/* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <grub/loader.h> #include <grub/memory.h> #include <grub/i386/memory.h> #include <grub/file.h> #include <grub/err.h> #include <grub/dl.h> #include <grub/mm.h> #include <grub/elfload.h> #include <grub/video.h> #include <grub/relocator.h> #include <grub/i386/relocator.h> #include <grub/command.h> #include <grub/i18n.h> #include <grub/cbfs_core.h> #include <grub/lib/LzmaDec.h> #include <grub/efi/pe32.h> #include <grub/i386/cpuid.h> GRUB_MOD_LICENSE ("GPLv3+"); static grub_addr_t entry; static struct grub_relocator *relocator = NULL; static grub_err_t grub_chain_boot (void) { struct grub_relocator32_state state; grub_video_set_mode ("text", 0, 0); state.eip = entry; return grub_relocator32_boot (relocator, state, 0); } static grub_err_t grub_chain_unload (void) { grub_relocator_unload (relocator); relocator = NULL; return GRUB_ERR_NONE; } static grub_err_t load_elf (grub_file_t file, const char *filename) { grub_elf_t elf; Elf32_Phdr *phdr; grub_err_t err; elf = grub_elf_file (file, filename); if (!elf) return grub_errno; if (!grub_elf_is_elf32 (elf)) return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "only ELF32 can be coreboot payload"); entry = elf->ehdr.ehdr32.e_entry; FOR_ELF32_PHDRS(elf, phdr) { grub_uint8_t *load_addr; grub_relocator_chunk_t ch; if (phdr->p_type != PT_LOAD) continue; err = grub_relocator_alloc_chunk_addr (relocator, &ch, phdr->p_paddr, phdr->p_memsz); if (err) { elf->file = 0; grub_elf_close (elf); return err; } load_addr = get_virtual_current_address (ch); if (grub_file_seek (elf->file, phdr->p_offset) == (grub_off_t) -1) { elf->file = 0; grub_elf_close (elf); return grub_errno; } if (phdr->p_filesz) { grub_ssize_t read; read = grub_file_read (elf->file, load_addr, phdr->p_filesz); if (read != (grub_ssize_t) phdr->p_filesz) { if (!grub_errno) grub_error (GRUB_ERR_FILE_READ_ERROR, N_("premature end of file %s"), filename); elf->file = 0; grub_elf_close (elf); return grub_errno; } } if (phdr->p_filesz < phdr->p_memsz) grub_memset ((load_addr + phdr->p_filesz), 0, phdr->p_memsz - phdr->p_filesz); } elf->file = 0; grub_elf_close (elf); return GRUB_ERR_NONE; } static void *SzAlloc(void *p __attribute__ ((unused)), size_t size) { return grub_malloc (size); } static void SzFree(void *p __attribute__ ((unused)), void *address) { grub_free (address); } static ISzAlloc g_Alloc = { SzAlloc, SzFree }; static grub_err_t load_segment (grub_file_t file, const char *filename, void *load_addr, grub_uint32_t comp, grub_size_t *size, grub_size_t max_size) { switch (comp) { case grub_cpu_to_be32_compile_time (CBFS_COMPRESS_NONE): if (grub_file_read (file, load_addr, *size) != (grub_ssize_t) *size) { if (!grub_errno) grub_error (GRUB_ERR_FILE_READ_ERROR, N_("premature end of file %s"), filename); return grub_errno; } return GRUB_ERR_NONE; case grub_cpu_to_be32_compile_time (CBFS_COMPRESS_LZMA): { grub_uint8_t *buf; grub_size_t outsize, insize; SRes res; SizeT src_len, dst_len; ELzmaStatus status; if (*size < 13) return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "invalid compressed chunk"); buf = grub_malloc (*size); if (!buf) return grub_errno; if (grub_file_read (file, buf, *size) != (grub_ssize_t) *size) { if (!grub_errno) grub_error (GRUB_ERR_FILE_READ_ERROR, N_("premature end of file %s"), filename); grub_free (buf); return grub_errno; } outsize = grub_get_unaligned64 (buf + 5); if (outsize > max_size) { grub_free (buf); return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "invalid compressed chunk"); } insize = *size - 13; src_len = insize; dst_len = outsize; res = LzmaDecode (load_addr, &dst_len, buf + 13, &src_len, buf, 5, LZMA_FINISH_END, &status, &g_Alloc); /* ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status, ISzAlloc *alloc)*/ grub_free (buf); grub_dprintf ("chain", "%x, %x, %x, %x\n", insize, src_len, outsize, dst_len); if (res != SZ_OK || src_len != insize || dst_len != outsize) return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "decompression failure %d", res); *size = outsize; } return GRUB_ERR_NONE; default: return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "unsupported compression %d", grub_be_to_cpu32 (comp)); } } static grub_err_t load_tianocore (grub_file_t file) { grub_uint16_t header_length; grub_uint32_t section_head; grub_uint8_t mz[2], pe[4]; struct grub_pe32_coff_header coff_head; struct file_header { grub_uint8_t unused[18]; grub_uint8_t type; grub_uint8_t unused2; grub_uint8_t size[3]; grub_uint8_t unused3; } file_head; grub_relocator_chunk_t ch; if (grub_file_seek (file, 48) == (grub_off_t) -1 || grub_file_read (file, &header_length, sizeof (header_length)) != sizeof (header_length) || grub_file_seek (file, header_length) == (grub_off_t) -1) goto fail; while (1) { grub_off_t off; if (grub_file_read (file, &file_head, sizeof (file_head)) != sizeof (file_head)) goto fail; if (file_head.type != 0xf0) break; off = grub_get_unaligned32 (file_head.size) & 0xffffff; if (off < sizeof (file_head)) goto fail; if (grub_file_seek (file, grub_file_tell (file) + off - sizeof (file_head)) == (grub_off_t) -1) goto fail; } if (file_head.type != 0x03) goto fail; while (1) { if (grub_file_read (file, §ion_head, sizeof (section_head)) != sizeof (section_head)) goto fail; if ((section_head >> 24) != 0x19) break; if ((section_head & 0xffffff) < sizeof (section_head)) goto fail; if (grub_file_seek (file, grub_file_tell (file) + (section_head & 0xffffff) - sizeof (section_head)) == (grub_off_t) -1) goto fail; } if ((section_head >> 24) != 0x10) goto fail; grub_off_t exe_start = grub_file_tell (file); if (grub_file_read (file, &mz, sizeof (mz)) != sizeof (mz)) goto fail; if (mz[0] != 'M' || mz[1] != 'Z') goto fail; if (grub_file_seek (file, grub_file_tell (file) + 0x3a) == (grub_off_t) -1) goto fail; if (grub_file_read (file, §ion_head, sizeof (section_head)) != sizeof (section_head)) goto fail; if (section_head < 0x40) goto fail; if (grub_file_seek (file, grub_file_tell (file) + section_head - 0x40) == (grub_off_t) -1) goto fail; if (grub_file_read (file, &pe, sizeof (pe)) != sizeof (pe)) goto fail; if (pe[0] != 'P' || pe[1] != 'E' || pe[2] != '\0' || pe[3] != '\0') goto fail; if (grub_file_read (file, &coff_head, sizeof (coff_head)) != sizeof (coff_head)) goto fail; grub_uint32_t loadaddr; switch (coff_head.machine) { case GRUB_PE32_MACHINE_I386: { struct grub_pe32_optional_header oh; if (grub_file_read (file, &oh, sizeof (oh)) != sizeof (oh)) goto fail; if (oh.magic != GRUB_PE32_PE32_MAGIC) goto fail; loadaddr = oh.image_base - exe_start; entry = oh.image_base + oh.entry_addr; break; } case GRUB_PE32_MACHINE_X86_64: { struct grub_pe64_optional_header oh; if (! grub_cpuid_has_longmode) { grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "your CPU does not implement AMD64 architecture"); goto fail; } if (grub_file_read (file, &oh, sizeof (oh)) != sizeof (oh)) goto fail; if (oh.magic != GRUB_PE32_PE64_MAGIC) goto fail; loadaddr = oh.image_base - exe_start; entry = oh.image_base + oh.entry_addr; break; } default: goto fail; } if (grub_file_seek (file, 0) == (grub_off_t) -1) goto fail; grub_size_t fz = grub_file_size (file); if (grub_relocator_alloc_chunk_addr (relocator, &ch, loadaddr, fz)) goto fail; if (grub_file_read (file, get_virtual_current_address (ch), fz) != (grub_ssize_t) fz) goto fail; return GRUB_ERR_NONE; fail: if (!grub_errno) grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "fv volume is invalid"); return grub_errno; } static grub_err_t load_chewed (grub_file_t file, const char *filename) { grub_size_t i; for (i = 0;; i++) { struct cbfs_payload_segment segment; grub_err_t err; if (grub_file_seek (file, sizeof (segment) * i) == (grub_off_t) -1 || grub_file_read (file, &segment, sizeof (segment)) != sizeof (segment)) { if (!grub_errno) return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "payload is too short"); return grub_errno; } switch (segment.type) { case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_PARAMS: break; case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_ENTRY: entry = grub_be_to_cpu64 (segment.load_addr); return GRUB_ERR_NONE; case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_BSS: segment.len = 0; segment.offset = 0; segment.len = 0; case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_CODE: case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_DATA: { grub_uint32_t target = grub_be_to_cpu64 (segment.load_addr); grub_uint32_t memsize = grub_be_to_cpu32 (segment.mem_len); grub_uint32_t filesize = grub_be_to_cpu32 (segment.len); grub_uint8_t *load_addr; grub_relocator_chunk_t ch; if (memsize < filesize) memsize = filesize; grub_dprintf ("chain", "%x+%x\n", target, memsize); err = grub_relocator_alloc_chunk_addr (relocator, &ch, target, memsize); if (err) return err; load_addr = get_virtual_current_address (ch); if (filesize) { if (grub_file_seek (file, grub_be_to_cpu32 (segment.offset)) == (grub_off_t) -1) return grub_errno; err = load_segment (file, filename, load_addr, segment.compression, &filesize, memsize); if (err) return err; } if (filesize < memsize) grub_memset ((load_addr + filesize), 0, memsize - filesize); } } } } static grub_err_t grub_cmd_chain (grub_command_t cmd __attribute__ ((unused)), int argc, char *argv[]) { grub_err_t err; grub_file_t file; grub_uint32_t head; if (argc != 1) return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, N_("filename expected")); grub_loader_unset (); file = grub_file_open (argv[0]); if (!file) return grub_errno; relocator = grub_relocator_new (); if (!relocator) { grub_file_close (file); return grub_errno; } if (grub_file_read (file, &head, sizeof (head)) != sizeof (head) || grub_file_seek (file, 0) == (grub_off_t) -1) { grub_file_close (file); grub_relocator_unload (relocator); relocator = 0; if (!grub_errno) return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "payload is too short"); return grub_errno; } switch (head) { case ELFMAG0 | (ELFMAG1 << 8) | (ELFMAG2 << 16) | (ELFMAG3 << 24): err = load_elf (file, argv[0]); break; case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_CODE: case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_DATA: case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_PARAMS: case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_BSS: case PAYLOAD_SEGMENT_ENTRY: err = load_chewed (file, argv[0]); break; default: if (grub_file_seek (file, 40) == (grub_off_t) -1 || grub_file_read (file, &head, sizeof (head)) != sizeof (head) || grub_file_seek (file, 0) == (grub_off_t) -1 || head != 0x4856465f) err = grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_OS, "unrecognised payload type"); else err = load_tianocore (file); break; } grub_file_close (file); if (err) { grub_relocator_unload (relocator); relocator = 0; return err; } grub_loader_set (grub_chain_boot, grub_chain_unload, 0); return GRUB_ERR_NONE; } static grub_command_t cmd_chain; GRUB_MOD_INIT (chain) { cmd_chain = grub_register_command ("chainloader", grub_cmd_chain, N_("FILE"), /* TRANSLATORS: "payload" is a term used by coreboot and must be translated in sync with coreboot. If unsure, let it untranslated. */ N_("Load another coreboot payload")); } GRUB_MOD_FINI (chain) { grub_unregister_command (cmd_chain); grub_chain_unload (); }