/* view.c - Graphical menu interface MVC view. */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <grub/types.h> #include <grub/file.h> #include <grub/misc.h> #include <grub/mm.h> #include <grub/err.h> #include <grub/dl.h> #include <grub/normal.h> #include <grub/video.h> #include <grub/gfxterm.h> #include <grub/bitmap.h> #include <grub/bitmap_scale.h> #include <grub/term.h> #include <grub/gfxwidgets.h> #include <grub/time.h> #include <grub/menu.h> #include <grub/menu_viewer.h> #include <grub/gfxmenu_view.h> #include <grub/gui_string_util.h> #include <grub/icon_manager.h> #include <grub/i18n.h> static void init_terminal (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view); static void init_background (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view); static grub_gfxmenu_view_t term_view; /* Create a new view object, loading the theme specified by THEME_PATH and associating MODEL with the view. */ grub_gfxmenu_view_t grub_gfxmenu_view_new (const char *theme_path, int width, int height) { grub_gfxmenu_view_t view; grub_font_t default_font; grub_video_rgba_color_t default_fg_color; grub_video_rgba_color_t default_bg_color; view = grub_malloc (sizeof (*view)); if (! view) return 0; while (grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications) { struct grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notify *p; p = grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications; grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications = grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications->next; grub_free (p); } view->screen.x = 0; view->screen.y = 0; view->screen.width = width; view->screen.height = height; view->need_to_check_sanity = 1; view->terminal_border = 3; view->terminal_rect.width = view->screen.width * 7 / 10; view->terminal_rect.height = view->screen.height * 7 / 10; view->terminal_rect.x = view->screen.x + (view->screen.width - view->terminal_rect.width) / 2; view->terminal_rect.y = view->screen.y + (view->screen.height - view->terminal_rect.height) / 2; default_font = grub_font_get ("Unknown Regular 16"); default_fg_color = grub_video_rgba_color_rgb (0, 0, 0); default_bg_color = grub_video_rgba_color_rgb (255, 255, 255); view->canvas = 0; view->title_font = default_font; view->message_font = default_font; view->terminal_font_name = grub_strdup ("Fixed 10"); view->title_color = default_fg_color; view->message_color = default_bg_color; view->message_bg_color = default_fg_color; view->raw_desktop_image = 0; view->scaled_desktop_image = 0; view->desktop_image_scale_method = GRUB_VIDEO_BITMAP_SELECTION_METHOD_STRETCH; view->desktop_image_h_align = GRUB_VIDEO_BITMAP_H_ALIGN_CENTER; view->desktop_image_v_align = GRUB_VIDEO_BITMAP_V_ALIGN_CENTER; view->desktop_color = default_bg_color; view->terminal_box = grub_gfxmenu_create_box (0, 0); view->title_text = grub_strdup (_("GRUB Boot Menu")); view->progress_message_text = 0; view->theme_path = 0; /* Set the timeout bar's frame. */ view->progress_message_frame.width = view->screen.width * 4 / 5; view->progress_message_frame.height = 50; view->progress_message_frame.x = view->screen.x + (view->screen.width - view->progress_message_frame.width) / 2; view->progress_message_frame.y = view->screen.y + view->screen.height - 90 - 20 - view->progress_message_frame.height; if (grub_gfxmenu_view_load_theme (view, theme_path) != 0) { grub_gfxmenu_view_destroy (view); return 0; } return view; } /* Destroy the view object. All used memory is freed. */ void grub_gfxmenu_view_destroy (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { if (!view) return; while (grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications) { struct grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notify *p; p = grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications; grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications = grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications->next; grub_free (p); } grub_video_bitmap_destroy (view->raw_desktop_image); grub_video_bitmap_destroy (view->scaled_desktop_image); if (view->terminal_box) view->terminal_box->destroy (view->terminal_box); grub_free (view->terminal_font_name); grub_free (view->title_text); grub_free (view->progress_message_text); grub_free (view->theme_path); if (view->canvas) view->canvas->component.ops->destroy (view->canvas); grub_free (view); } static void redraw_background (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view, const grub_video_rect_t *bounds) { if (view->scaled_desktop_image) { struct grub_video_bitmap *img = view->scaled_desktop_image; grub_video_blit_bitmap (img, GRUB_VIDEO_BLIT_REPLACE, bounds->x, bounds->y, bounds->x - view->screen.x, bounds->y - view->screen.y, bounds->width, bounds->height); } else { grub_video_fill_rect (grub_video_map_rgba_color (view->desktop_color), bounds->x, bounds->y, bounds->width, bounds->height); } } static void draw_title (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { if (! view->title_text) return; /* Center the title. */ int title_width = grub_font_get_string_width (view->title_font, view->title_text); int x = (view->screen.width - title_width) / 2; int y = 40 + grub_font_get_ascent (view->title_font); grub_font_draw_string (view->title_text, view->title_font, grub_video_map_rgba_color (view->title_color), x, y); } struct progress_value_data { int visible; int start; int end; int value; }; struct grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notify *grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications; static void update_timeouts (int visible, int start, int value, int end) { struct grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notify *cur; for (cur = grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications; cur; cur = cur->next) cur->set_state (cur->self, visible, start, value, end); } static void redraw_timeouts (struct grub_gfxmenu_view *view) { struct grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notify *cur; for (cur = grub_gfxmenu_timeout_notifications; cur; cur = cur->next) { grub_video_rect_t bounds; cur->self->ops->get_bounds (cur->self, &bounds); grub_video_set_area_status (GRUB_VIDEO_AREA_ENABLED); grub_gfxmenu_view_redraw (view, &bounds); } } void grub_gfxmenu_print_timeout (int timeout, void *data) { struct grub_gfxmenu_view *view = data; if (view->first_timeout == -1) view->first_timeout = timeout; update_timeouts (1, -view->first_timeout, -timeout, 0); redraw_timeouts (view); grub_video_swap_buffers (); if (view->double_repaint) redraw_timeouts (view); } void grub_gfxmenu_clear_timeout (void *data) { struct grub_gfxmenu_view *view = data; update_timeouts (0, 1, 0, 0); redraw_timeouts (view); grub_video_swap_buffers (); if (view->double_repaint) redraw_timeouts (view); } static void update_menu_visit (grub_gui_component_t component, void *userdata) { grub_gfxmenu_view_t view; view = userdata; if (component->ops->is_instance (component, "list")) { grub_gui_list_t list = (grub_gui_list_t) component; list->ops->set_view_info (list, view); } } /* Update any boot menu components with the current menu model and theme path. */ static void update_menu_components (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { grub_gui_iterate_recursively ((grub_gui_component_t) view->canvas, update_menu_visit, view); } static void refresh_menu_visit (grub_gui_component_t component, void *userdata) { grub_gfxmenu_view_t view; view = userdata; if (component->ops->is_instance (component, "list")) { grub_gui_list_t list = (grub_gui_list_t) component; list->ops->refresh_list (list, view); } } /* Refresh list information (useful for submenus) */ static void refresh_menu_components (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { grub_gui_iterate_recursively ((grub_gui_component_t) view->canvas, refresh_menu_visit, view); } static void draw_message (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { char *text = view->progress_message_text; grub_video_rect_t f = view->progress_message_frame; if (! text) return; grub_font_t font = view->message_font; grub_video_color_t color = grub_video_map_rgba_color (view->message_color); /* Border. */ grub_video_fill_rect (color, f.x-1, f.y-1, f.width+2, f.height+2); /* Fill. */ grub_video_fill_rect (grub_video_map_rgba_color (view->message_bg_color), f.x, f.y, f.width, f.height); /* Center the text. */ int text_width = grub_font_get_string_width (font, text); int x = f.x + (f.width - text_width) / 2; int y = (f.y + (f.height - grub_font_get_descent (font)) / 2 + grub_font_get_ascent (font) / 2); grub_font_draw_string (text, font, color, x, y); } void grub_gfxmenu_view_redraw (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view, const grub_video_rect_t *region) { if (grub_video_have_common_points (&view->terminal_rect, region)) grub_gfxterm_schedule_repaint (); grub_video_set_active_render_target (GRUB_VIDEO_RENDER_TARGET_DISPLAY); grub_video_area_status_t area_status; grub_video_get_area_status (&area_status); if (area_status == GRUB_VIDEO_AREA_ENABLED) grub_video_set_region (region->x, region->y, region->width, region->height); redraw_background (view, region); if (view->canvas) view->canvas->component.ops->paint (view->canvas, region); draw_title (view); if (grub_video_have_common_points (&view->progress_message_frame, region)) draw_message (view); if (area_status == GRUB_VIDEO_AREA_ENABLED) grub_video_set_area_status (GRUB_VIDEO_AREA_ENABLED); } void grub_gfxmenu_view_draw (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { init_terminal (view); init_background (view); /* Clear the screen; there may be garbage left over in video memory. */ grub_video_fill_rect (grub_video_map_rgb (0, 0, 0), view->screen.x, view->screen.y, view->screen.width, view->screen.height); grub_video_swap_buffers (); if (view->double_repaint) grub_video_fill_rect (grub_video_map_rgb (0, 0, 0), view->screen.x, view->screen.y, view->screen.width, view->screen.height); refresh_menu_components (view); update_menu_components (view); grub_video_set_area_status (GRUB_VIDEO_AREA_DISABLED); grub_gfxmenu_view_redraw (view, &view->screen); grub_video_swap_buffers (); if (view->double_repaint) { grub_video_set_area_status (GRUB_VIDEO_AREA_DISABLED); grub_gfxmenu_view_redraw (view, &view->screen); } } static void redraw_menu_visit (grub_gui_component_t component, void *userdata) { grub_gfxmenu_view_t view; view = userdata; if (component->ops->is_instance (component, "list")) { grub_video_rect_t bounds; component->ops->get_bounds (component, &bounds); grub_video_set_area_status (GRUB_VIDEO_AREA_ENABLED); grub_gfxmenu_view_redraw (view, &bounds); } } void grub_gfxmenu_redraw_menu (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { update_menu_components (view); grub_gui_iterate_recursively ((grub_gui_component_t) view->canvas, redraw_menu_visit, view); grub_video_swap_buffers (); if (view->double_repaint) { grub_gui_iterate_recursively ((grub_gui_component_t) view->canvas, redraw_menu_visit, view); } } void grub_gfxmenu_set_chosen_entry (int entry, void *data) { grub_gfxmenu_view_t view = data; view->selected = entry; grub_gfxmenu_redraw_menu (view); } static void grub_gfxmenu_draw_terminal_box (void) { grub_gfxmenu_box_t term_box; term_box = term_view->terminal_box; if (!term_box) return; grub_video_set_area_status (GRUB_VIDEO_AREA_DISABLED); term_box->set_content_size (term_box, term_view->terminal_rect.width, term_view->terminal_rect.height); term_box->draw (term_box, term_view->terminal_rect.x - term_box->get_left_pad (term_box), term_view->terminal_rect.y - term_box->get_top_pad (term_box)); } static void get_min_terminal (grub_font_t terminal_font, unsigned int border_width, unsigned int *min_terminal_width, unsigned int *min_terminal_height) { struct grub_font_glyph *glyph; glyph = grub_font_get_glyph (terminal_font, 'M'); *min_terminal_width = (glyph? glyph->device_width : 8) * 80 + 2 * border_width; *min_terminal_height = grub_font_get_max_char_height (terminal_font) * 24 + 2 * border_width; } static void terminal_sanity_check (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { if (!view->need_to_check_sanity) return; /* terminal_font was checked before in the init_terminal function. */ grub_font_t terminal_font = grub_font_get (view->terminal_font_name); /* Non-negative numbers below. */ int scr_x = view->screen.x; int scr_y = view->screen.y; int scr_width = view->screen.width; int scr_height = view->screen.height; int term_x = view->terminal_rect.x; int term_y = view->terminal_rect.y; int term_width = view->terminal_rect.width; int term_height = view->terminal_rect.height; /* Check that border_width isn't too big. */ unsigned int border_width = view->terminal_border; unsigned int min_terminal_width; unsigned int min_terminal_height; get_min_terminal (terminal_font, border_width, &min_terminal_width, &min_terminal_height); if (border_width > 3 && ((int) min_terminal_width >= scr_width || (int) min_terminal_height >= scr_height)) { border_width = 3; get_min_terminal (terminal_font, border_width, &min_terminal_width, &min_terminal_height); } /* Sanity checks. */ if (term_width > scr_width) term_width = scr_width; if (term_height > scr_height) term_height = scr_height; if (scr_width <= (int) min_terminal_width || scr_height <= (int) min_terminal_height) { /* The screen resulution is too low. Use all space, except a small border to show the user, that it is a window. Then center the window. */ term_width = scr_width - 6 * border_width; term_height = scr_height - 6 * border_width; term_x = scr_x + (scr_width - term_width) / 2; term_y = scr_y + (scr_height - term_height) / 2; } else if (term_width < (int) min_terminal_width || term_height < (int) min_terminal_height) { /* The screen resolution is big enough. Make sure, that terminal screen dimensions aren't less than minimal values. Then center the window. */ term_width = (int) min_terminal_width; term_height = (int) min_terminal_height; term_x = scr_x + (scr_width - term_width) / 2; term_y = scr_y + (scr_height - term_height) / 2; } /* At this point w and h are satisfying. */ if (term_x + term_width > scr_width) term_x = scr_width - term_width; if (term_y + term_height > scr_height) term_y = scr_height - term_height; /* Write down corrected data. */ view->terminal_rect.x = (unsigned int) term_x; view->terminal_rect.y = (unsigned int) term_y; view->terminal_rect.width = (unsigned int) term_width; view->terminal_rect.height = (unsigned int) term_height; view->terminal_border = border_width; view->need_to_check_sanity = 0; } static void init_terminal (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { grub_font_t terminal_font; terminal_font = grub_font_get (view->terminal_font_name); if (!terminal_font) { grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_FONT, "no font loaded"); return; } /* Check that terminal window size and position are sane. */ terminal_sanity_check (view); term_view = view; /* Note: currently there is no API for changing the gfxterm font on the fly, so whatever font the initially loaded theme specifies will be permanent. */ grub_gfxterm_set_window (GRUB_VIDEO_RENDER_TARGET_DISPLAY, view->terminal_rect.x, view->terminal_rect.y, view->terminal_rect.width, view->terminal_rect.height, view->double_repaint, terminal_font, view->terminal_border); grub_gfxterm_decorator_hook = grub_gfxmenu_draw_terminal_box; } static void init_background (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view) { if (view->scaled_desktop_image) return; struct grub_video_bitmap *scaled_bitmap; if (view->desktop_image_scale_method == GRUB_VIDEO_BITMAP_SELECTION_METHOD_STRETCH) grub_video_bitmap_create_scaled (&scaled_bitmap, view->screen.width, view->screen.height, view->raw_desktop_image, GRUB_VIDEO_BITMAP_SCALE_METHOD_BEST); else grub_video_bitmap_scale_proportional (&scaled_bitmap, view->screen.width, view->screen.height, view->raw_desktop_image, GRUB_VIDEO_BITMAP_SCALE_METHOD_BEST, view->desktop_image_scale_method, view->desktop_image_v_align, view->desktop_image_h_align); if (! scaled_bitmap) return; view->scaled_desktop_image = scaled_bitmap; } /* FIXME: previously notifications were displayed in special case. Is it necessary? */ #if 0 /* Sets MESSAGE as the progress message for the view. MESSAGE can be 0, in which case no message is displayed. */ static void set_progress_message (grub_gfxmenu_view_t view, const char *message) { grub_free (view->progress_message_text); if (message) view->progress_message_text = grub_strdup (message); else view->progress_message_text = 0; } static void notify_booting (grub_menu_entry_t entry, void *userdata) { grub_gfxmenu_view_t view = (grub_gfxmenu_view_t) userdata; char *s = grub_malloc (100 + grub_strlen (entry->title)); if (!s) return; grub_sprintf (s, "Booting '%s'", entry->title); set_progress_message (view, s); grub_free (s); grub_gfxmenu_view_redraw (view, &view->progress_message_frame); grub_video_swap_buffers (); if (view->double_repaint) grub_gfxmenu_view_redraw (view, &view->progress_message_frame); } static void notify_fallback (grub_menu_entry_t entry, void *userdata) { grub_gfxmenu_view_t view = (grub_gfxmenu_view_t) userdata; char *s = grub_malloc (100 + grub_strlen (entry->title)); if (!s) return; grub_sprintf (s, "Falling back to '%s'", entry->title); set_progress_message (view, s); grub_free (s); grub_gfxmenu_view_redraw (view, &view->progress_message_frame); grub_video_swap_buffers (); if (view->double_repaint) grub_gfxmenu_view_redraw (view, &view->progress_message_frame); } static void notify_execution_failure (void *userdata __attribute__ ((unused))) { } static struct grub_menu_execute_callback execute_callback = { .notify_booting = notify_booting, .notify_fallback = notify_fallback, .notify_failure = notify_execution_failure }; #endif