/* parser.y - The scripting parser. */ /* * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader * Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GRUB. If not, see . */ %{ #include #include #define YYFREE grub_free #define YYMALLOC grub_malloc #define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 0 #define YYENABLE_NLS 0 #include "grub_script.tab.h" %} %union { struct grub_script_cmd *cmd; struct grub_script_arglist *arglist; struct grub_script_arg *arg; char *string; } %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_BAD %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_EOF 0 "end-of-input" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_NEWLINE "\n" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_AND "&&" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_OR "||" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_SEMI2 ";;" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_PIPE "|" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_AMP "&" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_SEMI ";" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_LBR "{" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_RBR "}" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_NOT "!" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_LSQBR2 "[" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_RSQBR2 "]" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_LT "<" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_GT ">" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_CASE "case" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_DO "do" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_DONE "done" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_ELIF "elif" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_ELSE "else" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_ESAC "esac" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_FI "fi" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_FOR "for" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_IF "if" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_IN "in" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_SELECT "select" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_THEN "then" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_UNTIL "until" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_WHILE "while" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_TIME "time" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_FUNCTION "function" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_MENUENTRY "menuentry" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_NAME "name" %token GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_WORD "word" %type word argument arguments0 arguments1 %type script_init script %type grubcmd ifclause ifcmd forcmd whilecmd untilcmd %type command commands1 menuentry statement %pure-parser %lex-param { struct grub_parser_param *state }; %parse-param { struct grub_parser_param *state }; %start script_init %% /* It should be possible to do this in a clean way... */ script_init: { state->err = 0; } script { state->parsed = $2; state->err = 0; } ; script: newlines0 { $$ = 0; } | script statement delimiter newlines0 { $$ = grub_script_append_cmd (state, $1, $2); } | error { $$ = 0; yyerror (state, "Incorrect command"); yyerrok; } ; newlines0: /* Empty */ | newlines1 ; newlines1: newlines0 "\n" ; delimiter: ";" | "\n" ; delimiters0: /* Empty */ | delimiters1 ; delimiters1: delimiter | delimiters1 "\n" ; word: GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_NAME { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | GRUB_PARSER_TOKEN_WORD { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } ; statement: command { $$ = $1; } | function { $$ = 0; } | menuentry { $$ = $1; } ; argument : "case" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "do" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "done" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "elif" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "else" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "esac" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "fi" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "for" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "if" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "in" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "select" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "then" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "until" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "while" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "function" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | "menuentry" { $$ = grub_script_add_arglist (state, 0, $1); } | word { $$ = $1; } ; arguments0: /* Empty */ { $$ = 0; } | arguments1 { $$ = $1; } ; arguments1: argument arguments0 { if ($1 && $2) { $1->next = $2; $1->argcount += $2->argcount; $2->argcount = 0; } $$ = $1; } ; grubcmd: word arguments0 { if ($1 && $2) { $1->next = $2; $1->argcount += $2->argcount; $2->argcount = 0; } $$ = grub_script_create_cmdline (state, $1); } ; /* A single command. */ command: grubcmd { $$ = $1; } | ifcmd { $$ = $1; } | forcmd { $$ = $1; } | whilecmd { $$ = $1; } | untilcmd { $$ = $1; } ; /* A list of commands. */ commands1: newlines0 command { $$ = grub_script_append_cmd (state, 0, $2); } | commands1 delimiters1 command { $$ = grub_script_append_cmd (state, $1, $3); } ; function: "function" "name" { grub_script_lexer_ref (state->lexerstate); state->func_mem = grub_script_mem_record (state); } delimiters0 "{" commands1 delimiters1 "}" { struct grub_script *script; state->func_mem = grub_script_mem_record_stop (state, state->func_mem); script = grub_script_create ($6, state->func_mem); if (script) grub_script_function_create ($2, script); grub_script_lexer_deref (state->lexerstate); } ; menuentry: "menuentry" { grub_script_lexer_ref (state->lexerstate); } arguments1 { grub_script_lexer_record_start (state); } delimiters0 "{" commands1 delimiters1 "}" { char *menu_entry; menu_entry = grub_script_lexer_record_stop (state); grub_script_lexer_deref (state->lexerstate); $$ = grub_script_create_cmdmenu (state, $3, menu_entry, 0); } ; ifcmd: "if" { grub_script_lexer_ref (state->lexerstate); } ifclause "fi" { $$ = $3; grub_script_lexer_deref (state->lexerstate); } ; ifclause: commands1 delimiters1 "then" commands1 delimiters1 { $$ = grub_script_create_cmdif (state, $1, $4, 0); } | commands1 delimiters1 "then" commands1 delimiters1 "else" commands1 delimiters1 { $$ = grub_script_create_cmdif (state, $1, $4, $7); } | commands1 delimiters1 "then" commands1 delimiters1 "elif" ifclause { $$ = grub_script_create_cmdif (state, $1, $4, $7); } ; forcmd: "for" "name" { grub_script_lexer_ref (state->lexerstate); } "in" arguments0 delimiters1 "do" commands1 delimiters1 "done" { $$ = grub_script_create_cmdfor (state, $2, $5, $8); grub_script_lexer_deref (state->lexerstate); } ; whilecmd: "while" { grub_script_lexer_ref (state->lexerstate); } commands1 delimiters1 "do" commands1 delimiters1 "done" { $$ = grub_script_create_cmdwhile (state, $3, $6, 0); grub_script_lexer_deref (state->lexerstate); } ; untilcmd: "until" { grub_script_lexer_ref (state->lexerstate); } commands1 delimiters1 "do" commands1 delimiters1 "done" { $$ = grub_script_create_cmdwhile (state, $3, $6, 1); grub_script_lexer_deref (state->lexerstate); } ;