Use -mrtd and -mregparm=3 to reduce the generated code sizes. This means that any missing prototypes could be fatal. Also, you must take care when writing assembly code. See the comments at the beginning of startup.S, for more details. * kern/i386/pc/startup.S (pupa_halt): Modified for the new compilation mechanism. (pupa_chainloader_real_boot): Likewise. (pupa_biosdisk_rw_int13_extensions): Likewise. (pupa_biosdisk_rw_standard): Likewise. (pupa_biosdisk_check_int13_extensions): Likewise. (pupa_biosdisk_get_diskinfo_int13_extensions): Likewise. (pupa_biosdisk_get_diskinfo_standard): Likewise. (pupa_get_memsize): Likewise. (pupa_get_mmap_entry): Likewise. (pupa_console_putchar): Likewise. (pupa_console_setcursor): Likewise. (pupa_getrtsecs): Use pushl instead of push. * kern/i386/pc/init.c (pupa_machine_init): Use the scratch memory instead of the stack for a mmap entry, because some BIOSes may ignore the maximum size and overflow. * conf/i386-pc.rmk (COMMON_CFLAGS): Added -mrtd and -mregparm=3. * genmk.rb (PModule#rule): Compile automatically generated sources with module-specific CFLAGS as well as other sources.
21 lines
648 B
21 lines
648 B
New in 0.7:
* Problems in cross-compiling PUPA are fixed.
* Use -mrtd and -mregparm=3 to reduce the generated code sizes. This
means that any missing prototypes could be fatal. Also, you must take
care when writing assembly code. See the comments at the beginning of
startup.S, for more details.
New in 0.6 - 2002-12-27, Yoshinori K. Okuji:
* The chainloader and the FAT filesystem are modularized.
* The structure of the source tree is a bit changed.
* Support for building loadable modules is added.
* Some generic parts of pupa-mkimage are segregated.
* Some documentation files are added, according to the GNU Coding