/* grub-fstest.c - debug tool for filesystem driver */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <config.h> #include <grub/types.h> #include <grub/emu/misc.h> #include <grub/util/misc.h> #include <grub/misc.h> #include <grub/device.h> #include <grub/disk.h> #include <grub/file.h> #include <grub/fs.h> #include <grub/env.h> #include <grub/term.h> #include <grub/mm.h> #include <grub/lib/hexdump.h> #include <grub/crypto.h> #include <grub/command.h> #include <grub/i18n.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "progname.h" #include "argp.h" static grub_err_t execute_command (char *name, int n, char **args) { grub_command_t cmd; cmd = grub_command_find (name); if (! cmd) grub_util_error (_("can\'t find command %s"), name); return (cmd->func) (cmd, n, args); } enum { CMD_LS = 1, CMD_CP, CMD_CAT, CMD_CMP, CMD_HEX, CMD_CRC, CMD_BLOCKLIST, CMD_TESTLOAD }; #define BUF_SIZE 32256 static grub_disk_addr_t skip, leng; static void read_file (char *pathname, int (*hook) (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len)) { static char buf[BUF_SIZE]; grub_file_t file; grub_off_t ofs, len; if ((pathname[0] == '-') && (pathname[1] == 0)) { grub_device_t dev; dev = grub_device_open (0); if ((! dev) || (! dev->disk)) grub_util_error (_("can\'t open device")); grub_util_info ("total sectors : %lld", (unsigned long long) dev->disk->total_sectors); if (! leng) leng = (dev->disk->total_sectors << GRUB_DISK_SECTOR_BITS) - skip; while (leng) { grub_size_t len; len = (leng > BUF_SIZE) ? BUF_SIZE : leng; if (grub_disk_read (dev->disk, 0, skip, len, buf)) grub_util_error (_("disk read fails at offset %lld, length %d"), skip, len); if (hook (skip, buf, len)) break; skip += len; leng -= len; } grub_device_close (dev); return; } grub_file_filter_disable_compression (); file = grub_file_open (pathname); if (!file) { grub_util_error (_("cannot open file %s:%s"), pathname, grub_errmsg); return; } grub_util_info ("file size : %lld", (unsigned long long) file->size); if (skip > file->size) { grub_util_error (_("invalid skip value %lld"), (unsigned long long) skip); return; } ofs = skip; len = file->size - skip; if ((leng) && (leng < len)) len = leng; file->offset = skip; while (len) { grub_ssize_t sz; sz = grub_file_read (file, buf, (len > BUF_SIZE) ? BUF_SIZE : len); if (sz < 0) { grub_util_error (_("read error at offset %llu: %s"), ofs, grub_errmsg); break; } if ((sz == 0) || (hook (ofs, buf, sz))) break; ofs += sz; len -= sz; } grub_file_close (file); } static void cmd_cp (char *src, char *dest) { FILE *ff; auto int cp_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len); int cp_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len) { (void) ofs; if ((int) fwrite (buf, 1, len, ff) != len) { grub_util_error (_("write error")); return 1; } return 0; } ff = fopen (dest, "wb"); if (ff == NULL) { grub_util_error (_("open error")); return; } read_file (src, cp_hook); fclose (ff); } static void cmd_cat (char *src) { auto int cat_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len); int cat_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len) { (void) ofs; if ((int) fwrite (buf, 1, len, stdout) != len) { grub_util_error (_("write error")); return 1; } return 0; } read_file (src, cat_hook); } static void cmd_cmp (char *src, char *dest) { FILE *ff; static char buf_1[BUF_SIZE]; auto int cmp_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len); int cmp_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len) { if ((int) fread (buf_1, 1, len, ff) != len) { grub_util_error (_("read error at offset %llu: %s"), ofs, grub_errmsg); return 1; } if (grub_memcmp (buf, buf_1, len)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++, ofs++) if (buf_1[i] != buf[i]) { grub_util_error (_("compare fail at offset %llu"), ofs); return 1; } } return 0; } ff = fopen (dest, "rb"); if (ff == NULL) { grub_util_error (_("open error")); return; } if ((skip) && (fseeko (ff, skip, SEEK_SET))) grub_util_error (_("seek error")); read_file (src, cmp_hook); { grub_uint64_t pre; pre = ftell (ff); fseek (ff, 0, SEEK_END); if (pre != ftell (ff)) grub_util_error (_("unexpected end of file")); } fclose (ff); } static void cmd_hex (char *pathname) { auto int hex_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len); int hex_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len) { hexdump (ofs, buf, len); return 0; } read_file (pathname, hex_hook); } static void cmd_crc (char *pathname) { grub_uint8_t crc32_context[GRUB_MD_CRC32->contextsize]; GRUB_MD_CRC32->init(crc32_context); auto int crc_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len); int crc_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len) { (void) ofs; GRUB_MD_CRC32->write(crc32_context, buf, len); return 0; } read_file (pathname, crc_hook); GRUB_MD_CRC32->final(crc32_context); printf ("%08x\n", grub_be_to_cpu32(*(grub_uint32_t*)GRUB_MD_CRC32->read(crc32_context))); } static char *root = NULL; static int args_count = 0; static int nparm = 0; static int num_disks = 1; static char **images = NULL; static int cmd = 0; static char *debug_str = NULL; static char **args = NULL; static void fstest (int n, char **args) { char *host_file; char *loop_name; int i; for (i = 0; i < num_disks; i++) { char *argv[2]; loop_name = grub_xasprintf ("loop%d", i); if (!loop_name) grub_util_error (grub_errmsg); host_file = grub_xasprintf ("(host)%s", images[i]); if (!host_file) grub_util_error (grub_errmsg); argv[0] = loop_name; argv[1] = host_file; if (execute_command ("loopback", 2, argv)) grub_util_error (_("loopback command fails")); grub_free (loop_name); grub_free (host_file); } grub_lvm_fini (); grub_mdraid09_fini (); grub_mdraid1x_fini (); grub_raid_fini (); grub_raid_init (); grub_mdraid09_init (); grub_mdraid1x_init (); grub_lvm_init (); switch (cmd) { case CMD_LS: execute_command ("ls", n, args); break; case CMD_CP: cmd_cp (args[0], args[1]); break; case CMD_CAT: cmd_cat (args[0]); break; case CMD_CMP: cmd_cmp (args[0], args[1]); break; case CMD_HEX: cmd_hex (args[0]); break; case CMD_CRC: cmd_crc (args[0]); break; case CMD_BLOCKLIST: execute_command ("blocklist", n, args); grub_printf ("\n"); case CMD_TESTLOAD: execute_command ("testload", n, args); grub_printf ("\n"); } for (i = 0; i < num_disks; i++) { char *argv[2]; loop_name = grub_xasprintf ("loop%d", i); if (!loop_name) grub_util_error (grub_errmsg); argv[0] = "-d"; argv[1] = loop_name; execute_command ("loopback", 2, argv); grub_free (loop_name); } } static struct argp_option options[] = { {0, 0, 0 , OPTION_DOC, N_("Commands:"), 1}, {N_("ls PATH"), 0, 0 , OPTION_DOC, N_("List files in PATH."), 1}, {N_("cp FILE LOCAL"), 0, 0, OPTION_DOC, N_("Copy FILE to local file LOCAL."), 1}, {N_("cat FILE"), 0, 0 , OPTION_DOC, N_("Copy FILE to standard output."), 1}, {N_("cmp FILE LOCAL"), 0, 0, OPTION_DOC, N_("Compare FILE with local file LOCAL."), 1}, {N_("hex FILE"), 0, 0 , OPTION_DOC, N_("Hex dump FILE."), 1}, {N_("crc FILE"), 0, 0 , OPTION_DOC, N_("Get crc32 checksum of FILE."), 1}, {N_("blocklist FILE"), 0, 0, OPTION_DOC, N_("Display blocklist of FILE."), 1}, {"root", 'r', N_("DEVICE_NAME"), 0, N_("Set root device."), 2}, {"skip", 's', "N", 0, N_("Skip N bytes from output file."), 2}, {"length", 'n', "N", 0, N_("Handle N bytes in output file."), 2}, {"diskcount", 'c', "N", 0, N_("N input files."), 2}, {"debug", 'd', "S", 0, N_("Set debug environment variable."), 2}, {"verbose", 'v', NULL, OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, N_("Print verbose messages."), 2}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* Print the version information. */ static void print_version (FILE *stream, struct argp_state *state) { fprintf (stream, "%s (%s) %s\n", program_name, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); } void (*argp_program_version_hook) (FILE *, struct argp_state *) = print_version; error_t argp_parser (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { char *p; switch (key) { case 'r': root = arg; return 0; case 's': skip = grub_strtoul (arg, &p, 0); if (*p == 's') skip <<= GRUB_DISK_SECTOR_BITS; return 0; case 'n': leng = grub_strtoul (arg, &p, 0); if (*p == 's') leng <<= GRUB_DISK_SECTOR_BITS; return 0; case 'c': num_disks = grub_strtoul (arg, NULL, 0); if (num_disks < 1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s", _("Invalid disk count.\n")); argp_usage (state); } if (args_count != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%s", _("Disk count must precede disks list.\n")); argp_usage (state); } return 0; case 'd': debug_str = arg; return 0; case 'v': verbosity++; return 0; case ARGP_KEY_END: if (args_count < num_disks) { fprintf (stderr, "%s", _("No command is specified.\n")); argp_usage (state); } if (args_count - 1 - num_disks < nparm) { fprintf (stderr, "%s", _("Not enough parameters to command.\n")); argp_usage (state); } return 0; case ARGP_KEY_ARG: break; default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } if (args_count < num_disks) { if (arg[0] != '/') { fprintf (stderr, "%s", _("Must use absolute path.\n")); argp_usage (state); } if (args_count == 0) images = xmalloc (num_disks * sizeof (images[0])); images[args_count] = xstrdup (arg); args_count++; return 0; } if (args_count == num_disks) { if (!grub_strcmp (arg, "ls")) { cmd = CMD_LS; } else if (!grub_strcmp (arg, "cp")) { cmd = CMD_CP; nparm = 2; } else if (!grub_strcmp (arg, "cat")) { cmd = CMD_CAT; nparm = 1; } else if (!grub_strcmp (arg, "cmp")) { cmd = CMD_CMP; nparm = 2; } else if (!grub_strcmp (arg, "hex")) { cmd = CMD_HEX; nparm = 1; } else if (!grub_strcmp (arg, "crc")) { cmd = CMD_CRC; nparm = 1; } else if (!grub_strcmp (arg, "blocklist")) { cmd = CMD_BLOCKLIST; nparm = 1; } else if (!grub_strcmp (arg, "testload")) { cmd = CMD_TESTLOAD; nparm = 1; } else { fprintf (stderr, _("Invalid command %s.\n"), arg); argp_usage (state); } args_count++; return 0; } args[args_count - 1 - num_disks] = xstrdup (arg); args_count++; return 0; } struct argp argp = { options, argp_parser, N_("IMAGE_PATH COMMANDS"), N_("Debug tool for filesystem driver."), NULL, NULL, NULL }; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *default_root, *alloc_root; set_program_name (argv[0]); grub_util_init_nls (); args = xmalloc (argc * sizeof (args[0])); argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, 0); /* Initialize all modules. */ grub_init_all (); if (debug_str) grub_env_set ("debug", debug_str); default_root = (num_disks == 1) ? "loop0" : "md0"; alloc_root = 0; if (root) { if ((*root >= '0') && (*root <= '9')) { alloc_root = xmalloc (strlen (default_root) + strlen (root) + 2); sprintf (alloc_root, "%s,%s", default_root, root); root = alloc_root; } } else root = default_root; grub_env_set ("root", root); if (alloc_root) free (alloc_root); /* Do it. */ fstest (args_count - 1 - num_disks, args); /* Free resources. */ grub_fini_all (); return 0; }