/* parser.c - the part of the parser that can return partial tokens */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2005,2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <grub/parser.h> #include <grub/env.h> #include <grub/misc.h> #include <grub/mm.h> /* All the possible state transitions on the command line. If a transition can not be found, it is assumed that there is no transition and keep_value is assumed to be 1. */ static struct grub_parser_state_transition state_transitions[] = { {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QUOTE, '\'', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_DQUOTE, '\"', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VAR, '$', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_ESC, '\\', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_ESC, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, 0, 1}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QUOTE, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, '\'', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_DQUOTE, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, '\"', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_DQUOTE, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVAR, '$', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VAR, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VARNAME2, '{', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VAR, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VARNAME, 0, 1}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VARNAME, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, ' ', 1}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VARNAME, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, '\t', 1}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VARNAME2, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, '}', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVAR, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVARNAME2, '{', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVAR, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVARNAME, 0, 1}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVARNAME, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT, '\"', 0}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVARNAME, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_DQUOTE, ' ', 1}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVARNAME, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_DQUOTE, '\t', 1}, {GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVARNAME2, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_DQUOTE, '}', 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* Determines the state following STATE, determined by C. */ grub_parser_state_t grub_parser_cmdline_state (grub_parser_state_t state, char c, char *result) { struct grub_parser_state_transition *transition; struct grub_parser_state_transition default_transition; default_transition.to_state = state; default_transition.keep_value = 1; /* Look for a good translation. */ for (transition = state_transitions; transition->from_state; transition++) { if (transition->from_state != state) continue; /* An exact match was found, use it. */ if (transition->input == c) break; if (grub_isspace (transition->input) && !grub_isalpha (c) && !grub_isdigit (c) && c != '_') break; /* A less perfect match was found, use this one if no exact match can be found. */ if (transition->input == 0) break; } if (!transition->from_state) transition = &default_transition; if (transition->keep_value) *result = c; else *result = 0; return transition->to_state; } /* Helper for grub_parser_split_cmdline. */ static inline int check_varstate (grub_parser_state_t s) { return (s == GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VARNAME || s == GRUB_PARSER_STATE_VARNAME2 || s == GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVARNAME || s == GRUB_PARSER_STATE_QVARNAME2); } static void add_var (char *varname, char **bp, char **vp, grub_parser_state_t state, grub_parser_state_t newstate) { const char *val; /* Check if a variable was being read in and the end of the name was reached. */ if (!(check_varstate (state) && !check_varstate (newstate))) return; *((*vp)++) = '\0'; val = grub_env_get (varname); *vp = varname; if (!val) return; /* Insert the contents of the variable in the buffer. */ for (; *val; val++) *((*bp)++) = *val; } grub_err_t grub_parser_split_cmdline (const char *cmdline, grub_reader_getline_t getline, void *getline_data, int *argc, char ***argv) { grub_parser_state_t state = GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT; /* XXX: Fixed size buffer, perhaps this buffer should be dynamically allocated. */ char buffer[1024]; char *bp = buffer; char *rd = (char *) cmdline; char varname[200]; char *vp = varname; char *args; int i; *argc = 0; do { if (!rd || !*rd) { if (getline) getline (&rd, 1, getline_data); else break; } if (!rd) break; for (; *rd; rd++) { grub_parser_state_t newstate; char use; newstate = grub_parser_cmdline_state (state, *rd, &use); /* If a variable was being processed and this character does not describe the variable anymore, write the variable to the buffer. */ add_var (varname, &bp, &vp, state, newstate); if (check_varstate (newstate)) { if (use) *(vp++) = use; } else { if (newstate == GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT && state != GRUB_PARSER_STATE_ESC && grub_isspace (use)) { /* Don't add more than one argument if multiple spaces are used. */ if (bp != buffer && *(bp - 1)) { *(bp++) = '\0'; (*argc)++; } } else if (use) *(bp++) = use; } state = newstate; } } while (state != GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT && !check_varstate (state)); /* A special case for when the last character was part of a variable. */ add_var (varname, &bp, &vp, state, GRUB_PARSER_STATE_TEXT); if (bp != buffer && *(bp - 1)) { *(bp++) = '\0'; (*argc)++; } /* Reserve memory for the return values. */ args = grub_malloc (bp - buffer); if (!args) return grub_errno; grub_memcpy (args, buffer, bp - buffer); *argv = grub_malloc (sizeof (char *) * (*argc + 1)); if (!*argv) { grub_free (args); return grub_errno; } /* The arguments are separated with 0's, setup argv so it points to the right values. */ bp = args; for (i = 0; i < *argc; i++) { (*argv)[i] = bp; while (*bp) bp++; bp++; } return 0; } /* Helper for grub_parser_execute. */ static grub_err_t grub_parser_execute_getline (char **line, int cont __attribute__ ((unused)), void *data) { char **source = data; char *p; if (!*source) { *line = 0; return 0; } p = grub_strchr (*source, '\n'); if (p) *line = grub_strndup (*source, p - *source); else *line = grub_strdup (*source); *source = p ? p + 1 : 0; return 0; } grub_err_t grub_parser_execute (char *source) { while (source) { char *line; grub_parser_execute_getline (&line, 0, &source); grub_rescue_parse_line (line, grub_parser_execute_getline, &source); grub_free (line); } return grub_errno; }