/* usbms.c - USB Mass Storage Support.  */
 *  GRUB  --  GRand Unified Bootloader
 *  Copyright (C) 2008  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 *  GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with GRUB.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <grub/dl.h>
#include <grub/mm.h>
#include <grub/usb.h>
#include <grub/scsi.h>
#include <grub/scsicmd.h>
#include <grub/misc.h>


/* The USB Mass Storage Command Block Wrapper.  */
struct grub_usbms_cbw
  grub_uint32_t signature;
  grub_uint32_t tag;
  grub_uint32_t transfer_length;
  grub_uint8_t flags;
  grub_uint8_t lun;
  grub_uint8_t length;
  grub_uint8_t cbwcb[16];
} __attribute__ ((packed));

struct grub_usbms_csw
  grub_uint32_t signature;
  grub_uint32_t tag;
  grub_uint32_t residue;
  grub_uint8_t status;
} __attribute__ ((packed));

struct grub_usbms_dev
  struct grub_usb_device *dev;

  int luns;

  int config;
  int interface;
  struct grub_usb_desc_endp *in;
  struct grub_usb_desc_endp *out;

  int in_maxsz;
  int out_maxsz;
typedef struct grub_usbms_dev *grub_usbms_dev_t;

/* FIXME: remove limit.  */
static grub_usbms_dev_t grub_usbms_devices[MAX_USBMS_DEVICES];

static grub_err_t
grub_usbms_reset (grub_usb_device_t dev, int interface)
  return grub_usb_control_msg (dev, 0x21, 255, 0, interface, 0, 0);

static void
grub_usbms_detach (grub_usb_device_t usbdev, int config, int interface)
  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE (grub_usbms_devices); i++)
    if (grub_usbms_devices[i] && grub_usbms_devices[i]->dev == usbdev
	&& grub_usbms_devices[i]->interface == interface
	&& grub_usbms_devices[i]->config == config)
	grub_free (grub_usbms_devices[i]);
	grub_usbms_devices[i] = 0;

static int
grub_usbms_attach (grub_usb_device_t usbdev, int configno, int interfno)
  struct grub_usb_desc_if *interf
    = usbdev->config[configno].interf[interfno].descif;
  int j;
  grub_uint8_t luns = 0;
  unsigned curnum;
  grub_usb_err_t err;

  for (curnum = 0; curnum < ARRAY_SIZE (grub_usbms_devices); curnum++)
    if (!grub_usbms_devices[curnum])

  if (curnum == ARRAY_SIZE (grub_usbms_devices))
    return 0;

  interf = usbdev->config[configno].interf[interfno].descif;

  if ((interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_BULK
       /* Experimental support of RBC, MMC-2, UFI, SFF-8070i devices */
       && interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_RBC
       && interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_MMC2
       && interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_UFI 
       && interf->subclass != GRUB_USBMS_SUBCLASS_SFF8070 )
      || interf->protocol != GRUB_USBMS_PROTOCOL_BULK)
    return 0;

  grub_usbms_devices[curnum] = grub_zalloc (sizeof (struct grub_usbms_dev));
  if (! grub_usbms_devices[curnum])
    return 0;

  grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->dev = usbdev;
  grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->interface = interfno;

  grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");

  /* Iterate over all endpoints of this interface, at least a
     IN and OUT bulk endpoint are required.  */
  for (j = 0; j < interf->endpointcnt; j++)
      struct grub_usb_desc_endp *endp;
      endp = &usbdev->config[0].interf[interfno].descendp[j];

      if ((endp->endp_addr & 128) && (endp->attrib & 3) == 2)
	  /* Bulk IN endpoint.  */
	  grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->in = endp;
	  /* Clear Halt is not possible yet! */
	  /* grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, endp->endp_addr); */
	  grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->in_maxsz = endp->maxpacket;
      else if (!(endp->endp_addr & 128) && (endp->attrib & 3) == 2)
	  /* Bulk OUT endpoint.  */
	  grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->out = endp;
	  /* Clear Halt is not possible yet! */
	  /* grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, endp->endp_addr); */
	  grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->out_maxsz = endp->maxpacket;

  if (!grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->in || !grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->out)
      grub_free (grub_usbms_devices[curnum]);
      grub_usbms_devices[curnum] = 0;
      return 0;

  grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");

  /* XXX: Activate the first configuration.  */
  grub_usb_set_configuration (usbdev, 1);

  /* Query the amount of LUNs.  */
  err = grub_usb_control_msg (usbdev, 0xA1, 254, 0, interfno, 1, (char *) &luns);
  if (err)
      /* In case of a stall, clear the stall.  */
      if (err == GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL)
	  grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->in->endp_addr);
	  grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->out->endp_addr);
      /* Just set the amount of LUNs to one.  */
      grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE;
      grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->luns = 1;
    /* luns = 0 means one LUN with ID 0 present ! */
    /* We get from device not number of LUNs but highest
     * LUN number. LUNs are numbered from 0, 
     * i.e. number of LUNs is luns+1 ! */
    grub_usbms_devices[curnum]->luns = luns + 1;

  grub_dprintf ("usbms", "alive\n");

  usbdev->config[configno].interf[interfno].detach_hook = grub_usbms_detach;

#if 0 /* All this part should be probably deleted.
       * This make trouble on some devices if they are not in
       * Phase Error state - and there they should be not in such state...
       * Bulk only mass storage reset procedure should be used only
       * on place and in time when it is really necessary. */
  /* Reset recovery procedure */
  /* Bulk-Only Mass Storage Reset, after the reset commands
     will be accepted.  */
  grub_usbms_reset (usbdev, i);
  grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, usbms->in->endp_addr);
  grub_usb_clear_halt (usbdev, usbms->out->endp_addr);

  return 1;


static int
grub_usbms_iterate (int (*hook) (int bus, int luns))
  unsigned i;

  grub_usb_poll_devices ();

  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE (grub_usbms_devices); i++)
    if (grub_usbms_devices[i])
	if (hook (i, grub_usbms_devices[i]->luns))
	  return 1;

  return 0;

static grub_err_t
grub_usbms_transfer (struct grub_scsi *scsi, grub_size_t cmdsize, char *cmd,
		     grub_size_t size, char *buf, int read_write)
  struct grub_usbms_cbw cbw;
  grub_usbms_dev_t dev = (grub_usbms_dev_t) scsi->data;
  struct grub_usbms_csw status;
  static grub_uint32_t tag = 0;
  grub_usb_err_t err = GRUB_USB_ERR_NONE;
  grub_usb_err_t errCSW = GRUB_USB_ERR_NONE;
  int retrycnt = 3 + 1;

  if (retrycnt == 0)
    return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_IO, "USB Mass Storage stalled");

  /* Setup the request.  */
  grub_memset (&cbw, 0, sizeof (cbw));
  cbw.signature = grub_cpu_to_le32 (0x43425355);
  cbw.tag = tag++;
  cbw.transfer_length = grub_cpu_to_le32 (size);
  cbw.flags = (!read_write) << GRUB_USBMS_DIRECTION_BIT;
  cbw.lun = scsi->lun; /* In USB MS CBW are LUN bits on another place than in SCSI CDB, both should be set correctly. */
  cbw.length = cmdsize;
  grub_memcpy (cbw.cbwcb, cmd, cmdsize);
  /* Debug print of CBW content. */
  grub_dprintf ("usb", "CBW: sign=0x%08x tag=0x%08x len=0x%08x\n",
  	cbw.signature, cbw.tag, cbw.transfer_length);
  grub_dprintf ("usb", "CBW: flags=0x%02x lun=0x%02x CB_len=0x%02x\n",
  	cbw.flags, cbw.lun, cbw.length);
  grub_dprintf ("usb", "CBW: cmd:\n %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
  	cbw.cbwcb[ 0], cbw.cbwcb[ 1], cbw.cbwcb[ 2], cbw.cbwcb[ 3],
  	cbw.cbwcb[ 4], cbw.cbwcb[ 5], cbw.cbwcb[ 6], cbw.cbwcb[ 7],
  	cbw.cbwcb[ 8], cbw.cbwcb[ 9], cbw.cbwcb[10], cbw.cbwcb[11],
  	cbw.cbwcb[12], cbw.cbwcb[13], cbw.cbwcb[14], cbw.cbwcb[15]);

  /* Write the request.
   * XXX: Error recovery is maybe still not fully correct. */
  err = grub_usb_bulk_write (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr,
			     sizeof (cbw), (char *) &cbw);
  if (err)
      if (err == GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL)
	  grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr);
	  goto CheckCSW;
      return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_IO, "USB Mass Storage request failed");

  /* Read/write the data, (maybe) according to specification.  */
  if (size && (read_write == 0))
      err = grub_usb_bulk_read (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr, size, buf);
      grub_dprintf ("usb", "read: %d %d\n", err, GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL); 
      if (err)
          if (err == GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL)
	    grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
          goto CheckCSW;
      /* Debug print of received data. */
      grub_dprintf ("usb", "buf:\n");
      if (size <= 64)
	  unsigned i;
	  for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	    grub_dprintf ("usb", "0x%02x: 0x%02x\n", i, buf[i]);
          grub_dprintf ("usb", "Too much data for debug print...\n");
  else if (size)
      err = grub_usb_bulk_write (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr, size, buf);
      grub_dprintf ("usb", "write: %d %d\n", err, GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL);
      grub_dprintf ("usb", "First 16 bytes of sent data:\n %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
  	buf[ 0], buf[ 1], buf[ 2], buf[ 3],
  	buf[ 4], buf[ 5], buf[ 6], buf[ 7],
  	buf[ 8], buf[ 9], buf[10], buf[11],
  	buf[12], buf[13], buf[14], buf[15]);
      if (err)
          if (err == GRUB_USB_ERR_STALL)
	    grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr);
          goto CheckCSW;
      /* Debug print of sent data. */
      if (size <= 256)
	  unsigned i;
	  for (i=0; i<size; i++)
	    grub_dprintf ("usb", "0x%02x: 0x%02x\n", i, buf[i]);
          grub_dprintf ("usb", "Too much data for debug print...\n");

  /* Read the status - (maybe) according to specification.  */
  errCSW = grub_usb_bulk_read (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr,
		    sizeof (status), (char *) &status);
  if (errCSW)
      grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
      errCSW = grub_usb_bulk_read (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr,
			        sizeof (status), (char *) &status);
      if (errCSW)
        { /* Bulk-only reset device. */
          grub_dprintf ("usb", "Bulk-only reset device - errCSW\n");
          grub_usbms_reset (dev->dev, dev->interface);
          grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
          grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr);
	  goto retry;

  /* Debug print of CSW content. */
  grub_dprintf ("usb", "CSW: sign=0x%08x tag=0x%08x resid=0x%08x\n",
  	status.signature, status.tag, status.residue);
  grub_dprintf ("usb", "CSW: status=0x%02x\n", status.status);
  /* If phase error or not valid signature, do bulk-only reset device. */
  if ((status.status == 2) ||
      (status.signature != grub_cpu_to_le32(0x53425355)))
    { /* Bulk-only reset device. */
      grub_dprintf ("usb", "Bulk-only reset device - bad status\n");
      grub_usbms_reset (dev->dev, dev->interface);
      grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->in->endp_addr);
      grub_usb_clear_halt (dev->dev, dev->out->endp_addr);

      goto retry;

  /* If "command failed" status or data transfer failed -> error */
  if ((status.status || err) && !read_write)
    return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_READ_ERROR,
		       "error communication with USB Mass Storage device");
  else if ((status.status || err) && read_write)
    return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_WRITE_ERROR,
		       "error communication with USB Mass Storage device");

  return GRUB_ERR_NONE;

static grub_err_t
grub_usbms_read (struct grub_scsi *scsi, grub_size_t cmdsize, char *cmd,
		 grub_size_t size, char *buf)
  return grub_usbms_transfer (scsi, cmdsize, cmd, size, buf, 0);

static grub_err_t
grub_usbms_write (struct grub_scsi *scsi, grub_size_t cmdsize, char *cmd,
		  grub_size_t size, char *buf)
  return grub_usbms_transfer (scsi, cmdsize, cmd, size, buf, 1);

static grub_err_t
grub_usbms_open (int devnum, struct grub_scsi *scsi)
  grub_usb_poll_devices ();

  if (!grub_usbms_devices[devnum])
    return grub_error (GRUB_ERR_UNKNOWN_DEVICE,
		       "unknown USB Mass Storage device");

  scsi->data = grub_usbms_devices[devnum];
  scsi->luns = grub_usbms_devices[devnum]->luns;

  return GRUB_ERR_NONE;

static struct grub_scsi_dev grub_usbms_dev =
    .name = "usb",
    .iterate = grub_usbms_iterate,
    .open = grub_usbms_open,
    .read = grub_usbms_read,
    .write = grub_usbms_write

struct grub_usb_attach_desc attach_hook =
  .hook = grub_usbms_attach

  grub_usb_register_attach_hook_class (&attach_hook);
  grub_scsi_dev_register (&grub_usbms_dev);

  unsigned i;
  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE (grub_usbms_devices); i++)
	.interf[grub_usbms_devices[i]->interface].detach_hook = 0;
	.interf[grub_usbms_devices[i]->interface].attached = 0;
  grub_usb_unregister_attach_hook_class (&attach_hook);
  grub_scsi_dev_unregister (&grub_usbms_dev);