#! /usr/bin/python # # This is the python script used to generate Makefile.tpl # GRUB_PLATFORMS = [ "emu", "i386_pc", "i386_efi", "i386_qemu", "i386_coreboot", "i386_multiboot", "i386_ieee1275", "x86_64_efi", "mips_yeeloong", "sparc64_ieee1275", "powerpc_ieee1275" ] GROUPS = {} GROUPS["i386"] = [ "i386_pc", "i386_efi", "i386_qemu", "i386_coreboot", "i386_multiboot", "i386_ieee1275" ] GROUPS["x86_64"] = [ "x86_64_efi" ] GROUPS["mips"] = [ "mips_yeeloong" ] GROUPS["sparc64"] = [ "sparc64_ieee1275" ] GROUPS["powerpc"] = [ "powerpc_ieee1275" ] GROUPS["x86"] = GROUPS["i386"] + GROUPS["x86_64"] GROUPS["x86_efi"] = [ "i386_efi", "x86_64_efi" ] GROUPS["common"] = GRUB_PLATFORMS[:] GROUPS["nonemu"] = GRUB_PLATFORMS[:] GROUPS["nonemu"].remove("emu") # # Create platform => groups reverse map, where groups covering that # platform are ordered by their sizes # RMAP = {} for platform in GRUB_PLATFORMS: # initialize with platform itself as a group RMAP[platform] = [ platform ] for k in GROUPS.keys(): v = GROUPS[k] # skip groups that don't cover this platform if platform not in v: continue bigger = [] smaller = [] # partition currently known groups based on their size for group in RMAP[platform]: if group in GRUB_PLATFORMS: smaller.append(group) elif len(GROUPS[group]) < len(v): smaller.append(group) else: bigger.append(group) # insert in the middle RMAP[platform] = smaller + [ k ] + bigger # # Global variables # GVARS = [] def gvar_add(var, value): if var not in GVARS: GVARS.append(var) return var + " += " + value + "\n" def global_variable_initializers(): r = "" for var in GVARS: r += var + " ?= \n" return r # # Per PROGRAM/SCRIPT variables # def var_set(var, value): return var + " = " + value + "\n" def var_add(var, value): return var + " += " + value + "\n" # # Autogen constructs # def if_tag(tag, closure): return "[+ IF " + tag + " +]" + closure() + "[+ ENDIF +]" def if_tag_defined(tag, closure): return "[+ IF " + tag + " defined +]" + closure() + "[+ ENDIF +]" def for_tag(tag, closure): return "[+ FOR ." + tag + " +]" + closure() + "[+ ENDFOR +]" def collect_values(tag, prefix=""): return for_tag(tag, lambda: prefix + "[+ ." + tag + " +] ") def each_group(platform, suffix, closure): r = None for group in RMAP[platform]: if r == None: r = "[+ IF ." + group + suffix + " +]" else: r += "[+ ELIF ." + group + suffix + " +]" r += closure(group) if r: r += "[+ ELSE +]" r += closure(None) r += "[+ ENDIF +]" else: r = closure(None) return r def each_platform(closure): r = "" for platform in GRUB_PLATFORMS: for group in RMAP[platform]: if group == RMAP[platform][0]: r += "[+ IF ." + group + " defined +]" else: r += "[+ ELIF ." + group + " defined +]" r += "if COND_" + platform + "\n" r += closure(platform) r += "endif\n" r += "[+ ENDIF +]" return r def canonical_name(): return "[+ % name `echo -n %s | sed -e 's/[^0-9A-Za-z@_]/_/g'` +]" def canonical_module(): return canonical_name() + "_module" def canonical_kernel(): return canonical_name() + "_img" def canonical_image(): return canonical_name() + "_image" def shared_sources(prefix=""): return collect_values("shared", prefix) def shared_nodist_sources(prefix=""): return collect_values("nodist_shared", prefix) def default_sources(prefix=""): return collect_values("source", prefix) def default_nodist_sources(prefix=""): return collect_values("nodist", prefix) def default_ldadd(): return collect_values("ldadd") def default_cflags(): return collect_values("cflags") def default_ldflags(): return collect_values("ldflags") def default_cppflags(): return collect_values("cppflags") def default_ccasflags(): return collect_values("ccasflags") def group_sources(group, prefix=""): return collect_values(group, prefix) if group else default_sources(prefix) def group_nodist_sources(group, prefix=""): return collect_values(group + "_nodist", prefix) if group else default_nodist_sources(prefix) def platform_sources(platform, prefix=""): return each_group(platform, "", lambda g: collect_values(g, prefix) if g else default_sources(prefix)) def platform_nodist_sources(platform, prefix=""): return each_group(platform, "_nodist", lambda g: collect_values(g + "_nodist", prefix) if g else default_nodist_sources(prefix)) def platform_ldadd(platform): return each_group(platform, "_ldadd", lambda g: collect_values(g + "_ldadd") if g else default_ldadd()) def platform_cflags(platform): return each_group(platform, "_cflags", lambda g: collect_values(g + "_cflags") if g else default_cflags()) def platform_ldflags(platform): return each_group(platform, "_ldflags", lambda g: collect_values(g + "_ldflags") if g else default_ldflags()) def platform_cppflags(platform): return each_group(platform, "_cppflags", lambda g: collect_values(g + "_cppflags") if g else default_cppflags()) def platform_ccasflags(platform): return each_group(platform, "_ccasflags", lambda g: collect_values(g + "_ccasflags") if g else default_ccasflags()) def platform_format(platform): return each_group(platform, "_format", lambda g: collect_values(g + "_format") if g else "binary") def module(platform): r = gvar_add("noinst_PROGRAMS", "[+ name +].module") r += gvar_add("MODULE_FILES", "[+ name +].module") r += var_set(canonical_module() + "_SOURCES", platform_sources(platform) + "## platform sources") r += var_add(canonical_module() + "_SOURCES", shared_sources() + "## shared sources") r += var_set("nodist_" + canonical_module() + "_SOURCES", platform_nodist_sources(platform) + "## platform nodist sources") r += var_add("nodist_" + canonical_module() + "_SOURCES", shared_nodist_sources() + "## shared nodist sources") r += var_set(canonical_module() + "_LDADD", platform_ldadd(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_module() + "_CFLAGS", "$(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_MODULE) " + platform_cflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_module() + "_LDFLAGS", "$(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_MODULE) " + platform_ldflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_module() + "_CPPFLAGS", "$(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS_MODULE) " + platform_cppflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_module() + "_CCASFLAGS", "$(AM_CCASFLAGS) $(CCASFLAGS_MODULE) " + platform_ccasflags(platform)) r += gvar_add("BUILT_SOURCES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_module() + "_SOURCES)") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_module() + "_SOURCES)") r += gvar_add("DEF_FILES", "def-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("UND_FILES", "und-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("MOD_FILES", "[+ name +].mod") r += gvar_add("platform_DATA", "[+ name +].mod") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "def-[+ name +].lst und-[+ name +].lst mod-[+ name +].c mod-[+ name +].o [+ name +].mod") r += gvar_add("COMMAND_FILES", "command-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("FS_FILES", "fs-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("VIDEO_FILES", "video-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("PARTMAP_FILES", "partmap-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("HANDLER_FILES", "handler-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("PARTTOOL_FILES", "parttool-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("TERMINAL_FILES", "terminal-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "command-[+ name +].lst fs-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "handler-[+ name +].lst terminal-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "video-[+ name +].lst partmap-[+ name +].lst parttool-[+ name +].lst") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "[+ name +].pp") r += """ [+ name +].pp: $(""" + canonical_module() + """_SOURCES) $(nodist_""" + canonical_module() + """_SOURCES) $(TARGET_CPP) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(""" + canonical_module() + """_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $^ > $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1) def-[+ name +].lst: [+ name +].module if test x$(USE_APPLE_CC_FIXES) = xyes; then \ $(NM) -g -P -p $< | grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]* [TDS]' | sed "s/^\\([^ ]*\\).*/\\1 [+ name +]/" >> $@; \ else \ $(NM) -g --defined-only -P -p $< | sed "s/^\\([^ ]*\\).*/\\1 [+ name +]/" >> $@; \ fi und-[+ name +].lst: [+ name +].module $(NM) -u -P -p $< | sed "s/^\\([^ ]*\\).*/\\1 [+ name +]/" >> $@ mod-[+ name +].c: [+ name +].module $(top_builddir)/moddep.lst $(top_srcdir)/genmodsrc.sh sh $(top_srcdir)/genmodsrc.sh [+ name +] $(top_builddir)/moddep.lst > $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1) mod-[+ name +].o: mod-[+ name +].c $(TARGET_CC) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS_MODULE) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_MODULE) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< [+ name +].mod: [+ name +].module mod-[+ name +].o if test x$(USE_APPLE_CC_FIXES) = xyes; then \ $(CCLD) $(LDFLAGS_MODULE) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@.bin $^; \ $(OBJCONV) -f$(TARGET_MODULE_FORMAT) -nr:_grub_mod_init:grub_mod_init -nr:_grub_mod_fini:grub_mod_fini -wd1106 -nu -nd $@.bin $@; \ rm -f $@.bin; \ else \ $(CCLD) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_MODULE) $(LDFLAGS) $^; \ if test ! -z '$(TARGET_OBJ2ELF)'; then $(TARGET_OBJ2ELF) $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1); fi; \ $(STRIP) --strip-unneeded -K grub_mod_init -K grub_mod_fini -K _grub_mod_init -K _grub_mod_fini -R .note -R .comment $@; \ fi command-[+ name +].lst: [+ name +].pp $(top_srcdir)/gencmdlist.sh cat $< | sh $(top_srcdir)/gencmdlist.sh [+ name +] > $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1) fs-[+ name +].lst: [+ name +].pp $(top_srcdir)/genfslist.sh cat $< | sh $(top_srcdir)/genfslist.sh [+ name +] > $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1) video-[+ name +].lst: [+ name +].pp $(top_srcdir)/genvideolist.sh cat $< | sh $(top_srcdir)/genvideolist.sh [+ name +] > $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1) partmap-[+ name +].lst: [+ name +].pp $(top_srcdir)/genpartmaplist.sh cat $< | sh $(top_srcdir)/genpartmaplist.sh [+ name +] > $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1) parttool-[+ name +].lst: [+ name +].pp $(top_srcdir)/genparttoollist.sh cat $< | sh $(top_srcdir)/genparttoollist.sh [+ name +] > $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1) handler-[+ name +].lst: [+ name +].pp $(top_srcdir)/genhandlerlist.sh cat $< | sh $(top_srcdir)/genhandlerlist.sh [+ name +] > $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1) terminal-[+ name +].lst: [+ name +].pp $(top_srcdir)/genterminallist.sh cat $< | sh $(top_srcdir)/genterminallist.sh [+ name +] > $@ || (rm -f $@; exit 1) """ return r def rule(target, source, cmd): if cmd[0] == "\n": return "\n" + target + ": " + source + cmd.replace("\n", "\n\t") + "\n" else: return "\n" + target + ": " + source + "\n\t" + cmd.replace("\n", "\n\t") + "\n" def image_nostrip(platform): return if_tag_defined("image_nostrip." + platform, lambda: rule("[+ name +].img", "[+ name +].exec", "cp $< $@")) def image_strip(platform): return if_tag_defined("image_strip." + platform, lambda: rule("[+ name +].img", "[+ name +].exec", "$(STRIP) -o $@ -R .rel.dyn -R .reginfo -R .note -R .comment $<")) def image_strip_keep_kernel(platform): return if_tag_defined("image_strip_keep_kernel." + platform, lambda: rule("[+ name +].img", "[+ name +].exec", "$(STRIP) -o $@ --strip-unneeded -K start -R .note -R .comment $<")) def image_strip_macho2img(platform): return if_tag_defined("image_strip_macho2img." + platform, lambda: rule("[+ name +].img", "[+ name +].exec", """ if test "x$(TARGET_APPLE_CC)" = x1; then \ $(MACHO2IMG) --bss $< $@ || exit 1; \ else \ $(STRIP) -o $@ -O binary --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment -R .note.gnu.build-id -R .reginfo -R .rel.dyn $< || exit 1; \ fi """)) def kernel(platform): r = gvar_add("noinst_PROGRAMS", "[+ name +].img") r += var_set(canonical_kernel() + "_SOURCES", platform_sources(platform)) r += var_add(canonical_kernel() + "_SOURCES", shared_sources()) r += var_set("nodist_" + canonical_kernel() + "_SOURCES", platform_nodist_sources(platform) + "## platform nodist sources") r += var_add("nodist_" + canonical_kernel() + "_SOURCES", shared_nodist_sources() + "## shared nodist sources") r += var_set(canonical_kernel() + "_LDADD", platform_ldadd(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_kernel() + "_CFLAGS", "$(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_KERNEL) " + platform_cflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_kernel() + "_LDFLAGS", "$(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_KERNEL) " + platform_ldflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_kernel() + "_CPPFLAGS", "$(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS_KERNEL) " + platform_cppflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_kernel() + "_CCASFLAGS", "$(AM_CCASFLAGS) $(CCASFLAGS_KERNEL) " + platform_ccasflags(platform)) r += gvar_add("BUILT_SOURCES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_kernel() + "_SOURCES)") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_kernel() + "_SOURCES)") r += gvar_add("platform_DATA", "[+ name +].img") return r def image(platform): r = gvar_add("noinst_PROGRAMS", "[+ name +].image") r += var_set(canonical_image() + "_SOURCES", platform_sources(platform)) r += var_add(canonical_image() + "_SOURCES", shared_sources()) r += var_set("nodist_" + canonical_image() + "_SOURCES", platform_nodist_sources(platform) + "## platform nodist sources") r += var_add("nodist_" + canonical_image() + "_SOURCES", shared_nodist_sources() + "## shared nodist sources") r += var_set(canonical_image() + "_LDADD", platform_ldadd(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_image() + "_CFLAGS", "$(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_IMAGE) " + platform_cflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_image() + "_LDFLAGS", "$(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_IMAGE) " + platform_ldflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_image() + "_CPPFLAGS", "$(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS_IMAGE) " + platform_cppflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_image() + "_CCASFLAGS", "$(AM_CCASFLAGS) $(CCASFLAGS_IMAGE) " + platform_ccasflags(platform)) r += gvar_add("BUILT_SOURCES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_image() + "_SOURCES)") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_image() + "_SOURCES)") r += gvar_add("platform_DATA", "[+ name +].img") r += rule("[+ name +].img", "[+ name +].image", """ if test x$(USE_APPLE_CC_FIXES) = xyes; then \ $(MACHO2IMG) $< $@; \ else \ $(OBJCOPY) -O """ + platform_format(platform) + """ --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment -R .note.gnu.build-id -R .reginfo -R .rel.dyn $< $@; \ fi """) return r def library(platform): r = gvar_add("noinst_LIBRARIES", "[+ name +]") r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_SOURCES", platform_sources(platform)) r += var_add(canonical_name() + "_SOURCES", shared_sources()) r += var_set("nodist_" + canonical_name() + "_SOURCES", platform_nodist_sources(platform)) r += var_add("nodist_" + canonical_name() + "_SOURCES", shared_nodist_sources()) r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_CFLAGS", "$(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_LIBRARY) " + platform_cflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_CPPFLAGS", "$(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS_LIBRARY) " + platform_cppflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_CCASFLAGS", "$(AM_CCASFLAGS) $(CCASFLAGS_LIBRARY) " + platform_ccasflags(platform)) r += gvar_add("BUILT_SOURCES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_name() + "_SOURCES)") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_name() + "_SOURCES)") return r def installdir(default="bin"): return "[+ IF installdir +][+ installdir +][+ ELSE +]" + default + "[+ ENDIF +]" def manpage(): r = "if COND_MAN_PAGES\n" r += gvar_add("man_MANS", "[+ name +].[+ mansection +]\n") r += rule("[+ name +].[+ mansection +]", "", """ $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) [+ name +] chmod a+x [+ name +] $(HELP2MAN) --section=[+ mansection +] -o $@ ./[+ name +] """) r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "[+ name +].[+ mansection +]") r += "endif\n" return r def program(platform, test=False): if test: r = gvar_add("check_PROGRAMS", "[+ name +]") else: r = gvar_add(installdir() + "_PROGRAMS", "[+ name +]") r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_SOURCES", platform_sources(platform)) r += var_add(canonical_name() + "_SOURCES", shared_sources()) r += var_set("nodist_" + canonical_name() + "_SOURCES", platform_nodist_sources(platform)) r += var_add("nodist_" + canonical_name() + "_SOURCES", shared_nodist_sources()) r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_LDADD", platform_ldadd(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_CFLAGS", "$(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_PROGRAM) " + platform_cflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_LDFLAGS", "$(AM_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_PROGRAM) " + platform_ldflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_CPPFLAGS", "$(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS_PROGRAM) " + platform_cppflags(platform)) r += var_set(canonical_name() + "_CCASFLAGS", "$(AM_CCASFLAGS) $(CCASFLAGS_PROGRAM) " + platform_ccasflags(platform)) r += gvar_add("BUILT_SOURCES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_name() + "_SOURCES)") r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "$(nodist_" + canonical_name() + "_SOURCES)") if test: r += if_tag_defined("enable", lambda: gvar_add("TESTS", "[+ name +]")) else: r += if_tag("mansection", lambda: manpage()) return r def test_program(platform): return program(platform, True) def data(platform): return gvar_add(installdir() + "_DATA", platform_sources(platform)) def script(platform, test=False): if test: r = gvar_add("check_SCRIPTS", "[+ name +]") else: r = gvar_add(installdir() + "_SCRIPTS", "[+ name +]") r += rule("[+ name +]", "$(top_builddir)/config.status " + platform_sources(platform), """ $(top_builddir)/config.status --file=-:""" + platform_sources(platform) + """ \ | sed -e 's,@pkglib_DATA@,$(pkglib_DATA),g' > $@ chmod a+x [+ name +] """) r += gvar_add("CLEANFILES", "[+ name +]") r += gvar_add("EXTRA_DIST", platform_sources(platform)) if test: r += if_tag_defined("enable", lambda: gvar_add("TESTS", "[+ name +]")) else: r += if_tag("mansection", lambda: manpage()) return r def test_script(platform): return script(platform, True) def with_enable_condition(x): return "[+ IF enable +]if [+ enable +]\n" + x + "endif\n[+ ELSE +]" + x + "[+ ENDIF +]" def module_rules(): return for_tag("module", lambda: with_enable_condition(each_platform(lambda p: module(p)))) def kernel_rules(): return for_tag("kernel", lambda: with_enable_condition(each_platform(lambda p: kernel(p)))) def image_rules(): return for_tag("image", lambda: with_enable_condition(each_platform(lambda p: image(p)))) def library_rules(): return for_tag("library", lambda: with_enable_condition(each_platform(lambda p: library(p)))) def program_rules(): return for_tag("program", lambda: with_enable_condition(each_platform(lambda p: program(p)))) def script_rules(): return for_tag("script", lambda: with_enable_condition(each_platform(lambda p: script(p)))) def data_rules(): return for_tag("data", lambda: with_enable_condition(each_platform(lambda p: data(p)))) def test_program_rules(): return for_tag("test_program", lambda: with_enable_condition(each_platform(lambda p: test_program(p)))) def test_script_rules(): return for_tag("test_script", lambda: with_enable_condition(each_platform(lambda p: test_script(p)))) print "[+ AutoGen5 template +]\n" a = module_rules() b = kernel_rules() c = image_rules() d = library_rules() e = program_rules() f = script_rules() g = data_rules() h = test_program_rules() i = test_script_rules() z = global_variable_initializers() print z # initializer for all vars print a print b print c print d print e print f print g print h print i print """.PRECIOUS: modules.am $(srcdir)/modules.am: $(srcdir)/modules.def $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.tpl autogen -T $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.tpl $(srcdir)/modules.def | sed -e '/^$$/{N;/^\\n$$/D;}' > $@.new || (rm -f $@.new; exit 1) mv $@.new $@ .PRECIOUS: $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.tpl $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.tpl: $(top_srcdir)/gentpl.py python $(top_srcdir)/gentpl.py | sed -e '/^$$/{N;/^\\n$$/D;}' > $@.new || (rm -f $@.new; exit 1) mv $@.new $@ """