/* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include GRUB_MOD_LICENSE ("GPLv3+"); static short xen_keyboard_status = 0; static const grub_uint8_t mapping[128] = { /* 0x00 */ 0 /* Unused */, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_ESCAPE, /* 0x02 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_1, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_2, /* 0x04 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_3, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_4, /* 0x06 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_5, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_6, /* 0x08 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_7, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_8, /* 0x0a */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_9, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_0, /* 0x0c */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_DASH, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_EQUAL, /* 0x0e */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_BACKSPACE, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_TAB, /* 0x10 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_Q, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_W, /* 0x12 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_E, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_R, /* 0x14 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_T, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_Y, /* 0x16 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_U, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_I, /* 0x18 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_O, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_P, /* 0x1a */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LBRACKET, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RBRACKET, /* 0x1c */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_ENTER, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT_CTRL, /* 0x1e */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_A, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_S, /* 0x20 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_D, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F, /* 0x22 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_G, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_H, /* 0x24 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_J, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_K, /* 0x26 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_L, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_SEMICOLON, /* 0x28 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_DQUOTE, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RQUOTE, /* 0x2a */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_BACKSLASH, /* 0x2c */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_Z, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_X, /* 0x2e */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_C, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_V, /* 0x30 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_B, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_N, /* 0x32 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_M, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_COMMA, /* 0x34 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_DOT, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_SLASH, /* 0x36 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMMUL, /* 0x38 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT_ALT, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_SPACE, /* 0x3a */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_CAPS_LOCK, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F1, /* 0x3c */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F2, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F3, /* 0x3e */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F4, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F5, /* 0x40 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F6, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F7, /* 0x42 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F8, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F9, /* 0x44 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F10, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM_LOCK, /* 0x46 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM7, /* 0x48 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM8, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM9, /* 0x4a */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMMINUS, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM4, /* 0x4c */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM5, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM6, /* 0x4e */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPLUS, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM1, /* 0x50 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM2, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM3, /* 0x52 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMDOT, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMDOT, /* 0x54 */ 0, 0, /* 0x56 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_102ND, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F11, /* 0x58 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_F12, 0, /* 0x5a */ 0, 0, /* 0x5c */ 0, 0, /* 0x5e */ 0, 0, /* 0x60 */ 0, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT_CTRL, /* 0x62 */ 0, 0, /* 0x64 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT_ALT, 0, /* 0x66 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_HOME, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_UP, /* 0x68 */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_PPAGE, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT, /* 0x6a */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_END, /* 0x6c */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_DOWN, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NPAGE, /* 0x6e */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_INSERT, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_DELETE, /* 0x70 */ 0, 0, /* 0x72 */ 0, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_JP_RO, /* 0x74 */ 0, 0, /* 0x76 */ 0, 0, /* 0x78 */ 0, 0, /* 0x7a */ 0, 0, /* 0x7c */ 0, GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_JP_YEN, /* 0x7e */ GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_KPCOMMA }; struct virtkbd { int handle; char *fullname; char *backend_dir; char *frontend_dir; struct xenkbd_page *kbdpage; grub_xen_grant_t grant; grub_xen_evtchn_t evtchn; }; struct virtkbd vkbd; static grub_xen_mfn_t grub_xen_ptr2mfn (void *ptr) { grub_xen_mfn_t *mfn_list = (grub_xen_mfn_t *) grub_xen_start_page_addr->mfn_list; return mfn_list[(grub_addr_t) ptr >> GRUB_XEN_LOG_PAGE_SIZE]; } static int fill (const char *dir, void *data __attribute__ ((unused))) { domid_t dom; /* "dir" is just a number, at most 19 characters. */ char fdir[200]; char num[20]; grub_err_t err; void *buf; struct evtchn_alloc_unbound alloc_unbound; if (vkbd.kbdpage) return 1; vkbd.handle = grub_strtoul (dir, 0, 10); if (grub_errno) { grub_errno = 0; return 0; } vkbd.fullname = 0; vkbd.backend_dir = 0; grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "device/vkbd/%s/backend", dir); vkbd.backend_dir = grub_xenstore_get_file (fdir, NULL); if (!vkbd.backend_dir) goto out_fail_1; grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "%s/dev", vkbd.backend_dir); grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "device/vkbd/%s/backend-id", dir); buf = grub_xenstore_get_file (fdir, NULL); if (!buf) goto out_fail_1; dom = grub_strtoul (buf, 0, 10); grub_free (buf); if (grub_errno) goto out_fail_1; vkbd.kbdpage = grub_xen_alloc_shared_page (dom, &vkbd.grant); if (!vkbd.kbdpage) goto out_fail_1; grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "device/vkbd/%s/page-ref", dir); grub_snprintf (num, sizeof (num), "%llu", (unsigned long long) grub_xen_ptr2mfn (vkbd.kbdpage)); err = grub_xenstore_write_file (fdir, num, grub_strlen (num)); if (err) goto out_fail_3; grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "device/vkbd/%s/protocol", dir); err = grub_xenstore_write_file (fdir, XEN_IO_PROTO_ABI_NATIVE, grub_strlen (XEN_IO_PROTO_ABI_NATIVE)); if (err) goto out_fail_3; alloc_unbound.dom = DOMID_SELF; alloc_unbound.remote_dom = dom; grub_xen_event_channel_op (EVTCHNOP_alloc_unbound, &alloc_unbound); vkbd.evtchn = alloc_unbound.port; grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "device/vkbd/%s/event-channel", dir); grub_snprintf (num, sizeof (num), "%u", vkbd.evtchn); err = grub_xenstore_write_file (fdir, num, grub_strlen (num)); if (err) goto out_fail_3; struct gnttab_dump_table dt; dt.dom = DOMID_SELF; grub_xen_grant_table_op (GNTTABOP_dump_table, (void *) &dt, 1); grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "device/vkbd/%s", dir); vkbd.frontend_dir = grub_strdup (fdir); vkbd.kbdpage->in_cons = 0; vkbd.kbdpage->in_prod = 0; vkbd.kbdpage->out_cons = 0; vkbd.kbdpage->out_prod = 0; grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "device/vkbd/%s/state", dir); err = grub_xenstore_write_file (fdir, "3", 1); if (err) goto out_fail_3; while (1) { grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "%s/state", vkbd.backend_dir); buf = grub_xenstore_get_file (fdir, NULL); if (!buf) goto out_fail_3; if (grub_strcmp (buf, "2") != 0) break; grub_free (buf); grub_xen_sched_op (SCHEDOP_yield, 0); } grub_dprintf ("xen", "state=%s\n", (char *) buf); grub_free (buf); return 1; out_fail_3: grub_xen_free_shared_page (vkbd.kbdpage); out_fail_1: vkbd.kbdpage = 0; grub_free (vkbd.backend_dir); grub_free (vkbd.fullname); grub_errno = 0; return 0; } static void vkbd_fini (void) { char fdir[200]; char *buf; struct evtchn_close close_op = {.port = vkbd.evtchn }; if (!vkbd.kbdpage) return; grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "%s/state", vkbd.frontend_dir); grub_xenstore_write_file (fdir, "6", 1); while (1) { grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "%s/state", vkbd.backend_dir); buf = grub_xenstore_get_file (fdir, NULL); grub_dprintf ("xen", "state=%s\n", (char *) buf); if (!buf || grub_strcmp (buf, "6") == 0) break; grub_free (buf); grub_xen_sched_op (SCHEDOP_yield, 0); } grub_free (buf); grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "%s/page-ref", vkbd.frontend_dir); grub_xenstore_write_file (fdir, NULL, 0); grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "%s/event-channel", vkbd.frontend_dir); grub_xenstore_write_file (fdir, NULL, 0); grub_xen_free_shared_page (vkbd.kbdpage); vkbd.kbdpage = 0; grub_xen_event_channel_op (EVTCHNOP_close, &close_op); /* Prepare for handoff. */ grub_snprintf (fdir, sizeof (fdir), "%s/state", vkbd.frontend_dir); grub_xenstore_write_file (fdir, "1", 1); } static grub_err_t vkbd_init (void) { if (vkbd.kbdpage) vkbd_fini (); grub_xenstore_dir ("device/vkbd", fill, NULL); if (vkbd.kbdpage) grub_errno = 0; if (!vkbd.kbdpage) return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_IO, "couldn't init vkbd"); return GRUB_ERR_NONE; } static int fetch_key (int *is_break) { grub_uint32_t prod; if (!vkbd.kbdpage) { *is_break = 0; return -1; } mb (); prod = vkbd.kbdpage->in_prod; mb (); for (;vkbd.kbdpage->in_cons < prod; vkbd.kbdpage->in_cons++) { grub_uint32_t keycode; int ret = 0; if (XENKBD_IN_RING_REF(vkbd.kbdpage, vkbd.kbdpage->in_cons).type != XENKBD_TYPE_KEY) continue; keycode = XENKBD_IN_RING_REF(vkbd.kbdpage, vkbd.kbdpage->in_cons).key.keycode; *is_break = !XENKBD_IN_RING_REF(vkbd.kbdpage, vkbd.kbdpage->in_cons).key.pressed; if (keycode < ARRAY_SIZE (mapping)) ret = mapping[keycode]; if (ret == 0) { grub_dprintf ("xenkbd", "unknown keycode = %lx\n", (unsigned long) keycode); continue; } vkbd.kbdpage->in_cons++; return ret; } *is_break = 0; return -1; } static int grub_keyboard_isr (grub_keyboard_key_t key, int is_break) { if (!is_break) switch (key) { case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT: xen_keyboard_status |= GRUB_TERM_STATUS_LSHIFT; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT: xen_keyboard_status |= GRUB_TERM_STATUS_RSHIFT; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT_CTRL: xen_keyboard_status |= GRUB_TERM_STATUS_LCTRL; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT_CTRL: xen_keyboard_status |= GRUB_TERM_STATUS_RCTRL; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT_ALT: xen_keyboard_status |= GRUB_TERM_STATUS_RALT; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT_ALT: xen_keyboard_status |= GRUB_TERM_STATUS_LALT; return 1; default: return 0; } else switch (key) { case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT: xen_keyboard_status &= ~GRUB_TERM_STATUS_LSHIFT; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT: xen_keyboard_status &= ~GRUB_TERM_STATUS_RSHIFT; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT_CTRL: xen_keyboard_status &= ~GRUB_TERM_STATUS_LCTRL; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT_CTRL: xen_keyboard_status &= ~GRUB_TERM_STATUS_RCTRL; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT_ALT: xen_keyboard_status &= ~GRUB_TERM_STATUS_RALT; return 1; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT_ALT: xen_keyboard_status &= ~GRUB_TERM_STATUS_LALT; return 1; default: return 0; } } /* If there is a raw key pending, return it; otherwise return -1. */ static int grub_keyboard_getkey (void) { int key; int is_break = 0; key = fetch_key (&is_break); if (key == -1) return -1; if (grub_keyboard_isr (key, is_break)) return -1; if (is_break) return -1; return key; } /* If there is a character pending, return it; otherwise return GRUB_TERM_NO_KEY. */ static int grub_xen_keyboard_getkey (struct grub_term_input *term __attribute__ ((unused))) { int code; code = grub_keyboard_getkey (); if (code == -1) return GRUB_TERM_NO_KEY; switch (code) { case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_CAPS_LOCK: xen_keyboard_status ^= GRUB_TERM_STATUS_CAPS; return GRUB_TERM_NO_KEY; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM_LOCK: xen_keyboard_status ^= GRUB_TERM_STATUS_NUM; return GRUB_TERM_NO_KEY; case GRUB_KEYBOARD_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK: xen_keyboard_status ^= GRUB_TERM_STATUS_SCROLL; return GRUB_TERM_NO_KEY; default: return grub_term_map_key (code, xen_keyboard_status); } } static grub_err_t grub_keyboard_controller_init (struct grub_term_input *term __attribute__ ((unused))) { vkbd_init (); return GRUB_ERR_NONE; } static grub_err_t grub_keyboard_controller_fini (struct grub_term_input *term __attribute__ ((unused))) { vkbd_fini (); return GRUB_ERR_NONE; } static grub_err_t grub_xen_fini_hw (int noreturn __attribute__ ((unused))) { vkbd_fini (); return GRUB_ERR_NONE; } static grub_err_t grub_xen_restore_hw (void) { vkbd_init (); return GRUB_ERR_NONE; } static struct grub_term_input grub_xen_keyboard_term = { .name = "xen_keyboard", .init = grub_keyboard_controller_init, .fini = grub_keyboard_controller_fini, .getkey = grub_xen_keyboard_getkey }; void grub_xen_keyboard_init (void) { grub_term_register_input ("xen_keyboard", &grub_xen_keyboard_term); grub_loader_register_preboot_hook (grub_xen_fini_hw, grub_xen_restore_hw, GRUB_LOADER_PREBOOT_HOOK_PRIO_CONSOLE); } GRUB_MOD_FINI(xen_keyboard) { grub_keyboard_controller_fini (NULL); grub_term_unregister_input (&grub_xen_keyboard_term); }