/* test.c -- The test command.. */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2005,2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* A simple implementation for signed numbers. */ static int grub_strtosl (char *arg, char **end, int base) { if (arg[0] == '-') return -grub_strtoul (arg + 1, end, base); return grub_strtoul (arg, end, base); } /* Parse a test expression starting from *argn. */ static int test_parse (char **args, int *argn, int argc) { int ret = 0, discard = 0, invert = 0; int file_exists; struct grub_dirhook_info file_info; auto void update_val (int val); auto void get_fileinfo (char *pathname); /* Take care of discarding and inverting. */ void update_val (int val) { if (! discard) ret = invert ? ! val : val; invert = discard = 0; } /* Check if file exists and fetch its information. */ void get_fileinfo (char *path) { char *filename, *pathname; char *device_name; grub_fs_t fs; grub_device_t dev; /* A hook for iterating directories. */ auto int find_file (const char *cur_filename, const struct grub_dirhook_info *info); int find_file (const char *cur_filename, const struct grub_dirhook_info *info) { if ((info->case_insensitive ? grub_strcasecmp (cur_filename, filename) : grub_strcmp (cur_filename, filename)) == 0) { file_info = *info; file_exists = 1; return 1; } return 0; } file_exists = 0; device_name = grub_file_get_device_name (path); dev = grub_device_open (device_name); if (! dev) { grub_free (device_name); return; } fs = grub_fs_probe (dev); if (! fs) { grub_free (device_name); grub_device_close (dev); return; } pathname = grub_strchr (path, ')'); if (! pathname) pathname = path; else pathname++; /* Remove trailing '/'. */ while (*pathname && pathname[grub_strlen (pathname) - 1] == '/') pathname[grub_strlen (pathname) - 1] = 0; /* Split into path and filename. */ filename = grub_strrchr (pathname, '/'); if (! filename) { path = grub_strdup ("/"); filename = pathname; } else { filename++; path = grub_strdup (pathname); path[filename - pathname] = 0; } /* It's the whole device. */ if (! *pathname) { file_exists = 1; grub_memset (&file_info, 0, sizeof (file_info)); /* Root is always a directory. */ file_info.dir = 1; /* Fetch writing time. */ file_info.mtimeset = 0; if (fs->mtime) { if (! fs->mtime (dev, &file_info.mtime)) file_info.mtimeset = 1; grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; } } else (fs->dir) (dev, path, find_file); grub_device_close (dev); grub_free (path); grub_free (device_name); } /* Here we have the real parsing. */ while (*argn < argc) { /* First try 3 argument tests. */ if (*argn + 2 < argc) { /* String tests. */ if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "=") == 0 || grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "==") == 0) { update_val (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], args[*argn + 2]) == 0); (*argn) += 3; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "!=") == 0) { update_val (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], args[*argn + 2]) != 0); (*argn) += 3; continue; } /* GRUB extension: lexicographical sorting. */ if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "<") == 0) { update_val (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], args[*argn + 2]) < 0); (*argn) += 3; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "<=") == 0) { update_val (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], args[*argn + 2]) <= 0); (*argn) += 3; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], ">") == 0) { update_val (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], args[*argn + 2]) > 0); (*argn) += 3; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], ">=") == 0) { update_val (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], args[*argn + 2]) >= 0); (*argn) += 3; continue; } /* Number tests. */ if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-eq") == 0) { update_val (grub_strtosl (args[*argn], 0, 0) == grub_strtosl (args[*argn + 2], 0, 0)); (*argn) += 3; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-ge") == 0) { update_val (grub_strtosl (args[*argn], 0, 0) >= grub_strtosl (args[*argn + 2], 0, 0)); (*argn) += 3; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-gt") == 0) { update_val (grub_strtosl (args[*argn], 0, 0) > grub_strtosl (args[*argn + 2], 0, 0)); (*argn) += 3; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-le") == 0) { update_val (grub_strtosl (args[*argn], 0, 0) <= grub_strtosl (args[*argn + 2], 0, 0)); (*argn) += 3; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-lt") == 0) { update_val (grub_strtosl (args[*argn], 0, 0) < grub_strtosl (args[*argn + 2], 0, 0)); (*argn) += 3; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-ne") == 0) { update_val (grub_strtosl (args[*argn], 0, 0) != grub_strtosl (args[*argn + 2], 0, 0)); (*argn) += 3; continue; } /* GRUB extension: compare numbers skipping prefixes. Useful for comparing versions. E.g. vmlinuz-2 -plt vmlinuz-11. */ if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-pgt") == 0 || grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-plt") == 0) { int i; /* Skip common prefix. */ for (i = 0; args[*argn][i] == args[*argn + 2][i] && args[*argn][i]; i++); /* Go the digits back. */ i--; while (grub_isdigit (args[*argn][i]) && i > 0) i--; i++; if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-pgt") == 0) update_val (grub_strtoul (args[*argn] + i, 0, 0) > grub_strtoul (args[*argn + 2] + i, 0, 0)); else update_val (grub_strtoul (args[*argn] + i, 0, 0) < grub_strtoul (args[*argn + 2] + i, 0, 0)); (*argn) += 3; continue; } /* -nt and -ot tests. GRUB extension: when doing -?t bias will be added to the first mtime. */ if (grub_memcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-nt", 3) == 0 || grub_memcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-ot", 3) == 0) { struct grub_dirhook_info file1; int file1exists; int bias = 0; /* Fetch fileinfo. */ get_fileinfo (args[*argn]); file1 = file_info; file1exists = file_exists; get_fileinfo (args[*argn + 2]); if (args[*argn + 1][3]) bias = grub_strtosl (args[*argn + 1] + 3, 0, 0); if (grub_memcmp (args[*argn + 1], "-nt", 3) == 0) update_val ((file1exists && ! file_exists) || (file1.mtimeset && file_info.mtimeset && file1.mtime + bias > file_info.mtime)); else update_val ((! file1exists && file_exists) || (file1.mtimeset && file_info.mtimeset && file1.mtime + bias < file_info.mtime)); (*argn) += 3; continue; } } /* Two-argument tests. */ if (*argn + 1 < argc) { /* File tests. */ if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "-d") == 0) { get_fileinfo (args[*argn + 1]); update_val (file_exists && file_info.dir); (*argn) += 2; return ret; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "-e") == 0) { get_fileinfo (args[*argn + 1]); update_val (file_exists); (*argn) += 2; return ret; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "-f") == 0) { get_fileinfo (args[*argn + 1]); /* FIXME: check for other types. */ update_val (file_exists && ! file_info.dir); (*argn) += 2; return ret; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "-s") == 0) { grub_file_t file; file = grub_file_open (args[*argn + 1]); update_val (file && (grub_file_size (file) != 0)); if (file) grub_file_close (file); grub_errno = GRUB_ERR_NONE; (*argn) += 2; return ret; } /* String tests. */ if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "-n") == 0) { update_val (args[*argn + 1][0]); (*argn) += 2; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "-z") == 0) { update_val (! args[*argn + 1][0]); (*argn) += 2; continue; } } /* Special modifiers. */ /* End of expression. return to parent. */ if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], ")") == 0) { (*argn)++; return ret; } /* Recursively invoke if parenthesis. */ if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "(") == 0) { (*argn)++; update_val (test_parse (args, argn, argc)); continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "!") == 0) { invert = ! invert; (*argn)++; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "-a") == 0) { /* If current value is 0 second value is to be discarded. */ discard = ! ret; (*argn)++; continue; } if (grub_strcmp (args[*argn], "-o") == 0) { /* If current value is 1 second value is to be discarded. */ discard = ret; (*argn)++; continue; } /* No test found. Interpret if as just a string. */ update_val (args[*argn][0]); (*argn)++; } return ret; } static grub_err_t grub_cmd_test (grub_command_t cmd __attribute__ ((unused)), int argc, char **args) { int argn = 0; if (argc >= 1 && grub_strcmp (args[argc - 1], "]") == 0) argc--; return test_parse (args, &argn, argc) ? 0 : 1; } static grub_command_t cmd_1, cmd_2; GRUB_MOD_INIT(test) { cmd_1 = grub_register_command ("[", grub_cmd_test, N_("EXPRESSION ]"), N_("Evaluate an expression.")); cmd_2 = grub_register_command ("test", grub_cmd_test, N_("EXPRESSION"), N_("Evaluate an expression.")); } GRUB_MOD_FINI(test) { grub_unregister_command (cmd_1); grub_unregister_command (cmd_2); }