/* gui_circular_process.c - GUI circular progress indicator component. */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <grub/mm.h> #include <grub/misc.h> #include <grub/gui.h> #include <grub/font.h> #include <grub/gui_string_util.h> #include <grub/gfxmenu_view.h> #include <grub/gfxwidgets.h> #include <grub/trig.h> struct grub_gui_circular_progress { struct grub_gui_progress progress; grub_gui_container_t parent; grub_video_rect_t bounds; char *id; int visible; int start; int end; int value; unsigned num_ticks; int start_angle; int ticks_disappear; char *theme_dir; int need_to_load_pixmaps; char *center_file; char *tick_file; struct grub_video_bitmap *center_bitmap; struct grub_video_bitmap *tick_bitmap; }; typedef struct grub_gui_circular_progress *circular_progress_t; static void circprog_destroy (void *vself) { circular_progress_t self = vself; grub_gfxmenu_timeout_unregister ((grub_gui_component_t) self); grub_free (self); } static const char * circprog_get_id (void *vself) { circular_progress_t self = vself; return self->id; } static int circprog_is_instance (void *vself __attribute__((unused)), const char *type) { return grub_strcmp (type, "component") == 0; } static struct grub_video_bitmap * load_bitmap (const char *dir, const char *file) { struct grub_video_bitmap *bitmap; char *abspath; /* Check arguments. */ if (! dir || ! file) return 0; /* Resolve to an absolute path. */ abspath = grub_resolve_relative_path (dir, file); if (! abspath) return 0; /* Load the image. */ grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; grub_video_bitmap_load (&bitmap, abspath); grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; grub_free (abspath); return bitmap; } static int check_pixmaps (circular_progress_t self) { if (self->need_to_load_pixmaps) { if (self->center_bitmap) grub_video_bitmap_destroy (self->center_bitmap); self->center_bitmap = load_bitmap (self->theme_dir, self->center_file); self->tick_bitmap = load_bitmap (self->theme_dir, self->tick_file); self->need_to_load_pixmaps = 0; } return (self->center_bitmap != 0 && self->tick_bitmap != 0); } static void circprog_paint (void *vself, const grub_video_rect_t *region) { circular_progress_t self = vself; if (! self->visible) return; if (!grub_video_have_common_points (region, &self->bounds)) return; if (! check_pixmaps (self)) return; grub_video_rect_t vpsave; grub_gui_set_viewport (&self->bounds, &vpsave); int width = self->bounds.width; int height = self->bounds.height; int center_width = grub_video_bitmap_get_width (self->center_bitmap); int center_height = grub_video_bitmap_get_height (self->center_bitmap); int tick_width = grub_video_bitmap_get_width (self->tick_bitmap); int tick_height = grub_video_bitmap_get_height (self->tick_bitmap); grub_video_blit_bitmap (self->center_bitmap, GRUB_VIDEO_BLIT_BLEND, (width - center_width) / 2, (height - center_height) / 2, 0, 0, center_width, center_height); if (self->num_ticks) { int radius = grub_min (height, width) / 2 - grub_max (tick_height, tick_width) / 2 - 1; unsigned nticks; unsigned tick_begin; unsigned tick_end; if (self->end <= self->start || self->value <= self->start) nticks = 0; else nticks = ((unsigned) (self->num_ticks * (self->value - self->start))) / ((unsigned) (self->end - self->start)); /* Do ticks appear or disappear as the value approached the end? */ if (self->ticks_disappear) { tick_begin = nticks; tick_end = self->num_ticks; } else { tick_begin = 0; tick_end = nticks; } unsigned i; for (i = tick_begin; i < tick_end; i++) { int x; int y; int angle; /* Calculate the location of the tick. */ angle = self->start_angle + i * GRUB_TRIG_ANGLE_MAX / self->num_ticks; x = width / 2 + (grub_cos (angle) * radius / GRUB_TRIG_FRACTION_SCALE); y = height / 2 + (grub_sin (angle) * radius / GRUB_TRIG_FRACTION_SCALE); /* Adjust (x,y) so the tick is centered. */ x -= tick_width / 2; y -= tick_height / 2; /* Draw the tick. */ grub_video_blit_bitmap (self->tick_bitmap, GRUB_VIDEO_BLIT_BLEND, x, y, 0, 0, tick_width, tick_height); } } grub_gui_restore_viewport (&vpsave); } static void circprog_set_parent (void *vself, grub_gui_container_t parent) { circular_progress_t self = vself; self->parent = parent; } static grub_gui_container_t circprog_get_parent (void *vself) { circular_progress_t self = vself; return self->parent; } static void circprog_set_bounds (void *vself, const grub_video_rect_t *bounds) { circular_progress_t self = vself; self->bounds = *bounds; } static void circprog_get_bounds (void *vself, grub_video_rect_t *bounds) { circular_progress_t self = vself; *bounds = self->bounds; } static void circprog_set_state (void *vself, int visible, int start, int current, int end) { circular_progress_t self = vself; self->visible = visible; self->start = start; self->value = current; self->end = end; } static int parse_angle (const char *value) { char *ptr; int angle; angle = grub_strtol (value, &ptr, 10); if (grub_errno) return 0; while (grub_isspace (*ptr)) ptr++; if (grub_strcmp (ptr, "deg") == 0 /* Unicode symbol of degrees (a circle, U+b0). Put here in UTF-8 to avoid potential problem with text file reesncoding */ || grub_strcmp (ptr, "\xc2\xb0") == 0) angle = grub_divide_round (angle * 64, 90); return angle; } static grub_err_t circprog_set_property (void *vself, const char *name, const char *value) { circular_progress_t self = vself; if (grub_strcmp (name, "num_ticks") == 0) { self->num_ticks = grub_strtoul (value, 0, 10); } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "start_angle") == 0) { self->start_angle = parse_angle (value); } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "ticks_disappear") == 0) { self->ticks_disappear = grub_strcmp (value, "false") != 0; } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "center_bitmap") == 0) { self->need_to_load_pixmaps = 1; grub_free (self->center_file); self->center_file = value ? grub_strdup (value) : 0; } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "tick_bitmap") == 0) { self->need_to_load_pixmaps = 1; grub_free (self->tick_file); self->tick_file = value ? grub_strdup (value) : 0; } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "theme_dir") == 0) { self->need_to_load_pixmaps = 1; grub_free (self->theme_dir); self->theme_dir = value ? grub_strdup (value) : 0; } else if (grub_strcmp (name, "id") == 0) { grub_gfxmenu_timeout_unregister ((grub_gui_component_t) self); grub_free (self->id); if (value) self->id = grub_strdup (value); else self->id = 0; if (self->id && grub_strcmp (self->id, GRUB_GFXMENU_TIMEOUT_COMPONENT_ID) == 0) grub_gfxmenu_timeout_register ((grub_gui_component_t) self, circprog_set_state); } return grub_errno; } static struct grub_gui_component_ops circprog_ops = { .destroy = circprog_destroy, .get_id = circprog_get_id, .is_instance = circprog_is_instance, .paint = circprog_paint, .set_parent = circprog_set_parent, .get_parent = circprog_get_parent, .set_bounds = circprog_set_bounds, .get_bounds = circprog_get_bounds, .set_property = circprog_set_property }; static struct grub_gui_progress_ops circprog_prog_ops = { .set_state = circprog_set_state }; grub_gui_component_t grub_gui_circular_progress_new (void) { circular_progress_t self; self = grub_zalloc (sizeof (*self)); if (! self) return 0; self->progress.ops = &circprog_prog_ops; self->progress.component.ops = &circprog_ops; self->visible = 1; self->num_ticks = 64; self->start_angle = -64; return (grub_gui_component_t) self; }