/* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <config.h> #include <grub/disk.h> #include <grub/partition.h> #include <grub/fs.h> #include <grub/ntfs.h> #include <grub/fat.h> #include <grub/exfat.h> #include <grub/udf.h> #include <grub/util/misc.h> #include <grub/util/install.h> #include <grub/emu/getroot.h> #include <grub/emu/hostfile.h> #include <windows.h> #include <winioctl.h> void grub_install_get_blocklist (grub_device_t root_dev, const char *core_path, const char *core_img __attribute__ ((unused)), size_t core_size, void (*callback) (grub_disk_addr_t sector, unsigned offset, unsigned length, void *data), void *hook_data) { grub_disk_addr_t first_lcn = 0; HANDLE filehd; DWORD rets; RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER *extbuf; size_t extbuf_size; DWORD i; grub_uint64_t sec_per_lcn; grub_uint64_t curvcn = 0; STARTING_VCN_INPUT_BUFFER start_vcn; grub_fs_t fs; grub_err_t err; fs = grub_fs_probe (root_dev); if (!fs) grub_util_error ("%s", grub_errmsg); /* This is ugly but windows doesn't give all needed data. Or does anyone have a pointer how to retrieve it? */ if (grub_strcmp (fs->name, "ntfs") == 0) { struct grub_ntfs_bpb bpb; err = grub_disk_read (root_dev->disk, 0, 0, sizeof (bpb), &bpb); if (err) grub_util_error ("%s", grub_errmsg); sec_per_lcn = ((grub_uint32_t) bpb.sectors_per_cluster * (grub_uint32_t) grub_le_to_cpu16 (bpb.bytes_per_sector)) >> 9; first_lcn = 0; } else if (grub_strcmp (fs->name, "exfat") == 0) first_lcn = grub_exfat_get_cluster_sector (root_dev->disk, &sec_per_lcn); else if (grub_strcmp (fs->name, "fat") == 0) first_lcn = grub_fat_get_cluster_sector (root_dev->disk, &sec_per_lcn); else if (grub_strcmp (fs->name, "udf") == 0) first_lcn = grub_udf_get_cluster_sector (root_dev->disk, &sec_per_lcn); else grub_util_error ("unsupported fs for blocklist on windows: %s", fs->name); grub_util_info ("sec_per_lcn = %" GRUB_HOST_PRIuLONG_LONG ", first_lcn=%" GRUB_HOST_PRIuLONG_LONG, (unsigned long long) sec_per_lcn, (unsigned long long) first_lcn); first_lcn += grub_partition_get_start (root_dev->disk->partition); start_vcn.StartingVcn.QuadPart = 0; filehd = grub_util_fd_open (core_path, GRUB_UTIL_FD_O_RDONLY); if (!GRUB_UTIL_FD_IS_VALID (filehd)) grub_util_error (_("cannot open `%s': %s"), core_path, grub_util_fd_strerror ()); extbuf_size = sizeof (*extbuf) + sizeof (extbuf->Extents[0]) * ((core_size + 511) / 512); extbuf = xmalloc (extbuf_size); if (!DeviceIoControl(filehd, FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS, &start_vcn, sizeof (start_vcn), extbuf, extbuf_size, &rets, NULL)) grub_util_error ("FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS fails: %s", grub_util_fd_strerror ()); CloseHandle (filehd); for (i = 0; i < extbuf->ExtentCount; i++) callback (extbuf->Extents[i].Lcn.QuadPart * sec_per_lcn + first_lcn, 0, 512 * sec_per_lcn * (extbuf->Extents[i].NextVcn.QuadPart - curvcn), hook_data); free (extbuf); }