/* grub-fstest.c - debug tool for filesystem driver */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "progname.h" void grub_putchar (int c) { putchar (c); } int grub_getkey (void) { return -1; } struct grub_handler_class grub_term_input_class; struct grub_handler_class grub_term_output_class; void grub_refresh (void) { fflush (stdout); } static grub_err_t execute_command (char *name, int n, char **args) { grub_command_t cmd; cmd = grub_command_find (name); if (! cmd) grub_util_error ("can\'t find command %s", name); return (cmd->func) (cmd, n, args); } #define CMD_LS 1 #define CMD_CP 2 #define CMD_CMP 3 #define CMD_HEX 4 #define CMD_CRC 6 #define CMD_BLOCKLIST 7 #define BUF_SIZE 32256 static grub_disk_addr_t skip, leng; static void read_file (char *pathname, int (*hook) (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len)) { static char buf[BUF_SIZE]; grub_file_t file; grub_off_t ofs, len; if ((pathname[0] == '-') && (pathname[1] == 0)) { grub_device_t dev; dev = grub_device_open (0); if ((! dev) || (! dev->disk)) grub_util_error ("can\'t open device"); grub_util_info ("total sectors : %lld", (unsigned long long) dev->disk->total_sectors); if (! leng) leng = (dev->disk->total_sectors << GRUB_DISK_SECTOR_BITS) - skip; while (leng) { grub_size_t len; len = (leng > BUF_SIZE) ? BUF_SIZE : leng; if (grub_disk_read (dev->disk, 0, skip, len, buf)) grub_util_error ("disk read fails at offset %lld, length %d", skip, len); if (hook (skip, buf, len)) break; skip += len; leng -= len; } grub_device_close (dev); return; } file = grub_file_open (pathname); if (!file) { grub_util_error ("cannot open file %s", pathname); return; } grub_util_info ("file size : %lld", (unsigned long long) file->size); if (skip > file->size) { grub_util_error ("invalid skip value %lld", (unsigned long long) skip); return; } ofs = skip; len = file->size - skip; if ((leng) && (leng < len)) len = leng; file->offset = skip; while (len) { grub_ssize_t sz; sz = grub_file_read (file, buf, (len > BUF_SIZE) ? BUF_SIZE : len); if (sz < 0) { grub_util_error ("read error at offset %llu", ofs); break; } if ((sz == 0) || (hook (ofs, buf, sz))) break; ofs += sz; len -= sz; } grub_file_close (file); } static void cmd_cp (char *src, char *dest) { FILE *ff; auto int cp_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len); int cp_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len) { (void) ofs; if ((int) fwrite (buf, 1, len, ff) != len) { grub_util_error ("write error"); return 1; } return 0; } ff = fopen (dest, "wb"); if (ff == NULL) { grub_util_error ("open error"); return; } read_file (src, cp_hook); fclose (ff); } static void cmd_cmp (char *src, char *dest) { FILE *ff; static char buf_1[BUF_SIZE]; auto int cmp_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len); int cmp_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len) { if ((int) fread (buf_1, 1, len, ff) != len) { grub_util_error ("read error at offset %llu", ofs); return 1; } if (grub_memcmp (buf, buf_1, len)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++, ofs++) if (buf_1[i] != buf[i]) { grub_util_error ("compare fail at offset %llu", ofs); return 1; } } return 0; } ff = fopen (dest, "rb"); if (ff == NULL) { grub_util_error ("open error"); return; } if ((skip) && (fseeko (ff, skip, SEEK_SET))) grub_util_error ("seek error"); read_file (src, cmp_hook); fclose (ff); } static void cmd_hex (char *pathname) { auto int hex_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len); int hex_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len) { hexdump (ofs, buf, len); return 0; } read_file (pathname, hex_hook); } static void cmd_crc (char *pathname) { grub_uint32_t crc = 0; auto int crc_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len); int crc_hook (grub_off_t ofs, char *buf, int len) { (void) ofs; crc = grub_getcrc32 (crc, buf, len); return 0; } read_file (pathname, crc_hook); printf ("%08x\n", crc); } static void fstest (char **images, int num_disks, int cmd, int n, char **args) { char *host_file; char *loop_name; char *argv[3] = { "-p" }; int i; for (i = 0; i < num_disks; i++) { loop_name = grub_xasprintf ("loop%d", i); host_file = grub_xasprintf ("(host)%s", images[i]); if (!loop_name || !host_file) { grub_free (loop_name); grub_free (host_file); grub_util_error (grub_errmsg); return; } argv[1] = loop_name; argv[2] = host_file; if (execute_command ("loopback", 3, argv)) grub_util_error ("loopback command fails"); } grub_lvm_fini (); grub_mdraid_fini (); grub_raid_fini (); grub_raid_init (); grub_mdraid_init (); grub_lvm_init (); switch (cmd) { case CMD_LS: execute_command ("ls", n, args); break; case CMD_CP: cmd_cp (args[0], args[1]); break; case CMD_CMP: cmd_cmp (args[0], args[1]); break; case CMD_HEX: cmd_hex (args[0]); break; case CMD_CRC: cmd_crc (args[0]); break; case CMD_BLOCKLIST: execute_command ("blocklist", n, args); grub_printf ("\n"); } argv[0] = "-d"; for (i = 0; i < num_disks; i++) { grub_free (loop_name); loop_name = grub_xasprintf ("loop%d", i); if (!loop_name) { grub_free (host_file); grub_util_error (grub_errmsg); return; } execute_command ("loopback", 2, argv); } grub_free (loop_name); grub_free (host_file); } static struct option options[] = { {"root", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"skip", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"length", required_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"diskcount", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"debug", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; static void usage (int status) { if (status) fprintf (stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", program_name); else printf ("\ Usage: %s [OPTION]... IMAGE_PATH COMMANDS\n\ \n\ Debug tool for filesystem driver.\n\ \nCommands:\n\ ls PATH list files in PATH\n\ cp FILE LOCAL copy FILE to local file LOCAL\n\ cmp FILE LOCAL compare FILE with local file LOCAL\n\ hex FILE Hex dump FILE\n\ crc FILE Get crc32 checksum of FILE\n\ blocklist FILE display blocklist of FILE\n\ \nOptions:\n\ -r, --root=DEVICE_NAME set root device\n\ -s, --skip=N skip N bytes from output file\n\ -n, --length=N handle N bytes in output file\n\ -c, --diskcount=N N input files\n\ -d, --debug=S Set debug environment variable\n\ -h, --help display this message and exit\n\ -V, --version print version information and exit\n\ -v, --verbose print verbose messages\n\ \n\ Report bugs to <%s>.\n", program_name, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); exit (status); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *debug_str = NULL, *root = NULL, *default_root, *alloc_root; int i, cmd, num_opts, image_index, num_disks = 1; set_program_name (argv[0]); grub_util_init_nls (); /* Find the first non option entry. */ for (num_opts = 1; num_opts < argc; num_opts++) if (argv[num_opts][0] == '-') { if ((argv[num_opts][2] == 0) && (num_opts < argc - 1) && ((argv[num_opts][1] == 'r') || (argv[num_opts][1] == 's') || (argv[num_opts][1] == 'n') || (argv[num_opts][1] == 'c') || (argv[num_opts][1] == 'd'))) num_opts++; } else break; /* Check for options. */ while (1) { int c = getopt_long (num_opts, argv, "r:s:n:c:d:hVv", options, 0); char *p; if (c == -1) break; else switch (c) { case 'r': root = optarg; break; case 's': skip = grub_strtoul (optarg, &p, 0); if (*p == 's') skip <<= GRUB_DISK_SECTOR_BITS; break; case 'n': leng = grub_strtoul (optarg, &p, 0); if (*p == 's') leng <<= GRUB_DISK_SECTOR_BITS; break; case 'c': num_disks = grub_strtoul (optarg, NULL, 0); if (num_disks < 1) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid disk count.\n"); usage (1); } break; case 'd': debug_str = optarg; break; case 'h': usage (0); break; case 'V': printf ("%s (%s) %s\n", program_name, PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); return 0; case 'v': verbosity++; break; default: usage (1); break; } } /* Obtain PATH. */ if (optind + num_disks - 1 >= argc) { fprintf (stderr, "Not enough pathname.\n"); usage (1); } image_index = optind; for (i = 0; i < num_disks; i++, optind++) if (argv[optind][0] != '/') { fprintf (stderr, "Must use absolute path.\n"); usage (1); } cmd = 0; if (optind < argc) { int nparm = 0; if (!grub_strcmp (argv[optind], "ls")) { cmd = CMD_LS; } else if (!grub_strcmp (argv[optind], "cp")) { cmd = CMD_CP; nparm = 2; } else if (!grub_strcmp (argv[optind], "cmp")) { cmd = CMD_CMP; nparm = 2; } else if (!grub_strcmp (argv[optind], "hex")) { cmd = CMD_HEX; nparm = 1; } else if (!grub_strcmp (argv[optind], "crc")) { cmd = CMD_CRC; nparm = 1; } else if (!grub_strcmp (argv[optind], "blocklist")) { cmd = CMD_BLOCKLIST; nparm = 1; } else { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid command %s.\n", argv[optind]); usage (1); } if (optind + 1 + nparm > argc) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid parameter for command %s.\n", argv[optind]); usage (1); } optind++; } else { fprintf (stderr, "No command is specified.\n"); usage (1); } /* Initialize all modules. */ grub_init_all (); if (debug_str) grub_env_set ("debug", debug_str); default_root = (num_disks == 1) ? "loop0" : "md0"; alloc_root = 0; if (root) { if ((*root >= '0') && (*root <= '9')) { alloc_root = xmalloc (strlen (default_root) + strlen (root) + 2); sprintf (alloc_root, "%s,%s", default_root, root); root = alloc_root; } } else root = default_root; grub_env_set ("root", root); if (alloc_root) free (alloc_root); /* Do it. */ fstest (argv + image_index, num_disks, cmd, argc - optind, argv + optind); /* Free resources. */ grub_fini_all (); return 0; }