# GRUB gfxmenu theme "winter".
# Uses background image from:
# http://www.cyberpunkcafe.com/e107_plugins/autogallery/autogallery.php?show=1.Open%20Source%20Wallpaper
# "without-leaves.png" was called "Without Leafs in Winter.png"

lua-script: "winter.lua"
title-text: ""
title-font: "Helvetica Bold 18"
status-font: "Helvetica 8"
terminal-font: "Fixed 9"
title-color: "40, 40, 40"
status-color: "#FFF"
status-bg-color: "0, 166, 183, 128"
desktop-image: "without-leaves.png"
desktop-color: "0, 154, 183"
terminal-box: "terminal_*.png"

+ boot_menu {
   position = (120, 60)
   preferred_size = (400, -1)
   item_font = "Helvetica Bold 14"
   selected_item_font = "Helvetica Bold 14"
   item_color = "0, 0, 0"
   selected_item_color = "203, 251, 255"
   menu_pixmap_style = "menu_*.png"
   selected_item_pixmap_style = "select_*.png"
   icon_width = 44
   icon_height = 44
   item_height = 32
   item_padding = 0
   item_icon_space = 3
   item_spacing = 11

# You can add text at arbitrary locations on the screen.
# The specification within the "+label {...}" block is free-form,
# so you can use as much or as little white space as you like.

+ label {
   position = (170, 50)
   font = "smoothansi 13"
   color = "0,0,128"
   text = "This is the Winter theme ... brought to you by GRUB!"

# Show the text alignment supported by labels.
+ vbox {
   position = (220, 347)
   preferred_size = (200, -1)     # A preferred size of -1 means automatic.
   + label { text="Text alignment demo" align="center" font="aqui 11" }
   + label { text="Left" align="left" font="cure 11" }
   + label { text="Center" align="center" font="cure 11" }
   + label { text="Right" align="right" font="cure 11" }

+ vbox {
   position = (580, 10)
   + label { text="GNU" font="gelly 11" color="0, 0, 0" }
   + label { text="GRUB" font="aqui 11" color="0, 0, 0" }
   + label { text="boot loader" font="cure 11" color="0, 0, 0" }

+ hbox {
   position = (80, 10)
   + label { text="GNU" font="gelly 11" color="0, 0, 0" }
   + label { text="GRUB" font="aqui 11" color="0, 0, 0" }
   + label { text="boot loader" font="cure 11" color="0, 0, 0" }

# Demonstration of a compound layout: boxes within boxes.
+ hbox
   position = (480, 3)

   + vbox
      # Note: We can't just use 'size' to set the image's size,
      #       since the vbox will resize the component according to its
      #       preferred size, which for images is the native image size.

      + image { file="/boot/grub/themes/icons/ubuntu.png"
                preferred_size = (20, 20) }
      + image { file="/boot/grub/themes/icons/gentoo.png"
                preferred_size = (20, 20) }

   + vbox
      + label { text="GRand" font="cure 11" color=#99F }
      + label { text="Unified" font="cure 11" color=#BBF }
      + label { text="Bootloader" font="cure 11" color=#DDF }

# By defining a 'progress_bar' type component with an ID of '__timeout__',
# the progress bar will be used to display the time remaining before an
# the default entry is automatically booted.
+ progress_bar
   id = "__timeout__"
   position = (80, 393)
   preferred_size = (500, 24)
   font = "cure 11"
   text_color = #000
   fg_color = #CCF
   bg_color = #66B
   border_color = #006
   show_text = false

# Although the progress_bar component is normally used to indicate the
# time remaining, it's also possible to create other components with an ID
# of '__timeout__'.  All components with and ID of 'timeout_bar' will have
# the following properties set based on the timeout value:
#   text, value, start, end, visible.
# In this case, we have set 'show_text=false' on the progress bar, and use
# the following label's 'text' property to display the message.
+ label
   id = "__timeout__"
   position = (80, 420)
   preferred_size = (500, 24)
   font = "lime 11"
   color = #117
   align = "center"