/* hdparm.c - command to get/set ATA disk parameters.  */
 *  GRUB  --  GRand Unified Bootloader
 *  Copyright (C) 2009  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 *  GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with GRUB.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <grub/ata.h>
#include <grub/disk.h>
#include <grub/dl.h>
#include <grub/misc.h>
#include <grub/mm.h>
#include <grub/lib/hexdump.h>
#include <grub/extcmd.h>

static const struct grub_arg_option options[] = {
  {"apm",             'B', 0, "set Advanced Power Management\n"
			      "(1=low, ..., 254=high, 255=off)",
			      0, ARG_TYPE_INT},
  {"power",           'C', 0, "check power mode", 0, ARG_TYPE_NONE},
  {"security-freeze", 'F', 0, "freeze ATA security settings until reset",
			      0, ARG_TYPE_NONE},
  {"health",          'H', 0, "check SMART health status", 0, ARG_TYPE_NONE},
  {"aam",             'M', 0, "set Automatic Acoustic Management\n"
			      "(0=off, 128=quiet, ..., 254=fast)",
			      0, ARG_TYPE_INT},
  {"standby-timeout", 'S', 0, "set standby timeout\n"
			      "(0=off, 1=5s, 2=10s, ..., 240=20m, 241=30m, ...)",
			      0, ARG_TYPE_INT},
  {"standby",         'y', 0, "set drive to standby mode", 0, ARG_TYPE_NONE},
  {"sleep",           'Y', 0, "set drive to sleep mode", 0, ARG_TYPE_NONE},
  {"identify",        'i', 0, "print drive identity and settings",
			      0, ARG_TYPE_NONE},
  {"dumpid",          'I', 0, "dump contents of ATA IDENTIFY sector",
			       0, ARG_TYPE_NONE},
  {"smart",            -1, 0, "disable/enable SMART (0/1)", 0, ARG_TYPE_INT},
  {"quiet",           'q', 0, "do not print messages", 0, ARG_TYPE_NONE},
  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

enum grub_ata_smart_commands

static int quiet = 0;

static grub_err_t
grub_hdparm_do_ata_cmd (grub_disk_t disk, grub_uint8_t cmd,
			grub_uint8_t features, grub_uint8_t sectors,
			void * buffer, int size)
  struct grub_disk_ata_pass_through_parms apt;
  grub_memset (&apt, 0, sizeof (apt));

  apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_CMD] = cmd;
  apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_FEATURES] = features;
  apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_SECTORS] = sectors;
  apt.buffer = buffer;
  apt.size = size;

  if (grub_disk_ata_pass_through (disk, &apt))
    return grub_errno;

  return GRUB_ERR_NONE;

static int
grub_hdparm_do_check_powermode_cmd (grub_disk_t disk)
  struct grub_disk_ata_pass_through_parms apt;
  grub_memset (&apt, 0, sizeof (apt));


  if (grub_disk_ata_pass_through (disk, &apt))
    return -1;

  return apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_SECTORS];

static int
grub_hdparm_do_smart_cmd (grub_disk_t disk, grub_uint8_t features)
  struct grub_disk_ata_pass_through_parms apt;
  grub_memset (&apt, 0, sizeof (apt));

  apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_FEATURES] = features;
  apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_LBAMID]  = 0x4f;
  apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_LBAHIGH] = 0xc2;

  if (grub_disk_ata_pass_through (disk, &apt))
    return -1;

  if (features == GRUB_ATA_FEAT_SMART_STATUS)
      if (   apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_LBAMID]  == 0x4f
          && apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_LBAHIGH] == 0xc2)
	return 0; /* Good SMART status.  */
      else if (   apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_LBAMID]  == 0xf4
	       && apt.taskfile[GRUB_ATA_REG_LBAHIGH] == 0x2c)
	return 1; /* Bad SMART status.  */
	return -1;
  return 0;

static grub_err_t
grub_hdparm_simple_cmd (const char * msg,
			grub_disk_t disk, grub_uint8_t cmd)
  if (! quiet && msg)
    grub_printf ("%s", msg);

  grub_err_t err = grub_hdparm_do_ata_cmd (disk, cmd, 0, 0, NULL, 0);

  if (! quiet && msg)
    grub_printf ("%s\n", ! err ? "" : ": not supported");
  return err;

static grub_err_t
grub_hdparm_set_val_cmd (const char * msg, int val,
			 grub_disk_t disk, grub_uint8_t cmd,
			 grub_uint8_t features, grub_uint8_t sectors)
  if (! quiet && msg && *msg)
      if (val >= 0)
	grub_printf ("Set %s to %d", msg, val);
	grub_printf ("Disable %s", msg);

  grub_err_t err = grub_hdparm_do_ata_cmd (disk, cmd, features, sectors,
					   NULL, 0);

  if (! quiet && msg)
    grub_printf ("%s\n", ! err ? "" : ": not supported");
  return err;

static const char *
le16_to_char (char *dest, const grub_uint16_t * src16, unsigned bytes)
  grub_uint16_t * dest16 = (grub_uint16_t *) dest;
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < bytes / 2; i++)
    dest16[i] = grub_be_to_cpu16 (src16[i]);
  return dest;

static void
grub_hdparm_print_identify (const char * idbuf)
  const grub_uint16_t * idw = (const grub_uint16_t *) idbuf;

  /* Print identity strings.  */
  char tmp[40];
  grub_printf ("Model:    \"%.40s\"\n", le16_to_char (tmp, &idw[27], 40));
  grub_printf ("Firmware: \"%.8s\"\n",  le16_to_char (tmp, &idw[23], 8));
  grub_printf ("Serial:   \"%.20s\"\n", le16_to_char (tmp, &idw[10], 20));

  /* Print AAM, APM and SMART settings.  */
  grub_uint16_t features1 = grub_le_to_cpu16 (idw[82]);
  grub_uint16_t features2 = grub_le_to_cpu16 (idw[83]);
  grub_uint16_t enabled1  = grub_le_to_cpu16 (idw[85]);
  grub_uint16_t enabled2  = grub_le_to_cpu16 (idw[86]);

  grub_printf ("Automatic Acoustic Management: ");
  if (features2 & 0x0200)
      if (enabled2 & 0x0200)
	  grub_uint16_t aam = grub_le_to_cpu16 (idw[94]);
	  grub_printf ("%u (128=quiet, ..., 254=fast, recommended=%u)\n",
		       aam & 0xff, (aam >> 8) & 0xff);
	grub_printf ("disabled\n");
    grub_printf ("not supported\n");

  grub_printf ("Advanced Power Management: ");
  if (features2 & 0x0008)
      if (enabled2 & 0x0008)
	grub_printf ("%u (1=low, ..., 254=high)\n",
		     grub_le_to_cpu16 (idw[91]) & 0xff);
	grub_printf ("disabled\n");
    grub_printf ("not supported\n");

  grub_printf ("SMART Feature Set: ");
  if (features1 & 0x0001)
    grub_printf ("%sabled\n", (enabled1 & 0x0001 ? "en" : "dis"));
    grub_printf ("not supported\n");

  /* Print security settings.  */
  grub_uint16_t security = grub_le_to_cpu16 (idw[128]);

  grub_printf ("ATA Security: ");
  if (security & 0x0001)
    grub_printf ("%s, %s, %s, %s\n",
		 (security & 0x0002 ? "ENABLED" : "disabled"),
		 (security & 0x0004 ? "**LOCKED**"  : "not locked"),
		 (security & 0x0008 ? "frozen" : "NOT FROZEN"),
		 (security & 0x0010 ? "COUNT EXPIRED" : "count not expired"));
    grub_printf ("not supported\n");

static void
grub_hdparm_print_standby_tout (int timeout)
  if (timeout == 0)
    grub_printf ("off");
  else if (timeout <= 252 || timeout == 255)
      int h = 0, m = 0 , s = 0;
      if (timeout == 255)
	  m = 21;
	  s = 15;
      else if (timeout == 252)
	m = 21;
      else if (timeout <= 240)
	  s = timeout * 5;
	  m = s / 60;
	  s %= 60;
	  m = (timeout - 240) * 30;
	  h  = m / 60;
	  m %= 60;
      grub_printf ("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s);
    grub_printf ("invalid or vendor-specific");

static int get_int_arg (const struct grub_arg_list *state)
  return (state->set ? (int)grub_strtoul (state->arg, 0, 0) : -1);

static grub_err_t
grub_cmd_hdparm (grub_extcmd_t cmd, int argc, char **args) // state????
  struct grub_arg_list *state = cmd->state;

  /* Check command line.  */
  if (argc != 1)
    return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, "missing device name argument");

  grub_size_t len = grub_strlen (args[0]);
  if (! (args[0][0] == '(' && args[0][len - 1] == ')'))
    return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, "argument is not a device name");
  args[0][len - 1] = 0;

  if (! grub_disk_ata_pass_through)
    return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, "ATA pass through not available");

  int i = 0;
  int apm          = get_int_arg (&state[i++]);
  int power        = state[i++].set;
  int sec_freeze   = state[i++].set;
  int health       = state[i++].set;
  int aam          = get_int_arg (&state[i++]);
  int standby_tout = get_int_arg (&state[i++]);
  int standby_now  = state[i++].set;
  int sleep_now    = state[i++].set;
  int ident        = state[i++].set;
  int dumpid       = state[i++].set;
  int enable_smart = get_int_arg (&state[i++]);
  quiet            = state[i++].set;

  /* Open disk.  */
  grub_disk_t disk = grub_disk_open (&args[0][1]);
  if (! disk)
    return grub_errno;

  if (disk->partition)
      grub_disk_close (disk);
      return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT, "partition not allowed");

  /* Change settings.  */
  if (aam >= 0)
    grub_hdparm_set_val_cmd ("Automatic Acoustic Management", (aam ? aam : -1),
      disk, GRUB_ATA_CMD_SET_FEATURES, (aam ? 0x42 : 0xc2), aam);

  if (apm >= 0)
    grub_hdparm_set_val_cmd ("Advanced Power Management",
      (apm != 255 ? apm : -1), disk, GRUB_ATA_CMD_SET_FEATURES,
      (apm != 255 ? 0x05 : 0x85), (apm != 255 ? apm : 0));

  if (standby_tout >= 0)
      if (! quiet)
	  grub_printf ("Set standby timeout to %d (", standby_tout);
	  grub_hdparm_print_standby_tout (standby_tout);
	  grub_printf (")");
      /* The IDLE cmd sets disk to idle mode and configures standby timer.  */
      grub_hdparm_set_val_cmd ("", -1, disk, GRUB_ATA_CMD_IDLE, 0, standby_tout);

  if (enable_smart >= 0)
      if (! quiet)
	grub_printf ("%sable SMART operations", (enable_smart ? "En" : "Dis"));
      int err = grub_hdparm_do_smart_cmd (disk, (enable_smart ?
      if (! quiet)
	grub_printf ("%s\n", err ? ": not supported" : "");

  if (sec_freeze)
    grub_hdparm_simple_cmd ("Freeze security settings", disk,

  /* Print/dump IDENTIFY.  */
  if (ident || dumpid)
      char buf[GRUB_DISK_SECTOR_SIZE];
      if (grub_hdparm_do_ata_cmd (disk, GRUB_ATA_CMD_IDENTIFY_DEVICE,
          0, 0, buf, sizeof (buf)))
	grub_printf ("Cannot read ATA IDENTIFY data\n");
	  if (ident)
	    grub_hdparm_print_identify (buf);
	  if (dumpid)
	    hexdump (0, buf, sizeof (buf));

  /* Check power mode.  */
  if (power)
      grub_printf ("Disk power mode is: ");
      int mode = grub_hdparm_do_check_powermode_cmd (disk);
      if (mode < 0)
        grub_printf ("unknown\n");
	grub_printf ("%s (0x%02x)\n",
		     (mode == 0xff ? "active/idle" :
		      mode == 0x80 ? "idle" :
		      mode == 0x00 ? "standby" : "unknown"), mode);

  /* Check health.  */
  int status = 0;
  if (health)
      if (! quiet)
	grub_printf ("SMART status is: ");
      int err = grub_hdparm_do_smart_cmd (disk, GRUB_ATA_FEAT_SMART_STATUS);
      if (! quiet)
	grub_printf ("%s\n", (err  < 0 ? "unknown" :
	                      err == 0 ? "OK" : "*BAD*"));
      status = (err > 0);

  /* Change power mode.  */
  if (standby_now)
    grub_hdparm_simple_cmd ("Set disk to standby mode", disk,

  if (sleep_now)
    grub_hdparm_simple_cmd ("Set disk to sleep mode", disk,

  grub_disk_close (disk);

  grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE;
  return status;

static grub_extcmd_t cmd;

  (void) mod;

  cmd = grub_register_extcmd ("hdparm", grub_cmd_hdparm,
			      "hdparm [OPTIONS] DISK",
			      "Get/set ATA disk parameters.", options);

  grub_unregister_extcmd (cmd);