/* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static grub_uint32_t *kill_buf; static int hist_size; static grub_uint32_t **hist_lines = 0; static int hist_pos = 0; static int hist_end = 0; static int hist_used = 0; grub_err_t grub_set_history (int newsize) { grub_uint32_t **old_hist_lines = hist_lines; hist_lines = grub_malloc (sizeof (grub_uint32_t *) * newsize); /* Copy the old lines into the new buffer. */ if (old_hist_lines) { /* Remove the lines that don't fit in the new buffer. */ if (newsize < hist_used) { grub_size_t i; grub_size_t delsize = hist_used - newsize; hist_used = newsize; for (i = 1; i < delsize + 1; i++) { grub_ssize_t pos = hist_end - i; if (pos < 0) pos += hist_size; grub_free (old_hist_lines[pos]); } hist_end -= delsize; if (hist_end < 0) hist_end += hist_size; } if (hist_pos < hist_end) grub_memmove (hist_lines, old_hist_lines + hist_pos, (hist_end - hist_pos) * sizeof (grub_uint32_t *)); else if (hist_used) { /* Copy the older part. */ grub_memmove (hist_lines, old_hist_lines + hist_pos, (hist_size - hist_pos) * sizeof (grub_uint32_t *)); /* Copy the newer part. */ grub_memmove (hist_lines + hist_size - hist_pos, old_hist_lines, hist_end * sizeof (grub_uint32_t *)); } } grub_free (old_hist_lines); hist_size = newsize; hist_pos = 0; hist_end = hist_used; return 0; } /* Get the entry POS from the history where `0' is the newest entry. */ static grub_uint32_t * grub_history_get (int pos) { pos = (hist_pos + pos) % hist_size; return hist_lines[pos]; } static grub_size_t strlen_ucs4 (const grub_uint32_t *s) { const grub_uint32_t *p = s; while (*p) p++; return p - s; } /* Replace the history entry on position POS with the string S. */ static void grub_history_set (int pos, grub_uint32_t *s, grub_size_t len) { grub_free (hist_lines[pos]); hist_lines[pos] = grub_malloc ((len + 1) * sizeof (grub_uint32_t)); if (!hist_lines[pos]) { grub_print_error (); grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; return ; } grub_memcpy (hist_lines[pos], s, len * sizeof (grub_uint32_t)); hist_lines[pos][len] = 0; } /* Insert a new history line S on the top of the history. */ static void grub_history_add (grub_uint32_t *s, grub_size_t len) { /* Remove the oldest entry in the history to make room for a new entry. */ if (hist_used + 1 > hist_size) { hist_end--; if (hist_end < 0) hist_end = hist_size + hist_end; grub_free (hist_lines[hist_end]); } else hist_used++; /* Move to the next position. */ hist_pos--; if (hist_pos < 0) hist_pos = hist_size + hist_pos; /* Insert into history. */ hist_lines[hist_pos] = NULL; grub_history_set (hist_pos, s, len); } /* Replace the history entry on position POS with the string S. */ static void grub_history_replace (int pos, grub_uint32_t *s, grub_size_t len) { grub_history_set ((hist_pos + pos) % hist_size, s, len); } /* A completion hook to print items. */ static void print_completion (const char *item, grub_completion_type_t type, int count) { if (count == 0) { /* If this is the first time, print a label. */ grub_puts (""); switch (type) { case GRUB_COMPLETION_TYPE_COMMAND: grub_puts_ (N_("Possible commands are:")); break; case GRUB_COMPLETION_TYPE_DEVICE: grub_puts_ (N_("Possible devices are:")); break; case GRUB_COMPLETION_TYPE_FILE: grub_puts_ (N_("Possible files are:")); break; case GRUB_COMPLETION_TYPE_PARTITION: grub_puts_ (N_("Possible partitions are:")); break; case GRUB_COMPLETION_TYPE_ARGUMENT: grub_puts_ (N_("Possible arguments are:")); break; default: /* TRANSLATORS: this message is used if none of above matches. This shouldn't happen but please use the general term for "thing" or "object". */ grub_puts_ (N_("Possible things are:")); break; } grub_puts (""); } if (type == GRUB_COMPLETION_TYPE_PARTITION) { grub_normal_print_device_info (item); grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; } else grub_printf (" %s", item); } struct cmdline_term { unsigned xpos, ypos, ystart, width, height; unsigned prompt_len; struct grub_term_output *term; }; /* Get a command-line. If ESC is pushed, return zero, otherwise return command line. */ /* FIXME: The dumb interface is not supported yet. */ char * grub_cmdline_get (const char *prompt_translated) { grub_size_t lpos, llen; grub_uint32_t *buf; grub_size_t max_len = 256; int key; int histpos = 0; auto void cl_insert (const grub_uint32_t *str); auto void cl_delete (unsigned len); auto inline void __attribute__ ((always_inline)) cl_print (struct cmdline_term *cl_term, int pos, grub_uint32_t c); auto void cl_set_pos (struct cmdline_term *cl_term); auto void cl_print_all (int pos, grub_uint32_t c); auto void cl_set_pos_all (void); auto void init_clterm (struct cmdline_term *cl_term_cur); auto void init_clterm_all (void); struct cmdline_term *cl_terms; char *ret; unsigned nterms; void cl_set_pos (struct cmdline_term *cl_term) { cl_term->xpos = (cl_term->prompt_len + lpos) % (cl_term->width - 1); cl_term->ypos = cl_term->ystart + (cl_term->prompt_len + lpos) / (cl_term->width - 1); grub_term_gotoxy (cl_term->term, cl_term->xpos, cl_term->ypos); } void cl_set_pos_all (void) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < nterms; i++) cl_set_pos (&cl_terms[i]); } inline void __attribute__ ((always_inline)) cl_print (struct cmdline_term *cl_term, int pos, grub_uint32_t c) { grub_uint32_t *p; for (p = buf + pos; p < buf + llen; p++) { if (c) grub_putcode (c, cl_term->term); else grub_putcode (*p, cl_term->term); cl_term->xpos++; if (cl_term->xpos >= cl_term->width - 1) { cl_term->xpos = 0; if (cl_term->ypos >= (unsigned) (cl_term->height - 1)) cl_term->ystart--; else cl_term->ypos++; grub_putcode ('\n', cl_term->term); } } } void cl_print_all (int pos, grub_uint32_t c) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < nterms; i++) cl_print (&cl_terms[i], pos, c); } void cl_insert (const grub_uint32_t *str) { grub_size_t len = strlen_ucs4 (str); if (len + llen >= max_len) { grub_uint32_t *nbuf; max_len *= 2; nbuf = grub_realloc (buf, sizeof (grub_uint32_t) * max_len); if (nbuf) buf = nbuf; else { grub_print_error (); grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; max_len /= 2; } } if (len + llen < max_len) { grub_memmove (buf + lpos + len, buf + lpos, (llen - lpos + 1) * sizeof (grub_uint32_t)); grub_memmove (buf + lpos, str, len * sizeof (grub_uint32_t)); llen += len; cl_set_pos_all (); cl_print_all (lpos, 0); lpos += len; cl_set_pos_all (); } } void cl_delete (unsigned len) { if (lpos + len <= llen) { grub_size_t saved_lpos = lpos; lpos = llen - len; cl_set_pos_all (); cl_print_all (lpos, ' '); lpos = saved_lpos; cl_set_pos_all (); grub_memmove (buf + lpos, buf + lpos + len, sizeof (grub_uint32_t) * (llen - lpos + 1)); llen -= len; cl_print_all (lpos, 0); cl_set_pos_all (); } } void init_clterm (struct cmdline_term *cl_term_cur) { cl_term_cur->xpos = cl_term_cur->prompt_len; cl_term_cur->ypos = (grub_term_getxy (cl_term_cur->term) & 0xFF); cl_term_cur->ystart = cl_term_cur->ypos; cl_term_cur->width = grub_term_width (cl_term_cur->term); cl_term_cur->height = grub_term_height (cl_term_cur->term); } void init_clterm_all (void) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < nterms; i++) init_clterm (&cl_terms[i]); } buf = grub_malloc (max_len * sizeof (grub_uint32_t)); if (!buf) return 0; lpos = llen = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; { grub_term_output_t term; FOR_ACTIVE_TERM_OUTPUTS(term) if ((grub_term_getxy (term) >> 8) != 0) grub_putcode ('\n', term); } grub_xputs (prompt_translated); grub_xputs (" "); grub_normal_reset_more (); { struct cmdline_term *cl_term_cur; struct grub_term_output *cur; grub_uint32_t *unicode_msg; grub_size_t msg_len = grub_strlen (prompt_translated) + 3; nterms = 0; FOR_ACTIVE_TERM_OUTPUTS(cur) nterms++; cl_terms = grub_malloc (sizeof (cl_terms[0]) * nterms); if (!cl_terms) return 0; cl_term_cur = cl_terms; unicode_msg = grub_malloc (msg_len * sizeof (grub_uint32_t)); if (!unicode_msg) return 0;; msg_len = grub_utf8_to_ucs4 (unicode_msg, msg_len - 1, (grub_uint8_t *) prompt_translated, -1, 0); unicode_msg[msg_len++] = ' '; FOR_ACTIVE_TERM_OUTPUTS(cur) { cl_term_cur->term = cur; cl_term_cur->prompt_len = grub_getstringwidth (unicode_msg, unicode_msg + msg_len, cur); init_clterm (cl_term_cur); cl_term_cur++; } grub_free (unicode_msg); } if (hist_used == 0) grub_history_add (buf, llen); grub_refresh (); while ((key = grub_getkey ()) != '\n' && key != '\r') { switch (key) { case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'a': case GRUB_TERM_KEY_HOME: lpos = 0; cl_set_pos_all (); break; case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'b': case GRUB_TERM_KEY_LEFT: if (lpos > 0) { lpos--; cl_set_pos_all (); } break; case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'e': case GRUB_TERM_KEY_END: lpos = llen; cl_set_pos_all (); break; case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'f': case GRUB_TERM_KEY_RIGHT: if (lpos < llen) { lpos++; cl_set_pos_all (); } break; case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'i': case '\t': { int restore; char *insertu8; char *bufu8; grub_uint32_t c; c = buf[lpos]; buf[lpos] = '\0'; bufu8 = grub_ucs4_to_utf8_alloc (buf, lpos); buf[lpos] = c; if (!bufu8) { grub_print_error (); grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; break; } insertu8 = grub_normal_do_completion (bufu8, &restore, print_completion); grub_free (bufu8); grub_normal_reset_more (); if (restore) { /* Restore the prompt. */ grub_xputs ("\n"); grub_xputs (prompt_translated); grub_xputs (" "); init_clterm_all (); cl_print_all (0, 0); } if (insertu8) { grub_size_t insertlen; grub_ssize_t t; grub_uint32_t *insert; insertlen = grub_strlen (insertu8); insert = grub_malloc ((insertlen + 1) * sizeof (grub_uint32_t)); if (!insert) { grub_free (insertu8); grub_print_error (); grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; break; } t = grub_utf8_to_ucs4 (insert, insertlen, (grub_uint8_t *) insertu8, insertlen, 0); if (t > 0) { if (insert[t-1] == ' ' && buf[lpos] == ' ') { insert[t-1] = 0; if (t != 1) cl_insert (insert); lpos++; } else { insert[t] = 0; cl_insert (insert); } } grub_free (insertu8); grub_free (insert); } cl_set_pos_all (); } break; case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'k': if (lpos < llen) { grub_free (kill_buf); kill_buf = grub_malloc ((llen - lpos + 1) * sizeof (grub_uint32_t)); if (grub_errno) { grub_print_error (); grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; } else { grub_memcpy (kill_buf, buf + lpos, (llen - lpos + 1) * sizeof (grub_uint32_t)); kill_buf[llen - lpos] = 0; } cl_delete (llen - lpos); } break; case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'n': case GRUB_TERM_KEY_DOWN: { grub_uint32_t *hist; lpos = 0; if (histpos > 0) { grub_history_replace (histpos, buf, llen); histpos--; } cl_delete (llen); hist = grub_history_get (histpos); cl_insert (hist); break; } case GRUB_TERM_KEY_UP: case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'p': { grub_uint32_t *hist; lpos = 0; if (histpos < hist_used - 1) { grub_history_replace (histpos, buf, llen); histpos++; } cl_delete (llen); hist = grub_history_get (histpos); cl_insert (hist); } break; case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'u': if (lpos > 0) { grub_size_t n = lpos; grub_free (kill_buf); kill_buf = grub_malloc (n + 1); if (grub_errno) { grub_print_error (); grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; } if (kill_buf) { grub_memcpy (kill_buf, buf, n); kill_buf[n] = '\0'; } lpos = 0; cl_set_pos_all (); cl_delete (n); } break; case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'y': if (kill_buf) cl_insert (kill_buf); break; case '\e': grub_free (cl_terms); return 0; case '\b': if (lpos > 0) { lpos--; cl_set_pos_all (); } else break; /* fall through */ case GRUB_TERM_CTRL | 'd': case GRUB_TERM_KEY_DC: if (lpos < llen) cl_delete (1); break; default: if (grub_isprint (key)) { grub_uint32_t str[2]; str[0] = key; str[1] = '\0'; cl_insert (str); } break; } grub_refresh (); } grub_xputs ("\n"); grub_refresh (); histpos = 0; if (strlen_ucs4 (buf) > 0) { grub_uint32_t empty[] = { 0 }; grub_history_replace (histpos, buf, llen); grub_history_add (empty, 0); } ret = grub_ucs4_to_utf8_alloc (buf, llen + 1); grub_free (buf); grub_free (cl_terms); return ret; }