp->attrib & 3) == 2)
/* Bulk OUT endpoint. */
usbms->out = endp;
grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, endp->endp_addr & 128);
/* Clear Halt is not possible yet! */
/* grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, endp->endp_addr); */
usbms->out_maxsz = endp->maxpacket;
@ -143,51 +160,63 @@ grub_usbms_finddevs (void)
return 0;
grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");
/* XXX: Activate the first configuration. */
grub_usb_set_configuration (usbdev, 1);
/* Query the amount of LUNs. */
err = grub_usb_control_msg (usbdev, 0xA1, 254,
0, i, 1, (char *) &luns);
if (err)
/* In case of a stall, clear the stall. */
if (err == GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL)
grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, usbms->in->endp_addr & 3);
grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, usbms->out->endp_addr & 3);
grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, usbms->in->endp_addr);
grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, usbms->out->endp_addr);
/* Just set the amount of LUNs to one. */
grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE;
usbms->luns = 1;
usbms->luns = luns;
/* luns = 0 means one LUN with ID 0 present ! */
/* We get from device not number of LUNs but highest
* LUN number. LUNs are numbered from 0,
* i.e. number of LUNs is luns+1 ! */
usbms->luns = luns + 1;
/* XXX: Check the magic values, does this really make
sense? */
grub_usb_control_msg (usbdev, (1 << 6) | 1, 255,
0, i, 0, 0);
/* XXX: To make Qemu work? */
if (usbms->luns == 0)
usbms->luns = 1;
grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");
usbms->next = grub_usbms_dev_list;
grub_usbms_dev_list = usbms;
/* XXX: Activate the first configuration. */
grub_usb_set_configuration (usbdev, 1);
#if 0 /* All this part should be probably deleted.
* This make trouble on some devices if they are not in
* Phase Error state - and there they should be not in such state...
* Bulk only mass storage reset procedure should be used only
* on place and in time when it is really necessary. */
/* Reset recovery procedure */
/* Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset, after the reset commands
will be accepted. */
grub_usbms_reset (usbdev, i);
grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, usbms->in->endp_addr);
grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, usbms->out->endp_addr);
return 0;
grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");
return 0;
grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");
grub_usb_iterate (usb_iterate);
grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");
@ -225,6 +254,7 @@ grub_usbms_transfer (struct grub_scsi *scsi, grub_size_t cmdsize, char *cmd,
static grub_uint32_t tag = 0;
grub_usb_err_t err = GRUB_USB_ERR_NONE;
int retrycnt = 3 + 1;
grub_size_t i;
@ -237,73 +267,89 @@ grub_usbms_transfer (struct grub_scsi *scsi, grub_size_t cmdsize, char *cmd,
cbw.tag = tag++;
cbw.transfer_length = grub_cpu_to_le32 (size);
cbw.flags = (!read_write) << GRUB_USBMS_DIRECTION_BIT;
cbw.lun = scsi->lun << GRUB_SCSI_LUN_SHIFT;
cbw.lun = scsi->lun; /* In USB MS CBW are LUN bits on another place than in SCSI CDB, both should be set correctly. */
cbw.length = cmdsize;
grub_memcpy (cbw.cbwcb, cmd, cmdsize);
/* Debug print of CBW content. */
grub_dprintf ("usb", "CBW: sign=0x%08x tag=0x%08x len=0x%08x\n",
cbw.signature, cbw.tag, cbw.transfer_length);
grub_dprintf ("usb", "CBW: flags=0x%02x lun=0x%02x CB_len=0x%02x\n",
cbw.flags, cbw.lun, cbw.length);
grub_dprintf ("usb", "CBW: cmd:\n %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
cbw.cbwcb[ 0], cbw.cbwcb[ 1], cbw.cbwcb[ 2], cbw.cbwcb[ 3],
cbw.cbwcb[ 4], cbw.cbwcb[ 5], cbw.cbwcb[ 6], cbw.cbwcb[ 7],
cbw.cbwcb[ 8], cbw.cbwcb[ 9], cbw.cbwcb[10], cbw.cbwcb[11],
cbw.cbwcb[12], cbw.cbwcb[13], cbw.cbwcb[14], cbw.cbwcb[15]);
/* Write the request. */
err = grub_usb_bulk_write (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr & 15,
/* Write the request.
* XXX: Error recovery is maybe still not fully correct. */
err = grub_usb_bulk_write (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr,
sizeof (cbw), (char *) &cbw);
if (err)
if (err == GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL)
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr);
goto retry;
return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_IO, "USB Mass Storage request failed");
/* Read/write the data. */
if (read_write == 0)
/* Read/write the data, (maybe) according to specification. */
if (size && (read_write == 0))
err = grub_usb_bulk_read (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr & 15, size, buf);
grub_dprintf ("usb", "read: %d %d\n", err, GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL);
if (err)
if (err == GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL)
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
goto retry;
return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_READ_ERROR,
"can't read from USB Mass Storage device");
err = grub_usb_bulk_read (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr, size, buf);
grub_dprintf ("usb", "read: %d %d\n", err, GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL);
if (err) goto CheckCSW;
/* Debug print of received data. */
grub_dprintf ("usb", "buf:\n");
if (size <= 64)
for (i=0; i<size; i++)
grub_dprintf ("usb", "0x%02x: 0x%02x\n", i, buf[i]);
grub_dprintf ("usb", "Too much data for debug print...\n");
else if (size)
err = grub_usb_bulk_write (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr & 15, size, buf);
err = grub_usb_bulk_write (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr, size, buf);
grub_dprintf ("usb", "write: %d %d\n", err, GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL);
if (err)
if (err == GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL)
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr);
goto retry;
return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_WRITE_ERROR,
"can't write to USB Mass Storage device");
grub_dprintf ("usb", "buf:\n");
/* Debug print of sent data. */
if (size <= 256)
for (i=0; i<size; i++)
grub_dprintf ("usb", "0x%02x: 0x%02x\n", i, buf[i]);
grub_dprintf ("usb", "Too much data for debug print...\n");
/* Read the status. */
err = grub_usb_bulk_read (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr & 15,
sizeof (status), (char *) &status);
/* Read the status - (maybe) according to specification. */
err = grub_usb_bulk_read (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr,
sizeof (status), (char *) &status);
if (err)
if (err == GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL)
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
err = grub_usb_bulk_read (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr,
sizeof (status), (char *) &status);
if (err)
{ /* Bulk-only reset device. */
grub_usbms_reset (dev->dev, dev->interface);
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr);
goto retry;
return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_READ_ERROR,
"can't read status from USB Mass Storage device");
/* XXX: Magic and check this code. */
/* Debug print of CSW content. */
grub_dprintf ("usb", "CSW: sign=0x%08x tag=0x%08x resid=0x%08x\n",
status.signature, status.tag, status.residue);
grub_dprintf ("usb", "CSW: status=0x%02x\n", status.status);
/* If phase error, do bulk-only reset device. */
if (status.status == 2)
/* XXX: Phase error, reset device. */
grub_usbms_reset (dev->dev, dev->interface);
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr);
@ -25,14 +25,26 @@
struct grub_scsi_test_unit_ready
grub_uint8_t opcode;
grub_uint8_t lun; /* 7-5 LUN, 4-0 reserved */
grub_uint8_t reserved1;
grub_uint8_t reserved2;
grub_uint8_t reserved3;
grub_uint8_t control;
grub_uint8_t pad[6]; /* To be ATAPI compatible */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct grub_scsi_inquiry
grub_uint8_t opcode;
grub_uint8_t lun;
grub_uint16_t reserved;
grub_uint16_t alloc_length;
grub_uint8_t reserved2;
grub_uint8_t pad[5];
grub_uint8_t lun; /* 7-5 LUN, 4-1 reserved, 0 EVPD */
grub_uint8_t page; /* page code if EVPD=1 */
grub_uint8_t reserved;
grub_uint8_t alloc_length;
grub_uint8_t control;
grub_uint8_t pad[6]; /* To be ATAPI compatible */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct grub_scsi_inquiry_data
@ -47,12 +59,42 @@ struct grub_scsi_inquiry_data
char prodrev[4];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct grub_scsi_request_sense
grub_uint8_t opcode;
grub_uint8_t lun; /* 7-5 LUN, 4-0 reserved */
grub_uint8_t reserved1;
grub_uint8_t reserved2;
grub_uint8_t alloc_length;
grub_uint8_t control;
grub_uint8_t pad[6]; /* To be ATAPI compatible */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct grub_scsi_request_sense_data
grub_uint8_t error_code; /* 7 Valid, 6-0 Err. code */
grub_uint8_t segment_number;
grub_uint8_t sense_key; /*7 FileMark, 6 EndOfMedia, 5 ILI, 4-0 sense key */
grub_uint32_t information;
grub_uint8_t additional_sense_length;
grub_uint32_t cmd_specific_info;
grub_uint8_t additional_sense_code;
grub_uint8_t additional_sense_code_qualifier;
grub_uint8_t field_replaceable_unit_code;
grub_uint8_t sense_key_specific[3];
/* there can be additional sense field */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct grub_scsi_read_capacity
grub_uint8_t opcode;
grub_uint8_t lun;
grub_uint8_t reserved[8];
grub_uint8_t pad[2];
grub_uint8_t lun; /* 7-5 LUN, 4-1 reserved, 0 reserved */
grub_uint32_t logical_block_addr; /* only if PMI=1 */
grub_uint8_t reserved1;
grub_uint8_t reserved2;
grub_uint8_t PMI;
grub_uint8_t control;
grub_uint16_t pad; /* To be ATAPI compatible */
} __attribute__((packed));
struct grub_scsi_read_capacity_data
@ -106,11 +148,13 @@ struct grub_scsi_write12
typedef enum
grub_scsi_cmd_inquiry = 0x12,
grub_scsi_cmd_test_unit_ready = 0x00,
grub_scsi_cmd_read_capacity = 0x25,
grub_scsi_cmd_read10 = 0x28,
grub_scsi_cmd_write10 = 0x2a,
grub_scsi_cmd_read12 = 0xa8,
grub_scsi_cmd_write12 = 0xaa
grub_scsi_cmd_write12 = 0xaa,
grub_scsi_cmd_request_sense = 0x03
} grub_scsi_cmd_t;
typedef enum
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ struct grub_usb_device
int initialized;
/* Data toggle values (used for bulk transfers only). */
int toggle[16];
int toggle[256];
/* Device-specific data. */
void *data;
@ -184,7 +184,12 @@ typedef enum
typedef enum
/* Experimental support for non-pure SCSI devices */
} grub_usbms_subclass_t;
typedef enum
@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ typedef struct grub_usb_transfer *grub_usb_transfer_t;
Add table
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