import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker"; import { beforeAll, describe, expect, test } from "vitest"; import { UserClient } from "../../user"; import { factories } from "../factories"; type ImportObj = { ImportRef: string; Location: string; Labels: string; Quantity: string; Name: string; Description: string; Insured: boolean; SerialNumber: string; ModelNumber: string; Manufacturer: string; Notes: string; PurchaseFrom: string; PurchasedPrice: number; PurchasedTime: string; LifetimeWarranty: boolean; WarrantyExpires: string; WarrantyDetails: string; SoldTo: string; SoldPrice: number; SoldTime: string; SoldNotes: string; }; function toCsv(data: ImportObj[]): string { const headers = Object.keys(data[0]).join("\t"); const rows = => { return Object.values(row).join("\t"); }); return [headers, ...rows].join("\n"); } function importFileGenerator(entries: number): ImportObj[] { const imports: ImportObj[] = []; const pick = (arr: string[]) => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]; const labels = faker.random.words(5).split(" ").join(";"); const locations = faker.random.words(3).split(" "); const half = Math.floor(entries / 2); for (let i = 0; i < entries; i++) { imports.push({ ImportRef: faker.database.mongodbObjectId(), Location: pick(locations), Labels: labels, Quantity: faker.random.numeric(1), Name: faker.random.words(3), Description: "", Insured: faker.datatype.boolean(), SerialNumber: faker.random.alphaNumeric(5), ModelNumber: faker.random.alphaNumeric(5), Manufacturer: faker.random.alphaNumeric(5), Notes: "", PurchaseFrom:, PurchasedPrice: faker.datatype.number(100), PurchasedTime:, LifetimeWarranty: half > i, WarrantyExpires:, WarrantyDetails: "", SoldTo:, SoldPrice: faker.datatype.number(100), SoldTime:, SoldNotes: "", }); } return imports; } describe("group related statistics tests", () => { const TOTAL_ITEMS = 30; let tAPI: UserClient | undefined; const imports = importFileGenerator(TOTAL_ITEMS); const api = (): UserClient => { if (!tAPI) { throw new Error("API not initialized"); } return tAPI; }; beforeAll(async () => { // -- Setup -- const { client } = await factories.client.singleUse(); tAPI = client; const csv = toCsv(imports); const setupResp = await client.items.import(new Blob([csv], { type: "text/csv" })); expect(setupResp.status).toBe(204); }); // Write to file system for debugging // fs.writeFileSync("test.csv", csv); test("Validate Group Statistics", async () => { const { status, data } = await api(); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(data.totalItems).toEqual(TOTAL_ITEMS); expect(data.totalLabels).toEqual(11); // default + new expect(data.totalLocations).toEqual(11); // default + new expect(data.totalUsers).toEqual(1); expect(data.totalWithWarranty).toEqual(Math.floor(TOTAL_ITEMS / 2)); }); const labelData: Record = {}; const locationData: Record = {}; for (const item of imports) { for (const label of item.Labels.split(";")) { labelData[label] = (labelData[label] || 0) + item.PurchasedPrice; } locationData[item.Location] = (locationData[item.Location] || 0) + item.PurchasedPrice; } test("Validate Labels Statistics", async () => { const { status, data } = await api().stats.labels(); expect(status).toBe(200); for (const label of data) { expect([]); } }); test("Validate Locations Statistics", async () => { const { status, data } = await api().stats.locations(); expect(status).toBe(200); for (const location of data) { expect([]); } }); test("Validate Purchase Over Time", async () => { const { status, data } = await api().stats.totalPriceOverTime(); expect(status).toBe(200); expect(data.entries.length).toEqual(TOTAL_ITEMS); }); });