/* misc.c - definitions of misc functions */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include void * grub_memmove (void *dest, const void *src, grub_size_t n) { char *d = (char *) dest; const char *s = (const char *) src; if (d < s) while (n--) *d++ = *s++; else { d += n; s += n; while (n--) *--d = *--s; } return dest; } /* GCC emits references to memcpy() for struct copies etc. */ void *memcpy (void *dest, const void *src, grub_size_t n) __attribute__ ((alias ("grub_memmove"))); char * grub_strcpy (char *dest, const char *src) { char *p = dest; while ((*p++ = *src++) != '\0') ; return dest; } char * grub_strncpy (char *dest, const char *src, int c) { char *p = dest; int pos = 0; while ((*p++ = *src++) != '\0' && c > pos) pos++; return dest; } char * grub_stpcpy (char *dest, const char *src) { char *d = dest; const char *s = src; do *d++ = *s; while (*s++ != '\0'); return d - 1; } char * grub_strcat (char *dest, const char *src) { char *p = dest; while (*p) p++; while ((*p++ = *src++) != '\0') ; return dest; } int grub_printf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int ret; va_start (ap, fmt); ret = grub_vprintf (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return ret; } int grub_vprintf (const char *fmt, va_list args) { return grub_vsprintf (0, fmt, args); } int grub_memcmp (const void *s1, const void *s2, grub_size_t n) { const char *t1 = s1; const char *t2 = s2; while (n--) { if (*t1 != *t2) return (int) *t1 - (int) *t2; t1++; t2++; } return 0; } int grub_strcmp (const char *s1, const char *s2) { while (*s1 && *s2) { if (*s1 != *s2) return (int) *s1 - (int) *s2; s1++; s2++; } return (int) *s1 - (int) *s2; } int grub_strncmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, int c) { int p = 1; while (*s1 && *s2 && p < c) { if (*s1 != *s2) return (int) *s1 - (int) *s2; s1++; s2++; p++; } return (int) *s1 - (int) *s2; } char * grub_strchr (const char *s, int c) { while (*s) { if (*s == c) return (char *) s; s++; } return 0; } char * grub_strrchr (const char *s, int c) { char *p = 0; while (*s) { if (*s == c) p = (char *) s; s++; } return p; } int grub_isspace (int c) { return (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == ' ' || c == '\t'); } int grub_isprint (int c) { return (c >= ' ' && c <= '~'); } int grub_isalpha (int c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); } int grub_isdigit (int c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } int grub_isgraph (int c) { return (c >= '!' && c <= '~'); } int grub_tolower (int c) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return c - 'A' + 'a'; return c; } unsigned long grub_strtoul (const char *str, char **end, int base) { unsigned long num = 0; int found = 0; /* Skip white spaces. */ while (*str && grub_isspace (*str)) str++; /* Guess the base, if not specified. The prefix `0x' means 16, and the prefix `0' means 8. */ if (str[0] == '0') { if (str[1] == 'x') { if (base == 0 || base == 16) { base = 16; str += 2; } } else if (str[1] >= '0' && str[1] <= '7') base = 8; } if (base == 0) base = 10; while (*str) { unsigned long digit; digit = grub_tolower (*str) - '0'; if (digit > 9) { digit += '0' - 'a' + 10; if (digit >= (unsigned long) base) break; } found = 1; if (num > (~0UL - digit) / base) { grub_error (GRUB_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, "overflow is detected"); return 0; } num += num * base + digit; str++; } if (! found) { grub_error (GRUB_ERR_BAD_NUMBER, "unrecognized number"); return 0; } if (end) *end = (char *) str; return num; } char * grub_strdup (const char *s) { grub_size_t len; char *p; len = grub_strlen (s) + 1; p = (char *) grub_malloc (len); if (! p) return 0; return grub_memcpy (p, s, len); } char * grub_strndup (const char *s, grub_size_t n) { grub_size_t len = 0; char *p = (char *) s; while (*(p++) && len < n) len++; len = grub_strlen (s) + 1; p = (char *) grub_malloc (len); if (! p) return 0; return grub_memcpy (p, s, len); } void * grub_memset (void *s, int c, grub_size_t n) { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) s; while (n--) *p++ = (unsigned char) c; return s; } grub_size_t grub_strlen (const char *s) { const char *p = s; while (*p) p++; return p - s; } static inline void grub_reverse (char *str) { char *p = str + grub_strlen (str) - 1; while (str < p) { char tmp; tmp = *str; *str = *p; *p = tmp; str++; p--; } } static char * grub_itoa (char *str, int c, unsigned n) { unsigned base = (c == 'x') ? 16 : 10; char *p; if ((int) n < 0 && c == 'd') { n = (unsigned) (-((int) n)); *str++ = '-'; } p = str; do { unsigned d = n % base; *p++ = (d > 9) ? d + 'a' - 10 : d + '0'; } while (n /= base); *p = 0; grub_reverse (str); return p; } static char * grub_ftoa (char *str, double f, int round) { unsigned int intp; unsigned int fractp; unsigned int power = 1; int i; for (i = 0; i < round; i++) power *= 10; intp = f; fractp = (f - (float) intp) * power; grub_sprintf (str, "%d.%d", intp, fractp); return str; } int grub_vsprintf (char *str, const char *fmt, va_list args) { char c; int count = 0; auto void write_char (unsigned char ch); auto void write_str (const char *s); auto void write_fill (const char ch, int n); void write_char (unsigned char ch) { if (str) *str++ = ch; else grub_putchar (ch); count++; } void write_str (const char *s) { while (*s) write_char (*s++); } void write_fill (const char ch, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) write_char (ch); } while ((c = *fmt++) != 0) { if (c != '%') write_char (c); else { char tmp[16]; char *p; unsigned int format1 = 0; unsigned int format2 = 3; char zerofill = ' '; int rightfill = 0; int n; if (*fmt && *fmt =='-') { rightfill = 1; fmt++; } p = (char *) fmt; /* Read formatting parameters. */ while (*p && grub_isdigit (*p)) p++; if (p > fmt) { char s[p - fmt]; grub_strncpy (s, fmt, p - fmt); if (s[0] == '0') zerofill = '0'; format1 = grub_strtoul (s, 0, 10); fmt = p; if (*p && *p == '.') { p++; fmt++; while (*p && grub_isdigit (*p)) p++; if (p > fmt) { char fstr[p - fmt]; grub_strncpy (fstr, fmt, p - fmt); format2 = grub_strtoul (fstr, 0, 10); fmt = p; } } } c = *fmt++; switch (c) { case 'p': write_str ("0x"); c = 'x'; /* fall through */ case 'x': case 'u': case 'd': n = va_arg (args, int); grub_itoa (tmp, c, n); if (!rightfill && grub_strlen (tmp) < format1) write_fill (zerofill, format1 - grub_strlen (tmp)); write_str (tmp); if (rightfill && grub_strlen (tmp) < format1) write_fill (zerofill, format1 - grub_strlen (tmp)); break; case 'c': n = va_arg (args, int); write_char (n & 0xff); break; case 'f': { float f; f = va_arg (args, double); grub_ftoa (tmp, f, format2); if (!rightfill && grub_strlen (tmp) < format1) write_fill (zerofill, format1 - grub_strlen (tmp)); write_str (tmp); if (rightfill && grub_strlen (tmp) < format1) write_fill (zerofill, format1 - grub_strlen (tmp)); break; } case 'C': { grub_uint32_t code = va_arg (args, grub_uint32_t); int shift; unsigned mask; if (code <= 0x7f) { shift = 0; mask = 0; } else if (code <= 0x7ff) { shift = 6; mask = 0xc0; } else if (code <= 0xffff) { shift = 12; mask = 0xe0; } else if (code <= 0x1fffff) { shift = 18; mask = 0xf0; } else if (code <= 0x3ffffff) { shift = 24; mask = 0xf8; } else if (code <= 0x7fffffff) { shift = 30; mask = 0xfc; } else { code = '?'; shift = 0; mask = 0; } write_char (mask | (code >> shift)); for (shift -= 6; shift >= 0; shift -= 6) write_char (0x80 | (0x3f & (code >> shift))); } break; case 's': p = va_arg (args, char *); if (p) { if (!rightfill && grub_strlen (p) < format1) write_fill (zerofill, format1 - grub_strlen (p)); write_str (p); if (rightfill && grub_strlen (p) < format1) write_fill (zerofill, format1 - grub_strlen (p)); } else write_str ("(null)"); break; default: write_char (c); break; } } } if (str) *str = '\0'; if (count && !str) grub_refresh (); return count; } int grub_sprintf (char *str, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int ret; va_start (ap, fmt); ret = grub_vsprintf (str, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return ret; } grub_err_t grub_split_cmdline (const char *cmdline, grub_err_t (* getline) (char **), int *argc, char ***argv) { /* XXX: Fixed size buffer, perhaps this buffer should be dynamically allocated. */ char buffer[1024]; char *bp = buffer; char *rd = (char *) cmdline; char unputbuf; int unput = 0; char *args; int i; auto char getchar (void); auto void unputc (char c); auto void getenvvar (void); auto int getarg (void); /* Get one character from the commandline. If the caller reads beyond the end of the string a new line will be read. This function will not chech for errors, the caller has to check for grub_errno. */ char getchar (void) { int c; if (unput) { unput = 0; return unputbuf; } if (! rd) { getline (&rd); /* Error is ignored here, the caller will check for this when it reads beyond the EOL. */ c = *(rd)++; return c; } c = *(rd)++; if (! c) { rd = 0; return '\n'; } return c; } void unputc (char c) { unputbuf = c; unput = 1; } /* Read a variable name from the commandline and insert its content into the buffer. */ void getenvvar (void) { char varname[100]; char *p = varname; char *val; char c; c = getchar (); if (c == '{') while ((c = getchar ()) != '}') *(p++) = c; else { /* XXX: An env. variable can have characters and digits in its name, are more characters allowed here? */ while (c && (grub_isalpha (c) || grub_isdigit (c))) { *(p++) = c; c = getchar (); } unputc (c); } *p = '\0'; /* The variable does not exist. */ val = grub_env_get (varname); if (! val) return; /* Copy the contents of the variable into the buffer. */ for (p = val; *p; p++) *(bp++) = *p; } /* Read one argument. Return 1 if no variables can be read anymore, otherwise return 0. If there is an error, return 1, the caller has to check grub_errno. */ int getarg (void) { char c; /* Skip all whitespaces before an argument. */ do { c = getchar (); } while (c == ' ' || c == '\t'); do { switch (c) { case '"': /* Double quote. */ while ((c = getchar ())) { if (grub_errno) return 1; /* Read in an escaped character. */ if (c == '\\') { c = getchar (); *(bp++) = c; continue; } else if (c == '"') break; /* Read a variable. */ if (c == '$') { getenvvar (); continue; } *(bp++) = c; } break; case '\'': /* Single quote. */ while ((c = getchar ()) != '\'') { if (grub_errno) return 1; *(bp++) = c; } break; case '\n': /* This was not a argument afterall. */ return 1; default: /* A normal option. */ while (c && (grub_isalpha (c) || grub_isdigit (c) || grub_isgraph (c))) { /* Read in an escaped character. */ if (c == '\\') { c = getchar (); *(bp++) = c; c = getchar (); continue; } /* Read a variable. */ if (c == '$') { getenvvar (); c = getchar (); continue; } *(bp++) = c; c = getchar (); } unputc (c); break; } } while (! grub_isspace (c) && c != '\'' && c != '"'); return 0; } /* Read in all arguments and count them. */ *argc = 0; while (1) { if (getarg ()) break; *(bp++) = '\0'; (*argc)++; } /* Check if there were no errors. */ if (grub_errno) return grub_errno; /* Reserve memory for the return values. */ args = grub_malloc (bp - buffer); if (! args) return grub_errno; grub_memcpy (args, buffer, bp - buffer); *argv = grub_malloc (sizeof (char *) * (*argc + 1)); if (! *argv) { grub_free (args); return grub_errno; } /* The arguments are separated with 0's, setup argv so it points to the right values. */ bp = args; for (i = 0; i < *argc; i++) { (*argv)[i] = bp; while (*bp) bp++; bp++; } (*argc)--; return 0; }