/* wildcard.c - Wildcard character expansion for GRUB script. */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <grub/mm.h> #include <grub/fs.h> #include <grub/env.h> #include <grub/file.h> #include <grub/device.h> #include <grub/script_sh.h> #include <regex.h> static inline int isregexop (char ch); static char ** merge (char **lhs, char **rhs); static char *make_dir (const char *prefix, const char *start, const char *end); static int make_regex (const char *regex_start, const char *regex_end, regex_t *regexp); static void split_path (const char *path, const char **suffix_end, const char **regex_end); static char ** match_devices (const regex_t *regexp, int noparts); static char ** match_files (const char *prefix, const char *suffix_start, const char *suffix_end, const regex_t *regexp); static grub_err_t wildcard_expand (const char *s, char ***strs); struct grub_script_wildcard_translator grub_filename_translator = { .expand = wildcard_expand, }; static char ** merge (char **dest, char **ps) { int i; int j; char **p; if (! dest) return ps; if (! ps) return dest; for (i = 0; dest[i]; i++) ; for (j = 0; ps[j]; j++) ; p = grub_realloc (dest, sizeof (char*) * (i + j + 1)); if (! p) { grub_free (dest); grub_free (ps); return 0; } dest = p; for (j = 0; ps[j]; j++) dest[i++] = ps[j]; dest[i] = 0; grub_free (ps); return dest; } static inline int isregexop (char ch) { return grub_strchr ("*.\\|+{}[]?", ch) ? 1 : 0; } static char * make_dir (const char *prefix, const char *start, const char *end) { char ch; unsigned i; unsigned n; char *result; i = grub_strlen (prefix); n = i + end - start; result = grub_malloc (n + 1); if (! result) return 0; grub_strcpy (result, prefix); while (start < end && (ch = *start++)) if (ch == '\\' && isregexop (*start)) result[i++] = *start++; else result[i++] = ch; result[i] = '\0'; return result; } static int make_regex (const char *start, const char *end, regex_t *regexp) { char ch; int i = 0; unsigned len = end - start; char *buffer = grub_malloc (len * 2 + 2 + 1); /* worst case size. */ if (! buffer) return 1; buffer[i++] = '^'; while (start < end) { /* XXX Only * and ? expansion for now. */ switch ((ch = *start++)) { case '\\': buffer[i++] = ch; if (*start != '\0') buffer[i++] = *start++; break; case '.': case '(': case ')': case '@': case '+': case '|': case '{': case '}': case '[': case ']': buffer[i++] = '\\'; buffer[i++] = ch; break; case '*': buffer[i++] = '.'; buffer[i++] = '*'; break; case '?': buffer[i++] = '.'; break; default: buffer[i++] = ch; } } buffer[i++] = '$'; buffer[i] = '\0'; grub_dprintf ("expand", "Regexp is %s\n", buffer); if (regcomp (regexp, buffer, RE_SYNTAX_GNU_AWK)) { grub_free (buffer); return 1; } grub_free (buffer); return 0; } /* Split `str' into two parts: (1) dirname that is regexop free (2) dirname that has a regexop. */ static void split_path (const char *str, const char **noregexop, const char **regexop) { char ch = 0; int regex = 0; const char *end; const char *split; /* points till the end of dirnaname that doesn't need expansion. */ split = end = str; while ((ch = *end)) { if (ch == '\\' && end[1]) end++; else if (ch == '*' || ch == '?') regex = 1; else if (ch == '/' && ! regex) split = end + 1; /* forward to next regexop-free dirname */ else if (ch == '/' && regex) break; /* stop at the first dirname with a regexop */ end++; } *regexop = end; if (! regex) *noregexop = end; else *noregexop = split; } static char ** match_devices (const regex_t *regexp, int noparts) { int i; int ndev; char **devs; auto int match (const char *name); int match (const char *name) { char **t; char *buffer; /* skip partitions if asked to. */ if (noparts && grub_strchr(name, ',')) return 0; buffer = grub_xasprintf ("(%s)", name); if (! buffer) return 1; grub_dprintf ("expand", "matching: %s\n", buffer); if (regexec (regexp, buffer, 0, 0, 0)) { grub_dprintf ("expand", "not matched\n"); grub_free (buffer); return 0; } t = grub_realloc (devs, sizeof (char*) * (ndev + 2)); if (! t) return 1; devs = t; devs[ndev++] = buffer; devs[ndev] = 0; return 0; } ndev = 0; devs = 0; if (grub_device_iterate (match)) goto fail; return devs; fail: for (i = 0; devs && devs[i]; i++) grub_free (devs[i]); grub_free (devs); return 0; } static char ** match_files (const char *prefix, const char *suffix, const char *end, const regex_t *regexp) { int i; char **files; unsigned nfile; char *dir; const char *path; char *device_name; grub_fs_t fs; grub_device_t dev; auto int match (const char *name, const struct grub_dirhook_info *info); int match (const char *name, const struct grub_dirhook_info *info) { char **t; char *buffer; /* skip . and .. names */ if (grub_strcmp(".", name) == 0 || grub_strcmp("..", name) == 0) return 0; grub_dprintf ("expand", "matching: %s in %s\n", name, dir); if (regexec (regexp, name, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; grub_dprintf ("expand", "matched\n"); buffer = grub_xasprintf ("%s%s", dir, name); if (! buffer) return 1; t = grub_realloc (files, sizeof (char*) * (nfile + 2)); if (! t) { grub_free (buffer); return 1; } files = t; files[nfile++] = buffer; files[nfile] = 0; return 0; } nfile = 0; files = 0; dev = 0; device_name = 0; grub_error_push (); dir = make_dir (prefix, suffix, end); if (! dir) goto fail; device_name = grub_file_get_device_name (dir); dev = grub_device_open (device_name); if (! dev) goto fail; fs = grub_fs_probe (dev); if (! fs) goto fail; if (dir[0] == '(') { path = grub_strchr (dir, ')'); if (!path) goto fail; path++; } else path = dir; if (fs->dir (dev, path, match)) goto fail; grub_free (dir); grub_device_close (dev); grub_free (device_name); grub_error_pop (); return files; fail: grub_free (dir); for (i = 0; files && files[i]; i++) grub_free (files[i]); grub_free (files); if (dev) grub_device_close (dev); grub_free (device_name); grub_error_pop (); return 0; } static int check_file (const char *dir, const char *basename) { grub_fs_t fs; grub_device_t dev; int found = 0; const char *device_name, *path; auto int match (const char *name, const struct grub_dirhook_info *info); int match (const char *name, const struct grub_dirhook_info *info) { if (basename[0] == 0 || (info->case_insensitive ? grub_strcasecmp (name, basename) == 0 : grub_strcmp (name, basename) == 0)) { found = 1; return 1; } return 0; } device_name = grub_file_get_device_name (dir); dev = grub_device_open (device_name); if (! dev) goto fail; fs = grub_fs_probe (dev); if (! fs) goto fail; if (dir[0] == '(') { path = grub_strchr (dir, ')'); if (!path) goto fail; path++; } else path = dir; fs->dir (dev, path[0] ? path : "/", match); if (grub_errno == 0 && basename[0] == 0) found = 1; fail: grub_errno = 0; return found; } static void unescape (char *out, const char *in, const char *end) { char *optr; const char *iptr; for (optr = out, iptr = in; iptr < end;) { if (*iptr == '\\' && iptr + 1 < end) { *optr++ = iptr[1]; iptr += 2; continue; } if (*iptr == '\\') break; *optr++ = *iptr++; } *optr = 0; } static grub_err_t wildcard_expand (const char *s, char ***strs) { const char *start; const char *regexop; const char *noregexop; char **paths = 0; int had_regexp = 0; unsigned i; regex_t regexp; *strs = 0; if (s[0] != '/' && s[0] != '(' && s[0] != '*') return 0; start = s; while (*start) { split_path (start, &noregexop, ®exop); if (noregexop == regexop) { grub_dprintf ("expand", "no expansion needed\n"); if (paths == 0) { paths = grub_malloc (sizeof (char *) * 2); if (!paths) goto fail; paths[0] = grub_malloc (regexop - start + 1); if (!paths[0]) goto fail; unescape (paths[0], start, regexop); paths[1] = 0; } else { int j = 0; for (i = 0; paths[i]; i++) { char *o, *oend; char *n; char *p; o = paths[i]; oend = o + grub_strlen (o); n = grub_malloc ((oend - o) + (regexop - start) + 1); if (!n) goto fail; grub_memcpy (n, o, oend - o); unescape (n + (oend - o), start, regexop); if (had_regexp) p = grub_strrchr (n, '/'); else p = 0; if (!p) { grub_free (o); paths[j++] = n; continue; } *p = 0; if (!check_file (n, p + 1)) { grub_dprintf ("expand", "file <%s> in <%s> not found\n", p + 1, n); grub_free (o); grub_free (n); continue; } *p = '/'; grub_free (o); paths[j++] = n; } if (j == 0) { grub_free (paths); paths = 0; goto done; } paths[j] = 0; } grub_dprintf ("expand", "paths[0] = `%s'\n", paths[0]); start = regexop; continue; } if (make_regex (noregexop, regexop, ®exp)) goto fail; had_regexp = 1; if (paths == 0) { if (start == noregexop) /* device part has regexop */ paths = match_devices (®exp, *start != '('); else /* device part explicit wo regexop */ paths = match_files ("", start, noregexop, ®exp); } else { char **r = 0; for (i = 0; paths[i]; i++) { char **p; p = match_files (paths[i], start, noregexop, ®exp); grub_free (paths[i]); if (! p) continue; r = merge (r, p); if (! r) goto fail; } grub_free (paths); paths = r; } regfree (®exp); if (! paths) goto done; start = regexop; } done: *strs = paths; return 0; fail: for (i = 0; paths && paths[i]; i++) grub_free (paths[i]); grub_free (paths); regfree (®exp); return grub_errno; }