#* #* GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader #* Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. #* #* GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #* (at your option) any later version. #* #* GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #* GNU General Public License for more details. #* #* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #* along with GRUB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #* import re import sys import os import datetime import codecs if len (sys.argv) < 3: print ("Usage: %s SOURCE DESTINATION" % sys.argv[0]) exit (0) indir = sys.argv[1] outdir = sys.argv[2] basedir = os.path.join (outdir, "lib/libgcrypt-grub") try: os.makedirs (basedir) except: print ("WARNING: %s already exists" % basedir) cipher_dir_in = os.path.join (indir, "cipher") cipher_dir_out = os.path.join (basedir, "cipher") try: os.makedirs (cipher_dir_out) except: print ("WARNING: %s already exists" % cipher_dir_out) mpidir = os.path.join (basedir, "mpi") try: os.makedirs (mpidir) except: print ("WARNING: %s already exists" % mpidir) srcdir = os.path.join (basedir, "src") try: os.makedirs (srcdir) except: print ("WARNING: %s already exists" % srcdir) cipher_files = sorted (os.listdir (cipher_dir_in)) conf = codecs.open (os.path.join ("grub-core", "Makefile.gcry.def"), "w", "utf-8") conf.write ("AutoGen definitions Makefile.tpl;\n\n") confutil = codecs.open ("Makefile.utilgcry.def", "w", "utf-8") confutil.write ("AutoGen definitions Makefile.tpl;\n\n") confutil.write ("library = {\n"); confutil.write (" name = libgrubgcry.a;\n"); confutil.write (" cflags = '$(CFLAGS_GCRY)';\n"); confutil.write (" cppflags = '$(CPPFLAGS_GCRY)';\n"); confutil.write (" extra_dist = grub-core/lib/libgcrypt-grub/cipher/ChangeLog;\n"); confutil.write ("\n"); chlog = "" modules_sym_md = [] # Strictly speaking CRC32/CRC24 work on bytes so this value should be 1 # But libgcrypt uses 64. Let's keep the value for compatibility. Since # noone uses CRC24/CRC32 for HMAC this is no problem mdblocksizes = {"_gcry_digest_spec_crc32" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_crc32_rfc1510" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_crc24_rfc2440" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_md4" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_md5" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_rmd160" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_sha1" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_sha224" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_sha256" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_sha384" : 128, "_gcry_digest_spec_sha512" : 128, "_gcry_digest_spec_tiger" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_tiger1" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_tiger2" : 64, "_gcry_digest_spec_whirlpool" : 64} cryptolist = codecs.open (os.path.join (cipher_dir_out, "crypto.lst"), "w", "utf-8") # rijndael is the only cipher using aliases. So no need for mangling, just # hardcode it cryptolist.write ("RIJNDAEL: gcry_rijndael\n"); cryptolist.write ("RIJNDAEL192: gcry_rijndael\n"); cryptolist.write ("RIJNDAEL256: gcry_rijndael\n"); cryptolist.write ("AES128: gcry_rijndael\n"); cryptolist.write ("AES-128: gcry_rijndael\n"); cryptolist.write ("AES-192: gcry_rijndael\n"); cryptolist.write ("AES-256: gcry_rijndael\n"); cryptolist.write ("ADLER32: adler32\n"); cryptolist.write ("CRC64: crc64\n"); for cipher_file in cipher_files: infile = os.path.join (cipher_dir_in, cipher_file) outfile = os.path.join (cipher_dir_out, cipher_file) if cipher_file == "ChangeLog" or cipher_file == "ChangeLog-2011": continue chlognew = " * %s" % cipher_file if re.match ("(Manifest|Makefile\.am|ac\.c|cipher\.c|hash-common\.c|hmac-tests\.c|md\.c|pubkey\.c)$", cipher_file) or cipher_file == "kdf.c" or cipher_file == "elgamal.c" or cipher_file == "primegen.c" or cipher_file == "ecc.c" or cipher_file == "test-getrusage.c": chlog = "%s%s: Removed\n" % (chlog, chlognew) continue # Autogenerated files. Not even worth mentionning in ChangeLog if re.match ("Makefile\.in$", cipher_file): continue nch = False if re.match (".*\.[ch]$", cipher_file): isc = re.match (".*\.c$", cipher_file) f = codecs.open (infile, "r", "utf-8") fw = codecs.open (outfile, "w", "utf-8") fw.write ("/* This file was automatically imported with \n") fw.write (" import_gcry.py. Please don't modify it */\n") fw.write ("#include <grub/dl.h>\n") if cipher_file == "camellia.h": fw.write ("#include <grub/misc.h>\n") fw.write ("void camellia_setup128(const unsigned char *key, grub_uint32_t *subkey);\n") fw.write ("void camellia_setup192(const unsigned char *key, grub_uint32_t *subkey);\n") fw.write ("void camellia_setup256(const unsigned char *key, grub_uint32_t *subkey);\n") fw.write ("void camellia_encrypt128(const grub_uint32_t *subkey, grub_uint32_t *io);\n") fw.write ("void camellia_encrypt192(const grub_uint32_t *subkey, grub_uint32_t *io);\n") fw.write ("void camellia_encrypt256(const grub_uint32_t *subkey, grub_uint32_t *io);\n") fw.write ("void camellia_decrypt128(const grub_uint32_t *subkey, grub_uint32_t *io);\n") fw.write ("void camellia_decrypt192(const grub_uint32_t *subkey, grub_uint32_t *io);\n") fw.write ("void camellia_decrypt256(const grub_uint32_t *subkey, grub_uint32_t *io);\n") fw.write ("#define memcpy grub_memcpy\n") # Whole libgcrypt is distributed under GPLv3+ or compatible if isc: fw.write ("GRUB_MOD_LICENSE (\"GPLv3+\");\n") ciphernames = [] mdnames = [] pknames = [] hold = False skip = 0 skip2 = False ismd = False ispk = False iscipher = False iscryptostart = False iscomma = False isglue = False skip_statement = False if isc: modname = cipher_file [0:len(cipher_file) - 2] if re.match (".*-glue$", modname): modname = modname.replace ("-glue", "") isglue = True modname = "gcry_%s" % modname for line in f: line = line if skip_statement: if not re.search (";", line) is None: skip_statement = False continue if skip > 0: if line[0] == "}": skip = skip - 1 continue if skip2: if not re.search (" *};", line) is None: skip2 = False continue if iscryptostart: s = re.search (" *\"([A-Z0-9_a-z]*)\"", line) if not s is None: sg = s.groups()[0] cryptolist.write (("%s: %s\n") % (sg, modname)) iscryptostart = False if ismd or iscipher or ispk: if not re.search (" *};", line) is None: if not iscomma: fw.write (" ,\n") fw.write ("#ifdef GRUB_UTIL\n"); fw.write (" .modname = \"%s\",\n" % modname); fw.write ("#endif\n"); if ismd: if not (mdname in mdblocksizes): print ("ERROR: Unknown digest blocksize: %s\n" % mdname) exit (1) fw.write (" .blocksize = %s\n" % mdblocksizes [mdname]) ismd = False iscipher = False ispk = False iscomma = not re.search (",$", line) is None # Used only for selftests. m = re.match ("(static byte|static unsigned char) (weak_keys_chksum)\[[0-9]*\] =", line) if not m is None: skip = 1 fname = m.groups ()[1] chmsg = "(%s): Removed." % fname if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue if hold: hold = False # We're optimising for size and exclude anything needing good # randomness. if not re.match ("(run_selftests|selftest|_gcry_aes_c.._..c|_gcry_[a-z0-9]*_hash_buffer|tripledes_set2keys|do_tripledes_set_extra_info|_gcry_rmd160_mixblock|serpent_test|dsa_generate_ext|test_keys|gen_k|sign|gen_x931_parm_xp|generate_x931|generate_key|dsa_generate|dsa_sign|ecc_sign|generate|generate_fips186|_gcry_register_pk_dsa_progress|_gcry_register_pk_ecc_progress|progress|scanval|ec2os|ecc_generate_ext|ecc_generate|compute_keygrip|ecc_get_param|_gcry_register_pk_dsa_progress|gen_x931_parm_xp|gen_x931_parm_xi|rsa_decrypt|rsa_sign|rsa_generate_ext|rsa_generate|secret|check_exponent|rsa_blind|rsa_unblind|extract_a_from_sexp|curve_free|curve_copy|point_set)", line) is None: skip = 1 if not re.match ("selftest", line) is None and cipher_file == "idea.c": skip = 3 if not re.match ("serpent_test", line) is None: fw.write ("static const char *serpent_test (void) { return 0; }\n"); if not re.match ("dsa_generate", line) is None: fw.write ("#define dsa_generate 0"); if not re.match ("ecc_generate", line) is None: fw.write ("#define ecc_generate 0"); if not re.match ("rsa_generate ", line) is None: fw.write ("#define rsa_generate 0"); if not re.match ("rsa_sign", line) is None: fw.write ("#define rsa_sign 0"); if not re.match ("rsa_decrypt", line) is None: fw.write ("#define rsa_decrypt 0"); if not re.match ("dsa_sign", line) is None: fw.write ("#define dsa_sign 0"); if not re.match ("ecc_sign", line) is None: fw.write ("#define ecc_sign 0"); fname = re.match ("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*", line).group () chmsg = "(%s): Removed." % fname if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue else: fw.write (holdline) m = re.match ("# *include <(.*)>", line) if not m is None: chmsg = "Removed including of %s" % m.groups ()[0] if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s: %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue m = re.match ("gcry_cipher_spec_t", line) if isc and not m is None: assert (not ismd) assert (not ispk) assert (not iscipher) assert (not iscryptostart) ciphername = line [len ("gcry_cipher_spec_t"):].strip () ciphername = re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*",ciphername).group () ciphernames.append (ciphername) iscipher = True iscryptostart = True m = re.match ("gcry_pk_spec_t", line) if isc and not m is None: assert (not ismd) assert (not ispk) assert (not iscipher) assert (not iscryptostart) pkname = line [len ("gcry_pk_spec_t"):].strip () pkname = re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*",pkname).group () pknames.append (pkname) ispk = True iscryptostart = True m = re.match ("gcry_md_spec_t", line) if isc and not m is None: assert (not ismd) assert (not ispk) assert (not iscipher) assert (not iscryptostart) mdname = line [len ("gcry_md_spec_t"):].strip () mdname = re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*",mdname).group () mdnames.append (mdname) ismd = True iscryptostart = True m = re.match ("static const char \*selftest.*;$", line) if not m is None: fname = line[len ("static const char \*"):] fname = re.match ("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*", fname).group () chmsg = "(%s): Removed declaration." % fname if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue m = re.match ("static gcry_mpi_t gen_k .*;$", line) if not m is None: chmsg = "(gen_k): Removed declaration." if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue m = re.match ("static (int|void) test_keys .*;$", line) if not m is None: chmsg = "(test_keys): Removed declaration." if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue m = re.match ("static void secret .*;$", line) if not m is None: chmsg = "(secret): Removed declaration." if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue m = re.match ("static void \(\*progress_cb\).*;$", line) if not m is None: chmsg = "(progress_cb): Removed declaration." if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue m = re.match ("static void \*progress_cb_data.*;$", line) if not m is None: chmsg = "(progress_cb): Removed declaration." if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue m = re.match ("(static const char( |)\*|static gpg_err_code_t|void|static int|static gcry_err_code_t|static gcry_mpi_t|static void|void|static elliptic_curve_t) *$", line) if not m is None: hold = True holdline = line continue m = re.match ("static int tripledes_set2keys \(.*\);", line) if not m is None: continue m = re.match ("static int tripledes_set3keys \(.*\);", line) if not m is None: continue m = re.match ("static int tripledes_set2keys \(", line) if not m is None: skip_statement = True continue m = re.match ("static int tripledes_set3keys \(", line) if not m is None: skip_statement = True continue m = re.match ("static void sign|static gpg_err_code_t sign|static gpg_err_code_t generate", line) if not m is None: skip_statement = True continue m = re.match ("cipher_extra_spec_t", line) if isc and not m is None: skip2 = True fname = line[len ("cipher_extra_spec_t "):] fname = re.match ("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*", fname).group () chmsg = "(%s): Removed." % fname if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue m = re.match ("pk_extra_spec_t", line) if isc and not m is None: skip2 = True fname = line[len ("pk_extra_spec_t "):] fname = re.match ("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*", fname).group () chmsg = "(%s): Removed." % fname if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue m = re.match ("md_extra_spec_t", line) if isc and not m is None: skip2 = True fname = line[len ("md_extra_spec_t "):] fname = re.match ("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*", fname).group () chmsg = "(%s): Removed." % fname if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True continue fw.write (line) if len (ciphernames) > 0 or len (mdnames) > 0 or len (pknames) > 0: if isglue: modfiles = "lib/libgcrypt-grub/cipher/%s lib/libgcrypt-grub/cipher/%s" \ % (cipher_file, cipher_file.replace ("-glue.c", ".c")) else: modfiles = "lib/libgcrypt-grub/cipher/%s" % cipher_file if len (ciphernames) > 0 or len (mdnames) > 0: modules_sym_md.append (modname) chmsg = "(GRUB_MOD_INIT(%s)): New function\n" % modname if nch: chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) else: chlognew = "%s%s" % (chlognew, chmsg) nch = True fw.write ("\n\nGRUB_MOD_INIT(%s)\n" % modname) fw.write ("{\n") for ciphername in ciphernames: chmsg = "Register cipher %s" % ciphername chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) fw.write (" grub_cipher_register (&%s);\n" % ciphername) for mdname in mdnames: chmsg = "Register digest %s" % mdname chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) fw.write (" grub_md_register (&%s);\n" % mdname) for pkname in pknames: chmsg = "Register pk %s" % mdname chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) fw.write (" grub_crypto_pk_%s = &%s;\n" % (pkname.replace ("_gcry_pubkey_spec_", ""), pkname)) fw.write ("}") chmsg = "(GRUB_MOD_FINI(%s)): New function\n" % modname chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) fw.write ("\n\nGRUB_MOD_FINI(%s)\n" % modname) fw.write ("{\n") for ciphername in ciphernames: chmsg = "Unregister cipher %s" % ciphername chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) fw.write (" grub_cipher_unregister (&%s);\n" % ciphername) for mdname in mdnames: chmsg = "Unregister MD %s" % mdname chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) fw.write (" grub_md_unregister (&%s);\n" % mdname) for pkname in pknames: chmsg = "Unregister pk %s" % mdname chlognew = "%s\n %s" % (chlognew, chmsg) fw.write (" grub_crypto_pk_%s = 0;\n" % (pkname.replace ("_gcry_pubkey_spec_", ""))) fw.write ("}\n") conf.write ("module = {\n") conf.write (" name = %s;\n" % modname) for src in modfiles.split(): conf.write (" common = %s;\n" % src) if len (ciphernames) > 0 or len (mdnames) > 0: confutil.write (" common = grub-core/%s;\n" % src) if modname == "gcry_ecc": conf.write (" common = lib/libgcrypt-grub/mpi/ec.c;\n") conf.write (" cflags = '$(CFLAGS_GCRY) -Wno-redundant-decls -Wno-sign-compare';\n") elif modname == "gcry_rijndael" or modname == "gcry_md4" or modname == "gcry_md5" or modname == "gcry_rmd160" or modname == "gcry_sha1" or modname == "gcry_sha256" or modname == "gcry_sha512" or modname == "gcry_tiger": # Alignment checked by hand conf.write (" cflags = '$(CFLAGS_GCRY) -Wno-cast-align';\n"); else: conf.write (" cflags = '$(CFLAGS_GCRY)';\n"); conf.write (" cppflags = '$(CPPFLAGS_GCRY)';\n"); conf.write ("};\n\n") f.close () fw.close () if nch: chlog = "%s%s\n" % (chlog, chlognew) elif isc and cipher_file != "camellia.c": print ("WARNING: C file isn't a module: %s" % cipher_file) f.close () fw.close () os.remove (outfile) chlog = "%s\n * %s: Removed" % (chlog, cipher_file) continue chlog = "%s%sSkipped unknown file\n" % (chlog, chlognew) print ("WARNING: unknown file %s" % cipher_file) cryptolist.close () for src in sorted (os.listdir (os.path.join (indir, "src"))): if src == "versioninfo.rc.in" or src == "ath.c" or src == "ChangeLog-2011" \ or src == "dumpsexp.c" or src == "fips.c" or src == "gcrypt.h.in" \ or src == "gcryptrnd.c"or src == "getrandom.c" \ or src == "global.c" or src == "hmac256.c" \ or src == "hwfeatures.c" or src == "libgcrypt-config.in" \ or src == "libgcrypt.def" or src == "libgcrypt.m4" \ or src == "libgcrypt.vers" or src == "Makefile.am" \ or src == "Manifest" or src == "misc.c" \ or src == "missing-string.c" or src == "module.c" \ or src == "secmem.c" or src == "sexp.c" \ or src == "stdmem.c" or src == "visibility.c": continue outfile = os.path.join (basedir, "src", src) infile = os.path.join (indir, "src", src) if os.path.isdir (infile): continue fw = codecs.open (outfile, "w", "utf-8") if src == "gcrypt-module.h": fw.close () continue if src == "visibility.h": fw.write ("# include <grub/gcrypt/gcrypt.h>\n") fw.close () continue f = codecs.open (infile, "r", "utf-8") if src == "types.h": fw.write (f.read ().replace ("float f;", "").replace ("double g;", "")) f.close () fw.close () continue fw.write (f.read ()) f.close () fw.close () for src in sorted (os.listdir (os.path.join (indir, "mpi"))): if src == "config.links" or src == "ChangeLog-2011" \ or src == "mpi-scan.c" or src == "Manifest" \ or src == "Makefile.am": continue infile = os.path.join (indir, "mpi", src) outfile = os.path.join (basedir, "mpi", src) if os.path.isdir (infile): continue f = codecs.open (infile, "r", "utf-8") fw = codecs.open (outfile, "w", "utf-8") fw.write ("/* This file was automatically imported with \n") fw.write (" import_gcry.py. Please don't modify it */\n") hold = False skip = 0 for line in f: if skip > 0: if line[0] == "}": skip = skip - 1 continue if hold: hold = False # We're optimising for size and exclude anything needing good # randomness. if not re.match ("(_gcry_mpi_get_hw_config|gcry_mpi_randomize)", line) is None: skip = 1 continue else: fw.write (holdline) m = re.match ("(const char( |)\*|void) *$", line) if not m is None: hold = True holdline = line continue m = re.match ("#include \"mod-source-info\.h\"", line) if not m is None: continue fw.write (line) chlog = "%s * crypto.lst: New file.\n" % chlog outfile = os.path.join (cipher_dir_out, "types.h") fw=codecs.open (outfile, "w", "utf-8") fw.write ("#include <grub/types.h>\n") fw.write ("#include <cipher_wrap.h>\n") chlog = "%s * types.h: New file.\n" % chlog fw.close () outfile = os.path.join (cipher_dir_out, "memory.h") fw=codecs.open (outfile, "w", "utf-8") fw.write ("#include <cipher_wrap.h>\n") chlog = "%s * memory.h: New file.\n" % chlog fw.close () outfile = os.path.join (cipher_dir_out, "cipher.h") fw=codecs.open (outfile, "w", "utf-8") fw.write ("#include <grub/crypto.h>\n") fw.write ("#include <cipher_wrap.h>\n") chlog = "%s * cipher.h: Likewise.\n" % chlog fw.close () outfile = os.path.join (cipher_dir_out, "g10lib.h") fw=codecs.open (outfile, "w", "utf-8") fw.write ("#include <cipher_wrap.h>\n") chlog = "%s * g10lib.h: Likewise.\n" % chlog fw.close () infile = os.path.join (cipher_dir_in, "ChangeLog") outfile = os.path.join (cipher_dir_out, "ChangeLog") conf.close (); initfile = codecs.open (os.path.join (cipher_dir_out, "init.c"), "w", "utf-8") initfile.write ("#include <grub/crypto.h>\n") for module in modules_sym_md: initfile.write ("extern void grub_%s_init (void);\n" % module) initfile.write ("extern void grub_%s_fini (void);\n" % module) initfile.write ("\n") initfile.write ("void\n") initfile.write ("grub_gcry_init_all (void)\n") initfile.write ("{\n") for module in modules_sym_md: initfile.write (" grub_%s_init ();\n" % module) initfile.write ("}\n") initfile.write ("\n") initfile.write ("void\n") initfile.write ("grub_gcry_fini_all (void)\n") initfile.write ("{\n") for module in modules_sym_md: initfile.write (" grub_%s_fini ();\n" % module) initfile.write ("}\n") initfile.close () confutil.write (" common = grub-core/lib/libgcrypt-grub/cipher/init.c;\n") confutil.write ("};\n"); confutil.close (); f=codecs.open (infile, "r", "utf-8") fw=codecs.open (outfile, "w", "utf-8") dt = datetime.date.today () fw.write ("%04d-%02d-%02d Automatic import tool\n" % \ (dt.year,dt.month, dt.day)) fw.write ("\n") fw.write (" Imported ciphers to GRUB\n") fw.write ("\n") fw.write (chlog) fw.write ("\n") for line in f: fw.write (line) f.close () fw.close ()